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Words Just Aren't Enough Chapter 15

His watch read 11:00. Where the hell was JC and Justin?!?
“C’mon Joey. Let’s go find JC and Justin they’ve been gone since we departed!” Lance said, hitting Joey’s arm to get his attention.
Joey sighed. “All right. Where’s Nick? He knows where JC is.”
“I dunno. We gotta find Jackie to cause she knows where Justin is. And ya know wherever Nick is Jackie is. Sometimes I think those two are joined at the hip.”
“They should be here any minute now cause Jackie was supposed to meet me here.” Emily said stealing a glance at her watch.
“Yeah, jus’ wait another 5 minutes. They should be here.” AJ said reassuringly.
From out of the corner of the room, Lance saw the brunette and her blond boyfriend walking towards them. “Where have you guys been?” Lance asked wide-eyed.
“Around.” Jackie said, throwing Nick a look. He smiled.
“We gotta find Justin and JC? Do you know where they are?”
“Justin should be with Suzy and JC, well.......I don’t know where.....”
“He was supposed to do me a favor and go in the boiler room to see if it was running right!” Nick said hitting his head. “Damn! I can’t believe I forgot!”
“So what does that mean?” Jackie asked.
“It means.....well...I dunno what it means, but maybe he’s still there. But that was nearly 2 hours ago!”
“So how could he still be there!? That’s impossible.” Jackie said in disbelief.
“Well,...whatever, we’re gonna go check.” Lance said back-smacking Joey’s arm. They started walking out of the ballroom and then quickly turned back.
“Where the hell is the boiler room!?” Lance asked as Joey’s eyes wandered from one girl’s tight shirt to the next.
“It’s on the bottom level next to the storage room. You can’t miss it. Just look for the sign on the door. And if you still can’t find it, ask someone.” Nick informed. Jackie thought he looked so hot when he was serious. Nick felt her staring.
“Nothing,” she said snapping out of her trance, “jus’ that.......nah, was nuthin’.”
“Oooookay.........and that’s your... what 6th strawberry daiquiri.”
“Oh shut up!,” she said hitting him playfully, “this is still my first one!”
“I’m surprised you can still keep track considering how drunk you are.” Nick teased again.
“I’M NOT DRUNK!!!!!!” Jackie exclaimed.
“Okay, okay. You don’t have to get so loud.” he said calming her down. He turned his attention to AJ.
“J!” Nick yelled trying to get his attention over the loud music. Plus it didn’t help that AJ wasn’t paying attention and was drooling over some chick in a tight tube-top and tight capris. Nick looked over and had to admit she did look good. He looked back at Jackie who was chatting it up with Emily.
She definitely has a better body. God, she’s beautiful! And mine. Nick thought to himself.
“J!” AJ turned around.
“ ’Sup?” he said with raised eyebrows.
“C’mere” Nick said motioning with his hand. AJ moved his chair down and sat across from Nick.
“Listen, Jackie and I were reading this magazine, ya know, one of her girlie mags. Anyway, the article was about, like, your astrological sign and how they affect your relationships. Like, you know, how certain signs have these characteristics that can sometimes cause conflict with another sign.”
“Like,.... since your an Aquarius and Jackie’s a Gemini, she’s more outgoing than you so that creates problems” AJ gave an example.
“Yeah, exactly. Well, anyway, I read this part where it said that our relationship isn’t gonna last long because she’s more of a partying type of person than I am. And it said that during our short-lived relationship it’s gonna get really steamy and passionate. Whaddya think?”
“I think it’s a load of crap because you and Jackie have been together 2 years and you’ve known her for 5. I mean you guys were best friends for 3 years before you two hooked up! There’s no way that the heat in your relationship is gonna die out! Trust me.” AJ reassured him. Nick ran a hand through his hair and shrugged.
“Your right.”
“I know I am. And know if you’ll excuse me I have some business to attend to.” he said smiling and headed toward the girl in the tight clothes. Nick felt a leg brush against his. He jumped a little and looked under the table. He was reassured to see Jackie’s leg brush against him again. He looked up and into her eyes.
“Ya wanna dance?” she asked brushing against him again. “Sure.”
“How can you tell when your in love with someone?” Brian asked.

Brian was in his room, sitting on his bed, watching Wanda reapply her makeup that had gotten smudged during their steamy make-out session. Brian felt great when he was around Wanda. She made him laugh and he made her laugh. He really felt for her. They got along great. The only question remained on his mind was if she felt the same way.
“Are you asking me, personally, or with people in general?” she said as she was finishing up.
“People in general.”
“Well, I can’t speak for everyone, but I think it’s when your with the person that you really care about and you look into their eyes and forget everything that’s bothering you. It’s like everything is just so perfect when you’re with them, that no matter what happens, you’ll always feel loved and special. Does that make sense?”
“Lots.” he looked at her in awe. She was changing everything he had ever known about love and himself. It was so different for him, but he liked it very much. As a matter of fact,....he loved it.
“Ya know,....I was thinkin’......and..”
“What?” she asked sitting beside him now.
“Aw..nuthin’’s not the right time.”
“For what?” she asked confused.
“Nuthin’..jus’ forget about it.” He stood up and took her hand. “C’mon lets go.”

Justin walked around the captain’s deck, with his head hanging low and his heart still in Suzy’s hands. He reached the bar and ordered 1 large Fosters, he gulped the icy liquid fast and reordered another. With yet another large beer, he walked over to the railing on the front of the boat and took in the beautiful view and refreshing air. As he finished the drink, Justin looked down and saw Suzy and another girl walking and laughing together. The pain hit him like a smack in the face.
How could she be having so much fun!?

He ordered another drink and quickly finished that one. All the hurt inside of him was slowly subsiding, he watched as she tossed her hair over her shoulder and laughed like there wasn’t a care in the world. If only he felt the same way. She was fading, the pain was fading. He got another drink and went back to the railing. He could no longer see her, and Justin couldn’t decide wether it was because of all the alcohol he had consumed or because she was leaving him.......................again.

She closed her eyes and thoughts of Joseph danced before her eyes. She still felt awful and disgusting. What would he do if he found out!? She couldn’t help but think of the worst. She looked over at him sitting on the floor by the door; he looked terrible. It only made her feel worse. She felt so bad for him, he had his head resting on his knees that were pulled up to his chest. She wanted so badly to go over to him, give him a hug then apologize. She turned and closed her eyes again. There Joseph was telling her that he loved her but the breakup would do them both good.
“Felicia! Felicia!” JC yelled snapping her out of her train of thought. She looked up at him.
“I think I hear someone coming!” he said leaning his ear against the door. “God, I can’t wait to get the hell outta here!” He leaned closer. Felicia got up and stood behind him. “Yo, hear that...I think it’s Lance and Joey!” he said turning to her. She gave him a weak smile.
“Yo...Joey, Lance..we’re in here!”
“Yeah I’m in here!” he shouted, banging on the door.
“Yo man, wait up! I got the key.”
“Thank God” JC said breathing a sigh of relief. Within a matter of seconds the door was open and JC saw the faces of his two friends, Joey and Lance.
“Man, do I owe you one!” JC said giving his two friends quick hugs. JC looked over at Felicia for a while until he spoke.
“Man, I was goin’ crazy in here. Almost lost my mind.” his eyes trailed back to her’s.

Felicia’s heart sunk to the bottom of the floor. How could he be so cruel?, she thought. She made up her mind and decicide that she was going to call Joseph as soon as she got back to her room. Maybe she’d even leave early. But how would she explain things to Jackie? Her mind continued to conjure up all kinds of questions until Lance broke into her train of thought.
“So how ‘bout you? You okay?”
“I’m fine. I jus’ gotta get the hell outta here.” she said pushing her way past all of them. As soon as she stepped out of the doorway, she ran as fast as she could to get away from it all. But no matter how fast she ran, the pain and embarrassment still managed to keep up.