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Words Just Aren't Enough Chapter 17

“I can’t wait to get back home.” Jackie said crossing her arms.
“Awwww baby.... What’s wrong you’re not having fun?” Nick asked looking down at her.
They were only on the third floor after having been on the elevator for half an hour.
“Those fuckin’ ditzy 14 year olds don’t know how to wait for the goddamn elevator!?! They keep pushing the buttons on every floor. No wonder we’re stuck!” she said in an extremely frustrated tone.
Nick moved to her, wrapped his arm around her waist, and pulled her close. He kissed her forehead and told her to calm down.
“I hate being in elevators much less do I like being stuck in one!”
“Yea, but aren’t you glad your stuck in it with me?” he asked with the cutest expression on his face.
She looked up at him and smiled.
“Tell me,... how do you do it?” she asked, putting her arms around his neck.
“Do what?”
“You always know what to say to make everything better.” She got up on her tiptoes and kissed him.
“It just comes naturally.” he smiled. She smiled.

He leaned down and kissed her while he slid his hand underneath the back of her shirt. He caressed her back with his warm hand as she ran her hands up and over his arms. She brought her hands back up around his neck and deepened their kiss. Bringing his hands up to her neck, he rubbed her cheeks with his thumbs. She tilted her head back and let a soft moan escape from her lips. Turning him on more than ever, he stopped and slid his tongue from her mouth.

“What, ... what’s wrong?” She asked out of breath.
“Nothing, ... it’s just that I think we should stop before this goes too far.” Just as the words left his lips, he wished he could’ve taken them back.
“Gee, ... you act like we’ve never made love before.” She got up on her toes, leaned over to his ear, licked her lips and whispered, “... and just to refresh your memory, we have, ... several times, and it’s always been incredible.” He smiled now, a warm smile. As if telling her that he remembers, and that she was right. It is always incredible.
“Well ya know, ... it would be kinda fun to see what it’s like to do it in an elevator.” She gave him an ‘oh really!’ look. “Yea, but for braggin’ purposes only,” he tested. “...Of course.”
“Oh of course! What was I thinking!” She laughed. When she laughed, Nick could feel her chest heave against his.
Ohmigod! She’s testing me! She really is!
“Didja know that practically everything you do, the way you touch me, the way try not to touch me, turns me on. I mean, really turns me on!”
Laughing she said, “In that case, would you prefer me not to touch you at all?”
“No, no, no! Don’t do that!” He raised his hand to brush a few stray curls from her face. He smiled then kissed her. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”

She fumbled wit the receiver, trying to get in between her ear and neck while opening the drawer to get her phone book. Her blurred vision wasn’t making this any easier.
Please stop crying. Just stop already!
She found her phone book and scanned down the tabs, looking for L.
Joseph, Joseph, Joseph... She sang to herself.
She had once been told that guilt was a sign of a good person. But guilt wasn’t what she was feeling. She felt like the green moss atop of a rotting log. Just sitting there. She felt that she wasn’t even worthy of being that green moss. She felt more like the smushed pale yellow grass that the rotting log laid above of.
She dialed the numbers with great speed; she wiped her eyes and waited for someone to pick up the phone.
Ring!, ... Ring!, ... Ring!
“Hi Joe, ... it’s me Felicia.”

The two sang songs only other drunks would understand and laugh at. They tripped over non-existent objects and laughed hysterically. He looked at her face and observed that even though she was naturally beautiful, under the influence of alcohol she was a knockout. Her strawberry blond hair turned to platinum blond. Her blue eyes, bluer and her bust larger. He thought she looked like a carbon copy of Pamela Anderson.

“Can I call ya Pam?” Joey slurred.
She giggled and said, “You, mister, can call me whateva you want!”
“Okay, ... Pam!”

They laughed a little too loudly at what they thought were absolutely the funniest things. The two drunks knocked over vases that decorated the dim hallways of the boat. Guests awoke and opened their doors to scream at the two for making so much noise.

“Joe, ... why aren’t these people happy? Everybody should be happy, happy, happy!” she screamed.

As they people yelled, Joey would laugh uncontrollably and Emily would give them kisses to ‘make everybody happy!’ Finally reaching their destination, Emily clumsily took out her card key from her purse and opened the door. The two tumbled into the room, grasping the walls for support. Emily placed her things down on her bed and laid there for awhile, hoping the room would stop spinning. Joey followed shortly thereafter, falling onto her.
He looked up into her eyes and said, “I love you.”
She smiled, “What a coincidence! I love you too!”

They started kissing. Emily fiddled with the buttons on Joey’s shirt until they would come free. He tried to unzip her dress using the zipper, but he had trouble with that, so he tore it off. Now with Emily in her bra and panties and Joey in his Superman boxers, they got up on their knees and fell into each other. Pausing awhile before they started kissing again. Emily felt a stir in her stomach.
“Ohhhhhhh, ... Joey.”
“Does mah baby like dat?” he said running a hand up and down her thighs.
“No, no, no... I’m gonna.....”
He was now level with her face, “Gonna wat?”
She felt another stir, until finally, “Uhhhhhhhhhhh!” She puked all over his face and chest.
Shocked, he said, “Well that’s attractive.”

She sipped the cool thick liquid through the straw in which it came with.
“Mmmmmm,...tastes so good!” she said laughing at her new friend.
“Oh yea! This was a good idea!” her friend said.

They walked over to the elevator and pressed the small button, waiting for the DING!. Five minutes passed with no sound. Losing patience, she quickly told her friend that they should walk up the stairs to the Captain’s Deck, and try a different elevator there. She agreed and they walked up, having finished their drinks they walked to the next mini bar and returned to empty glasses to the bartender there. Bethany decided that she wanted another and ordered hers. Suzy walked to the rail, admiring the beautiful ocean.

“Yo Suzy!” she called.
She walked back over to the bar. “Yea?”
“This guy,” She said pointing to the bartender. “Says he saw Justin about 5 minutes ago.”
Suzy’s eyes lit up. “Really?!” she said, then became less interested when she realized that he probably wanted nothing to do with her now.
“Awww,... c’mon you know just as well as I do that when you see him again and he sees you, it’s gonna be just like it was before.”
“I dunno.” She said and looked away.
“Did he say where he was going?” Bethany questioned the bartender.
“I have no idea. Sorry.” He answered.
“Let’s go find....” Bethany began.
“All I know is that he started walking towards the East End of the deck.” He interrupted.
“Alright so let’s go find him, Suzy!” Bethany grabbed her by the hand, thanked the bartender, and took off.