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Words Just Aren't Enough Chapter 2

Written by: Jacqueline Janine Cristina
Copyright: 1998
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“Hey” she said in a cheerful voice.
“Hello” Nick said as he walked up to her and gave her a big hug and kiss on the cheek and then on the mouth. She savored these precious moments.
Nick walked into the house as Jackie said hi to Brian, AJ, Kevin, and Howie. The house was empty cause her parents were on their 25th anniversary cruise. They thought she was responsible enough to handle things at the house by herself. They also had her aunt Lucy check in with her every once in a while. Little did they know, their daughter wasn’t as innocent as they thought.
“ What are we gonna to today?”she asked.
“I was thinking we could go out on the island and rent a boat or a yacht. You know have a huge blow-out with lotsa people. You can invite whoever you want. Howie might not come cause he can’t dance and doesn’t wanna look stupid in front of all your friends especially Wanda.”Nick explained. Wanda had always teased Howie because she was so sure he was, well,.. um, gay. Jackie always joined in on her antics. Howie, however, didn’t find it as funny as the rest of them did.
“Oh, god, Wanda! You’re gonna invite her to come!!! Just make my life a ‘lil more miserable!” Howie said rolling his eyes.
“Oh grow up would ya! It’s no biggie. You don’t even have to so much as to look at her! Okay?!?” Brian said in an annoyed voice. He always defended Wanda. He treated her as if she was his sister. Wanda loved the attention Brian gave her. Well,... Wanda just loved Brian. He had no clue.
“Howie, look at it this way man; you shouldn’t worry about her. You should be worrying about all the fly ladies that are gonna be there. If you know what I mean.” AJ said with a sly grin forming on his face.
“AJ, man, you shouldn’t be giving Howie any advice on ladies, considering the fact that Amanda just dumped you.” Kevin said giving Aj a your-so-pathetic look.
“Kevin, tell me somethin’. When was the last time you ever was on a date with a real woman?” AJ asked him.
“ Just to let you know, I was on a date just last night.”Kevin shot back.
“Dinner with your mother doesn’t count!” Aj said laughing at Kevin’s pathetic love life. Everyone laughed at Aj’s remark. Kevin didn’t find it too funny.
“ Okay, okay, enough with the fighting. Well, I betta get busy calling my friends if you wanna pull this all off by this evening. Nick, how about you and Brian go to the dock and get the boat rented. Aj and Howie, how about you go with Kevin to get the food and whatever you think we’ll need for tonight.” Jackie intructed. The boys all nodded as they pulled themselves off the couch to get going.
“Brian you go ahead and get the car started. I’ll be there in a minute.” Nick shouted over to Brian who just nodded and walked out the door.
“Aren’t you gonna go with him?” Jackie asked confused.
“Of course. But I just wanted to have a ‘lil time with you. If that’s okay.” Nick said as he smiled.
“Sure, why not.” Jackie smiled back. Nick pulled her into a tight hug and sighed. Just as he was going to pull away to kiss her, the phone rang.
“Ah! That was my big moment!” Nick said frustrated. Jackie laughed and picked up the phone.
“HELLO!” she said a little over-excited.
“ Hey, wussup?!?” her friend Wanda said.
Jackie giggled as Nick began to tickle her. He stopped and hugged her from behind. “ Whatcha doin’?” Wanda asked.
“ Nothing much. Nick is here. So are the rest of the guys. We’re planning this big blow-out party on a boat for tonight. Wanna come? Brian is gonna be there!” Jackie said still gigling.
“ FOR REAL!!!!!!!!!!! Brian’s going! You bettah believe I’m gonna go!” Wanda answered nearly screaming. Nick heard and started laughing.
“Yeah, he’s gonna be there. Invite some of your friends, too.” Nick said answering for Jackie. Wanda laughed. Jackie laughed harder.
“Well listen, chica, I gotta go ring up some other people. I’ll talk to you later. Bye.” Jackie said closing the conversation.
“Okay, bye.” Wanda replied.
Jackie hung up the phone and turned back to Nick. She looked at him and continued laughing at what had just happened. He started giggling ,too.
“You know, I have this gut feeling that we’re gonna have a slammin’ time tonight.”Nick said being serious again.
“Me, too. I just hope AJ behaves himself. Oh, yeah, Nick you gotta do me this favor and call Justin, you know Timberlake, and ask him to come. I know Susanna is gonna be real happy if he’s there.” Jackie asked.
“ Sure, no problem. You want me to invite anyone else?” Nick asked.
“Um,..... no that’s it for now. Thanks, sweetie.” she said as she gave Nick a quick kiss. Brian beeped the horn, signaling Nick to hurry up.
“I betta go. I’ll see ya later.”he said, and rushed down the hall and out the door.
Jackie smiled as she watched him walk out. She was so happy he was here and was going to be staying in New York for the whole weekend. She went to her room and began rummaging through her drawers for her phone book. She walked back into the kitchen to get the phone, and begin calling her friends. She started first with Susanna. The phone rang several times before someone picked it up.
“Hello” the voice on the other end said.
“Hey, listen, Nick is in town and we’re having this big party on a boat out on the island. I wanna know if you wanna come? Justin is gonna be there!” Jackie said quickly realizing who the voice on the other end belonged to. “Hells yeah!” Suzy said extremely excited. “I thought that would be your answer. So anyway, I’m gonna talk Nick into seeing if we can make it a sleep-over party; you know, everyone brings their own pj’s and stays the night. Nick just left to go get the boat rented for the weekend. So it’s not like we won’t be able to stay longer. He said he wanted to get a yacht or something similar. I think it’s gonna be bumpin’!”Jackie informed her. “Sounds great! Do you think you can rig it so I have to share a room with Justin?!?”Suzy asked laughing. “Sure, why not!,” Jackie laughed,”um, let’s see. Oh, yeah, what do you think we should do for all that time?” “I know what I wanna do!”Suzy said laughing but being serious at the same time. “Yeah, too bad not everyone thinks like you! Anyway, I gotta go finish calling these people. So, well,, come over so you can help me. Wanda should be here any minute.”Jackie asked. “All right. When do you think Justin is gonna get there?”Suzy inquired. “Hopefully soon, cause Nick said he was gonna call him right away.”Jackie told her friend. “Well, I gotta go. So come by, s’okay?”Jackie said. “I’m on way now. I hope my ‘rents don’t say anything, cause Gary’s gonna be by himself. Actually, they said I needed to get outta the house so I guess I’ll just go.Bye.”Suzy replied. “Bye.”Jackie said then hung up the phone. Gary was always a pain cause he couldn’t behave when he was by himself. Suzy always wished she didn’t have a 7 year old brother. Then again, she enjoyed the fact that she was the oldest and could kick her brother’s ass any time she felt like it,...... which she often did. Jackie had an older brother, but he died. Someone had murdered him. The killer has not been found yet. Jackie knew who it was, but didn’t want to give the person up. She felt he deserved it.She didn’t really get along with any of her family members. At least not the ones she lived with. They were so hard to deal with. Everything she did was wrong. She couldn’t handle them,..... at all. Nick didn’t know she felt like this. She didn’t want him to find out either. There were so many secrets lying behind her perfect image. No one knew. No one would understand. She liked it that way,...... sometimes. Jackie continued to dial the phone numbers of her friends, giving them all the details on what was to happen that night. She actually felt a little excited about that night. Finally, she would be happy, without having to take any pills. All the numbers had been dialed and she was all set. All she had to do was, pack her bags and get everything set up. She headed to her room to start.

*****************************30 minutes Later*****************************

The doorbell rang for the second time. “I’m coming!”Jackie shouted as she walked towards the door.
She reached for the knob and swung the door open. It was Nick and Brian. They were the first to come back. Wanda and Suzy were already at her house chillin’.
“Oh, hey!”Jackie said no longer shouting.
“What took you so long?!?”Nick asked smiling.
“I was talking to Wanda and Suzy. They’re here now.”she said as they pushed past her.
“Wandie is here!”Brian said excited. “Yeah, in my room.”Jackie told him.
Nick started walking to the kitchen, while Brian went off to find Wanda. Suzy appeared in the kitchen, when all of a sudden playful screams were heard throughout the house.
“I guess Brian found her!”Nick said laughing. Jackie went to see if everything was okay as Suzy began to strike up a convo with Nick about b-ball and Justin.