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The Chance Meeting - Chapter 1


Missy-is a major bsb fanatic.she is 17 years old..she is very independent and colorful.

Kylee-is not so much into the pop thing.she is the cousin of Missy.She is 19 years old.Kylee is very outgoing and generous.

Elexis-is a major bsb fanatic along with missy.she is a total valley girl.she is 18 years old.Aslo known as Lexi.

Shantea-is a total skater .she is 15 years old.

Denise-is a very shy girl.she is going through emotional problems and trying to find things out sexual wise.she is 16 years old.

*The night of the Backstreet concert*

The night is October 12th. Lexi and Missy were having the time of there lives at the bsb concert.they have 12th row, bottom section.Missy and Lexi who are the 2 bsb fanatics are singing along with every word.While Kylee, the tag along, was acting like she was trying to enjoy it.See the thing is Kylee and denise and shantea(which shantea and denise arnt there at the concert) don't care or even know really who the bsb are..or look like..but kylee agreed to go along for friendship reasons..after the bsb came out and finished there encore,of i want it that way and gotta be you, the girls got up and left.while missy and lexi were going crazy on there way to the car, lexi stopped to her a guy on the radio from a car passing by say

"backstreet boys, heard to be going to the Arizona State Fair tomorrow..heres your chance ladies".Imediately Missy and Lexi looked at Kylee..

"Okay, okay she replied..ill go with you tomorrow, but only if denise and shantea come with me.,and you 2 owe me so bad"..So this is how it all starts..

Chapter 1

"Is that them?" Missy said excitedly as she looked at a couple of guys walking past the 5 annoyed girls.
"Shut up!" Kylee screamed at her cousin.
"well you agreed to come along, so your gonna have to listen to me until we find them!" Missy yelled back at Kylee.
"I agreed to come along to find the backstreet boys.Not to be hounded by you asking me if every fricken guy we pass is one of them!" Exclaimed Kylee, frustrated.
As the girls were walking around exhausted from the heat,Shantea suggested,"Hey guys, lets go get something to eat and drink, cause im starved!"

"Thats a good idea,"Elexis replied as her stomach growled.
Looking for a place to eat Denise noticed a pizza joint.excitedly she hollared,"pizza, pizza, pizza."

All four other girls looked at each other and knowing they were all thinking the same thing, Kylee finally remarked,"Okay Denise.You don't need to turn into little Caesar.
"ha ha, very funny Kylee,"Denise replied.
They all walked over to stand in line.
"Gosh, this is gonna take forever!" missy said tilting over to look at the long line ahead of her.

~*TEN MINUTES LATER*~ All the girls found a table to sit at.
"oh my gosh, I wonder what AJ will say when we meet them!" missy wishingly directed at Lexi, as she picked the cheese of her pizza.
"Oh Mis..." the backstreet blabber starter fading as Shantea spaced out glancing all around at the gorgeous guys.They were all cute, but one caught her eye.He was kinda freakish, with red hair, the coolest goatee, and most of all, he was just plain hot as hell!Shantea leaned to her right to tell Denise about the guy she spotted.

"look at that babe over there!"Shantea whispered to the spaced-out-as-well Kylee sitting next to her.
"huh..what?oh, where?"
"over there, next to the orange trash can."shantae pointed quickly, hoping he wouldn't see her.
"oh, yeah.i'd say an...8"Kylee sneared with a so-so hand.
"whatever! he's better than Tyke!"(Tyke was kylees x)
"well, of course .Marilyn Manson's better then that guy hoe!"
Shantea just smiled and continued staring at her fantasy man.She sat there studying his face as though it was a picasso painting.she noticed how his eyes had a sensual, sexy touch to them. The sun sent a ray glistening over his wetted lips. Suddenly a high pitched voice interrupted her observing.
"shantae!Shantae!Hello?are you still with us?"lexi questioned looking at her dazed friend.
Just as Shantae was about to snap out of it, the guy turned to look at the starring girls was almost slow motion. Every inch of his head moving 2 miles per hour. Just then she turned as quickly as she could to face her friends.
All four girls looked at her with questioning faces.
"what",she finally said to break the silence.
"who were you staring at mrs.Lover Girl?" Kylee asked.
"oh just this amazing guy."she answered.
"oh really"answered Missy."do you think he's the one?
"maybe.Well i hope so."she said smiling happily.
"well where is this guy?"Lexi asked.
Fine he's right...."she turned to notice that he had just walked of with 2 other guys...

Shantea was suddenly depressed.she felt like she had just missed a great opportunity for love..Only if she knew his name............