WARNING: All poetry is copywrited and may NOT be used without my written permission. Thank you!
Warm, safe arms circled around my fragile body.
Smell of Ivory soap and lemon cookies fill my senses.
A lovely lady stands before me with a smile like no other.
She asks me to stay and talk for awhile.
Having the time, I do so most eagerly without hesitation.
I have waited for this moment for so many years.
The nights I have prayed the Lord would give me one more talk, one more smile, one more I love you honey.
Our talk starts with the normal how do you do, and to hear her same response that I had for so many years made my heart swell with joy.
How is Grandpa I said with the utmost curiosity?
A radiant smile shown cheerfully and it was then I knew all was well.
Her accommodations were heavenly and the view was just breathtaking she said.
How she loved her new home and enjoying her interesting neighbors.
Again, I thanked the Lord above that he gave me this talk and this smile.
It was then she asked me about my life and was all well.
Jumping at the chance I rattled off as much as I could say.
Her smile shown so brilliantly and I felt as though she had known all along what I had wanted to say before it was said.
She then told me how lovely I had looked on my wedding day and that my husband was a keeper, one she’d always wanted for me.
How proud she was of her children and their families and I told her how much we miss her.
Stroking my hair so gently she told me how she loved her home and the opportunity for her own paradise.
With that she rose and turned to looked at the clock.
How time does fly, but she had a place to go and Grandpa was waiting.
Not so soon, so much left to say, so much to do.
I held onto her as long as I could as the tears rolled down my face.
I’ll see you soon enough she said, life’s funny that way.
Enjoy every second and tell everyone that I said Hi, I’m ok, and love you.
And remember I will be with you always, same as I have since the last time we parted ways.
A weary smile cracked onto my lips, thanks for the talk and I love you so Gramma.
And with that she smiled and said I love you too honey.
That morning as I rose form my deep slumber tears flowed down my face as my love held me close.
Asking me why this sudden burst of sadness from my sleep in a state of the utmost concern.
I began to relay my dream leaving not one detail out as he held me while I cried.
Feeling in a daze I began my day, entering into the bright sunlight I stared into the sky.
The most beautiful rainbow shown so vibrantly and tears that had long since passed came flooding back.
As I dropped to my knees I began to thank the Lord, for sharing her with me, tell her I love her and miss her already again.
Also, thank you Lord for letting me have one more talk, one more smile and one more I love you honey.