Strength of a Woman
WARNING: All poetry is copywrited and may NOT be used without my written permission. Thank you.
Strength of a Woman
"Here is your heart, my dear." He spoke with a snicker, tossing her wilted fragile soul onto the floor.
Tears fell in abundance as she claws at his leg pleading not to be left alone.
His laughter filled the room, making her head swirl and ache with pain.
Soon the slam of the front door would give her the answer that had wormed it’s way into her thoughts daily.
So good she was to him, how could this man whom gave love to a woman so passionately could turn his back and walk out.
Just as easily has he walked into her life with promises of love and devotion.
"Pray Lord, tell me what did I do that was so wrong?" she whispers to the heavens in the darkness of their room.
Was my face to old? Cooking not as good anymore? The passion we made not enough to quench his thirst? Did I say no to often?
Questions of this nature floated in and out of her jaded head.
What made him turn to another? It had to be her, did it not? If not, then who was to blame?
Pulling herself up slowly from the creaking wooden floor, she catches her own reflection upon the dresser in their bedroom.
Black circles surround once vibrant eyes, sorrowful frown lines appear where smiles once flourished, and skin that was once so bright with life is now ashen and worn.
"Pray Lord, help me through this pain I feel, help me get through tomorrow and the day after." She begs to the heavens again.
Moving slowly down the groaning staircase into their bright kitchen, she grabs her mug next to his from the cabinet.
Turning on the stove and she puts the kettle on for tea like every other morning.
Sitting at the kitchen table she stares out into the fields of wheat dancing in the early morning sun.
Mind wondering to an answer that has always been there, down deep inside hidden by blind love, a smile forms wearily on her pale lips.
Life was good, life was fun, life was her own before him, and life will be better now after him.
