Good evening! Welcome to Dinsmore It's Sunday March 9, 125 at 8:21 PM
Welcome to the Dinsmore Web Site.
Dinsmore is a community located in the northern part of Duval County.
The community of Dinsmore is nestled on both sides of US Highway #1.
Dinsmore has been in existence and shown on maps since at least 1895.
Click on the button below to view the 1895 Map.
Old Kings Road also runs thru Dinsmore. This road was built
before the Revolutionary War by the British. It ran from St Augustine
northwards well into Georgia. I learned this information from a book
titled "The Book of Jacksonville" published in 1895.
It is my desire to continue to add families and history to these
pages. Please feel free to email me information that you would like
to have placed on these pages.
It would be nice if someone living in Dinsmore volunteered to keep
me up to date on happenings in Dinsmore. I would display any news
on this front page.
Please use the buttons to the left to navigate around the site.
Heritage Association: Please visit this section, read
about the mission of the association, view the pictures and support them
in their work.
- Visit this site for sure.
Thise site was produced by Astro Communications as a community service.
Here you can find some of the Dinsmore History.
Dinsmore Forum: Robin Bowie created and maintains the
forum. Please visit the forum, read the posts and leave a post of
your own. If you would rather post an item there that you want to
appear on these pages - please do so - I read the posts often.
Dinsmore Map: This is a map showing the location of
families, the school, churches and businesses. This is mostly as
they were in the 40's and 50's.
Paxon Sr Hi: If you attended Paxon - visit this site
and check out your class page.
Thanks for visiting and I hope you come back often and become involved
in evolving these pages.
R.L. Dukes