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Welcome to my new page for this very talented author. She is a master storyteller of romantic suspense....with memorable characters and sizzling passion. My favorite Cherry Adair book is KISS AND TELL, and I just read her new release OUT OF SIGHT, it easily comes in second. I gave this new page an Egyptian theme since Out of Sight is set in Eygpt.

The T-FLAC team, headed by the hero Kane Wright, is in a foreign land, to take out a deadly terrorist. The heroine, AJ Cooper, is a top notch sniper, and she means business. She kicks ass, then takes names, and she falls hard for her boss, Kane Wright. Wow, this was a fantastic story...I highly recommend it!

Also, have you visited Cherry Adair's new website? It is can click on Kika, the camel lower down on this page for a link to her site. Thanks for visiting and happy reading!

Ivy © Aug '03

Visit Cherry Adair's new site!


new page 9/6/03