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Lizzybee's Main Page

Maisy is the Queen Bee, your guide to the site links!


Hi my name is Lizzy and I love books! There's a wonderful world of books out there to enjoy. I hope we can become friends along the way as we trade books. Enjoy your visit and hope you come back soon. Also, don't forget to sign my guestbook, I would love to hear your comments. And feel free to bookmark my site.

I also want to give special thanks to my talented children for the creation of this site back in '99. They are true computer geniuses. Without them this site would not exist. I just knew what I wanted and they made it happen. But on a side I maintain the site myself but I still love the original theme and keep it basically the same. Thanks kids....I love you guys!!!

I have a second website of which I created myself almost in it's entirety. It consists of my book collections, book reviews, and numerous personal pages about things that are important to me. I have a great fansite devoted to romance cover model John DeSalvo with lots of fun to be had. So come on over to check out my other websites. You can find your way there thru the banner links below. Look forward to seeing you there!

I have had some inquiries about where I got the graphics for this site and I wanted to tell everyone that I spent countless hours searching the Net to find just the perfect graphics and they are all free. However, if by some chance someone feels that there is something here that belongs to them please let me know so that I may give credit were credit is due.

Thank you for your time!


Remember 9/11/01

Visit my romance collection website!

Visit my John DeSalvo Fansite!

Support Breast Cancer Awareness

Remember Columbine