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The British Darwin Awards

from the British Sunday Express

Tortoise Trophy: To British Rail, which ingeniously solved the problem of lateness in the InterCity express train service by redefining "on time" to include trains arriving within one hour of schedule.

Silver Star: To Michael Robinson, who rang police to deliver a bomb threat, but became so agitated about the mounting cost of the call that he began screaming "Call me back!" and left his phone number.

Bronze Star: To Paul Monkton, who used as his getaway vehicle a van with his name and phone number painted in foot-high letters on the side.

Veddy British Cup: To the passengers on a jam-packed train from Margate to Victoria, who averted their eyes while John Henderson and Zoe D'Arcy engaged in sex, but complained when the pair lit up post-coital cigarettes in a non-smoking compartment.

Lazarus Laurel: To Julia Carson, who as her tearful family gathered round her coffin in a funeral parlour, sat bolt upright and asked what the hell was going on. Celebrations were short-lived, due to the fact that Mrs. Carson's daughter, Julie, immediately dropped dead from shock.

Silver Bullet: To poacher Marino Malerba, who shot a stag standing above him on an overhanging rock -- and was killed instantly when it fell on him.

Rubber Cushion: To John Bloor, who mistook a tube of superglue for his hemorrhoid cream and glued his buttocks together.

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