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What's New?


This is my "What's New" page. This is a section that I am putting up out of the goodness of my heart. Instead of making you hunt all over looking for something that I've added you can now just look here. I rotate off the old "new stuff every few months to keep the page fresh.

9/1/99 - Dave Barry talks about Internet Millionaires.

9/7/99 - Update on Dave's 2000 campaign
Dave visits Holland, part one
Dave takes his son to the races

10/10/99 - The Conan O'Brien Page

10/15/99 - About the site/author

10/19/99 - Southerners
What *not* to do for your Thesis defense

11/21/99 - Children's Books not recommended for your child
College Freshmen vs. Seniors
Parent Weekend

11/22/99 - Confuse Your Roommate
Ways to tell you've been in college too long

11/28/99 - Uncle Bob

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