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My Backstreet Boys' Concert Experience in Atlanta, GA for the Into the Millennium Concert on 11-24-99

My Mom and I left North Carolina at 5:00am to head to Atlanta Georgia to see The Backstreet Boys that night!! :) We arrived in Atlanta around 11:00am and headed to our hotel and went to our room. We decided to get ready and walk around and look for the Boys! :) We were staying in an awesome hotel that was connected with he arena, where the Boys would be playing. We decided to go to McDonald's for lunch and we sat outside the McDonald's and decided we wait around, who knows the Boys could have showed up. It was so funny because all the BSB fans there had the same idea! There were only about maybe 10 other BSB fans there that early, but they all came to McDonalds to eat and all sat outside McDonalds. We all obviously had the same idea. My Mom and I then walked around the arena and watched the crew setting up the stage for the show! We then decided to go try to find the Boys' buses, which we did, but nobody was around. We had a long time to wait so we walked around a little bit more and spent a lot of time in the hotel room

It was then time for the concert! We headed down to the arena and there were thousands of BSB fans all in the food court eating...It was awesome all BSB fans! My Mom and I then headed to the front doors to wait to be let in. While we were waiting someone approached me and asked if I had a site online and I said yes and she said she recognized me from the my site and visits it all the time! Yeah! :)

After we were finally let in My Mom and I grabbed a hot dog and some nachos and made our way to our seats. We were on the opposite side of the arena where the Boys flew out and we had great seats! After we waited awhile the lights went out and EYC came out! I swear I've seen them 5 times and I can't take it anymore! They are so terrible!!{I'm sorry if someone disagrees. No hate mail please} This time Mandy Moore wasn't there and I was kinda upset because I was looking forward to seeing her. That meant we had to wait longer for the Boys to come out. The crowd was going crazy and we got a wave going on and were having a good time.

We had to wait until 8:30pm before the show started! Well, the Star Wars music began to play and there were THE BACKSTREET BOYS! Everyone was screaming and going crazy as they landed and the dancers and the boys made their way around each side of the stage. I was jumping up and down and going crazy!! Kev looks so adorable when his face is on the screen! I was screaming "KEVIN!" as loud as I could! Then, A.J.'s scream rang through the arena and his face appeared on the screens! I went crazy!!

"Larger Than Life" was awesome and they did "Get Down" and A.J. was so great doing his rapping part!! I was going wild!! Nick and A.J. were having a dance off and going crazy! They then did "The One" and A.J. was acting weird and crazy and doing all these funny dances. It was so cute! Then, all the boys talked to us a little bit and introduced themselves. Nick did a lot of talking and he was adorable! A.J. also talked for a while and it was so funny because when Brian, Howie, and Kevin came out there really wasn't anything else to say. :) Nick looked great! His hair is short and even blonder than usual and A.J.'s hair is back to normal and he had it all spiked up. Too cute! They then appeared in the leather! LOOKING OH SO HOT! Then, they sang "As Long As You Love Me" Then, "Quit Playing Games with My Heart"...They fly out over the audience and we were between Nick and A.J., but closer to A.J.! A.J. was doing flips in the air and hanging upside down! He was so cute!

Well, they then Kev introduced "The Perfect Fan" and it was great! Then, they did " Don't Want You Back" and they climbed up on ladders and sang out to the audience. We had Kev and Howie on the ladders near us! It was awesome!! A.J. was so wild and got really into it! They sang "Back to Your Heart" and they faced our side for the entire song, except for Kev who was on top playing the piano. He was fantastic! They were all wearing black leather and A.J. had his leopard cowboy hat on. He looked so cute!!

Then, they did an awesome medley of all their hits "Everybody","We've Got It Going On", and "That's the Way I Like It"...Man the boys were getting with the dancers during "That's the Way I Like It"...It was awesome though! They were all wearing white and A.J. ripped his shirt off and went wild! It was great!! He was going crazy showing off his wonderful bod! :) He then ripped his shirt all the way off and threw it in the audience! Then, did his little kick in the air and NO SHIRT ON! :) WHAT A HOTTIE HE IS! He was too cute!!

They sang "Spanish Eyes" and Howie was great! They sang "No One Else Comes Close" and my God A.J.!! FANTASTIC!!!!!!! The whole time the thing they are sitting on spins around, so everyone can see them...It was cool! They did "All I have to Give" and they were in pink suits the whole time they sang the slow songs and did the rat routine and they were on our side for that too! The suits were awesome!

Then, they did "It's Gotta Be You"! I was the best! They all had awesome matching pants on! They looked so cute on them, they were like little pajama pants. A.J. had a black base ball hat on backwards, he was adorable! They all had on black shirts, except for Brian, who had on a blue jacket and A.J. who was wearing a straight jacket!! I dunno what he was doing! LOL! He was acting so weird and crazy! He was flopping around in it and acting like he was trapped it was so funny! A.J. then threw off the straight jacket and went wild! They sang and danced and then Nick said lets see a dance off between the dancers and each of the guys introduced two of the dancers and they introduced the band. They were all going Crazy! Howie started singing "Kung Foo Fighting"! It was so cute! A.J. grabbed a water bottle and sprayed everyone with it! It was great! Howie also did his rap and him and Nick were so cute!! Then, they walked around to each side and all held hands and bowed and confetti flew down everywhere and fire works were going off! It was great!

Then the lights went out and they popped back out to sing "I Want It That Way"! It was great! A.J. then wished everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! They all wished us a happy holiday and continued to sing! :) It was so sweet and cute! After that was over they said their good byes and lowered down into the stage. My Mom and I then decided to take off to go try to see the Boys leave.

We went over to where the buses were and waited there for about 15min until with the help of a security guard learned that the Boys were leaving from some where else and my Mom and I took off to that area! There were only about 25 other fans there and we were all standing right behind the Boys' bus! I was only there for a few min and Kevin appeared and he stood there for a while and talked with some people. He then turned and waved to us and smiled! :) He said "Hey" and "Good bye" and got into a jeep and was on his way. He was so cute and sweet. He had on a blue Kentucky hat! :)

Some of the dancer then appeared and walked out right next to me, but I didn't bother to take any pics because I was too busy watching and waiting for the Boys! Then, Mindi {the girl from the BSB Band} walked out right by me and we all clapped for her and she smiled and said "hey". I wanted to ask for a pic with her, but she was in a rush and I was busy waiting for the Boys. Then, about 15min later...My Mom screamed "Lindsey that's A.J.!" I jumped up and there was A.J. walking right toward us! He looked so cute! He had on a black base ball cap, a jersey, and jeans. He waved and smiled to all of us! ;) I am so upset because my camera died right before A.J. had walked out!! I was so mad because I kept clicking the camera and it wouldn't take pic!! I had a perfect shot of A.J. and the camera didn't work!! So, I didn't get any pics of A.J.!! :( Anyway, A.J. made his way onto the bus and waved to all of us again and said good-bye. only a few secs later about 8 cops came running down the road blowing whistles at us! It was so funny! I know A.J. must have been cracking up on the bus. LOL! All of us laughed and ran out of the way and we were all yelled at to leave and pushed away, so we had to leave. :(

My Mom and I then made our way back to the hotel and decided to look for the Boys and their were a lot of fans at the hotel thinking they may be there. I went on a few of the floors looking, but didn't see anything, but I did see one of the dancers in the elevator, so who knows... :)

It was an awesome concert as they always are!! It was amazing!! I had a wonderful time and I can't believe I got to see Kev and A.J. again!!! :)