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The Official Backstreet Boys' Fun Club


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As you may know this is the Official Backstreet Boys' "Fun Club" ran by Ms. McLean [A.J.'s Mommy] and of course The Backstreet Boys have full participation with the Club! :) And guess what I'm mentioned in the first newsletter! WOO HOO! Check it out! I don't know if ya can read it to well...The scanner did a crappy job...Thanx for mentioning me Brendan and Ms. McLean! :)[It's on the back page of the Newsletter]

It says..."Special thanks to Brittney, Nicole, Amanda, Sarah, Chelsea, and Lindsey!" (ME!) :)YEAH!

You also receive all this cool "Fun Club" Stuff when you join! I didn't scan any of it or any of the pics and things from the newsletter because it is official and they don't want it copied.

You recieve a "Fun Club" button, keychain, poster, folder, and newsletter! It's pretty cool! :)

Check out the next newsletter for more stuff with "The Backstreet Books of Love"! There should be stuff from the books in there and pics! Isn't that awesome!? I'm so excited!

Denise McLean's Autograph![It says Love, Denise McLean] :) That's a cute pic of A.J. and his Mommy and one of his adorable pups! Awww! Ms. McLean signs every letter!