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Do You Want to Help?

As we all know Brian has had trouble with his heart every since he was born. Brian luckily had a successful recovery after his major heart surgery and is doing wonderful! Brian's heart hasn't been giving him any trouble. Brian would like to help all the children like him whose parents couldn't afford all the money for doctors and surgerys. Would you like to help Brian?

As we all know Howie lost his sister last year to the disease known as Lupus. Howie is very close to his family and Howie wants to help other people with the disease. Howie wants to find a cure for this disease and help others like his sister. Would you like to help Howie?

You may remember the cute little girl on "The View" who had her dream come true to meet The Backstreet Boys live on TV. It was her dream come true to sit and talk with the boys on "The View". She was even invited to see them in concert that night. This little girl's name was Michelle and she was fighting cancer. At the young age of 10 she lost her battle with cancer. Would you like to donate to Michelle's fund to help other cancer patients?