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The #1 Woman in A.J.'s Life!

I had to dedicate a section to A.J. and his wonderful mother Denise McLean. I adore the both of them! Denise is a wonderful person and has raised such a sweet, caring, and wonderful son! So, here is the cute couple! Aren't they cute? I have never seen A.J. look so cute!

I have to give a huge thanks to Denise! Thank you so much Denise, without you I wouldn't have been able to have my dream come true! You are wonderful and Thank You! Thank You for caring about the fans and taking time for me. :)


Stop the cuteness! Look how little A.J. is? What a doll baby! :)

Watch out A.J.! You've been a bad boy!


A.J. and the 2nd and 3rd most important people in his life- His Grandparents!