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On Tour With The Backstreet Boys!

{Sorry some of the pictures are blurry it is because of my scanner}

Long day and long nights riding around on a bus[or a plane]...

A.J. and Howie hanging out

Hi Kev!

A.J. looks tired. :)

Howie and Brian. :)

The Boys arrive to the next city pumped for that night's show...

A.J. seems happy to be getting off the bus!

They're There!

There is always time for play time! The Boys get a B-Ball game going!

Brian and Howie seem to be having fun! Nice shot Brian! :)

Let's Get Pumped!! The Boys always get a work out in before the next show! They gotta keep their body and shape up! Kev and Howie work out every night! A.J. and Nick just work out whenever they have a show! :)

Howie and A.J. are building muscle! A.J. may need some help. :)

Go Nick!

Looking good A.J. :)

There is always time to practice...

Brian is teaching and helping Nick to learn to play the guitar...

Time for a quick rehearsal before the Boys hit the stage...

Brian and A.J. practice right before they go on


Go Howie!

Being a Backstreet Boy never ends...

There are always reporters and interviews to do after a show