Samantha sprawled out over the full sized bed in her hotel room. She was so happy to be off the bus and was thoroughly enjoying all of the space in the room. Her phone rang and she scrambled to find it before it transferred to voice mail.

“Hello” she answered breathlessly.

“Whoa, girl are you busy with something? Do you need me to call you back?”

“Ha ha. Very funny, I was trying to find my phone.”

“Yeah sure, so which one is it?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Which one of the guys has gotten you so outta breath?”

Jen laughed as Sam explained again that she was only searching for her phone.

“Whatever, you say girl. At least you answered it this time and I didn’t have to talk to your voice mail again.”

“I know girl. I’m sorry. I’ve been busy with this talent search and all.”

“Yeah, I got your messages and emails. I can’t believe it’s been so long since we’ve actually talked. I miss your sappy butt.” Jen said.

“Aww, I miss you too girl. You should come out soon, when I’m not doing so much. It should be slower in a few weeks.”

“Sounds like a plan Stan. Hey listen I gotta go, okay? I’m gonna be late, but I wanted to make sure you were still alive.”

“Alrighty girl, I’ll talk to you soon. Plan on asking for some time off work soon. I’m serious!”

“Will do, bye girlie!”

As Samantha hung up the phone, she thought about the last time she had seen her best friend in person.


Jen waited nervously in her car as Samantha was inside the tall building interviewing for the job. After the girls had checked out the building earlier in the week and decided that it looked pretty legit, Sam figured she might as well go for it. She still didn’t know the name of the company but the office looked professional enough and Jen promised her she would wait outside for her just in case. Samantha even stuck pepper spray in her purse for added protection. She was so nervous, and the uncertainty of the company only made it worse. If this was truly a real job, Sam couldn’t afford to lose it. She’d been living in Orlando for almost six months now with no real job to speak of. Sometimes she wondered how she let Jen convince her to move from her family and everything she’d ever known in Michigan. She just as quickly remembered though, on the couple times when she went home to visit. She felt sheltered in her small hometown in Michigan, unable to be herself. She immediately felt free when she stepped off the bus in Florida and saw her smiling friend waiting for her. The only times she had looked back in the past months was when her financial situation was particularly bleak and she had to rely on Jen to get by. Samantha had always been fiercely independent and hated leaning on anyone. She was determined to get this job no matter what.

When Sam walked into the office she was greeted by a pretty blonde that looked very familiar to her. She introduced herself as Stacy, and explained that her mother would be out shortly. She spoke with a distinct southern accent. Sam was immediately put at ease by the friendly young woman, and was relieved to know that it was a family business. The other woman emerged from an office and introduced herself as Diane, speaking with the same pronounced accent. Again, Sam was sure that she’d seen this lady as well, but just couldn’t place where. She was still trying to figure out where when the lady asked if there was something wrong. Sam was a little startled that she noticed.

“Oh, I’m sorry. It’s just that you look familiar to me but I’m having a hard time figuring out why.”

“Oh, I get that a lot for some reason” the woman chuckled.

Diane was already counting her out at this time, it was obvious that she had recognized her, and she wasn’t planning on hiring a fan for this job. That’s why everything was so secretive, Diane thought to herself. Something told her to give Samantha a fair chance though. Sam sat patiently waiting for the interview to start.

“I apologize. I have a lot on my mind lately. Shall we start?”

Before Samantha could answer, Diane had started with her questions. Sam explained how she had moved from Michigan to Orlando to start over and for the weather of course. She explained her past jobs and her educational background and never missed a beat. It was the most confident Samantha had ever felt about a job interview, including the ones that she had actually gotten. The lady smiled at her and told her that she would have to talk it over with her son, and would possibly need her to come back for another interview with him.

“He’s extremely busy though, so depending on time constraints, he may not get to meet the person who will be working at his side nearly everyday” she explained.

As soon as Sam managed to process that statement, she had a fairly good idea at just who she was interviewing with.

“Thank you so much for coming in Samantha, you’ll be hearing from us shortly” Diane smiled warmly and shook her hand as she escorted her out the door.

When Samantha came skipping out to the car Jen knew that it went well.

“That good girl?” She asked.

“Oh yeah. I nailed it girl. That job is mine” Sam answered confidently.

“Good deal! So what’s the company?”

“Oh, I don’t remember the name, some small family operation, but its definitely legit.”

Sam didn’t want to jinx it just yet, in case she was wrong about her hunch. She didn’t have to wait long, when Jen came home from work a couple days later, Samantha was waiting at the door with her bags packed to tell her the good news. The girls jumped up and down with joy and Samantha hadn’t even told her the best part about the job yet. When they caught their breath and Sam got a chance to tell her friend the name of the company, Jen was in shock.

“You are freakin kidding me right?” she screamed.

Samantha had to tell her over and over again till she finally realized she was telling the truth.

“You are such a lucky brat!”

“I know it! Can you imagine, I was just hoping one day I’d get to meet them, now I’m gonna be working for Lance!”

“That is so awesome girl. I am so happy for you!” She said as she hugged her friend again. “But could you tell me one thing?”

“What’s that?” Sam asked.

“Do you really think you need to get your own place already?” Jen said jokingly referring to her suitcases by the door.

“Well, that’s the bad part. I get to travel with them, but I have to leave tonight” Sam explained.

“Ugh! You’re leaving me tonight Sami?” Jen whined. “You’re right, that does suck. But I suppose it’s worth it huh?”

“Yeah, I’d have to agree with you there girl.”

The girls spent the rest of the night talking as Sam told Jen every detail about what she knew so far until the driver came to their apartment to pick Samantha up. While the girls were saying their good-byes, Sam tried her best not to cry but she just couldn’t help herself. Jen yelled at her roommate.

“See what your sappy butt does to me, I’m even teary eyed.”

The two of them laughed and with that Samantha walked out the door.


Sam was snapped back into the present when she heard a knock on the door. She walked over and looked through the peephole. She was surprised to see the attractive blonde on the other side.

“Just a second” she yelled.

She unlocked the door and moved to the side as she opened it. He stood there with snacks in one hand and movies in the other.

“I know it’s late, but I also know you’re a night owl like me and I didn’t want to stay up all by myself” he explained. “So…can I come in or what?”

He waited not so patiently in the hallway for her to answer. Sam was still in shock that he was standing in front of her.


“Oh, I’m sorry, of course you can come in. I guess I was a little surprised to see you. This is the first time I’ve had a boy in my room this late in a long time” she joked.

“Oh, well if you’re not comfortable with me being here I can go.”

Sam smiled, “Why would I ever feel uncomfortable around you?”

“I dunno know…but this is the first time we’ve been alone in a hotel room together…” he trailed off.

“Well, I promise not to take advantage of you…as long as you don’t act too sexy that is” she teased.

“Okay, deal. So which one do you want to watch first?”

“Who cares about the movies, what’d you bring to eat?” She asked as she snatched the bag from him and shut the door.


Chapter 3