A few hours later Sam and Justin were in bed still trying to fall asleep. They were currently invested with giggle attacks. No matter what they talked about they somehow found enormous humor in all of it. They were trying to come up with a remedy when Justin suggested a serious conversation.

“Alright it’s worth a shot.” Sam laughed. “What’d you have in mind?”

“Okay, here’s goes nothing,” he paused and took a deep breath before continuing, “Why don’t you just tell him how you feel?”

Sam was silent.

“See, you’re not laughing now are you?” Justin teased.

“No I’m not because I don’t know who you’re talking about” Sam lied.

“Sami, don’t play dumb with me. You know damn well that I’m talking about your feelings for Lance.” Justin continued, “That was one of the main reasons I stopped what almost happened earlier. I’ve seen the way you look at him.”

“Oh really, and what way is that?” she asked.

“The same way he looks at you. He has feelings for you too you know.”

Sam was momentarily shocked by this information but quickly shrugged it off. “You’re wrong.” She said. “Lance wants to keep it a strictly friendly business relationship.”

“How do you know?” Justin asked her.

“Because he told me so.”

“What are you talking about? When did he say that?” Justin asked, concerned with the hurt he sensed in Samantha’s tone.

Sam explained as she thought back to that night.


Samantha woke up from a very restless night. She could hear some of the guys already awake in the front of the bus. She didn’t hear Lance yet though. She tossed and turned most of the night thinking about what had happened the night before. ‘Actually, what I think almost happened’ she thought to herself. She still wasn’t sure if Lance had wanted to kiss her or if she was just imagining it. He was acting very distant the rest of the night, in fact they hadn’t really talked much at all once they got back to Johnny’s and boarded the bus. She started replaying the night over in her head. He mentioned that normally she would’ve been on a bus with some of the crew but since they were all full at the moment, Sam would be staying on the bus with him and the rest of the guys for awhile. “It’s probably best this way anyhow” He explained. “It’ll be easier for me to get you up to speed on everything.”

Sam was a little concerned about how the other guys would feel about having a girl on their bus. She mentioned it to Lance and he laughed slightly.

“Don’t worry about it Sam, they’ll be fine. It’s not like it’ll be the first time we’ve had a girl on board with us.”

Sam felt a little stupid. “I guess I didn’t really think about that, a little naïve on my part I suppose.”

“Oh I’m sorry.” Lance said. “I didn’t mean it to sound like that. I just meant that there are other girls in our crew and yes, occasionally we’ve had girlfriends or whatever with us.” He continued, “In fact, I think Chris’ girlfriend will be traveling with us for a few days before she has to go back to LA”

“Oh okay.” Sam said, she couldn’t think of much else to say.

She was feeling rather uncomfortable all of the sudden. She sensed Lance was feeling the same way also, but neither one of them addressed it. After he had introduced her to everybody he pretty much kept to himself and only spoke to her again to tell her that he was turning in for the night and to make sure she didn’t let the guys give her too hard of a time. Justin winked at his friend as he put his arm around Sam.

“Don’t worry buddy, I’ll take care of her.”

“I can take of myself, thank you very much.” She joked as she removed his arm.

Her and Justin had immediately hit it off. She wasn’t sure what to make of everyone else yet. JC was very polite and talked to her briefly but he got a phone call and disappeared to the back of the bus. Chris introduced himself in true fashion.

“So you’re Lance’s assistant huh? Well I’d just like you to know that, I’m not very pleased with this. As founding and eldest member of this here group I expect the courtesy of having final say in all decisions no matter how little they actually have to do with the group. And did I get this opportunity? No, I did not!” He paused, “But since you’re here I guess there’s nothing I can do about it now. Just be warned, Lance is gonna get the biggest I told you so ever if you screw up.”

Sam was holding back her laughter at this point. She decided to play along. “I apologize for the misunderstanding, but Lance had assured me that you had approved his mother’s decision, even though he himself didn’t get to meet me until just a few hours ago. But I promise you that I will do everything in my power to prove myself to you, oh wise and powerful one.” Sam said while playfully bowing at his feet.

“Oh wow. I like this girl, we’re gonna get along great, I can tell.” He said smiling at the beautiful blonde standing next to him.

“Chris you are too much,” she said as she introduced herself to Samantha. “I’m Danielle, Chris’ better half. You’ll learn not to encourage him, it only makes it worse.”

“Thanks for the tip. I’ll definitely remember that.” Sam said smiling.

“Anytime, and trust me, you’re gonna need them when it comes to dealing with these guys.”

“Oh great guys, did you hear that?” Justin asked. “Now Dani has another female to gang up with.”

“Yep that’s right. So y’all better watch out.” She winked at Sam as her and Chris headed to the back to watch a movie.

Joey was reading a magazine and hadn’t bothered to introduce himself yet. Justin mentioned that fact to him and he poked his head up and mumbled. "Hi, I’m Joe. Nice to meet you.”

“Don’t mind him,” Justin whispered, “He’s had a stick up his but lately for some reason.”

Sam giggled quietly as Joey looked up at the two of them and rolled his eyes. Sam and Justin spent the rest of the night talking. He asked her if she had a boyfriend that she was leaving behind.

“Nope. Completely unattached. How about you?” she asked.

“A boyfriend? No, I don’t have one either.”

“Cute. Are you gonna give me a serious answer or what?”

“I’m dating, but nothing serious.”

“Oh I see, I get the manager approved answer.” Sam smiled at him, “Don’t worry, eventually you’ll trust me enough to tell me the truth.”

Justin just laughed at her. “Actually smarty pants, that is the manager approved answer, but in this case it also happens to be the truth.”

Sam’s thoughts were interrupted when her cell phone rang. She had fallen asleep with it in her hands last night after she had attempted to call Jen to report on the day’s happenings.


“Hey girl it’s me. I got your message, what’d you need to talk to me about?”

Sam explained all of what had went on the night before and waited for Jen’s reaction.

“Hmm…” she said. “I always thought Joey was supposed to be all happy-go-lucky.”

“Ugh, me too girl. But that’s not really my main concern right now.”

“Oh, you mean the Lance thing huh?” Jen teased.

“Yes, the Lance thing! What should I do?”

“You should just be up front about it. Ask him straight out, you can’t go the whole trip with this awkwardness between you guys.”

“Yeah right girl. You know I can’t do something like that.”

“I know, and that’s exactly why you need to.”

“Samantha?” Lance called, standing outside her bunk.

“Hold on a sec Jen.”

She stuck her head out of the curtains. “Hey, what’s up?”

“I didn’t wake you did I?”

“No, I am actually on the phone right now.”

“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you. When you’re done I need to talk to you about some things okay?”

“Sure. I’ll be out in just a minute.” She was extremely relieved that he hadn’t heard any of her conversation.

“Hey girl sorry about that but I gotta go.”

“Yeah I heard the big boss man.” She joked. “Let me know how it turns out.”

“You know I will.”

Sam climbed out of her bunk and joined Lance at the table in the front of the bus.

“So how’d you sleep?” he asked.

“Not well. Actually I’m not sure if I slept at all.”

“Yeah, it’ll take you some time to get used to the motion of the bus but eventually it’ll just rock you to sleep.”

“Well, it wasn’t so much that. I had some things on my mind.”

“Yeah, me too…that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I need to apologize for my behavior last night. I guess the champagne must have gotten to me a little too. The last thing I wanted to do was to make your transition into this job more difficult. And me almost…well it’s just better if we…” Sam interrupted him.

“Lance, you don’t need to apologize for anything. I understand.” Sam wanted to tell him that she wished he had kissed her the night before, and that she wanted so badly to kiss him right now. She had almost gotten up the nerve when he spoke again.

“I’m glad we talked about this. I think it’s best if we just chalk the whole night up to some freaky alcohol and start over.”

Sam tried to hide the disappointment in her voice. “Sounds like a good idea.”

She excused herself to go get ready for the day. As she was walking away Lance was trying to convince himself that he had done the right thing. ‘If I’m so sure it was the right thing then why do I feel so horrible’ he asked himself. He knew the answer, he just didn’t wasn’t ready to acknowledge it.


“I don’t know what you’re talking about girl.” Justin said as he adjusted his pillows. “The only thing that story says to me is that you two had sparks right from the start and that Lance is just scared, same as you.”

“You’re the one who doesn’t know what they’re talking about.” Sam muttered.

“Whatever woman, you know I’m right. Now shut up and go to sleep.”

“That’s the best idea you’ve had all night.” Sam said as she snuggled up to him and they both feel into a peaceful sleep.


Chapter 7