Sam had been awake for several minutes watching Justin sleep. He woke up and smiled at her.

“What are you staring at?” He asked while sitting up.

“Do you know how adorably cute you are while you’re sleeping? You look like a little boy.” Sam said as she reached up and pinched his cheeks.

“Ugh, get off me woman. I am not cute.”

“Ah, there’s the grumpy morning Justin I know.”

Justin tried not to smile at her. “What time is it anyway?”

“It’s around 11 or 12 I think. Good thing you guys have an off day huh?”

“Yeah, especially since you kept me up half the night trying to seduce me. I knew that was your plan all along.” Justin said playfully.

“Whatever, you’re the one who came to me remember?”

“Yeah, because I wanted to watch a movie. I didn’t expect to be treated like a piece of meat and then tossed aside.” He was now pretending to sob. “I have feelings too you know!”

“Oh man Justin, I love you.” Sam squealed.

“I know you do Sami. I love you too man.”

“Oh give me a hug you big goofball” Sam said as she threw her arms up in the air emphatically. Justin squeezed her tightly.

“Thank you.” Sam whispered in his ear.

He didn’t ask her what for, he understood. “Anytime.” He pulled back and put her face in his hands. “I mean it Sami, anytime you need anything you can come to me. You know that right?”

“I do now.” She smiled at him; “Same goes for you kid.”

“Deal.” He kissed her forehead and hugged her again. “Now as much as I hate to end this little lovefest we have going, I should get back to my room before somebody realizes that I haven’t been there all night.”

“Yeah like it would be the first time.” Sam teased.

“Ha ha. So I’ll see you at lunch then?”

“Yep, I’ll be there. Lance and I have some things to go over.”

Justin chuckled, “You sure do.”

“Shut up you fool, I was talking about work.” She attempted to hit him with her teddy bear but her aim was way off and instead she knocked everything on her dresser onto the floor.

“Ha! You suck!” He said throwing it back at her. “That’s what you get for trying to hit me with this raggedy old thing. How long have you had it anyway?”

“Since I was eight. Now get out of my room.” She said pushing him towards the door.

“This was fun, we should do it again sometime.” He said winking at her.

“Yeah sure, whatever. Have your people call my people. Just go, I need to get in the shower.” Sam said opening the door.

Justin started walking out and then paused. “Wait a minute, my people are your people too. You realize that right?”

“Ugh, you never quit do you!?!” Sam screamed.

“Nope. Neither do you. I suppose that’s why we get along so well.”

He flashed her that irresistible smile of his and she couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah I suppose you’re right.”

Justin walked down the hall to his room and went inside. He had no idea that Joey was just coming in for the night and witnessed him coming out of Sam’s room. At first Joey thought that he had just stopped in to see her this morning and didn’t think much of it. After he realized that Justin was wearing the same clothes as the night before he knew that the two of them had spent the night together. He walked into his room and angrily slammed the door behind him.


Chapter 8