"Samantha? Is that you?" the voice on the other end asked.

"Yes it is. Who is this?"

"You don't know who this is?"

"Well if I knew I wouldn't have asked now would I?" Sam was getting more annoyed by the second.

"I'm sorry, it's Katie. If I caught you at a bad time I can call back later."

"Well, actually it's not the best time…" Sam was cut off before she could finish.

"I can't believe how long it's been since we've talked. What's new with you?"

"Yeah it has been awhile, how did you get this number anyway?"

"Well I practically had to beg your mom for it. I told her it was an emergency. She acted like she wasn't supposed to give it out or something," Katie laughed.

"Well, it's not that it's just…"

"What? Is this your work number or something?"

"Yeah actually it is. So what's the emergency?" Sam asked impatiently.

"Well, I wouldn't really call it an emergency. I just wanted to see how you were doing and I wanted to congratulate you on your new job. How come you didn't tell me?"

"Because the last time we talked was six months ago and I had no idea about it yet. Is that all you wanted, because I really need to get my stuff packed."

"I was hoping we could catch up but since you're in a hurry do you think we could meet up at the concert in when you come back to Michigan?" she asked.

Sam was expecting this. "Are you telling me that you're actually going to an *NSYNC concert?"

Katie giggled, "Well if you can get us some tickets, we would love to."

"Who's us?" Sam asked.

"You know the whole gang, me and Ryan, Allison and Seth. Everybody wants to see you and see how wonderful you're doing."

"You guys don't even like *NSYNC. You used to give me so much crap."

"That's not true. I've always liked the music, I just wasn't into the whole 'boy band' scene." Katie continued, "Besides who wouldn't jump at the chance to be backstage at the hottest concert of the year."

"Oh so now you want backstage too?" Sam asked.

"Well, I just figured that would be the only way we'd get to see you. So what do you think? Can you hook us up?"

"I don't know I'll see what I can do. I'm not making any promises though. I really have to go now."

"Okay, thanks. I'll see you soon Sam."

"Bye Katie."

Sam plopped onto her bed and let out a huge sigh. She started thinking out loud. 'My life is out of control. Last night I'm in this room kissing Justin, today Lance is finally about to kiss me and now I hear from someone I haven't talked since the last time she needed something from me. What the hell happened? I used to have a normal life!' Just as she was about to get up and start packing her phone rang again.


"Hey Sami it's me. What's wrong?"

"I am so glad to hear your voice. What makes you think there's something wrong?"

"Because I am your best friend and I know you. So what's up?"

"Oh my goodness Jen, I don't even know where to start. You wouldn't believe what's happened since I talked to you last night."

"Well it usually works best if you start at the beginning and work your way to the end."

"Stop trying to make me laugh you smart ass."

"Sorry, but it worked didn't it?"

"Yes it did. So you ready for this?" Sam asked, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"Yep, hit me baby one more time," Jen said laughing.

Sam was laughing too as she caught Jen up on everything that had happened in the past two days. Including the phone call she had just received from her fair weather friend.

"Okay lets start with the simple stuff first. Why do you let Katie get to you like that? You should have told her to kiss your ass and then hung up on her. You're not really gonna get her passes are you?" Jen asked.

"Hell no."

"Then why didn't you tell her that. Never mind, I know why, because you're too damn nice."

"I know. It really sucks sometimes."

"Just forget about her. If she calls again tell her to stick it where the sun don't shine." Jen laughed. "I mean it girl."

"Yes ma'am," Sam said taking her orders while giggling.

"That's more like it, now on to the interesting stuff. Lance 'almost' kissed you again huh? How many times is that now? I've lost count," Jen teased.

"I have no idea. I'm kind of surprised you pick that to bring up first."

"Well, that's cuz I'm trying to figure out what to say about the whole Justin situation."

"You're not mad at me are you?"

"Mad at you, why would I be mad at you?" Jen asked confused.

"Okay, I know this is gonna sound stupid but I know you have this massive crush on Justin."

"Stop right there girl. Yes, I have a crush on the boy but I don't even know him, I met him once for a brief minute. Jealous maybe, mad no. If fact when we get more time I want complete details. For instance, is he really good at everything he does like Lance claims."

"Oh god girl, you don't even know! But anyway I'm glad you're not upset at me for manhandling your boy toy because I really need to talk about it. I still don't know why I kissed him."

Jen was choking on the drink of water in her mouth. "Umm, hello! Have you seen the boy?"

"Jennnnn, you're not helping here!" Sam whined.

"Sorry. Back to being the helpful friend. Stop stressing over it, it was what you said it was. You were lonely, you wanted Lance, he wasn't there and Justin was. And do I even have to mention the whole him being the one and only Justin Randall Timberlake thing?" she teased. "End of story."

"Yeah I suppose you're right."

"As usual. Like you said, if he wouldn't have stopped it you would've right?"

Sam was silent for a moment.

"Right?" Jen asked again.

"Yes. I would have," Sam finally answered.

"Okay then, so once again it all comes back to Lance but we'll get back to him in a minute. What the hell is up with Joey?"

"I have no idea, but I'm beginning to think that it has something to do with me. Lance says I'm wrong but I just don't know."

"Maybe you should try talking to him, you may be able to help him out. You're the best listener I know."

"Yeah I'm a good listener but I suck at giving advice," Sam laughed.

"You do not girl. Besides you can just tell me what's going on and I can give him the advice. You know me; I've always got an opinion. And you never know he might just need somebody to talk to."

"Could be. I'll give it a shot."

"Alrighty, now on to the big boss man," Jen laughed as she continued. "This is what you're gonna do. As soon as we hang up the phone, you are gonna talk to him. Go see him, call him on the phone, get on your computer and instant message him, send smoke signals, whatever you have to do I don't care, just talk to the guy."

"Ugh, I'm not going to do that. I have no idea what to say."

"Yes you are and you know exactly what to say, you're just scared, as usual."

"No Jen."



"What'd I say girl?"

"Oh I hate you! Why do you do this to me?" Sam said pouting.

"You do not hate me, you love me. Now do what I say. Jen knows best."

"You are a dork!" Sam hollered into the phone. "And that's why I love you so much. What would I ever do without you?"

"I don't know. That's a scary thought though isn't it?" Jen laughed.

"Yeah it is. Hold on girl, there's someone at the door."

Sam walked over and looked through the peephole to see Justin standing on the other side. She opening the door and let him in. "You again huh?" she teased.

"Yeah, I'm trying to make you sick of me. Is it working?"


"Whatever girl," he said smiling. "I just came to tell you that Johnny decided we needed to leave earlier so we have to be on the bus in a half-hour. Who are you talking to?"

"Jen. Hang on a minute I need to talk to you, just let me say good bye to her."

"Okay," Justin said sitting down.

"Hey Jen. I'm assuming you heard all that right?" Sam asked.

"Yeah most of if. Is he back for a repeat performance of last night?" Jen teased.

"Ha ha very funny. I need to go I haven't even started packing yet. But before I go, have you asked for time off yet?"

"I'm working on it. I'll let you go so you can get ready. Call me after you talk to Lance."

"I will. Bye girl."

"Bye Jen," Justin yelled.

Jen laughed, "Good bye to both of you."

Sam hung up the phone and looked at Justin. "Are you packed?"

"Yep, I'm ready to go. Why?"

"Good. Would you like to help me while I babble about my latest problem?"

"Sure why not. What's up?" he asked

Sam once again recounted the story of Lance and the near kiss.

"What a fool. He doesn't know what he's missing," Justin said winking at her.

"Yeah so now we're in this awkward place again and that ought to be fun for a long bus ride," she said throwing some her clothes in a bag.

"Oh I'm sure you'll work it out, you always do."

"I hope you're right. I'm under strict orders to talk to him about as soon as I can," Sam joked.

"I like that Jen girl. She's a smart cookie."

"Yeah she is. I don't know how I'd survive without her sometimes."

"You really miss her don't you? Why don't you bring her out for a visit?"

"I'm working on it. She has to get time off work first."

"I can't wait to meet her," Justin smiled, "Again."

"I can't wait for you guys to meet her either. Now onto a not so pleasant subject, did you notice how Joey was staring at us during lunch? Because Lance sure did."

"Really? What did he say to you?"

"Not much he just asked me if there was anything going on between the two of us."

"What did you tell him?" Justin asked.

"The truth. That we're friends."

"But nothing about last night I hope?"

"No. I figured it was something better kept between you and me. Why? Should I have told him?" Sam asked slightly confused.

"No. I agree with you about keeping it quiet. I just wanted to make sure because I told him that I bumped into you in the hallway and that's how I knew you were coming to lunch," Justin explained.

"Oh I see so we're just getting our stories straight huh?" Sam joked.

"Yeah, doesn't it make you feel a little naughty?"

"You're a dork Justin," Sam said smiling. "Now back to Joey, what are we gonna do about him?"

"Nothing. He'll snap out of it eventually. Trust me," Justin said as he zipped up her suitcase. "There, all packed. I'll see you downstairs."

"Hey is everything okay with you? You seem a little, I don't know, sad or something," Sam asked concerned.

"No. I'm fine, just a little tired. No thanks to you," he said as he playfully nudged her shoulder. "I'll see you in few minutes."

Sam watched him as he walked out. 'He is such a bad liar. I wonder what that was all about,' she thought to herself.


A few hours later everyone was situated on the bus. Sam, Lance, Justin and Joey were all sitting in the front of the bus pretending to watch television. Justin was noticing how every few seconds Sam would glance at Lance until he noticed, and he would do the same. He could tell they needed some privacy to talk.

"Hey Joey, why don't we go to the back," he said standing up.

"For what?"

"Because I need to show you something. Come on man," he said motioning towards Lance and Sam.

The two of them started laughing as Lance spoke up. "Real smooth Justin. Thanks."

"Anytime buddy. Let's go Joey," Justin said taping him on the shoulder.

"Fine. I'm coming," Joey grumbled.

Justin winked at Sam as they walked past her. She mouthed 'thank you' to him as Lance got up and sat next to her.

"So I guess subtlety isn't really our strong suit is it?" he said as he propped himself up on the back of the couch.

"No, I suppose not. We need to talk about this though before I lose my nerve again," Sam said staring down at her hands.

"Yes I know. I feel the same way."

"Okay here goes," Sam said while taking a deep breath.

Lance interrupted before she could continue, "Sam please let me get this out first."

Before she could object he started speaking again.

"Listen I know we have this flirty attraction thing going on. And I do have feelings for you," he paused. "Uh man, this is harder than I thought it was going to be."

"Lance, I have feelings for you too. Don't you know that?" she asked staring into his eyes.

He smiled at her. "You're not making this any easier on me."

"Making what easier?" Sam didn't really need to hear the answer.

"Even though I'm having a hard time remembering it myself sometimes, I think it's just a bad idea for us to start a relationship right now. Please know that it's not you, it's just the situation we're in. Why did you have to take this job anyway?" he teased.

"I don't know. I'm seriously hating myself for that right now too. Why do I feel like I've already had this conversation before?" Sam asked looking out the windows at the passing cars on the freeway.

"I know I'm sorry. It's the last time I promise. Now I don't mean to change the subject but we really need talk about the talent search in Vegas this weekend."

"Actually, that's exactly what you meant to do. What's going on with the Vegas search?" Sam asked, obviously upset.

"Are you mad at me Samantha?"

"Honestly, a little yes. But I'm more disappointed than anything. You've obviously made up your mind though so there's no point in dwelling on it. I'll get over it. Now what's up with Vegas?" she asked again.

"My mom can't make it and neither can my sister, some family get together that they both would like to go to," Lance sighed as he continued. "So I was hoping you could cover it. I know it may look like I'm trying to get rid of you but it's not that at all."

"Lance don't worry about it. If you need me to go I'll go. It'll do me some good to get away. I'm going to bed," she said as she stood up and starting walking to her bunk.

He grabbed her hand as she walked past him. "I really am sorry Sam," he said sincerely.

"So am I," she said walking away before he saw the tears welling up in her eyes.


Chapter 11