
Sam was sleeping peacefully when she thought she heard someone saying her name. She ignored it, hoping that she was just dreaming. It wasn't stopping and now she could feel someone gently nudging her arm. She opened one eye and saw Justin kneeling on the floor beside her. He had a wicked smile on his face. "This better be a matter of life or death Justin," Sam grumbled, still half asleep.

Justin frowned slightly. "It is. I can't sleep Sami."

"Oh good god, is that what you woke me up for? What do you expect me to do, read you a bedtime story?"

"No. I was hoping you would sleep with me."

"What?" Sam asked, shocked at what had just come out of his mouth.

Justin leaned back laughing. "I didn't mean it like that...but now that you mention it...," he said sitting back up and smirking.

"Very funny. Excuse me if I'm a little out of it. I was just sleeping a minute ago, and if you'd leave me alone I'd like to get back there," she said turning her back to him and snuggling into her blanket.

"Come on Sami, wouldn't you be much more comfortable in that big bed with me?"

"I'm fine here Justin. If I get up and move around I'll never get back to sleep. I have to be up in a few hours and I'll be lucky if I get any sleep at all now."

"Please?" he begged her.

"I said no, stop bugging me damn it," she said now annoyed.

"Fine. After all the time I spend listening to you whine about Lance and you can't do this one thing I ask for." He stood up and went into his room pouting.

Sam rolled back over. Now she felt bad. She didn't mean to be bitchy but she was pissed that he woke her up. And he was right; she did owe him for all he's done for her. She just didn't want to take the chance of the rest of the guys finding her in his arms again. She was afraid they would think she depended on him too much, that she ran to him whenever something went wrong. In fact, she was starting to worry about that herself. Not to mention that Lance was in the other bed, and even though she shouldn't care about what he thought at this point, Sam could tell he was still a little uneasy of her and Justin's closeness. It was pretty clear to Sam that she wouldn't be getting much sleep before her flight tomorrow.


Sam turned the alarm off as she sat up. She knew if she hit the snooze button again, she wasn't going to make it to the airport on time. She quietly walked into the room Lance and Justin were sharing to use the bathroom. She didn't have time to shower now that she had slept in so late, so she quickly brushed her teeth and borrowed one of Justin's bandanas to wrap her hair in. She tiptoed back out of the bathroom and grabbed her bags that she had packed the night before.

"Hey! That's mine," Justin said just before she reached the door.

Sam turned around. "I know, but I figured you wouldn't mind since you have hundreds of them in every color of the rainbow," she said smiling.

"I suppose it's okay, as long as you bring it back. Speaking of that, were you trying to sneak out of here without saying goodbye?"

Sam sat her bags down and walked over to his bed. "Yeah you caught me. I didn't want to wake you up since you had such a hard time getting to sleep last night."

"Oh so that did really happen last night huh?" he asked rubbing his eyes and resting his hand on his forehead. "I was hoping it was just a bad dream."

"It wasn't that bad honest. I was just cranky."

"I'm sorry for being a brat. I guess I just got used to falling asleep with you in my arms. It's the best I've slept in months."

"Well I'm glad I could help you out by being an emotional wreck," Sam said laughing. "But I wouldn't get to used to it. We don't want people getting the wrong idea."

Justin smiled at her, "You worry too much about what other people think."

"I know I do, but that's just me. I can't help it." On the other side of the room Lance started mumbling in his sleep and rolled over. Sam looked at the clock and realized that she was really cutting it close now. "I have to get going or I'm gonna miss my plane. Plus I don't want to wake him up," she said motioning at Lance.

Justin snickered, "I wouldn't worry about that, I think he out drank everyone at the club last night. He won't be moving anytime soon."

"Oh I'm so sorry I won't be around to see that," she said sarcastically.

"I'm sure you are. Do you want me to ride to the airport with you?"

"No, Dani and I are riding together. Go back to sleep and get some rest."

"Alright, give one of us a call so we know you got there safe and sound." He sat up to hug her goodbye, "And try and have some fun!"

"Yes Mom. I'll see you in a few days."


Sam tipped the bellhop and closed the door behind him. She looked around at the luxurious suite Lance had reserved for her. There were two sleeping rooms, each with a bathroom almost the size of her and Jen's apartment. She laughed at the thought of having two separate beds to choose from considering she slept on a couch the night before. She walked into the first room and surveyed its contents. It was perfectly acceptable but Sam decided to check the other room out before deciding. As she entered the second room her eyes met with masses of beautiful colors. The room was full of so many wonderful fragrances. Sam had never seen so many flowers. On the nightstand next to the bed there was a large vase of lilies of the valley with a card attached. She opened up the envelope and started reading out loud.

"I hope these will help put that beautiful smile back on your face. It's been missing for the past few days and I'm sorry for the part that I've played in that, truly sorry. I know you said these were your favorite flowers so, if everything is set up right, they're next to your bed so you can fall asleep and wake up inhaling their sweet scent. Of course I had to thrown in some other flowers for color. These may be your favorite, but they're pretty plain to look at. Although I bet they feel special, considering you love them so much. Lance."

'What a dork' Sam thought to herself, smiling as she bent down and smelled the delicate flowers. 'This must have been the surprise Dani was talking about' she said to herself as she walked into the bathroom to shower.


"I'm sorry I kept you waiting this morning," Sam said to Dani as they walked through the airport.

"It's okay. I had just gotten down there a couple minutes earlier myself. And besides, your flight is before mine so you were the only one in danger of not making it in time," she teased.

"Yeah tell me about it," Sam laughed. "I had a hell of a time getting up this morning."

"I know how that is, Chris and I didn't get much sleep last night either."

"Eww, please stop. You wouldn't believe the visuals you just put in my head," Sam said jokingly. "I really envy what you two have though. You two are so happy and you make it look so easy."

"It's not always easy, trust me. But if it's meant to be then it'll all work out in the end. I really believe that in every case," she said smiling at Sam.

"Was that a piece of advice that just flew by?"

Dani laughed, "Give it some time. Lance has had some bad experiences with relationships in the past. He'll come around. I hope you enjoy your surprise," she said turning and walking to her gate.

Sam didn't have time to go after her to find out what she meant by that. She went to the gate and boarded her flight just before it took off.


Sam had just finished getting dressed when the phone in her room rang. She didn't even have to wait to hear the voice, she knew who it would be.

"Hello Lance," she answered.

He giggled, "How'd you know it was me?"

"Because no one else knows where I'm staying. What's up?" she asked while brushing her hair.

"Well first of all, how come you didn't wake me up when you left, and second why didn't you call when you first got in?"

"A, because I heard you were quite the party animal last night, and B because I forgot. Speaking of last night, how's the hangover?"

"It'll be fine as soon as this aspirin kicks in," he paused. "How did you hear about it anyway?"

"Justin was awake when I left. He filled me in," Sam explained.

"Oh," he said solemnly. "So how's the room?" he asked changing the subject.

"It's huge," Sam said laughing. "I have no idea what I'm going to do with all this space, but my surprise definitely helps to fill it."

"What? She's already there? I thought she wasn't coming out until tomorrow," he said surprised.

"Who are you talking about?" Sam was confused. "I was talking about the flowers."

"Right. And I was talking about the florist, she told me she didn't think she'd have everything ready today," he said covering quickly.

"Well she did and it looks amazing. Especially the lilies of the valley by the bed," Sam said, not noticing the smile erupting on her face.

"Good. I'm glad you like them," a smile now graced his face also.

"I love them, but I have to finish getting ready and get downstairs."

"Okay, let me know how it goes," Lance said.

"I will. Bye," Sam said hanging up the phone.


"Dude, you sent her flowers too?" Justin asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, why?" Lance asked confused.

"Nothing. It's just that you tell her you just want to be friends then you keep doing all this stuff for her. You shouldn't be screwing with her head like that."

"What are you talking about? You're the one that suggested I bring Jen out. And as far as the flowers go, friends can send friends flowers," Lance said sarcastically.

"That's not what I meant. I'm just saying I can see how Sami would be getting mixed signals from you. I just don't want her to be hurt anymore," Justin said running his fingers through his mass of curls.

"I'm not trying to confuse her. I was just trying to show her I was sorry for the pain that I had caused her," Lance explained. "You're not the only one who cares about her Justin."

"I know man. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I just...I don't know..just forget I said anything," he said standing up and walking out of the room.

Chapter 15