Joey was sitting downstairs in the café sipping the steaming hot coffee and staring aimlessly at his surroundings. His head was still pounding from his activities last night. He was upset with himself for trying to drink away his problems instead of turning to someone to help. He just couldn't bare to utter the words out loud to anyone. He had made a big mistake and he couldn't handle the seeing the disappointment he felt for himself reflected in anyone else's face. As he was sitting there contemplating the situation, a petite brunette caught his attention. He noticed her out of the corner of his eye and for a split second he thought it was her. When he turned around to get a better look he realized his eyes were deceiving him. She would have no reason to be in this town in the first place. The last time she was here was when the two of them were together.


"AHH! Put me down Joey," she pleaded as he began spinning around faster.

"No way, not until you admit you were wrong and I was right," he said laughing and running down the hallway with her over his shoulder.

"Okay, okay I give in. You were right, Superman is a better superhero than Batman is. Are you happy now?" she asked rolling her eyes.

He released his grip and let her slip down into his arms, "Yes I am." He leaned down and kissed her, lifting her back off the ground.

Chris had just walked out of his room and witnessed the embrace. "Yuck. Get a room would ya?" he said playfully smacking Joey on the back of the head.

Joey released her from his grip momentarily so he could retaliate. Chris and Joey were almost at the point of wrestling when she stepped in. "You know, we do have a room Joe," her blue eyes twinkling.

Joey looked at Chris. "See ya later buddy," he said turning in her direction and sticking one finger up on either side of his head, charging at her like a bull.

She took off running to their room laughing. "Oh and by the way, Superman didn't even have a car," she said darting into the open door.

"Ugh! He didn't need a car. He could fly!" Joey said raising his voice as he scooped her up in his arms again and shut the door with his foot.


It seemed like only yesterday they were so happy together. Joey couldn't believe how everything had changed so drastically in the past few months. His life as he knew it was forever changed, there was no denying that. He just needed to decide if he was going sit back and do nothing, or stand up and take responsibility for his actions. He sat silently for the next few hours searching for the answer.


Sam walked into her suite and collapsed on the couch exhausted. Everything went off without a hitch today but it was a lot more work than she had expected. This was the first time she had been at one of the in-person auditions and there were so many details to stay on top off. She was proud of her self for handling it without having a nervous breakdown. Sam smiled as she kicked her shoes off and unfastened her watch, sitting it on the table. She picked up the phone to call Lance and give him a report on the day's happenings. She was surprised to hear his voice message pick up until she glanced at the large mirrored clock on the wall and realized that with the time difference he was probably just about to take the stage. She was so busy all day that she hadn't even had time to think of him. Listening to his voice some of the sadness seemed to creep back into her consciousness. She heard the beep and began talking.

"Hey Lance, its Sam. Everything went wonderful today. There seemed to be a couple exceptionally talented applicants, of course that's just my opinion and what do I know?" she sighed. "Anyway, I've got everything ready for you to go over when I get back and I'll give you the full report then. Talk to you later."

Sam placed the receiver down and walked to her room to get ready for bed. She changed, washed her face, and brushed her teeth. As she climbed into the luxurious over sized bed she felt a wave of relief sweep through her body. Between the hectic day she had today and the emotional stress of the past few days she was completely drained. Just as she was about to close her eyes she remembered that she hadn't even told Jen that she was in Vegas, not to mention what had happened with her and Lance. She sat up and dialed their number, hoping to catch her. Instead she got the answering machine.

"Hey this is Jen and supposedly Sam still lives here too, although I haven't seen her since that spiky blonde guy came around. Anyhoo, leave a message and if it's for me I'll call you back if I feel like it. If it's for Sam, well then I guess you're S.O.L. Later."

Samantha was laughing out loud at this point. It was the first time she had heard this message. "Jen! You are such a dork! That message is seriously too much," Sam paused trying to catch her breath and stop laughing. "Speaking of too much, you'll never guess where I'm at right now. Vegas! I had to come out to cover the talent search and now I have two days off and nothing to do with myself. Oh! I just had a light bulb pop on! Is there any way you could come out for the weekend? I know it's short notice but it would be so crunk if we could have some fun in Sin City together. Give me a call in the morning and let me know. I'm staying at MGM. I hopefully hope you can come out," Sam said giggling at her references to the guys' personal vocabulary. She hung up the phone and settled into the comfortable bed, falling asleep almost instantly.


Justin and Lance were relaxing on the bus after the show. Although the other guys had already fallen asleep, they were still not out of the adrenaline comatose that accompanied the rush of performing live. The two of them had barely spoken since their conversation earlier in the day. Justin felt bad for jumping on his case about Sami but he couldn't stand to see her in anymore pain. He knew Lance cared for her, he just wished he'd make up his mind once and for all if he wanted more than a friendship with her. He decided to open the topic up again.

"Hey Lance I'm sorry for the stuff I said earlier about Sami and all," Justin said adjusting the baseball cap he was wearing before continuing. "I know you're having a hard time with the whole situation too. I didn't mean to sound like I didn't care what you were going through."

"It's okay," Lance said staring at the floor. "I know you two are close."

Justin sensed a tone of resentment in his voice. "Does that have anything to do with why you keep pushing her away?"

"I'm not gonna lie and say that it doesn't bother me a little," Lance said biting his lip. "But that's not why I don't want to get involved with her."

Justin sighed, feeling like an ass for betraying his friend "Then what is it? I guess I just don't understand."

"I guess it's not so much not wanting to be involved with her, but just involved period. You know how hard it is to make a relationship fit with everything else in our lives. And I don't exactly have the best track record when it comes to that," Lance said, his eyes downcast as he shrugged, looking back up at his groupmate with a slight frown.

"Look man, I understand what you're saying. I really do," he said talking animatedly with his hands. "But I don't think you should base everything on one or two bad relationships. Think about what you may be missing out on if you stop trying."

"I know. I've thought about that, believe me I have. I'm just…" he paused, fiddling with the ring on his right hand. Justin motioned for him to continue. "I'm scared of losing her. If for some reason it didn't work out then I lose threefold. I lose my girlfriend, my friend and an amazing assistant. I'm just not sure I want to chance it, ya know?"

"See, was that so hard to admit?" Justin teased. Lance smiled slightly as his confidant continued. "I really don't think Sami would leave if things didn't work out. She really loves this job and she knows what to expect of your lifestyle. And yet she still wants to be with you."

"Yeah that's true, she does understand how…" he trailed off. "She wants to be with me? Did she tell you that?" his face lighting up as he asked.

Justin laughed, "Yes you fool. She didn't say those exact words but she didn't have to. Can't you tell?"

"I guess I was just trying not to notice. I hoped that she felt the same way, I just wasn't sure," Lance said, a look of concern once again adorning his face as he continued. "I mean you two spend so much time together and I didn't know if maybe…"

Justin cut him off, "We're just friends Lance. Nothing more," he reassured him. Justin knew now that for the sake of everyone's feelings he had to let go of his attraction to Sam. It was plain to see that Lance cared very deeply for her, and Justin knew that Sam felt the same way for him. In the end he only wanted her to be happy and he knew that Lance could do that for her, if they'd only stop running from each other. He stood up and stretched as he spoke again. "I think you really need to think about the wonderful relationship you could be giving up just on the off chance that something might go wrong. Is it really worth it?" he asked, shrugging his shoulders. Lance nodded in agreement as Justin continued. "Oh and by the way, if you did screw things up with her so badly that she left, you know I'd have to kick your ass right?" he said smirking.

Lance chuckled, "Thanks, that's just what I need, more pressure."

"No problem. Now I don't know about you but I'm tired as hell so I'm going to sleep," he said while yawning widely.

"Yeah same here. I'll be going in a couple minutes. I just need to be alone for a little while," Lance sighed. "Thanks for the advice."

Justin nodded his head understanding and walked to his bunk.


Jen walked into the apartment, switching on the light as she sat her purse down on the counter. She noticed the blinking light on the answering machine and reached over to press play. She stood there laughing as she listened to Sam's message. "Sorry Sami, somebody already beat you to it," she said walking to her bedroom to begin packing for her morning flight. As she was rounding up her things she started going over her earlier conversation with Lance, making sure she had all of the details straight.


"Okay, it's all set. You're flight leaves at 9:00 tomorrow morning and the driver will have your tickets and all the other information we he comes to get you at 7:30."

"Ooh Lance, you're springing for a driver too? You sure know how to impress a gal," Jen said sarcastically.

"I'm not so sure about that," Lance sighed. "I don't think Sam's too impressed with me right now."

"Why? What did you do now?" Jen asked worried.

"I don't really want to get into it. I'm sure she'll tell you all about it. I'm kind of surprised she hasn't already."

"Well for your sake you're probably lucky she hasn't or else I'd most likely be reaching through the phone right now to try and knock some sense into you," Jen said laughing. "But since you're sending me on an all expenses paid trip to Vegas, I'll leave you alone until I hear the full story. But consider yourself warned."

Lance snickered, "Okay I gotcha. Just remember that Sam's probably going to need some cheering up."

"Don't worry about it, I'll take care of her." Jen smiled as she continued, "I never thought I'd miss her sappiness as much as I do."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. She's only been gone a few hours and it's just not the same around here."

"Oh how sweet, I think I'm gonna be sick," Jen said making gagging noises into the phone.

"Ouch! You're not one for subtlety are you?" he asked laughing.

"Nope. Not at all, you'll learn the methods of my madness eventually."

The two of them were laughing as they said good bye. Jen thought about calling Sam to see if she was okay but she knew she wouldn't be able to keep the secret from her so she decided to wait until she saw her tomorrow afternoon.


Chapter 16