
"Dude! What the heck is your problem?" JC asked Lance, who was sitting next to him shifting back and forth in the seat and fidgeting with the buttons on his cell phone. The two of them were on the way to the airport to pick up Samantha, and Lance had been acting weird all day. "Are you nervous about something?"

"Yeah, I guess I am," Lance sighed looking out the window. "I'm a little worried about how things are going to be with Sam now," Lance said trailing off.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much. She's had a few days without you, I mean I'm sure it's still gonna be a little awkward between the two of you for awhile but it'll pass eventually," JC said trying to reassure him.

"Well, it's not just that," Lance said biting his bottom lip and focusing his eyes downward at his feet.

"So am I suppose to guess or are you going to tell me?"

"I think I'm going to tell her how I really feel about her," he mumbled barely audible, quickly looking back up to see JC's reaction.

"Are you serious?" JC asked obviously surprised. Lance nodded his head as he continued. "Well, it's about time. It only took her going away for you to realize what you really wanted eh?"

"Not just that, I suppose I've always known that I wanted to be with her," he paused before continuing. "There were just some issues that kept holding me back."

"Like what?"

"First there was the whole Justin thing."

"What Justin thing?" JC cut him off, wondering if Sam had told him about that night in her hotel room.

"It was nothing really," Lance said shaking his head. "I just thought that they might have had something going on or whatever, but both of them have swore that they're just friends and I trust that they wouldn't lie to me," he said shrugging his shoulders as he spoke again. "Besides, why would they?"

"That's true, they have no reason to lie," JC agreed, feeling a little deceitful for withholding the whole story from Lance. Although he was almost certain that what happened with Sam and Justin meant nothing to Sam, he couldn't say the same for Justin and he definitely couldn't tell Lance about it without betraying Justin's trust. It wasn't his truth to tell. "So what else were you afraid of?"

"The normal relationship stuff - being hurt again, losing her, not being able to give her all she deserves in a relationship. Just the small things like that," he said chuckling.

JC laughed knowingly before speaking. "I hear ya on that stuff, but you gotta remember that when it's meant to be everything else will just fall into place. And truthfully man, I haven't seen two people as meant to be as you two. As far as not being able to give her what she deserves, look at much you've already given her just as a friend," he finished gesturing with his hands.

"I'm not talking about the material things JC, that stuff doesn't matter to her anymore than it does to me. I meant the time and energy it takes to maintain a relationship."

"That's not what I meant either Lance," he said furrowing his brow at his friend. "I was referring to ALL of the stuff you've done for her, not just the stuff you've bought her. Besides, she knows what she's getting into. She's seen it first hand for the past two months and if it's time you're worried about, you two work together, she tours with us, how much more time do you want?" he teased.

"Everybody keeps telling me that, about her understanding my lifestyle and still wanting to be with me, maybe I should start believing it huh?" Lance didn't wait for an answering before resuming his thoughts. "I've thought about us working together too, I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing, us always being together."

"For you two it is. If I'm hearing you right, your main reservation is that you won't be able to be the kind of boyfriend that you want to be, that you won't be able to be there for her right?" Lance shook his head in agreement before JC spoke again. "Well, she is a part of this world now so you'll have more time than you would for someone on the outside. And I wouldn't worry about being together too much because you're both the type of people who want to be consumed by a relationship. I'm not saying it'll be the only thing in your life, but you know what I mean. Like myself, I can't be around someone 24/7 and not want to kill them, but you two can. Besides, its not like you'll be together constantly, only when we're touring, and even then you're not together all the time, take this trip for example."

"That's true," Lance agreed while sighing heavily. "But then there's me being her boss, that could lead to big problems."

"Oh my gosh! You're just searching for excuses now," JC exclaimed frustrated. "Your family works for you, what would be the difference? Besides, since when have you acted like a 'boss' with Sam?" JC asked, making quotation marks in the air. "It's always been more of a friendship and there's no reason it would change if you two were dating and you know that."

"Okay, so maybe you're right," Lance conceded. "I know all of this already, but it doesn't hurt hearing it from someone else."

"I'm glad I could help you out, but if you ask me this is all a front," JC said smiling.

"What is?" Lance asked confused.

"This being nervous about seeing Sam routine. I think its Jen that you're really nervous about seeing. Especially after the last conversation you had with her," JC managed to spit out before doubling over with laughter.

Lance shook his head up and down with quick motions in agreement, laughing nervously as he thought about the exchange JC was referring to.


"Hello?" Jen answered cheerfully.

"Uh...is that you Sam?"

"Nope. It's Jen," she replied flatly, her tone instantly changing when she recognized Lance's voice.

"Oh hey. How was your flight?"

"It was fine. Is that what you called for?"

"No, I was actually returning Sam's call. Can I talk to her please?" Lance asked a little surprised by Jen's attitude towards him.

"No. She's not available," Jen told him with the bitterness evident in her voice.

"What do you mean she's not available?" he asked confused while becoming increasingly irritated. "She just called me not five minutes ago."

"Yeah and then she got in the shower."

"Well, could you give her a message for me please?" He didn't give her a chance to reply before finishing. "Just tell her I called and ask her to give me a call back when she gets a chance."

"I'll tell her you called, but I'm not going to tell her to call you," Jen said matter-of-factly.

"And why not?" Lance questioned her angrily.

"Because you are her boss and she is on vacation now. Am I right?" she asked sarcastically. "How many people do you know that talk to their bosses while they're on vacation?"

"I'm not just her boss."

"Exactly. And that is the very reason she needs a vacation from you right now."

"Listen Jen, I know she's your friend but whatever is going on in our personal relationship is just that, personal," Lance shot back.

"You know, you may be right but I'm not gonna just sit back and smile while you trample all over her feelings. No matter how many free trips you throw at me," Jen said defending her actions.

"Why the sudden attitude change? You had no problem with me when we talked the other day?"

"Yeah well that was before I got here and actually saw how much Sam was hurting, no matter how much she denies it." Jen exhaled loudly before continuing. "I know you're a good guy Lance and I know that you care about her. You just need to decide if you want to be more than her friend and stop playing with her emotions."

"I never meant to intentionally hurt her. That's the last thing I wanted," Lance stressed, his voice saddening. "It's just not that simple Jen."

"See, and I think it is. Do me a favor tonight Lance?"


"When you're on stage singing "It's Gonna Be Me", pay extra attention to the lyrics," she said before hanging up the phone.


"She was right you know," JC said with a crooked smile forming on his lips. "That song fits your situation perfectly. How's that for karma?"

"Thanks a lot," Lance said trying not to smile. "Whose side are you on anyway?"

"Yours, that's why I agree with her," he said placing his hands on Lance's shoulders, affectionately squeezing them as they walked into the airport.


"I don't know about you, but that was the best flight I've ever had," Sam commented to Jen as they were exiting the plane.

"Oh yes, I'm just not sure which part was my favorite. The screaming heathen of a child that sat behind us kicking the seats while his mother did nothing, or the man in front of us that was snoring so loudly that I actually thought for awhile that the vibrations coming from his nose were turbulence."

"Don't forget about the bitchy flight attendant," Sam added.

"Right, how could I ever forget Amber?" Jen remarked, saying her name in the same snotty tone she had spoke to them with. "So is Lance meeting us here or just sending a car?"

"Why are you gonna attack him again?" Sam asked jokingly. Jen had told her about the phone conversation with Lance a few days earlier. "I still don't know why you did that. I told you that I understood his decision."

"Yes, I know what you TOLD me," the tall brunette said to her. "That doesn't mean I believe you, or agree with you."

"Well you should because I mean it. I'm okay with just being his friend, honestly," Sam explained, trying to convince Jen as well as herself.

"Whatever," she said rolling her hazel eyes at Sam.

Sam laughed at her friend as she began speaking again. "Have I mentioned how happy I am that you're here?"

"Nope. Have I mentioned how I owe you for the rest of my life for getting me a job working for Johnny?"

"No problem," Sam said shrugging her shoulders. "What good are connections if you don't use them to help out your friends?"

"True dat," Jen agreed as the two started laughing.

"Oh don't look now but I think I've spotted our escorts," Sam said pointing to Lance and JC.

"So should I feel special that I got an extra boy band member?"

"Naw, he probably just brought JC along as reinforcement" Sam kidded, as she cocked her head to the side and watched Lance as he spoke to JC. The two of them hadn't noticed her and Jen yet. "Look at him, he looks scared or something. I wonder if that has to do with you or me."

"Poor boy, he hasn't figured out that I'm harmless really, he just caught me at a bad moment. Now, if it was Mel, she would kick his ass and then force him to date you," Jen said referring to the pair's feisty friend, always known for fiercely protecting her friends. "Oh and by the way I talked to her the day before I left and she said that if she doesn't hear from you soon, she's gonna file kidnapping charges against your boss."

"I know, we keep missing each other. She's probably gonna kick my ass too," Sam responded laughing.

"Well, I can't help Lance if he's scared of you, but there's something I can do to ease his fears of me. Take my bag," she said slipping it off her shoulder and handing it to her friend.

"Why?" Sam asked while reluctantly accepting the luggage. "What are you up to?"

"You'll see," Jen answered with a wicked smile gracing her face as she took off in Lance's direction. Sam caught up to her just in time to see her jump on his back and witness both of the men's total shock. Just as JC and the bodyguards accompanying them were about to tear Jen off thinking she was a crazed fan, they noticed Sam smiling walking up behind them. Jen had enveloped Lance into a hug at this point with her arms and legs wrapped around him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you," she said gleefully while still clinging onto him.

"Uh Lonnie, JC, somebody, you wanna help me out here?" he pleaded with obvious fear in his voice.

"Sorry buddy, you're on your own," JC said backing away with his hands up in the air.

"Lance, I'm hurt that you don't recognize me. Especially after all the friendly chats we've had," she teased.

Just then Lance heard Sam's familiar laugh and turned around to see her standing there beaming with delight. He hadn't realized how much he had truly missed her and that smile until just now or how sure he was about his feelings for her. "Allow me to formally introduce you two. Lance this is Jen, Jen this is Lance."

"I should've known," Lance said smiling at Sam while Jen slid off his back.

"Yes you should've," Jen agreed, taking her bag from Sam and passing it to Lance. "And for your punishment, you shall carry my luggage."

He accepted it without arguing as JC spoke up. "What am I, chopped liver?"

"I was thinking more like chicken," Jen remarked.

"Oh man, I knew this was gonna be a blast," Sam said chuckling. "I'm sorry JC," she said before introducing the two.

Jen extended her hand to him. "Lance gets mauled and I get a hand shake?" he asked clutching his chest in an effort to illustrate his mock heartbreak before turning her hand over and leaning forward, kissing it gently. "It's very nice to finally meet you. We've all heard so much about you."

"It's all lies, I swear," she joked, caught slightly off guard by JC's gesture. "But enough of this chit chat, can we go cuz I am starving and I need to find a bathroom before I explode."

"I second that," Sam piped in.

"Sure, we could go get some dinner actually if you want," Lance offered looking at Sam. "Believe it or not, we have the rest of the night free."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Sam agreed smiling warmly at Lance. She had decided the best way to deal with what had happened between them before she left was to act like it had never taken place, to just go back to the way things were before. It was working surprisingly well. "Is that okay with you guys?" she asked Jen and JC. They both agreed. "Great, then let's go."

"Wait a minute, don't you think we should get the rest of your baggage?" JC asked.

"This is it," Sam said pointing to the girl's carry-ons.

"Are you telling me that you managed to fit everything you needed in one bag?" Lance asked shocked.

"What can I say?" Sam said shrugging her shoulders. "I learned from the master of economical packing," she explained glancing at Jen.

"That's right and y'all should be thanking me right now, because if it wasn't for me, she would've brought half of our apartment on the bus with her."

"Your efforts are very much appreciated," JC said laughing as he continued. "But I think she did it anyway." Sam pretended to pout as he put his arm around her before taking her bag. "I was just playing sweetie."

"Come on lets go," Jen instructed, grabbing Lance by the arm. "I think it's about time for us to have a heart to heart Lance," she said as they walked ahead of Sam and JC. Lance looked back at the two of them with a 'help me' look on his face and they just smiled and waved as Jen started in on him.

"So why didn't you tell me Jen was so stunning in person?"

Sam looked up at JC surprised. "I don't think she's your type JC."

"I didn't say I was interested in her. That's the last thing I'm looking for right now. I was simply stating that she is a beautiful girl," he explained as they walked out of the airport.

Chapter 19