
"So what were you and Jen talking about?" Sam asked before taking a sip of water. She and Lance were sitting at the table alone waiting for their dinner. JC had went back to the car to get his phone and Jen went with him, saying she wanted to stretch her legs after the long plane ride. It didn't take a genius to realize it was their way of giving Sam and Lance some time alone.

"Not much," he said smiling affectionately at Sam, his remarkable green eyes studying the soft features of her face. "She was just telling me some things I already know."

"What would that be?"

"Can we talk about it later? I would like to do it when I know for sure we won't be interrupted."

"I can tell you right now that Jen and JC will be gone longer than it takes them to walk to the car and back. So we might as well do it now," Sam reasoned.

"It's about us," Lance started.

"Please, stop right there. I know that we're just friends. I know that's all we're going to be. I am fine with that. We don't need to talk about it anymore," Sam interjected.

"Sam, really I need to say this--"

She cut him off again. "And I am begging you to please drop it. You were right Lance, we shouldn't be involved. It would be stupid. I love my job and I treasure our friendship and I don't want to do anything to risk losing either one of them."

Lance reluctantly agreed to her request, believing that because he had waited so long to tell her his true feelings, he had done the very thing he was most afraid of, lost her. He decided against pushing the subject any further. He may have lost his chance at having her love, but he wasn't going to chance losing her as a friend. "Yeah that's pretty much what I was going to say," he lied. "So I'm guessing by Jen's greeting that the two of you had a good time in Vegas?" he asked changing the subject, trying to pretend like his heart wasn't aching to reach out and hold her in his arms.

"Oh god yes. We had so much fun, probably a little too much," Sam laughed as she explained.


"Are you sure Johnny will be okay with me not going straight to the hotel to meet him?" Jen asked again.

JC smiled as he gave her the same answer he had minutes before. "Yes. Will you relax please? He said for you to take it easy tonight and then come see him in the morning."

"Sorry. I guess I'm just a little nervous."

"It's okay, I understand. So do you have someone special back in Orlando?" he asked trying to get her mind off of the new job she would be starting tomorrow.

"As in a boyfriend? Nope," she answered shaking her head for emphasis. "I'm looking for an available, rich, good-looking popstar though. Do you happen to know any?"

"Can't say that I do."

"Yeah me either, at least not good-looking ones," she teased.

"Ouch," JC said hanging his head wounded. "So do you think it's time we went back now?" he asked looking back up at her as she was smiling proudly.

"Yeah if they aren't all over each other by now then, he's probably said something stupid to hurt her again," Jen said as she began to walk to the door. "Besides, our food should be ready by now."

"That's not fair. He doesn't mean to hurt her, he's just stubborn."

"Tell me about it. So is she, and they both think too much. I'm much more partial to do now, think later."

"Is that so?" JC asked raising an eyebrow at her.

"Yep. Life's more fun that way trust me," Jen said nodding knowingly.

JC smiled at her as they entered the restaurant and made their way back to the table. When they got there they found Sam and Lance laughing heartily. "Well, that's a good sign," JC whispered to Jen as he pulled out her chair and motioned for her to sit down.

"So what is so comical to you two?" Jen asked.

"Sam was just telling me about the friend you made in Vegas. Lorenzo right?" Lance asked trying to repress his laughter.

"Oh how nice of her," she said glaring at Sam. "He wasn't a friend, he was a stalker. And he was scary," she told them before joining in their laughter. "Oh, and since we're sharing stories, did Sami mention how she was dancing on the tables in Rum Jungle?"

"WHAT?!" the two men asked in unison staring at Sam with their mouths open, completely shocked

"Ah, so she hasn't shown y'all her wild side yet eh?" Jen asked laughing. "Don't worry, I was as shocked as you when I got my first peek of it."

"I'm totally surprised she even has one to tell you the truth. So what do you have to say for yourself young lady?" JC asked folding his arms over his chest. Lance just sat there speechless, once again amazed at how she always managed to surprise him.

Sam peeked out from behind her hands that she had used to hide her severe blushing and spoke meekly. "It was Vegas?" she offered shrugging. She glanced over at Lance and noticed his bewilderment. "Oh don't look at me like that. I'm almost positive you've done far worse things in that very same club." He simply smiled at her as the waiter approached and began serving their meal.


"So did you miss me brat?" Sam asked plopping herself next to him on the bed.

"Of course I did. It was hard for me to sleep," Justin said winking as he stretched and turned on his side to face her. "Did you have a good time?"

"Yes, Jen and I had a wonderful time. And I also had a lot of time to get some thoughts in order."

"Oh yeah? What kind of thoughts?"

"I just realized that maybe Lance was right, about us just being friends," she explained.

"Are you sure that's what you really want or are you just trying to make yourself believe that so it hurts less?" he asked while studying her face.

"No. I think he was right and part of the reason is because of the other thing I've been thinking about since I left."

"What would that be?" he asked confused. She sighed heavily and turned away from his gaze. He placed his hand on her cheek and gently guided her head back towards him. "Sami?" he asked, staring longingly into her deep brown eyes.

"You Justin and that night. I know that we said it was a mistake and that it was just out of loneliness, but now..." she trailed off.

"Now you're not so sure," he said finishing her thought, his radiant blue eyes dancing with the racing of his heart that Sam could now feel as he pulled her into his body. "I feel the same way," he whispered just before their lips met in a tender kiss. He paused, moving away from her slightly, not sure if this is what she wanted. Samantha wasted no time in showing him her feelings.

"Justin," she breathed drawing him back into her arms wantonly, while placing her lips on his and allowing herself be free in the moment.

Chapter 20