
"So you're telling me that you believe her?" JC asked incredulously. He and Lance were relaxing in their hotel suite discussing what Sam had told him the night before while he and Jen were away from the table.

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Because you told her the same thing and it wasn't true," JC pointed out.

"That's different," Lance huffed.


"I don't know it just is. Something was different with her, her feelings have changed," the handsome man shrugged, his green eyes filled with sadness looking at his friend. "I missed my chance."

"Do you really think that the feelings she had for you are gone after three days in Vegas? I mean sure it's a fun place but it's not that great," JC kidded. "I can't believe you're gonna give up that easily."

"I don't want to hurt her anymore than I already have so I am going to do what she asked and leave it alone," Lance explained just as someone knocked on the door. "Come in," he shouted not bothering to get up because he knew only their crew had access to this particular floor of the hotel.

"Hey guys," Jen greeted them entering the room. "Is Sami here?"

"Nope," Lance mumbled.

Jen observed the serious expressions on the pair's faces. "I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?"

"No, it's alright," Lance spoke rising from his seat on the sofa. "I'll see you guys later. I need some air."

JC sighed heavily, troubled by the dilemma his friend was facing. "Sam's not here, she went to wake sleeping beauty." Jen looked puzzled as she sat down beside him. "Justin," he clarified. "So how was your meeting with Johnny?"

"It was great. He's much less scary than I expected him to be," she said smiling.

"Yeah he's a good guy," JC agreed.

"He seems like it. I'm sure I'm going to enjoy working for him. So I suppose I don't have to ask what's wrong with Lance."

"I take it Sam told you about their conversation last night?"

"Yep, she told me all about the bogus lines she fed him."

"So she was lying?" JC questioned.

"Through her teeth," Jen scoffed. "She's been giving me the same crap for the past few days. It's just her way of dealing with his rejection."

"See that's the thing, he was going to tell her his true feelings last night and she wouldn't let him!" JC revealed.

"I KNEW something was up with him," she said shaking her head.

"I don't understand how they both can be so oblivious to other's feelings, ya know?" he commented, tilting his head slightly while crinkling his nose.

"Exactly!" Jen exclaimed. "I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks it's blatantly obvious that they want each other, BAD," she added for emphasis.

"Silly kids. They just need a push," JC thought out loud.

"That is precisely what I was thinking." Jen grinned evilly as she continued. "And I have the perfect plan. We're leaving tonight after the show right?" JC said yes as she continued, "And you have tomorrow night off again, do you guys have any commitments?"

"As far as work related? No. And I don't think any of the guys have made any other plans yet. Why, what did you have in mind?" he asked curiously. Jen explained her scheme to him and he nodded with approval. "I like that, very devious."

"Thank you," Jen said pleased with herself.

"Let's go tell everyone else before they do make other plans," JC said springing up quickly and pulling Jen with him.


"Justin," she whispered again, gently caressing his face. He kissed her vigorously as she kept repeating his name. He had never liked hearing it as much as he did passing through her lips. His hands were roaming the sensual curves of her body and he wanted to stay in this moment forever, to just shut the rest of the world out and remain in each others arms for eternity right there in that very bed. Something seemed to pulling him away though.

"Justin," Sam said louder this time, softly nudging his shoulder trying to awaken him. He finally opened his eyes. "It's about time," she said smiling down at him.

"Sami, you," he paused. "Have THE worst timing."

"Aww, I'm sorry. Were you just about to get some nookie?" she teased.

"Yes!" he pouted.

"Well, I can leave and let you get back to it," Sam said beginning to stand up.

"No way, that'll never work," Justin grabbed hold of her, dragging her back into the bed with him and wrapping his arms around her. "I have a better idea," he said wriggling his eyebrows, and flashing that million-dollar smile at her.

Sam looked at him with an expression of mock disgust adorning her face. "I missed you too kid, but not that much," she said now giggling.

"I know, I'm just playing," he laughed as he kissed her forehead. "So how was your trip? You seem to be in a much better mood than before you left."

"Speaking of me leaving, I see you waited until I did to put these lovely things back in your hair," she said sarcastically, running her fingers over the freshly braided cornrows.

"Uh, that was just a coincidence, I swear man," he explained shifting his eyes back and forth as he spoke.

"Yeah sure it was," Sam said disbelieving. "But to answer your question, all is great in my world again. I have my dream job and wonderful friends, why wouldn't it be?" she shrugged. "Jen and I had a ball in Vegas. Speaking of Jen, go get your butt dressed so I can introduce you two finally."

"Yes ma'am," he obeyed as they climbed out of the bed. He headed for the bathroom and she for the sitting room of his suite. Sam paused before leaving the room.

"Justin do me a favor please?"

"What's that?" he asked, turning back to her as he spoke.

"Make sure you brush your teeth and use lots of mouthwash, because your breath," she paused searching for the right words. "Well, it's just bad honey," she answered laughing playfully while closing the door behind her.

"Hey, your breath isn't too appealing when you first wake up either woman!" he hollered through the door, a smile forming over his lips as he finished. "Way to let go of those feelings Justin," he mumbled to himself as he entered the bathroom.


Lance was sitting in the courtyard of the hotel, enjoying some rare privacy when a young girl slowly started making her way towards him, her mother not far behind. Just as his security guard was about to send them away, Lance waved him off. The little girl reminded him of someone but he wasn't sure who. She had long dark-blonde hair and beautiful hazel eyes. She stood there nervously holding a piece of paper and a pen in her hands as she spoke.

"Can I please have your autograph Lance?" she asked barely above a whisper.

"Of course you can sweetie. What's your name?" he asked taking the paper and pen from her grasp.

"Hannah." Lance smiled genuinely as he signed the paper and handed it back, her name instantly triggering a memory of Sam, as so many things often did. "Thank you very much. I love you!" she squealed, no longer able to contain her excitement.

"You're very welcome," he said as she began skipping away. She stopped and turned around, asking if she could have one more favor. "What's that?" Lance asked titling his head.

"Could you please ask Justin to cut his hair? It's nasty," she said making a face to illustrate her dislike in his growing mane of hair.

"I'll be sure to tell him you said so," he chuckled. Watching her talk animatedly with her mom as they walked away, Lance drifted back to the discussion with Sam that she had helped him recall, realizing why the young child looked familiar to him.


Samantha and Lance were sitting at the table working. Lance was going through some applications that he had received for the talent search and Sam was typing away on her laptop.

"Aww, my sister sent me some new pictures of my niece."

"I thought you were working," Lance said raising an eyebrow at her, trying not to smile.

"I am. I was checking your email and I switched over to mine real quick. Sue me," she said sticking her tongue out at him. "So do you wanna see them or not?"

"Yeah, of course I do," he smiled, scooting his chair next to her. "She is so adorable," he cooed.

"Yeah she is isn't she?" Sam agreed. "I can only imagine what I'll be like when I have my own."

"So you do want kids then?"

"Oh yes. Not like tomorrow or anything, but I definitely see myself as a mommy in the future."

"How many do you want?" he asked sitting down the papers he held in his hands, focusing all of his attention on her.

"I'm not sure," she paused in thought. "At least two, probably more if the situation is right. What about you?"

"Two is a good number," he answered smiling. "Do you ever think of potential names?"

"All the time, but I thought only girls did that," she giggled. "Do you have names picked out?"

"Not just girls do it," he said defensively. "Xander for a boy, Hailey for a girl."

"Hailey is cute, but Xander?" she said crinkling her nose. "Yuck, that reminds me of Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

"Well, what are yours then?"

"I have tons of girls names that I love, my favorite right now is probably Hannah though. Boys I don't have as many but I like Griffin and Garrett."

"Garrett? Yeah, he wouldn't get picked on too much," Lance said rolling his eyes. "I can see it now, Garrett the carrot, Garrett the ferret, and so on."

"Well it's obvious we'd have fun trying to decide on names if we were having children together. Although I suppose it'd be worth it if they got your eyes," Sam beamed.

"And your beautiful smile."

"Yeah but they'd probably just end up with my boring brown eyes and brown hair too, since brown usually dominates over lighter eye colors."

"You never know, she could be a equal mix of both of us, dark-blonde and hazel eyes maybe," he paused and looked directly into her eyes before continuing. "And nothing about you is boring Sam." Sam could feel herself melting under the heat of his gaze.

"What are you two talking about?" Chris asked entering the room.

"Having kids," Lance answered.

"Whoa, I didn't even know you were dating."

"Oh we're not, we're just sleeping together, less hassles," Sam retorted.

"I'm shocked Sam, you've corrupted our innocent Lance," Chris said frowning, feigning disgust.

"Let me tell you, it was well worth it," Lance chimed in before they all started laughing.

"And on that note, it's time we get back to work," Sam said focusing her attention back onto the screen in front of her.

"Y'all aren't really bumpin' uglies are ya?" Chris asked out of nowhere a few minutes later. The two of them giggled at Chris' warped sense of humor as Lance shook his head no, and Sam shook hers the opposite direction. "Man, now I'm always gonna be wondering!" Chris whined.


"So where is the afro boy?" Jen asked as her and JC bounded into the room.

"The afro is no more," Sam said shutting the door behind them. "At least for this week anyway. He's in the shower."

"Not those nasty cornrows again?"

"Yes my dear friend, they have returned," Sam confirmed. "So what are you guys doing down here?"

"Well, JC has thought of a good way for me to get to know everybody better. Isn't that right JC?" she asked, hitting him in the stomach.

"Ugh, yeah. I thought it would be a good idea for all of us to go out together tomorrow night. That way she can feel less pressure if we're in a relaxed environment...or something like that," he said smiling mischievously. "Besides, we haven't all went out together since one of the first nights you were here."

"That's true. It sounds like lots o' fun to me. Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise," JC replied, opening his eyes widely for effect.

"What's a surprise?" Justin asked emerging from the bedroom.

"Where we're going tomorrow night," Sam said turning as she introduced him and Jen.

"It's nice to finally meet you. Sami has told us a lot about you," he said clutching onto Sam's shoulders as he smiled at Jen.

"Yeah, Sami has told me all about you guys too," Jen said stressing the nickname that only she and Mel had used to address Samantha. "Is it okay if I use your bathroom?"

"Of course," Justin said moving out of the doorway. A few minutes later she walked out of the bathroom but lingered in the bedroom. "Are you looking for something?" Justin asked peeking his head in the room

"Yeah actually I am," she said not bothering to halt her search.

"What would that be?"

"The bedazzler, where do you keep it?" Jen asked before bursting into a bright smile.

"Ah, it's hidden from would be thieves like yourself," Justin countered.

"Damn it all," she pouted as they walked back into the main room.

JC looked at Sam for an explanation; she just shrugged her shoulders. "Okay, well shall we go inform the others of our plans then?" he asked.

They all agreed except for Jen, who was standing silent, fixated on Justin until she noticed everyone staring at her. "Oh sorry. You guys do what you like, I have to go to work," she said still staring at the tall man and the bandana wrapped around his forehead. She started walking towards the door as Sam grabbed her arm.

"Just get it out now girl, or you're gonna be thinking about it all day while you're trying to learn your new job," Sam instructed.

An evil grin crept across her face as she started to speak, "Justin, I bumped into Willie Nelson in Vegas and he wanted me to tell you to give him back his bandanas," Jen exhaled satisfied.

"Feel better?" Sam asked as JC was laughing boisterously, with Justin eventually joining in.

"Much," she said walking out of the room. "See y'all later."

"You weren't kidding about her were you?" Justin asked. "Even though it was me she picked as a target, that girl is funny."

"Yep, that's my Jen."

Chapter 21