"Stop pushing me," Sam said grabbing Lance's hands from the small of her back as they walked from the dance floor to their table. "What's your hurry anyway?"

"I'm thirsty," he answered, once again nudging at her. She stopped dead in her tracks causing him to bump into her. "Okay fine, if that's the way you want," he said as he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her petite body, holding her against his chest, as he walked towards the rest of the group.

Her feet were dangling as she attempted to writhe away from his grasp, slapping at his arms. "You know this is very dangerous for you."

"How do you figure?"

"Well, with one movement of my leg I could make you sound like Chris."

"This is true, but you're too late," Lance said smiling as he placed her in front of the chair, his fingertips sliding across the exposed skin on her stomach as he released his embrace.

"What is it with you picking me up today?" Sam asked as she pulled her disheveled shirt back into place. "Do I look like a piece of exercise equipment or something?"

"You know, there's a joke there about you and dumbbells, but it's just way too easy," Chris commented, grinning widely.

"Haha," Sam said rolling her eyes at him before turning back to Lance. "By the way, if it's a workout you're looking for, I can think of much more fun ways to make you break a sweat," she said, causing Lance to almost choke on his drink.

"Oh lord," Jen said rolling her eyes as the rest of the table laughed at Lance's reaction. "Is nasty Samantha making an appearance tonight?" she asked.

"No, she's gone. That was just a momentary lapse."

"Nasty Samantha? Am I gonna get to see more of her?" Lance asked, now recovered from the surprise of Sam's earlier comment.

"Maybe, if you play your cards right," Sam answered, playfully batting her long luxurious eyelashes at him.

"Oh my goodness!" Chris exclaimed. "Would you two just do it and get it over with please? Geesh, there's so much underlying sexual frustration at this table right now, I feel like I'm back in high school," he finished, shaking his head.

The rest of the table was silent waiting for Sam and Lance's reaction. They all watched nervously as Lance stood up slowly and took Sam's hand. "Come on," he said tugging at her.

"Where are we going?" she asked confused.

"Didn't your mother teach you to listen to your elders?" he said, a smile forming over his full lips and his green eyes filled with mischief. "There's an empty limo parked outside."

"Lance!" Sam shrieked in a shocked tone. "That was a little uncalled for," she said while pulling him down into the empty chair next to her.

"Sorry," he said slightly embarrassed.

"I mean, come on, we're civilized human beings. We can wait till we get back to the hotel at least," she said, a bright smile gracing her face. Everyone erupted into laughter as Lance gently squeezed Sam's hand that he hadn't bothered to let go of. They exchanged an understanding look as she returned the gesture, neither one questioning why they didn't want to let go.

"So JC, this place is fun and all, but why the secrecy?" Justin asked changing the subject.

"Well," JC started, rubbing his hands together, his blue eyes dancing with enjoyment. "I think you're about to find out," he said pointing to the man who had just stepped onto the stage. Justin and Chris turned around in their chairs as the man spoke up.

"Well folks, it's eleven o' clock and y'all know what that means," he paused a moment for effect. "That's right it means that everyone is just drunk enough for karaoke. Our first victims, err I mean performers are #324." Three young men made their way to the stage. "So boys, what will you will be treating us with tonight?"

"Bye, Bye, Bye," one of them said, causing Sam, Jen and the guys to chuckle.

"Of course," the MC said. "The new favorite among drunken college guys." Now the whole room was laughing.

Sam and her friends watched the three men as they delivered a spirited version of the song, trying as hard as they could to remember the choreography. At one point, one of them almost knocked another in the head trying to do the arm motions. After they were finished the audience gave them a standing ovation, for their comedic elements. Chris and Justin turned back to the rest of the table; all of them still laughing as the MC called off the next number. Jen looked at the small piece of white paper in front of her.

"Oh, that's me," she said standing.

"You're singing?" Sam asked surprised.

"Nope, you are," Jen said grabbing onto Sam's wrist and pulling the unsuspecting brunette out of her seat.


"Yep, let's go," she said dragging her to the stage before Sam had a chance to resist.

"So what are you two singing for us?" the MC asked.

"It's a surprise," Jen said snatching the microphone from his hand and shooing him off the stage. She nodded at the woman running the equipment that she had spoken with earlier, as she slid a wooden stool to the center of the stage. Jen handed Sam the microphone and motioned for her to sit down.

"What is going on?" Sam asked, covering the microphone with her hand.

"I am doing my basic duties as your friend," she answered.

"And that would be what?"

"Helping you land your man, and at the same time forcing you to do something that you've always wanted to do but never had the courage to."

"Okay, the singing thing I get, but how does doing this get me Lance?" Sam asked annoyed.

"Because, he will hear that lovely voice that you try to hide from everyone and the words you're singing with it and be instantly mesmerized, realizing that he's been an idiot waiting this long to make his move."

"And this song would be?" Sam questioned as Jen pointed to the monitor on her friend's right side. Sam saw the tittle displayed on the screen. "No way Jen. I cannot sing this song," she said bolting up from her seated position.

"What is this all about?" a puzzled Lance asked JC. He just shrugged his shoulders at Lance pretending to be unaware of what was about to take place. They turned their attention back to the two girls on the stage.

"Don't tell me that. I've heard you sing it," Jen said, easing her back down onto the stool. "It's right in your range."

"That's not what I meant. I can't sing this to Lance. I can't do it," Samantha said adamantly.

Jen sighed heavily before speaking. "Yes you can Sami. And more importantly, you need to. Take a chance, put yourself out there, for once don't let fear rule you," she said before walking off the stage, motioning for the woman to cue the music.

Sam was in a daze, everything had happened so fast and her heart was pounding so hard she was sure that everyone else in the room could hear it too. She kept her eyes away from Lance's direction, fearing that seeing him would only make herself give into the urge to run from the building. She cleared her throat and waited nervously for the music to start.

Jen joined the others at the table just in time to see the dumfounded expressions on their faces as they all recognized the first few notes of the song.

"You are evil," JC said smiling widely at her.

"Why? You knew this was the plan."

"Yeah, but you never told me it was THIS song," he replied, noticing the obvious concern for Sam present in her sparkling hazel eyes.

"I didn't?" Jen shrugged.

"I hope Sam realizes what a wonderful friend she has," he whispered as Jen smiled appreciatively at him before turning her attention to the stage.

Sam was scared beyond comprehension as she opened her mouth and allowed the first few notes to float from her body. As she glanced over at her five friends and saw them all smiling proudly at her, something came over her. She felt comfortable on the stage, contented, happy. She was finally doing something she had dreamed of so many times; she emitted her newfound confidence as she began the first verse.

"My friends say you're so into me"
"And that you need me desperately"
"They say you say we're so complete"
"But I need to hear it straight from you"
"If you want me to believe it's true"
"I've been waiting for so long it hurts"
"I wanna hear you say the words, please"

"Don't, don't let me be the last to know"
"Don't hold back, just let it go"
"I need to hear you say"
"You need me all the way"
"Oh, if you love me so"
"Don't let me be the last to know"

The four guys sat amazed at the rich, powerful voice that was filling the room. They couldn't believe that she had hidden this talent from them for so long. Jen was also astonished, but not by Sam's voice, she had heard her sing before, she was surprised by the assured manner that had suddenly washed over her friend. The whole crowd was under her spell, and more importantly, Lance was the most spellbound of all. As she started the second verse, Sam stood from the stool and began playing to the crowd.

"Your body language says so much"
"Yeah, I feel it in the way you touch"
"But 'til you say the words it's not enough"
"C'mon and tell me your in love, please"

Sam sang the chorus for a second time while looking around the table at her friends. First glancing at Justin who smiled radiantly at her, then moving her eyes to Chris who proceeded to make silly faces at her before she turned her attention to Jen. As she saw the proud look on her friend's face, her eyes began to mist, as did Jen's. Both of the girls turned away quickly, attempting to avoid the water-works. Sam continued to make her way around the table, stopping next at JC. He smiled warmly at her and being the musical soul that he is, he was moving his head along with the beat of the music. As Sam started the bridge she focused her gaze on Lance.

"I need to hear you say"
"You love me all the way"
"And I don't wanna wait another day"
"I wanna feel the way you feel"
"Oh, c'mon"

She uttered the spoken words with a sultry, seductive tone, keeping her dark eyes locked with Lance's pale ones as a few of the men in the audience whistled and screamed, including Justin, Chris and JC. Singing the chorus one last time as she panned the rest of the room, she turned back to Lance as the last note left her lungs, once again bonding her eyes with his. The audience erupted into a boisterous applause as her friends all rose to their feet. Tears of joy leaked from Sam's eyes as she walked off stage and into Lance's waiting arms.

"That was beautiful," he whispered in her ear as he hugged her tightly, wiping away her tears before the rest of the guys took turns hugging her and giving their praise, causing Sam to cry even more and blush profusely.

As she stood in front of Jen, Sam couldn't help but notice the beads of liquid filling the corners of the tall woman's eyes. "Jen don't tell me you're getting all sappy on me," Sam teased.

"Oh c'mon Sami, that was an emotional moment, even a sarcastic brat like me can't hold back all the tears," she said as the two friends embraced. "I knew you had it in you girl."

"Well, I'm glad you did, because I had no idea," Sam laughed. "But thank you for believing in me."

"Anytime. It's a tough job but somebody's gotta do it," Jen kidded.


"I'm mad at you so don't talk to me," Justin said pouting as he stood next to Sam at the bar.

"Well, how can I find out why you're mad if you won't talk to me?" she asked playing along.

"I will answer that," he said folding his arms across his chest.

"Okay, why are you mad at me?"

"Because you were holding out on me. I thought we told each other everything and all along you never once told me you were a singer."

"I'm not a singer Justin, it's just something I do for fun," she explained.

"Me too Sami," he said before winking at her, no longer able to contain the smile he was holding back. "So what are you doing over here?"


"Oh yeah? Anything in particular?" he asked.

"Yep. First, who is that girl that is giving me a death look ever since you walked up to me?" Sam asked, motioning with her head in the girl's direction, while raising an eyebrow at him.

"She's just a girl who gave me her number earlier," he said laughing. "What else is on your mind?"

"Well, I was watching her be the fun-loving girl that I know and love," Sam said turning back to the stage as Jen pranced across it singing "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and making up her own choreography on the fly. "And then I glanced over at the table and that brought up a few new issues."

"And those would be?" Justin asked, motioning with his hands for her to continue.

"Well, I think we need to get JC back to the hotel before he turns into a pumpkin," she said as they looked over and saw him yawning yet again, but still keeping an eye on Jen and laughing at all of her antics. "And then I was thinking, I would give anything to know what he was thinking right now," Sam finished gesturing towards the blonde-haired man sitting at their table.

"Well, if I know Lance, he's probably thinking way too much," Justin smiled. "Just like you. We've all had a big night and I think after Jen's done with her song we should get out of here."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Sam said as they walked back to the table together.

Chapter 24