
"Good grief, it's almost five in the morning. What are you still doing up?" Jen asked as she walked over to the couch where Sam was sitting, staring absent-mindedly at the television.

"Can't sleep," Sam shrugged. "I'm sorry if I woke you up."

"You didn't. I got up to go to the bathroom and I heard the TV. So what are you watching?"

"Umm, nothing really. I think that Nad's infomercial is on."

"I'm sorry but I don't care how good that stuff may be, I could never use something on my eyebrows that reminds me of a euphemism for the male anatomy," Jen said reaching for the remote and switching the set off.

"That's not gonna work this time Jen," Sam sighed.

"What's not gonna work?"

"You trying to make me laugh. In fact, I'm at the point right now where I could burst into tears at any second. So consider yourself warned."

"Still nothing?" Jen asked, her tone filled with concern for the hurt she saw in her best friend's eyes.

"Nope. I mean, okay I could handle him not saying anything while we were at the club with everyone else, but then we got back here he went straight to his room without saying anything about it. And so I've been sitting here for the past four hours thinking he would show up at the door and well, you see how that's turned out," Sam exhaled, resting her head against the back of the couch.

"So he never said anything about the song or anything to you?"

"Nope," she shook her head. "Just the hug and what he said at the club in front of you guys. He talked to me about everything but that, he's acting like it didn't happen or something."

"Aww girl, I'm sorry Lance is such a dumbass. It was a stupid idea, I feel like I set you up for a fall."

"First of all, it's not your fault. I'm glad you made me do it, even though Lance is unresponsive to my declaration of sorts. It felt so amazing to be up there on that stage, even if it was smaller than this coffee table," Sam said smiling as she continued. "And second, I knew you were up to something. Especially since that song hasn't even been released as a single yet."

"I have connections," Jen smiled.

"Yeah, well the only thing I didn't figure on was JC being part of the scheme, but when we ended up at a pizza place for dinner, I had a feeling something was up. Just wait 'til I get a hold of him."

"He was a good partner in crime, we work well together," she said as she tucked a piece of her chestnut hair behind her ear, wondering why a smile was developing on her face at the mere mention of JC. "And you know how I love me some pizza."

"Yes, I do, but I knew there was no way that JC did, unless you told him. But I guess your little plan did prove something once and for all."

"What's that?"

"That Lance doesn't see me as anything more than a friend," Sam answered, trying to hold back the tears forming in her brown eyes.

"That's not true. Didn't you see the way he was looking at you when you were singing? And what about the rest of the night, he was using any excuse he could find to touch you or be near you," Jen said trying to reassure her.

"It was no different than how we've always been."

"Ugh, I see you're not gonna take my word on this. I guess I need some help convincing you," Jen said reaching over Sam for the phone sitting on the table directly behind her. Sam grabbed it away as it passed over her head. "What'd you do that for?" Jen asked furrowing her brow at Sam.

"Because you're not calling Lance," Sam said sternly.

"You're not the boss of me," Jen said as she reached for the cell phone in front of them on the large glass table, walking away as she dialed the number so Sam wouldn't have a chance to stop her this time.

"Fine," Sam said rolling her eyes. "You do whatever you want. I'm going to bed."

"Hey, it's Jen. Sorry to wake you up but Sami needs you," Jen said stopping Sam before she walked away.

"Jen let go, I don't wanna talk to him right now," Sam pleaded.

"Just take the phone, please?" Jen said handing it to her friend.

"Hello," Sam answered reluctantly.

"Hey you, tell me your troubles."

"Mel!" Sam exclaimed, smiling at Jen as she explained to Mel what had happened earlier in the night. "So come on my dear, I need some of your words of wisdom."

"First of all, where are you guys at right now? As in geographical location."

"North Carolina. Why?" Samantha asked with a confused look on her face as she looked at Jen.

"Because after I get done talking to you, I'm gonna take the first flight out there so I can kick that little albino's ass."

Sam laughed quietly before speaking. "Please don't make me laugh. I don't have the energy for it. And you can't come out here, who would take care of the cat?"

"It would survive I'm sure. Seriously though, don't give up on him. Just from what you've told me, and what Jen tells me about the way he looks at you and such, there is definitely something there. Besides, don't you know by now that Jen is always right?" Mel kidded.

"Yeah, but so I am. One of us has to be wrong this time and my money's on her."

"Well, it's two against one, and majority rules. Did you talk to him at all about it? Like I don't know, maybe actually telling him how you feel?"

"No I kind of figured that me pouring my heart out in song would be a big enough clue," Sam pouted.

"I would agree with you if we were talking about anyone else but with you two, y'all seem to be a little slow at catching signals," Mel paused. "Hey, here's a thought. Maybe he just doesn't like that song? You know I'm not a big fan of it," she laughed. "Although I'm sure you could change my mind about that. I'm really sad that I couldn't be there to see your big debut."

"I'm sad you're not here too. I could use some in-person mothering right about now," Sam said as someone lightly knocked on the door to the suite. "Who the hell could that be at this hour?" she asked Jen.

"Hmm, good question," Jen said as she walked to the door.

"I bet I know who it is," Mel said tauntingly. "If he knows what's good for him, it damn well better be him."

"Oh my god," Sam breathed, frozen in place as Lance walked into the room.

"I was right wasn't I?" Mel asked. "Sami are you still there?"

"Oh yeah, sorry."

"It's okay. Give the phone to Jen and go get your man."

Sam did as she was told and watched Jen as she quickly walked into her room and shut the door behind her. Sam made her way back to the couch and sat down as Lance did the same.

"So I see you changed out of the pants," he teased, noticing the cotton shirt and boxer shorts that she was now wearing.

"Yeah, pleather is a little constrictive to sleep in."

"It doesn't look like you're doing much sleeping."

"You either."

"Why do you suppose that is?" he asked.

"I have no idea why you aren't sleeping. I can't make my brain stop thinking about what a fool I made of myself tonight," Sam said staring down at her hands.

"You did not make a fool of yourself, far from it. You have a remarkable voice and you should be sharing it with the world," he said guiding her head up with the tips of his fingers as he looked into her eyes.

"I didn't mean that, I meant..." Lance silenced her words by placing his fingers on her rose colored lips.

"Sam I have something to say to you and nothing is going to interrupt me this time," he explained, removing his fingers and grasping her hands with his own as he continued. "I've been sitting in my room for the past few hours trying figure out if this was the right thing to do but I don't care anymore because it's what I want even if it's not the safe way to go. I've also been trying to come up with the perfect way to tell you, the right words to use, but every time I thought about it, all I could see was your beautiful face and the way you looked on that stage tonight."

"Lance," Sam said quietly. She wanted to stop him right there, to tell him that he didn't have to say another word. It was taking all she had not to wrap her arms around him, but he hushed her again as he continued.

"When you first got up there you looked so vulnerable. I wanted to take you in my arms and protect you from all your fears. Then all of the sudden you transformed into this amazingly confidant performer. You had all of the guys in the room in the palm of your hand. And then I felt the need to protect you from all of them," he said smiling at her as he continued. "As soon as I recognized the song I wanted to run to you and tell you how I truly felt about you."

"And how is that?" Sam asked timidly.

"The first time I saw you I was instantly attracted to you. Every minute that I spend with you makes me want you even more. You bring out feelings in me that I never knew existed. I can't imagine my life without you in it anymore."

Sam felt the tears cascading down her cheeks as she spoke. "Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"Because I was scared, and until tonight my fear was holding me back. But when you were up there singing that song to me, your emotions exposed for everyone to see, I knew I was an idiot for wasting this much time. When you looked at me I could see straight through your eyes and deep into your soul, and all of my fears disappeared. For you to put yourself out there like that for me, I just knew that this was real and we would find a way to make it work no matter what. I want to be with you Samantha, I want to love you."

"You don't know how long I've wanted to hear you say all of this," Sam said, a steady stream of tears now rolling down her face. "I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything, you said plenty with that song," Lance said wiping her tears away with his thumbs. "I think we've done enough talking, there's something I've been wanting to do since that first night in Orlando, something I should've done then and saved us all this time. Just think what we could've been doing now if I would've," he said raising an eyebrow at her, now holding her small face in his hands.

Sam giggled before a nervous thought entered her head. "Oh god, maybe we should've kissed a long time ago. What if we do it now after all this time and turmoil and find out that there's no spark?" she asked worried, as she stared into Lance's eyes. He tenderly caressed her face as she continued. "I mean that happens sometimes doesn't it? People make this big deal out of kissing and then they have this big build up and they do it and then nothing." Lance silenced her rambling as he moved closer and pressed his lips to hers. They lingered in the ecstasy of the moment, all of the desires that they had suppressed for the past few months were finally being shared. Lance pulled her onto his lap and held her close against his body, never breaking the bond between their mouths. Sam's heart was beating so fast and she could barely catch her breath.

"That was definitely something," she said breathlessly as they released from their clinch, her hands now resting on the back of his neck.

"I would have to agree with you on that one," Lance gasped as he ran his hands over Sam's now messed brown hair, grazing them down the rest of her body before resting them on her waist. "I think we should try it again just to be sure," he said before kissing her again.

"What's going on?" Mel shrieked through the phone at Jen who was sitting beside the closed door to the main room of the suite.

"I have no idea. I can't hear anything through these walls. Damn fancy hotels."

"Well open the door and sneak a peak. I'm dying here Jen, I can't take the suspense anymore. My poor heart can't handle it."

"Okay girl, calm down," Jen said as she quietly opened the door just enough to peer out. "Oh my god!" she squealed as she witnessed the pair's heated embrace, quickly shutting the door, completely forgetting to remain quiet. "Shit! That was real smooth Jen," she scolded herself.

"Oh my god what?" Mel screamed. "Good or bad? You can't leave me hanging like that Jen. TELL ME!!!"

"She's on his lap."

"What the hell, is she telling him what she wants for Christmas?"

"No, they're kissing," Jen laughed.

"Aww, that's so sweet," Mel sighed. "And it's about damn time. Now I can go back to bed."

Lance and Sam were startled by the sudden noise and then began laughing when they realized they were being spied on. "I think this event needs a change of venue," Sam said while standing up and gripping Lance's hands as he did the same. "Something with a little more privacy perhaps?" she suggested.

"I was thinking the same thing," he said following her to her room. "Goodnight Jen," he hollered playfully just before they entered.

"And tell Mel that she can stop worrying now and go to sleep," Sam added as she shut the door.

Chapter 25