
Sam rested against Lance's chest sleeping as the driver maneuvered up the long driveway leading to the house. Lance knew she hadn't gotten any rest on the plane, flying still made her too nervous to sleep. Instead she spent the whole flight holding his hand, allowing him to use her lap for a pillow and stroking his hair as he slept. As the driver turned off the car and stepped out, walking to the back to retrieve the bags from the trunk, Lance slid his arm from behind Sam, leaving her propped up against the back of the seat, as he quietly climbed out the door, shutting it softly behind him. He walked up the three small steps on the front patio, the driver following with their luggage.

"Just sit them right there please," Lance motioned after unlocking the door and stepping inside, flipping on the light. He placed his keys on the table in the foyer before punching in his access code on the keypad for the alarm system. "I'll be right back for her," he said to the driver before swiftly bounding up the stairs to the master suite, turning on the hall light when he reached the top, twisting the dimmer knob as low as it would go. He walked into his bedroom, switching on the light before moving quickly over the bed and turning back the covers. He reached under the shade of the small lamp on the nightstand clicking it on, before walking back out of the room, turning the bright light off, leaving only the soft glow of light next to the bed to illuminate the spacious area. He descended the stairs and walked through the foyer, once again dimming the shining light before walking outside to the waiting car.

Lance tipped the driver generously for the inconvenience of the late hour before opening the door on the side of the car where Sam was still peacefully resting. In one swift movement, he slid his arms around her and lifted her up out of the car. She stirred slightly, but didn't open her eyes; instead she wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled her head into his chest. He carried her in the open door, shutting it with his foot once inside, before he began to slowly make his way up the stairs. He placed her gently on the bed; once again she didn't wake. Lance stood back and admired her for a second. He loved the way she looked when she was sleeping. He turned and exited the room, returning downstairs to lock the door and reactivate the alarm, shutting the lights off as he made his way upstairs at a much slower pace this time. Even though he had sleep on the plane, his own fatigue was starting to catch up with him.

He entered his the large room quietly and walked over to Sam. He slipped off her tennis shoes and white socks, before unbuttoning her dark denim shorts and sliding them off her legs so she would be more comfortable. He pulled the sheet up around her white T-shirt, leaving her feet exposed as she always did. Lance unfastened her silver-toned watch and placed it on the nightstand, before reaching to switch off the lamp. He walked over to his side of the bed and sat down, kicking of his shoes and removing his socks, as he slid out of his jeans. He unfastened his necklace and placed it on the nightstand next to him, before pulling his gray Abercrombie shirt over his head and tossing it on the floor along with the rest of his outfit.

He turned and lifted his tired legs onto the bed, sliding them between the cool sheets. Sam began to stir for the first time as he was positioning himself on his pillows. She turned to face him and barely opened her eyes before curving her body into his outstretched arms as they both settled themselves and fell into a deep, and much needed slumber.


Sam woke the next morning to the all too familiar scenes of her nightmare. She sat up and pulled her knees up against her chest as she moved her brown hair out of her eyes. Looking around the room, she once again became startled when she didn't recognized her surroundings. The last thing she could recall was getting into the black luxury car with Lance at the airport, and she had a vague memory of curling into his arms before falling asleep again. She glanced off to the side and saw her suitcase next to Lance's, now feeling safe as she figured out she must be in his bedroom. The only problem being, where was Lance? Her question was answered almost simultaneously as she heard muffled voices and clangs coming from somewhere downstairs.

Sam got out of the bed and headed for the open door, stopping just before she reached the hall. Fearing that Lance may not be alone, she decided to shower and make herself presentable in case some of his family was already there. She walked over to her suitcase and removed her shorts that were draped atop it, realizing for the first time that they weren't on her body. As she was retrieving her small bag of toiletries, she pondered how completely tired she must have been when they arrived last night considering her limited memory of the events. She walked into the master bath, quickly showering and dressing.

Sam was all of the sudden feeling quite nervous. She began to apply the small amount of makeup that she wore. First the light layer of base powder, followed by a small line of brown eyeliner, a bit of blush on her cheekbones, topped off by a warm shade of lipstick to compliment her dark eyes and golden skin tone. She smiled in the mirror, checking her teeth for lipstick as she realized it had just took her 15 minutes to do what she normally did in under five.

"Calm down," she said out loud to her reflection, taking a deep breath and trying to relax. She returned to the bedroom and for the first time took in the decor. It was nicely done, no doubt the home of a bachelor, but still tasteful at the same time.

Sam quietly made her way down the stairs and found her way to the kitchen where she could hear Lance softly humming as he worked. She stood in the doorway and studied him for a few moments before announcing her presence.

"You are too cute," she cooed as she walked over to him.

"And you are too beautiful," he said turning around and smiling at her, taking in her simple beauty. She had twisted her hair up into a makeshift knot, the shorter pieces were beginning to dry and fall around her face, framing her delicate features. The pale yellow sundress she was wearing stopped just before her knees and fit her loosely enough to where she looked comfortable, yet still enhanced her deadly curves. "Right down to the bare feet," he added.

"Oh, you like that do ya?" Sam asked as she imitated a southern twang. "I thought it'd be a nice touch for these here parts," she teased.

"Yes, very cute," he said leaning in to kiss her.

"So can I help?"

"Sure, hop up here," he motioned towards the countertop.

"Uh, why?" Sam asked raising a suspicious eyebrow.


"Okay," Sam said as she positioned herself where he had asked, her legs dangling in front of the cupboards below her. "Now what?"

"That's it. Just sit there and keep me company. I'm almost finished."

"Are you cooking all of this for us?"

"Nope," he answered simply, not bothering to inform her who would be joining them before changing the subject. "How'd you sleep?"

"Very well, probably too well considering I don't remember coming in here last night or walking up the stairs."

"That's because you didn't," Lance said peering at her puzzled reaction from the corner of his eye. "I carried you."

"You did?" she asked sweetly, tilting her head. "Why didn't you just wake me up?"

"Because I knew you didn't get any sleep on the plane and you looked too peaceful to disturb," he explained as if his gesture was nothing out of the ordinary.

"Come here," she directed crooking her index finger in his direction as he moved directly in front of her. "You're too good to me. You realize this right?" she questioned while wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders.

"And you're too good for me," he countered as he placed his hands around her waist.

"Psssh, whatever," Sam huffed.

Lance chuckled as he spoke again. "I see Steve's extended vocabulary is rubbing off on you."

"I guess so. Those damn Fatones," she said while playfully rolling her eyes. "And while we're on the subject of naughty boys, I think I should be a little more afraid of you from now on," she kidded.

"Me?" Lance asked furrowing his brow. "Why?"

"Because you, Mr. Southern Gentleman, got me out of my pants last night without even waking me up."

"Oh that," he said grinning proudly. "That was pretty slick of me wasn't it?"

"I would say more like frightening," Sam offered. "Apparently I am much more of a sound sleeper than I realized."

"I wouldn't worry about it too much. Your reputation is still in tact. I mean after all, it did take me two months to get you out of them the first time," he reasoned, still holding on to her waist.

"And who's fault was that?" she asked, flirtatiously raising an eyebrow at him.


"Excuse me?" she said pulling away from him as she folded her arms across her chest.

"I tried to tell you how I felt when you got back from Vegas but you wouldn't hear of it. You were all about 'We should just be friends, blah, blah, blah'," he mimicked.

"Oh and what the not one, but two times you told me the same thing?" Sam retorted.

"Hmm, good point," he said sliding her to the edge of the countertop and into his body. "So we're both to blame and there's only one suitable punishment."

"Eww, you're not gonna make me kiss you again are you?" Sam quipped while crinkling her nose at him.

"I'm afraid so," Lance nodded as he moved to kiss her. She tauntingly leaned back as far as she could before giving in and embracing him as the pair shared a lengthy and passionate kiss. "Mmm, the food," he moaned as he pulled away.

"Gee thanks, you're kissing me and thinking about food. I feel desirable now," she pouted.

"Believe me Sam, food is the last thing on my mind when I'm thinking about you...unless...never mind," he said shaking the indecent thoughts out of his head. "It's just that I have to finish cooking."

"Okay, so I'll ask you again, what can I do to help?" she inquired while hopping down off the counter.

"Would you mind setting the table?" he asked almost apologetically. "The dishes are in that cupboard over there and the silverware is in the drawer below it," he motioned with his head towards Sam's right side.

"No problem. How many places should I set?"


Sam grabbed what she needed and walked into the adjoining dining room. "I'm surprised you have real dishes," she remarked to Lance as she placed them around the table. "I was expecting styrofoam and plastic forks," she teased.

"Oh I have those too. I just use the real dishes when my mom comes over so I don't get yelled at," Lance explained, shooting her a playful glance through the open entryway as he put the finishing touches on their meal.

"I see, so I take it that it's your mom and dad that are joining us?" Sam asked returning to the kitchen.

"Yep," Lance answered, smacking away Sam's hand as she tried to grab an early snack from the pan on the stove. She responded with a joyous, childlike giggle. "Something particularly funny that you'd like to share with me?"

"I feel like I'm playing house," she laughed. "You're in here cooking and slapping my hand away, I'm setting the table. We're domesticated already."

Lance turned away from the stove and scooped her into his arms. "We'll definitely have to explore this theme of yours in depth later," he said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively as he reached down to kiss her.

"Honey, we're here," Diane's voice rang through the open, airy house as the front door shut behind her and Jim.

"We're in the kitchen," Lance called out as he and Sam released from their embrace. He noticed the nervous expression on her face, folding his hand into hers, he kissed the tip of her nose. "It'll be okay, I promise."

"We? You didn't tell me you were bringing one of the guys with you," his mom said entering the kitchen. "Well Samantha, what a nice surprise," she exclaimed as she and her husband greeted their son with a hug, not noticing him releasing Sam's hand so he could hug them back. "Lance isn't making you work through his vacation is he?" Diane asked turning her attention back to the petite brunette.

"Not exactly," Sam said sheepishly.

"She is on vacation with me," Lance clarified.

"Oh," his mom said, confusion laced in with her twang before she noticed the couples once again conjoined hands. "OH!" she shouted gleefully as she realized what they were alluding to. She rushed towards the pair again, this time wrapping Sam into a celebratory hug, as Jim give his son a very manly pat on the back as congratulations.


Joey walked timidly through the hallway of her apartment building. He had made himself a promise on the plane ride home that he was going to do this no matter how much he wanted to turn and run in the opposite direction. Stopping in front of her door, he took a deep breath as he knocked. Her roommate opened the door and sighed loudly.

"Is she here Laurie?" he asked.

"No she's not, she's gone for the day and even if she was here she wouldn't want to see your worthless ass anyway," the woman said icily.

"Fine. Will you please just tell her that I stopped by and that I will be home for the next few days?" he pleaded. "Please?"

"I will tell her, but she won't care," she said slamming the door in Joey's face.

He walked back to his car dejected as he began to drive aimlessly around town. His thoughts flashed back to happier times as he passed the lake where they shared their first date.


"Watch your step," he said guiding her small frame into the waiting boat. "So are you ready to give those legs a workout?" he asked while playfully slapping at her knee.

"Oh you mean you expect me to paddle too?" she asked incredulously before bursting into a bright smile. "So I bet you bring all the girls here," she teased as they began to make their way around the lake in the swan shaped boat.

"I've brought one or two here before, yes," Joey admitted. "But you'll be the last," he said winking.

"And I'm sure you've used that line before too," she responded unfazed.

Joey laughed loudly, "Yeah but this time I mean it," he said wrapping his arm around her slender shoulders as the sun began to set in the horizon.


Joey chuckled to himself as he remembered how right from the start, she always saw through all his bullshit lines. This was one he intended to keep however. No matter what happened between them in the end, he would never return to that lake with anyone but her.

Chapter 28