
“You’re still sleeping?” JC teased as Jen answered the phone with a mumbled hello.

“I was,” she said while sitting up and glancing at the clock. “What in the world are you doing awake? It’s only been about seven hours since we got back. I know that’s not nearly enough hibernation for you.”

“Well I just woke up a little while ago too. I would have slept longer but I have urges that must be fulfilled.”

“Nothing like being forward there Jayce.”

He chuckled. “I wasn’t talking about that. I meant food. Do you have any dinner plans?”

“Oh,” Jen said with an almost disappointed tone. “I planned on dragging my lazy ass to the kitchen and popping a frozen pizza in the oven. What are you up to?”

“I tried to get a hold of Joey to see if he wanted to go get something but he hasn’t returned my call yet.”

“Are you telling me that I’m your second choice after Joey?” Jen interrupted.

“No. I know you said that Mel was staying at your apartment so I thought it would be fun if we could all get together,” JC explained.

“I see. Mel is staying here but she’s actually gone for the night. I came home to an empty apartment and a note saying that she was staying at her parents for the night to get some stuff taken care of. So I’m home alone,” Jen sighed dramatically.

“Well would you like some company?”

“I thought you said you couldn’t find Joey,” she kidded.

“Ha ha, very funny. So how about I pick up some food and drop in?” he offered.

“Sounds good to me, that way we can be lazy bums together.”

“Speaking of which, would you be too terribly offended if I didn’t get all prettified?”

“Actually I’d be relieved because that would mean that I don’t have to either.”

“Of course you don’t, you just are,” JC said.

“Anyway,” Jen said rebuffing his compliment as the skin on her cheeks warmed from the blushing she was experiencing. “What are you bringing me to eat?”

“I’m in the mood for sushi I think.”

“EWW! NO!” Jen shouted before erupting into an enticing laughter. “There will be no sushi in this apartment.”

“Okay calm down,” JC said laughing along with her. “I can learn to live with that. How about Chinese?”

“Chinese is fine.”

“Alright, I’ll see you in a few. And maybe after dinner we can do something about those other urges,” he slipped in before hanging up.

Jen placed the phone back in its cradle and hopped from the bed, an excited smile on her face as she considered the possibilities that an evening alone with JC could bring. She scurried to the bathroom to brush her hair and teeth. A short while later there was a steady knock on the door to her apartment, she walked over and unlocked it, checking the peephole out of habit before opening it.

“A thought just occurred to me,” she said as she leaned against the open door with one hand resting on her hip, as JC stood in the hallway, a take-out bag in his left hand and a crooked grin on his face. “I don’t remember giving you my number and I know I didn’t give you my address.”

“Nope, you didn’t,” he agreed as walked into the open door, lightly touching his free hand to her face as he walked past.

“Okay, well at least I know I’m not losing my mind,” Jen said as she shut the door and followed him to the table. “So then you must have gotten it from Sam or Lance right?”

“Nope. I have my own detective skills to rely on. I didn’t need assistance from anyone.” Jen stared at him with a perplexed look on her face, his smile brightened as he explained. “I looked you up in the phone book.”

“Wow, I’m impressed,” she snickered. “You feel like watching a movie while we eat?”

“Sure,” JC said as he grabbed the food and followed her over to the couch. “What are we watching?”

“How about “There’s Something About Mary”?” she asked as she walked over to the entertainment center and pulled it out of the cabinet.

“Cool. I haven’t seen that in awhile.”

“Me either,” Jen said as she placed the tape in the VCR before taking her seat next to him on the couch. “Give me some of that,” she demanded playfully before grabbing the carton of rice from his hand as the movie started.

The two of them finished off the food and sat watching, commenting about particular scenes as they happened in the movie. They had naturally drifted into a cuddled position in one corner of the sofa. Jen lay resting against his chest, her body turned towards his and her arm wrapped around his stomach. JC had draped his right arm across her back, gently caressing it periodically. His left arm was perched atop the arm of the couch as he sat with his face resting against the top of her head.

Jen stood and stretched as the credits began to roll across the screen. She reached down for the remote on the coffee table and stopped the movie before pressing rewind. Setting the remote back on the table, she grabbed the empty food containers and napkins.

“Let me help,” JC said rising from the sofa.

“I think I can handle walking the few feet to the kitchen and throwing this stuff in the trash,” she asserted. “But thank you for offering,” she added with a smile.

As she made her way to the kitchen area, he walked over to the VCR and ejected the video cassette, returned it to its case, and opened the cabinet where Jen had retrieved it from earlier. He had no problem figuring out where the movie had been; all of them were arranged alphabetically, as well as the massive CD collection on the shelves above the movies. His eyes scanned the numerous cases and widened with surprise when he came across a particular section. He stole a quick glance at Jen to make sure she wasn’t paying attention to him before he grabbed for one of the discs. He opened it, but the CD was not inside. Taking an educated guess, he reached and turned on the stereo, opened the load drawer, and sure enough there it was. He grinned slyly as he returned the drawer to its closed position.

“Jen is there something you’d like to tell me?” he asked

“Umm, no I don’t think so. Why?” she asked confused as she looked at him through the open partition between the kitchen and the rest of the apartment. He stood there with his arms crossed over the white wife-beater style tank he was sporting because of the hot Florida heat. His look was completed with a pair of khakis and the navy blue baseball cap he was wearing backwards on his head.

“Are you sure? There’s nothing at all that you would like to share with me?” he taunted.

Jen walked from the kitchen and stood near the dining room table, still clueless as to what JC was referring to. She instead threw some of her trademark sarcasm at him. “Okay fine,” she sighed heavily. “The highlights in my hair aren’t natural. Are you happy now?”

“I’ll make a note of that,” he laughed. “But that’s not what I’m talking about.”

“Well could you give me a hint, because I have no idea.”

“I was talking about this,” he said as he reached up and pressed play on the stereo. He watched the bewildered expression on her face as the first few notes of “Bye Bye Bye” began to sound from the speakers.

“Oh, that,” she said shrugging her shoulders. “I was doing research. I figured I should at least be familiar with the music before I started working around it.”

JC thought about it for a minute before realizing the hole in her story. “But you didn’t even know you were going to be working with us until you were already in Vegas with Sam. And, you called me Joshua the other day.”

“Well that is your given name isn’t it?” Jen huffed.

“Yes it is, but how did you know that?”

“I work for your manager. I know how much money you make,” she retorted.

“Okay that could explain the name thing, but it still doesn’t explain the CD,” he reminded, as it still played in the background.

“It’s not mine, it’s…” she had started to tell him that it was Sam’s but didn’t want to reveal her fondness for *NSYNC either. “I…it’s…it must be Mel’s,” Jen stammered.

JC smiled as he opened the door to the cabinet. “All of these are Mel’s?” he asked shooting her an unbelieving glance as he showcased the multitude of his group’s CDs on the shelf with a Vanna White-like wave.

“Ugh, fine, I give up!” Jen said throwing her hands up in frustration. “I am a fan of you fools. Is that what you wanted to hear?” she didn’t wait for an answer before continuing with her rant. “Could you please turn that off? It’s freaking me out. You’re singing on my stereo and you’re standing in my living room. Why don’t we just pop in a video and then you can be on the TV too. We can complete this whole twilight zone moment.”

“You have videos?” he asked raising an eyebrow at her.

“Oh god,” she said plopping down on the couch and burying her head in her hands.

JC reached up and turned off the stereo before joining her. “It’s not a big deal really. I was just playing,” he said as he grabbed her hands away from her face.

“I know, it’s just weird because now I know you as a person,” she said while looking at the well-defined features of his face. “I don’t know why you seem so surprised. You guys do good work.”

“Thank you. I guess I just would’ve never guessed you were a fan. You never mentioned it, and you’ve always acted so normal towards us.”

“You mean because I didn’t hyperventilate and scream ‘I love you’ while trying to rip your clothes off,” she quipped.

“Yeah something like that,” he chuckled.

“Yeah, I know they may seem rare but there is a good portion of your fan base that realize you’re just normal people like us, however normal that may be,” she joked. “The only difference being that you are exceptionally talented. And its not like I was trying to hide it from you, but I didn’t say anything because well, you’ve probably figured out by now that Sami is a fan also.”

“Yeah now that I think about it she’s said some things that point in that direction. Does Lance know?”

“Yes. Justin knows too. Just please don’t tell Johnny, he might ship me off to Britney’s tour or something,” Jen said crinkling her nose with mock disgust.

“I won’t, but you’re not going anywhere. He already decided to keep as a part of our crew.”

“How nice of him to tell me. When did he decide this?”

“The other day when we were so rudely interrupted. That’s what the meeting was about. He wanted our opinions. Darn it all, I knew there was something I was supposed to tell you,” JC said shaking his head. “Sorry, it looks like you’re stuck with us.”

“I guess I’ll have to make due,” she played along. “Just out of curiosity, how did the final tally end up?” she asked as her and JC sat facing each other on the couch, his hands now grasping her waist and hers resting on his shoulders.

“Well Joey was pretty much indifferent as he’s been with everything else lately. Chris said he liked having you around to help him bust on the rest of us.” A pleased smile graced Jen’s face as JC continued. “Lance was all for it because he knew it’d make Sam happy, and he’s all about Sam these days.”

“Of course,” Jen agreed. “What about fro boy? I’m sure he had something to say.”

“Yeah Justin said that he didn’t really think it would be a good idea but he never really said why. But when I talked to him later he told me that you and he had gotten into a couple arguments regarding Sam and he doesn’t think you like him too well. What’s that all about?” JC asked concerned.

“It’s not that I don’t like him,” Jen sighed. “It’s just that I don’t like that he has a thing for Sami. It worries me.”

“He told you?”

“No, it’s just something I thought I picked up on and obviously I was right because you know too.”

“Yes we’ve talked about it. He has no plans to act on his feelings. He knows that Lance and Sam are happy together. He’s happy for them,” JC explained. “He’s trying to move past his feelings for her.”

“I hope you’re right because Sami’s waited a long time for someone like Lance and I’ve never seen her this happy. I don’t want anything or anyone to get in the way.”

“Trust me. Justin is a good guy, the last thing he wants to do is hurt her.”

“Okay, I’ll take your word for it. But enough about him,” Jen smiled. “What was your vote?”

“I’m not so sure it’s a good idea to have you around,” he said with a flirtatious glimmer in his eyes.

“Why is that?” she asked returning his look as she removed his hat and tossed it on the table.

“Because you’re a distraction to me,” he confessed as Jen began running her fingers through his short brown hair, gently massaging his scalp as she spoke again.

“But a good one right?” she asked raising wiggling her eyebrows at him.

“Absolutely,” he said opening his eyes. Jen could feel the heat of their smoldering gaze as he moved his hands up to her face and grazed his thumb across her bottom lip. “The best,” he breathed before leaning in to kiss her.

Jen could feel her heart racing and her breathing quicken as he moved slowly, closer and closer to her face. Suddenly she bolted from his arms and the couch, causing him to fall forward into the spot she had just vacated.

“What’s wrong?” he asked sitting back up.

“I’m sorry,” she said apologetically. “It’s just that whenever we get close like this I can’t think, I get all flustered and I can’t seem to keep my hands off you.”

“And this is a bad thing?” he asked confused as she sat back down.

“I’m not sure. I need to ask you something before I lose my head again. This is all moving pretty quickly and I don’t want to be just another one of your hotel whores.”

“Lobby lovins’,” he corrected jokingly.

“Whatever you call it, I don’t want to be just another notch on your belt. I’m not that kind of person, it’s just when I get near you…I can’t help myself,” she blurted out. “So am I just a conquest to you?”

“No not all. That’s not what I’m about. I’ve never been into that scene. I like you Jen,” he said intertwining her hands with his own. “I’m extremely attracted to you. I feel that same magnetism you were talking about. I like being around you, you make me laugh. I have no idea where this is going to lead but I know we could have a lot of fun together, and I’m not just talking about the physical stuff. So why don’t we just go along with ride and see where it takes us?”

“I think that’s the best offer I’ve gotten in a long time,” Jen smiled.

“And don’t be afraid to say if things are moving too fast for you at anytime. I have no problems slowing things up a bit if that’s what you want to do.”

“Okay. You can kiss me now.”

“Are you sure?” he questioned.

“I said kiss me damn it,” Jen ordered, her hazel eyes staring into JC’s baby blues.

“What the lady wants, the lady gets,” he said as he once again edged slowly to her lips. Instead of moving from the couch this time she quickly turned her head right before their mouths met. “I can’t believe you just did that,” JC said exasperated as he rested his head pitifully on her shoulder.

“I don’t want to be interrupted again,” she muttered, almost as if she were thinking aloud.

“Well, if you would stop doing it, things would be running smoothly by now,” he cracked as he lifted his head.

“Mel has a key,” Jen informed him.

“That’s nice. I’m glad for her. Can we talk about it later?” he said moving closer and trying to regain her attention.

“What if she comes home?” she asked him. They both sat silently for a second before both of their eyes rested on the open doorway of Jen’s room. Without saying a word the couple sprinted to the bedroom closing the door behind them.

“Is this good for you now?” JC asked.

“Look, I want to show you something,” Jen said reaching for the lock on the doorknob. “Why is this so hard for people to understand? Unlocked, locked,” she said mockingly as she continued to turn the lock back and forth, repeating herself in a singsong voice.

JC stood back and smiled, noticing the playful smile gracing her face and how it accentuated her natural beauty. She was dressed simply in a pair of jeans and a baby tee, her chestnut hair lying freely just above her shoulders. Her tall frame was graceful in its movements and he knew he could wait no longer to hold her. He took her by surprise as he grabbed her face his hands and hungrily kissed her, backing her against the door with the weight of his body. She wrapped her arms around his back and passionately returned his kiss. They lingered in the sheer ecstasy of the embrace for what seemed like an eternity before pulling away.

“Wow, all of that because of a lock. I can’t imagine what a little skin does for you,” Jen gasped with ragged breath.

JC tossed his head back in laughter before kissing her again, this time with a soft, tender touch. He inched back from her slightly while still keeping his arms wrapped tightly around her before he spoke. “Do you really know how much money I make?” he asked furrowing his brow.

Jen giggled as she answered. “No, you big tight wad, your money secrets are safe” she teased before pulling him back into her body and embracing him with a sensual kiss.


“I’ll be right back,” Lance said before locking the door and disappearing into the dark house. “Shit!” he hollered after bumping into something.

“Oh gee thanks, you can’t even find your way around here in the dark but you expect me to,” Sam shouted into the darkness trying to stifle her laughter as she heard a door open and close again.

She managed to find her way to living room and locate a lamp. She turned it on and collapsed into the couch next to it. She was exhausted. Her and Lance had spent the whole day visiting with his family and friends. She kicked off her shoes and swung her legs up onto the couch while laying back and closing her eyes. A smile crept across her face as she remembered the day’s events and how nice and welcoming everyone had been to her. Every time Diane was in close proximity to her she couldn’t help herself but to wrap her arms around Sam and give her some sort of hug. She was constantly asking if she was okay, or if she needed something. She did the same to Lance also. Telling them both repeatedly how happy she was for them.

“What are you smiling about?” Lance asked appearing over the back of the couch a few minutes later.

“I was just thinking about how sweet your mom and everyone else was to me today,” she answered as she looked up at him.

“I told you. I don’t know why you were so worried. My mom has liked you from the very beginning.”

“Yeah but there is a big difference between picking an assistant for your baby boy and picking a mate,” Sam reminded him. “So where did you run off to?”

“Well it’s a good thing you’re a perfect match for both,” Lance beamed as he grabbed her hand. “Come on I have something to show you,” he instructed as he gently pulled at her to get up.

“Do I get to see the rest of the house now?” she asked as she joined him on the other side of the couch.

“Nope, there’ll be plenty of time for that tomorrow. Besides you’ve already seen the most important room.”

“Lance! What would your mother say?”

“What? I was talking about the kitchen you sicko,” he quipped. “Close your eyes.”

“How am I supposed to see if I close my eyes?” Sam taunted.

“I’ll tell you when you need to open them smart ass. Now close them.” Sam glared at him. “Please?” he begged meekly. Sam did as he asked as he led her across the room before stopping to open a door. “Keep them shut,” he ordered as he led her through the door. Sam could tell from the temperature change and humidity that they were outside now. “Alright you can open them,” he said standing behind her with his arms wrapped snugly around her waist and his chin resting on her shoulder.

Sam gasped when she opened her eyes, raising her hands to cover her shocked face. “Oh Lance,” she cried as her brown eyes began to moisten. All along the perimeter of the pool he had lit candles, the glow from their flames was cascading beautifully off the water where he had place several floating dishes with burning candles inside of those. “What is all this?”

Lance stood up straight behind her, kissing the side of her head before answering. “Well I was going to do it around the tub but it’s just too damn hot for warm bath water. And there’s nothing better than a nighttime swim in this kind of weather.”

Sam turned around in his arms, draping her hands on the back of his neck as she thanked him with an impassioned kiss. “I don’t deserve you,” she said staring into his green eyes.

“You’re right, you deserve better,” he continued before Sam could protest. “I’m sure you know that the next few weeks are going to be hell. Between getting ready for the FreeLance Finals, the HBO show and everything else that’s going on the week in New York, not to mention the show every night, it’s going to be completely insane.”

“Yes I know, and that is why I’m here, to make it easier for you.”

“That’s the business side though. I’m talking about our personal relationship,” Lance said holding her tighter. “I just want to apologize ahead of time if you feel the least bit neglected or unimportant at anytime…”

“Hush,” Sam said placing her hand over his mouth. “I know what I was getting myself into and I can’t imagine ever feeling neglected by you. We will be together and that is all I need. Even if we have to steal some private moments during business hours,” she winked. “I don’t want to hear anymore about it.”

“So are you ready for a swim?” he asked after giving her another kiss.

“Are you kidding me?” Sam asked incredulously. “Do you honestly expect me to get into a bathing suit after all that food your grandmother kept feeding me today?”

“Well, bathing suits are optional,” he said grinning mischievously as he slid his finger under the strap of her dress.

“If you say so,” Sam said with a wicked laugh as she caught him off guard and managed to push him into the pool fully dressed.

“You are so gonna get it now,” Lance said climbing out and charging at her as she stood doubled over in laughter.

“Hey! No running around the pool,” she squealed as he scooped her up in his wet arms.


“Good morning beautiful,” JC whispered in her ear as he nestled his body against hers.

“Hey you,” Jen said turning around to face him, a rare morning smile gracing her lips as he kissed her forehead. “Oh crap, you have to get out of here,” she said noticing the clock. “Mel will be here soon.”

“You’re kicking me out because you don’t want Mel to find us? Am I missing something here?”

“If you knew Mel, you’d understand,” she said getting up from the bed and throwing JC’s pants at him. “Come on, get dressed.”

“You’re serious, aren’t you?” JC asked shocked.

“Yes! Now move your ass,” she yelled as she pulled a pair of pajamas out of a drawer and threw them on.

“I feel so used,” JC kidded as they walked out of the bedroom.

“Oh shut up, you know you liked it,” Jen said smiling.

“You have a point there my dear,” he said before stealing a kiss as Jen pushed him backward out of the room. He turned around and was met by a tall dark-haired woman entering the apartment. “I’m guessing you would be Mel,” JC said as Jen ducked behind him.

“And I’m guessing that you just stopped by for breakfast and Jen needed you to change a light bulb in her room and that’s why you’re coming out of there, right?” she asked, not bothering to offer a greeting as she stood in front of the pair.

JC stood dumbfounded as to what to respond with.

“Just smile, nod and agree with her, trust me, it’ll be easier that way,” Jen mumbled in his ear from her crouched position behind him.

JC agreed.

“And I would also be right to assume that I won’t see you here like this again?” Mel asked sternly.

“Hey, this is my apartment and I am an adult,” Jen asserted as she stepped out from behind him. One piercing stare from Mel sent her cowering back to her previous position. “Never mind,” she said timidly. “Just agree again,” Jen told JC.

Once again JC followed Jen’s instructions and tried not to laugh at the absurdity of the situation.

“Okay great, now that we have that settled, it’s nice to meet you JC. I’m Mel,” she said smiling brightly.

“You too,” he managed to say before Jen rushed him to the door as Mel walked past them into the living room and reclined on the couch.

“So should I ask Mel’s permission to call you later?” JC asked smirking as he stood in the hall.

“No, I think phone calls are allowed. And you better call,” she said squinting her eyes at him.

“I will,” he reassured before giving her a quick kiss and making his exit.

“What was that?” Mel asked as Jen walked to the living room.

“That was a man,” Jen said flatly.

“I know that. What is going on with you two?”

“I don’t know.”

“What do you mean you don’t know? If you don’t know what it is, then maybe you shouldn’t be doing it,” Mel remarked, her voice covered with a motherly tone.

“Very funny. I can’t explain it,” Jen said plopping into the chair. “It crazy, when I get near him…and when he touches me…I…we…it’s…it’s just…IT’S LIKE WHOA!” she screamed, her arms flailing in the air mimicking an explosion.

Mel just shook her head disapprovingly. “At least I still have my sweet, innocent Sami.”

“Well, umm…I wouldn’t really say that anymore either.”

“Are you serious?” Mel exclaimed. “What is going on with my girls? Am I the only little moral island NOT drowning in this sea of sin?”

“Hey! We are all consenting adults and we’re doing nothing wrong,” Jen said defensively.

“I know, I’m just playing with you,” Mel smiled warmly at her friend. “You know how I worry, but as long as you’re happy and you’re being safe, then I’m happy for you.”

“Good, because I am.”

“Now, is Sami still in bed? It’s time for her lecture.”

“She could be, but she’s not in her bed,” Jen laughed as she started to explain.


Chapter 29