
“It was very nice of you drive us to the airport Mel,” JC said as he and Jen plopped into a pair of chairs as the group stood at the gate waiting to board their flight.

“It was the least I could do for the new co…” Mel stopped mid-sentence, noticing the warning stare she was receiving from Jen. “For my new friends,” she decided on.

“You consider me a friend already?” Joey asked, throwing an arm around her shoulders as they stood in front of the row of chairs.

“Why yes I do Joey, so consider yourself lucky because there ain’t nuttin’ that I wouldn’t do for my friends,” the tall woman said returning his smile.

“Nothing?” he said raising a questioning eyebrow.

“Okay, so maybe nothing is a little too vague for your perverted mind, but to an extent yes. You are one of my boys now,” she paused, tucking a strand of her dark hair behind her ear, trying to decide if she should bring up the thought that had entered her head. Settling on her choice she spoke again. “And because of that I feel compelled to ask you this. Jen and Sami have told me that you’ve been well…an asshole lately. What’s that all about?”

Jen and JC stifled their laughter as Joey once again found himself unable to let his troubles bother him in Mel’s presence. There was something warm and inviting about her personality that he was drawn to, he had noticed it almost immediately the night before when they had all gotten together for dinner.

“That is nothing I want to talk about right now,” he explained quietly. Mel slid her arm around his waist and gave him an understanding squeeze as he spoke again. “Do you wanna walk with me to the magazine stand? I need something to read for the trip.”

“Sure, since I don’t really have a choice seeing as how you're attached to my hip,” she kidded while playfully bumping into him as they walked off arm in arm.

“What was that all about?” JC asked as they disappeared from view.

“I don’t know,” Jen shrugged. “Mel just has that effect on people I guess. As soon as you meet her you know you can trust her and before you know it, you’re pouring your heart and soul out to her.”

“I wasn’t talking about them, I was talking about you,” he said staring intently into Jen’s hazel eyes.

“Huh?” she asked confused.

“You’ve heard the expression ‘If looks could kill’ right?” Jen nodded her head yes, an uncertain look on her face as JC continued. “Well with the look you shot Mel when she started to call us a couple, she would be six feet under at this moment if that saying were true. Are you through with me now that we have to go back to work or something?” he teased.

“I’m no where near finished with you boy,” she replied, a devilish half-grin gracing her lips. “It’s just that I thought it’d be better if we kept it to ourselves.”

“Oh I see, so you’re ashamed to be with me,” he retorted, purposely trying to get a rise out of her.

“Ugh! No! But we have no idea what this is yet, or where it is going and I really don’t feel like explaining it to everyone else when we can’t fully explain it in the first place. Not to mention, do you really wanna end up like Sam and Lance? All mushy and gooey eyed? GAG!” Jen joked.

“Hmm, good point,” JC said thoughtfully. “So what you’re really saying is that you’re greedy and you don’t want to share me right?” he smirked.

“Exactly. It’s bad enough I have to share you with a good portion of the teenage population. Isn’t that plenty as it is?” she quipped. “Besides, just think of all the fun we can have sneaking around,” she said suggestively wiggling her eyebrows at him.

“I love the way your mind works,” JC responded, a radiant smile lighting his face. “But there is one problem with your plan.”

“Mel won’t say anything,” Jen offered, reading his thoughts.

“I’m sure she won’t but Chris kind of knows too,” he said timidly.

“How does he know?”

“Well that first day when the sparks started flying and he and Johnny interrupted us he sensed that something was going down and I needed someone to talk to about it.”

“Then that works out well, you have Chris to confide in and I have Mel. It’ll be easier for us to keep quiet,” the brunette reasoned, fighting the urge to lean in and give him a kiss.

“You really do think of everything don’t you?” JC asked, speaking again before giving her a chance to reply. “I so badly want to kiss those lips of your right now,” he whispered leaning slightly closer to her face.

“There will plenty of time for that later,” she said playfully pushing him away.

“Plenty of time for what later?” Joey asked as he and Mel returned.

“Plenty of time for JC to sleep, he was trying to use me as a human pillow,” Jen covered as Mel rolled her eyes.

“That’s us,” JC said as the ticket agent announced the first class boarding of their flight.

“Okay kiddies, I’m not one for long sappy good-byes so give me a hug and go get on the plane,” Mel said as she turned and wrapped Joey into a tight hug, which he returned. “I’m here whenever you need to talk,” she said quietly in his ear.

“Thank you, I just may have to take you up on that offer.”

“And you,” Mel said turning to JC. “You seem pretty okay, but my services are available if you need them. Shut up Joey,” she ordered, quieting the off-color remark that was about to come from the tall Italian’s mouth as JC stood up and Mel pulled him into a hug. “If you hurt her, I hurt you,” she said so only JC could hear.

“I understand. I’ll take good care of her, I promise,” he smiled as Mel turned to her long-time friend.

“We’re not gonna do any sappy kind of good-bye,” Jen warned. “I will see you in a couple of weeks anyway,” she said as the two friends embraced.

“You will?” Mel questioned puzzled.

“Sami’s birthday is coming up,” the tall woman reminded. “I don’t know what Lance has planned but I’m sure he’s up to something and I don’t know if it’s allowed or not but I’m inviting you for a visit.”

“I think it’s allowed,” JC chimed in.

“See then it’s settled, we’ll see you in a couple of weeks,” Jen reiterated as she pulled Mel in for another quick hug.

“Behave,” she called out as the three of them made their way to the gate.


Justin sat in the back of the car fidgeting with the speakers on his headphones that had given him troubles all throughout the plane ride to Washington DC. Still unable to determine the problem he tossed them into his backpack as his thoughts trailed to the conversation he and JC had the day before they all parted ways. The time away from everyone had helped him realize that JC was right. The only thing he could do was to let go of his feelings for Sami and move past it. Sami was happy and that was good enough for him, it had to be. Justin stepped out of the car and walked around the back lot of the venue. He was happy to back with his friends and excited about getting back to work.

“He’s coming,” Chris squealed as he ran wildly around the corner of the bus to the picnic table where Lance and Sam were seated.

The two of them stood up; mischievous grins on their faces as Chris pressed play on the small boom box resting on the table. “The Wedding March” began sounding from the speakers just as Justin appeared into view.

“Congratulations!” Chris, Lance and Sam shouted in unison while throwing handfuls of rice in his direction.

He walked emotionless to the stereo and shut it off before turning back to his friends. “That was good,” he smiled, unable to suppress his enjoyment of their good-natured ribbing.

“I leave you for four days and you come back an engaged man,” Sam said, continuing with the charade. “I just have one question. Can I be in the wedding? I can just see it now, pink bridesmaids dresses and baby blue tuxes,” she teased.

Justin shook his head in amusement. “Good news travels fast doesn’t it?”

“Like wildfire,” Sam agreed. “All it took was for one little British tabloid to print it and it went nuts. Lance and I heard it on the radio on the way from the airport.”

“I bet your mom cried tears of joy when she found out, didn’t she?” Chris joked.

“We all laughed actually. It’s so ridiculous,” Justin said shaking his head. “So how’s Dani?”

“She’s doing good. Busy, but good,” he answered turning his attention towards Sam and Lance. “So what did the newlyweds do on their honeymoon?”

“Lots of quality family time and water sports,” Sam replied, smiling proudly after sneaking a sideways glance at the reaction on Lance’s face to her comment.

“Well if you met his family and didn’t run away screaming then you are a better man than I,” Chris cracked.

“Yeah well you haven’t met my family,” Sam responded.

“That will change soon though,” Lance said pulling her into his body with his right arm. “We will be in Michigan this time next week.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me,” she huffed while rolling her eyes.

“So you finally got some use out of the lake and the jet skis?” Justin asked Lance, still shaking pieces of the rice from his golden curls.

“You have jet skis?” Sam questioned with mock surprise as she turned to face him, a playful smile on her face. Chris and Justin laughed at the implied meaning of her earlier comment, now understanding the slightly shocked reaction on Lance’s face at that moment. “We’ll have to take them for a spin next time,” she giggled.


“Well that’s just great,” Jen said angered as she punched away at the keys on the laptop in front of her.

“What’s wrong?” JC asked as he sat next to her at the booth, his head propped against his arm resting on the table.

“This computer is ghetto, that’s what’s wrong. I was just about to save this damn letter that I was working on and then it disappeared. I have no idea where it went.”

“So you’re saying you were actually doing some work?” Chris asked from his seat across from them. “That is amazing in itself.”

“I know. It is isn’t it?” she responded sarcastically. “Yes! I am a genius. I found it, I saved it, and now I’m done,” Jen said closing the lid with a relieved smile on her face.

Chris had begun tearing small pieces of the paper he had been previously doodling on, rolling them into miniscule balls and tossing them over his shoulders where Justin rested on the couch. The little pieces of litter were instantly caught up in his curls as he sat leaning against the window; his eyes closed, oblivious to Chris’ actions as D’Angelo filtered through his new set of headphones.

“Shhh, don’t tell,” Chris pleaded with Jen as he tossed another one behind him.

“I’m not gonna tell, I want to help,” Jen laughed as she ripped a corner of the paper off and joined in the juvenile behavior. “By the way, why are we all up here? Is there something wrong with the back of the bus this evening?”

“Yeah, Lance and Sam are back there,” Joey mumbled from his reclined position on the sofa opposite Justin as he leafed through a movie script.

“Oh, gotcha,” Jen nodded in understanding as Lance and Sam’s cheerful laughter filtered to the front of the bus.


“Give me that,” Lance demanded as Sam tucked it under her back as she lay on the couch. He was kneeling over her, one leg on each side of her hips. “That’s it, you leave me no choice,” he said as he began to playfully poke at her stomach with his index fingers.

“Ouch, you big meanie,” she whined while slapping at his hands. “You’re not getting the remote. It’s mine I tell you, mine!” she shouted while laughing maniacally.

“Fine,” he pouted as he rested his weight on her abdomen.

“Ugh, get your massive Bass ass off of me,” Sam said attempting to budge him from his seated position on top of her. “I can’t breathe.”

“Watch that mouth young lady, no girlfriend of mine is going to use such shitty language and get away with it,” he scolded playfully.

“Girlfriend? Where’s this girlfriend? I’d like to meet her,” Sam quipped.

“You’re a laugh a minute aren’t ya?” he said leaning down to kiss her.

“No really, I’m serious,” she said as he righted himself. “I was never asked to be anyone’s girlfriend.”

“Hmm, well we can fix that,” Lance said bounding up from the couch and pulling Sam with him. “Come on,” he instructed tugging at her to follow him to the front of the bus.

“What are we doing?”

“You’ll see,” he answered turning to everyone else. “Could I have your attention please?” he asked with a formal tone, as he nudged Justin’s arm.

“What’s going on?” the blue-eyed man asked as he thoughtlessly brushed a piece of paper from his lap after dropping his headphones to his neck and stopping the CD.

“I have something to ask Sam and I would like you all to be my witnesses,” Lance responded as he positioned himself on one knee in front of her.

“Whoa, I just wanted to be asked, you don’t have to be all grand gesture-ish about it.”

“If you’re gonna do something you might as well do it right,” he said smiling up at her.

“You’re not…you guys aren’t…exactly what are you asking her?” JC asked dumbfounded.

“Samantha Clark, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?” Lance asked holding her hands in his.

“What about that whole ‘single and ready to mingle’ thing?” she teased.

“I never said that, Justin did,” he said looking over his shoulder at his friend. “And by the way, what the heck is all that crap in your hair man?”

“What crap?” Justin asked raising his hand to his locks and discovering a multitude of paper scraps. The culprits were revealed by the laughter that Chris and Jen were unable to hide. “I will get you back,” he warned the pair. “You won’t know when, and you won’t know how, but mark my words revenge will be mine,” he hollered while clinching his fists in the air.

“Anyway,” Lance said as everyone laughed at Justin’s comical vow of retaliation. “So whadda ya say? Will you be my girl or not?”

“Hmm,” Sam said as if she were still trying to decide. “Okay fine, I’ll be your girlfriend,” she answered pulling him up to his feet and sealing the deal with kiss. “But if anybody asks, you’re not my boyfriend.”

“Why is that?” he asked raising an eyebrow at her.

“Because silly, I gotta keep myself available in case Carson ever becomes free,” Sam replied with an infectious laugh as she took off down the aisle of the bus.

“Don’t even think about,” Lance said as he pulled her out of the bathroom where she was attempting to seek refuge. “Now you must be punished,” he bellowed as he tossed her on the couch in the back.

“I think I’m gonna barf,” Joey said with his Brooklyn accent.

“Did you just say boff?” Jen said through her boisterous laughter.

“No, I said BARF. As in those two make me physically ill,” he huffed.

“They aren’t that bad,” JC said leaning back against the wall and stretching his hands into the air as a large yawn crept from his mouth. “They’re just in that first stage, they’ll be past it soon enough.”

“Yeah, you know, when they can’t keep their hands off of each other,” Jen added as she slinked her unseen hand around the upper portion of JC’s inner thigh, causing him to leap a few inches from his seat on the bench as Jen smirked with enjoyment.

“You alright there C?” Justin asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. But I think I’m gonna hit the sack,” he said pushing Jen to get up so he could get past. “There’s more activity on this bus than I can handle right now.”

“That’s right old man, go get your 20 required hours of beauty sleep,” Jen mocked as he disappeared into his bunk.

“Was Sam talking about Carson Daly, as in MTV, TRL Carson Daly?” Chris asked.

“You catch on quick Christopher,” Jen taunted. “Do you know any other?”

“Johnny Carson,” Chris said as he chuckled and the brunette rolled her hazel eyes at him.


“We love you James!” Chris and Justin shouted as the bus driver pulled into the all night convenience store.

“Yeah yeah yeah, I can’t believe I’m aiding in your quest for sugar at this time of night,” the man laughed as he parked the bus.

“Not just sugar, I plan on caffeine too,” Chris corrected. “And some chips, ooh and maybe a slushy too, those are in their own separate food group.”

The cluster of friends began to filter off the bus one by one; Sam jumping on Lance’s back as they stepped on the pavement while Jen lingered behind.

“Are you coming?” Justin asked.

“Nah, I think I’m gonna stay back and make sure nobody nabs the corpse,” she said motioning to the bunk where JC was sleeping soundly.

“K,” he laughed. “Can I get you anything?”

“Yeah, a Diet Coke would be good. Thanks.”

“A Diet Coke it is,” he said turning to join the others, suddenly stopping and spinning back to face Jen as he extended his hand out towards her. “Truce?” he asked tilting his head to the side and lowering it slightly while crinkling his nose.

“Yeah I suppose,” Jen agreed, shaking his outstretched hand. “It’s amazing how therapeutic bombarding your fro with tiny paper wads was.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself,” he smiled as he exited the bus.

Jen headed towards the back of the bus to stretch out on one of the couches while she waited for everyone else to return. “AHH!” she screamed as an arm reached out and pulled her down into the middle bunk. “You’re supposed to be sleeping,” she smiled at the attractive man beneath her as he slid his hands into the back pockets of her jeans.

“The bus stopped,” he explained. “Did I just hear you and Justin make amends?”

“Yes you did. I seem to be in an extremely good mood these days. Any idea why that could be?” she grinned before placing a kiss on his lips.

“Speaking of that, we need to make some rules for this thang we got going on.”

“What kind of rules?”

“Well first of all, it is NOT allowed for you to violate my body parts when everyone else is around,” JC instructed as he pinched her waistline with his hands.

“Aww yeah, ya liked that didn’t ya?” Jen laughed as she rested her hands at the sides of his face.

“Yes I did, which is why it sucked because I couldn’t do anything about it,” he pouted.

“Well, nobody’s stopping you now,” Jen said flirtatiously.

“The bus is empty isn’t it?” he asked before moving his hand up to her face and pulling her into a deep kiss.

“Did you hear that?” Jen asked panicked as she pulled away a few minutes later.

“Hear what?”

“I think somebody is back on the bus already.”

The two of them lay silently, paralyzed by the prospect of being found out. They both held their breath as the footsteps stopped right outside their bunk.

“Hiya!” Chris said brightly as he threw the curtains back.

They both let out a sigh of relief before Jen spoke. “Out of all the people you could’ve confided it, it HAD to be Chris?”

“I’m sorry. I don’t think sometimes,” JC remarked.

“Hey! I was coming out here, trying to be all nice to see if there was anything else you wanted besides a Diet Coke, and all you can do is pick on me,” Chris said dejected. “So what if I had an ulterior motive of catching you in a compromising position. I see how you are,” he huffed as he shut the curtains and slammed the door separating the two sections of the bus.

“Now where were we?” Jen asked looking down at JC who had begun to drift back to sleep. “Oh hell no. You better wake your sleeping beauty ass up.”

“I’m sorry. I’m tired. I did do a show tonight remember?” he said sleepily while rubbing his eyes.

“So what, I sat on my butt all day. What’s your point?” she countered. “Besides, it’s only like two more hours to the hotel.”

“See that is where we differ. You think two more hours, I might as well stay up. Whereas I think, two more hours is two whole hours of sleep I can have.”

“Fine, I’ll leave you to your slumber then,” Jen said placing a kiss on his forehead before sliding out of the bunk and closing the curtains.

“Your room or mine?” JC asked with smug smile on his face as he stuck his head out of the bunk.

“Well, I’m sharing a suite with Sami and you guys are supposed to be sharing suites also but somehow you ended up with a single room,” Jen informed.

“Oh is that so? I wonder how that happened. Isn’t that part of your job?”

“Are you implying that I called the hotel and changed the reservations? I’m appalled,” she gasped with mock disgust.

“Sure ya are,” JC said mockingly. “So my room it is?”

“If I’m not too tired by then,” she smirked.

Chapter 30