
“You’re awful quiet tonight,” Justin said as he tickled the bottom of Sam’s foot that rested next to him on the couch. She and Lance were lying curled up together in the corner. “I figured you’d be all excited to be going home tomorrow.”

“I’m trying not to think about it actually. I can’t believe how fast the week flew by,” she groaned.

“She’s ashamed of me,” Lance pouted playfully.

“I am not.”

“You should be happy to see your family. They seemed pretty nice from what I could tell. Your mom and your sister Stacy were super sweet, your sister Stefanie seems like a typical teenage girl, and your brother Spencer is a riot. That boy is a pimp,” Justin laughed.

Chris and Jen turned their attention away from the video game they were playing with looks of confusion directed at Justin and Sam. Lance asked the question that was on all of their minds.

“Did I miss something? When did you meet Sam’s family?” he questioned looking at the two seated on the couch with him.

“At Britney’s show last week in Michigan,” Justin explained.

“You remember honey,” Sam said looking up at him from where her head rested on his chest. “I told you I was getting Spencer passes for his birthday.”

“Oh that’s right, I forgot that was last week. I guess I didn’t realize that Justin would be meeting them before I did,” Lance mentioned. He knew it wasn’t Sam’s fault but at the same time he couldn’t help but to feel a little jealous.

“Well if it makes you feel better Lance, I’ve only met them once and I’ve known Sami a lot longer than all of you have,” Jen offered trying to ease the tension that was starting to build. “They’re nothing to get excited about anyway, just your typical mid-western family. No inbreeding like they do down south,” she cracked.

“Besides man, I only got to talk to them for a few minutes and we spent most of it talking about you. I talked you up good buddy,” Justin reassured.

“Not to mention he didn’t meet my dad and he’s the only one you really have to worry about,” Sam teased.

“Is your dad a big man?” Lance asked smiling.

“I’m just kidding. He’s harmless.”

“So what’s this about her brother being a pimp?” Chris asked.

“Dude you should’ve seen him. He’s got mad game for a twelve-year-old. I was impressed, he was full-out flirting with Britney and everything,” Justin chuckled.

“That’s great!” Chris exclaimed. “Your family sounds like fun Sam, I don’t know why you’re not more hyped to see them.”

“I am happy to see them. It’s just being back in that town,” she sighed. “I never felt like I fit in there so thought of going back…” she trailed off as Lance kissed the top of her head and held her tighter.

“Well you’ve found your way to us, and you certainly belong here,” Chris said cheerfully.

“Yes and you belong in the loony bin, so I don’t exactly know how much of a comfort that is,” Sam quipped. “But since we’re on the subject and I promised my mom I’d ask…I’ll just have to ask JC and Joey later,” she rambled on as Lance nudged her to continue, knowing what she was about to ask the other guys. “My parents are having a barbecue tomorrow in honor of my homecoming or whatever, all my family is gonna be there, it is most likely going to be extremely boring and I’m sure you probably all have plans, and you totally don’t have to, but you’re all welcome to come if you want to,” she mumbled.

“Did you say home cooked meal?” Justin asked.

“And the chance to hear embarrassing stories about your childhood?” Chris chimed in.

“We’re so there,” they finished together.

“I never pass up a free meal,” Joey’s gruff voice floated from his nearby bunk where he rested.

“Count me in too,” JC said rolling out of his compartment, his voice heavy with sleep as he made his way to the bathroom before returning again to his small bed.

“Oh so I’m not even worthy of an invitation?” Jen huffed.

“Nope, because you are going whether you want to or not,” Sam informed her friend.

“Is that so?” she inquired, raising her eyebrows. “Like I really want to spend the day trying to keep all those damn “S” names straight. It’s a freaking tongue twister trying to say them all together,” Jen said rolling her hazel eyes playfully. “Samantha, Stacy, Stefanie, Spencer, and they all sell seashells by the seashore.”

The group of friends laughed at Jen’s sarcastic remarks as Lance placed his fingertips under Sam’s chin and tilted her face up towards his own, their lips precariously close to one another as he spoke. “I told you it was going to be fun,” he reassured before placing a delicate kiss on her warm mouth. He sighed contently as she snuggled back into his chest, closing his eyes while resting his head against hers.


Sam and Lance walked through the patio door of her parents’ house and stepped into the backyard. Jen and the rest of the guys, along with the bodyguards followed directly behind. They were all met by Sam’s mother who immediately scooped her eldest daughter into a tight hug before Sam introduced them all. They stood getting aquatinted for a few moments before her parents excused themselves to go make some final preparations on the food. Seconds later Sam spotted a small figure trucking towards her clumsily. She bent down and scooped the small child into her arms and squeezed her tightly as she giggled gleefully.

“Oh I’ve missed you so much munchkin,” Sam sighed.

“I missed you too Aunt Sam,” the toddler responded wrapping her small arms around her aunt’s neck and shaking her tiny body back and forth as she clung tightly to the woman’s chest.

“You’re getting so big Carleigh,” the brunette squealed at her niece.

“I know, mommy says I a big girl now,” the little girl said her brown eyes wide with pride. Carleigh grabbed her aunt’s cheeks and planted a big kiss on her mouth before leaping into Lance's arms. “Hi Unca Wance,” she beamed as the rest of the group laughed.

“Cute,” Sam said embracing her sister. “How long did it take you to get her to say that?”

“What?” Stacy said innocently. “She did that all on her own.”

“Suuure she did,” Sam said disbelieving as she turned to the tot. “Who taught you that sweetie?”

“Mommy and grandma,” she giggled before quickly covering her mouth after revealing the secret. “You have pretty eyes,” the child said turning her attention back to Lance.

“Thank you cutie, you have pretty eyes too. They remind me of your Aunt Sam’s,” Lance said smiling at his girlfriend standing next to him.

“Do you feel like we’re looking at a picture of them in a few years?” JC asked Jen quietly as they watched the couple standing there with the young girl.

“Yeah, but I see another one running around at their feet and Sam about ready to pop the third one out,” Jen smirked.

“Lance, put the kid down and run for your life,” Chris instructed before bursting into laughter again.

“Guys, this is my sister Stacy,” Sam said introducing her to everyone.

“HELLO!” Joey said eyeing the dark-haired beauty.

“And this is her husband Cole,” Sam finished.

“Down boy,” Justin chided, as Joey shot him an evil look.

“I can take her if you want me to,” Cole said motioning to Carleigh who still sat happily perched in Lance’s arms.

“No, that’s okay,” the blonde man said. “She’s fine,” Lance smiled as the brown-haired toddler placed a slobbery kiss on his cheek.

Just then loud girlish shrieks rang out through the crowd of family and friends as the guys and the bodyguards turned around expecting to see the usual suspects, teenage girls. Instead they started laughing uncontrollably as three grown men approached them doing their best impersonations of rabid fans.




Sam hung her head in shame as she introduced her friends to her grandfather and two of her uncles.

“Dinner is ready,” Sam’s mother called out.

“Thank goodness,” Sam sighed as they all made their way to the collection of picnic tables.


“Spencer, where do you think you are going?” the young man’s mother yelled as he attempted to sneak into the house with Chris and Justin in tow.

“I was gonna go show the guys the new Playstation games I got Mom,” he whined.

“I don’t think so. It’s too nice to be cooped up inside.”

“Aww, Mom!” Chris and Justin moaned simultaneously.

“Okay fine,” the woman smiled. “But just one game,” she ordered.

“Your mom’s the greatest,” Chris gloated as Sam walked past him on her way to Lance.

“So where’s your little friend?” Sam questioned Lance as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

“Your sister put her down for a nap,” he answered.

“I think she has eyes for you,” she teased.

“She is adorable, but I only have eyes for you,” Lance smiled before leaning down to place a quick kiss on Sam’s rosy lips.

“Long time no see,” a man said walking up to the couple. The voice from her past paralyzed Sam and she clutched onto Lance tighter. “Well I already know who you are,” he said to Lance. “But allow me to introduce myself. My name is Scott. Sam and I go way back,” he explained reaching out to shake Lance’s hand. “What’s the matter Sam? You look a little shocked to see me.”

“Mom hadn’t mention that she invited you,” she managed to mutter.

“She didn’t exactly invite me, but you know how things get around in this small town,” the tall, dark-haired man said simply.

“Oh,” Sam said barely above a whisper. “I have to find Jen,” she mumbled, forcing herself to break free from Lance as she walked away frantically searching for her friend.

Lance furrowed his brow at Sam’s peculiar actions as he watched her disappear through the crowd; his thoughts were broken when Scott spoke again.

“So you and Samantha eh? Is that what you’re paying her for?” he asked snidely, his blue eyes full of delight as a result of the angered expression on Lance’s face. Before Lance could respond Scott spoke again. “Hey man don’t worry about, if I remember correctly she’s well worth the money. Especially when she gets all rough and forceful. Has she done that for you yet?” he questioned before walking away with smug smile on his lips as Lance stood in a state of total shock.


Sam finally found Jen seated at a picnic table with JC. The two of them could tell that something was obviously troubling the petite woman as soon as Sam approached them.

“What’s wrong Sami?” Jen asked, her voice filled with concern.

“I need to talk to you,” she answered panicked as she glanced at JC.

“I was just going to get a refill on this drink,” he said rising from the wooden bench.

“Scott is here,” Sam blurted out after JC had left.

“THE Scott?” Jen asked emphatically. Sam nodded her head pitifully as a single tear streamed down her cheek. “Calm down,” Jen consoled her friend as she wrapped her arm around her. “Everything is going to be okay. I promise. Now where is he?”

“Oh god, oh god, oh god,” Sam repeated holding her head in her hands. “I left him with Lance,” she gasped as she looked up at Jen, her brown eyes pleading for help as the tears began to fall freely down her face.


“What is wrong with you?” Joey asked as he walked up to Lance who still stood dumfounded by what Scott had professed to him moments earlier.

“Have you seen that guy around at all tonight?” he asked pointing to Scott who stood talking with some of Sam’s family.

“Yeah, I saw him talking with Sam’s parents earlier. Why?” Joey asked confused. “What is going on?”

“He basically just told me that he and Sam…” Lance trailed off, unable to utter the words.

Joey caught on to what he was trying to say. “So what’s the big deal?” he shrugged. “Everybody has a past.”

“But Sam told me that she didn’t,” he informed, his voice laced with confusion.

“Are you serious? She told you that she was a virgin? You’ve gotta be shitting me,” the tall man said rolling his brown eyes.

“What is that suppose to mean?” Lance questioned, more perplexed than ever.

Joey sighed as he began. “Listen man, I really hate to be the one to tell you about this. I didn’t figure it mattered much since it happened before you guys actually got together, but if she’s lying to you about it…”

“Damn it Joe, just tell me,” he ordered, his green eyes clouded with anger.

“It’s about her and Justin…” Lance stood emotionless as Joey began relaying the events of the morning when he had witnessed Justin leaving Sam’s hotel room.

Chapter 31