Sam blinked back the sleep from her eyes as she reluctantly woke from her slumber.  Lance was next to her, propped up on his side, his head resting on his hand and a glowing smile on his face.

“Morning birthday girl.”

“Umphf, it’s still morning,” she mumbled into the pillow.

“For another fifteen minutes or so.”

“How long have you been awake?” she asked turning on her side and mimicking Lance’s position.

“About 15 minutes or so,” he answered with a laugh.

“And you’ve just been laying here watching me?”

“Yes.  You were talking in your sleep again.”

“I didn’t say anything incriminating did I?” Sam asked with a grin.

“No, not this time,” he teased.  “I was just making sure you weren’t having the nightmare again.”

“Nope,” she said with a shake of her head as she moved closer and slid her arm around his waist.  “I haven’t had a nightmare since I told you about everything.”

“I’m glad,” Lance said as he kissed her forehead.  “Well since you’re awake now, I suppose I’ll go shower.  You’re more than welcome to join me,” he said with a smirk as he climbed out of bed.

“Nah, I think I’ll go back to sleep,” she said as she squished the pillow under her head.

“Lazy bum,” he hollered playfully over his shoulder as he walked to the bathroom.

“It’s my birthday, I’m entitled,” Sam defended herself as the door shut and seconds later she could hear the running water of the shower.

She was just starting to drift back to sleep when she heard a steady knocking at the door.

“I guess I’m getting up after all,” she groaned as she rose from the bed and walked to the main room of the suite.

Sam looked through the peephole and saw nothing but flowers.  “Who is it?” she called out.

“Who the hell do you think it is?” Jen’s familiar voice answered back.

“Well it seems to be a talking flower of some sorts,” Sam retorted.

“That’s right, so are you gonna let us talking flowers in or what?” Mel responded this time.

“I suppose,” Sam said with a dramatic sigh as she flung open the door and her two friends walked in.

“Here, take these, they’re yours anyway,” Jen said depositing the vase that she had in her arms into Sam’s.

“Thanks,” she said as she shut the door with her foot and walked over to a nearby table to put the flowers down.  “Are they from you guys?”

“No, we just intercepted them from the bellhop,” Mel explained placing the large bouquet in her hands down on the table also.  “That one is from the in-laws and this one is from your family.  Not that we looked at the cards or anything,” she said with giggle.

“Yeah, because if we had read them we would know that your mom said she hopes that Lance is taking good care of you since it’s the first time you’ve been away from your family on your birthday,” Jen added with a laugh of her own.

“I hadn’t even realized that until now,” Sam said reading the cards for herself.  “I guess Lance is doing a good job then,” she beamed as she arranged the two new groups of flowers on either side of the red roses that he had given her last night.

“So?” Mel asked as her and Jen took a seat on the couch.

“So what?” Sam replied, furrowing her brow in confusion as she stood in front of the pair.

“So, last night!” Jen exclaimed, pulling her down on the sofa between them.  “We want details of the secret rendezvous.”

“Oh that,” Sam said with a wave of her hand.  “It was nothing really,” she shrugged.

“Sami don’t make me beat it out of you.  You know I will,” Mel warned.

“Okay, okay,” she said laughing. “First he surprised me with the dress…”

Sam proceeded to tell her friends the details of the evening, dinner at the Russian Tea Room, the necklace, the red theme, and finally the video.

“I always knew that Lancers was a smooth one,” Mel commented.

“That’s not even the best part,” Sam said with a wide smile.

“Eww, just keep those details to yourself,” Jen said with mock disgust.

“Whatever,” Sam rolled her eyes and continued.  “He told me he loved me!” she shouted before shrieking like a silly schoolgirl, with Jen and Mel joining in just for fun.

“I can’t believe we just screamed like that,” Mel laughed.

“Neither can I.  So who said it first?” Jen wondered out loud.  “You or him?”

“He did, and then I, of course, said it back.”  Sam sighed remembering the moment.  “Isn’t that the sweetest thing?”

“Yes, so sweet I have a toothache as a matter of fact,” she quipped.

“Sam…Samantha?” Lance hollered from the other room before opening the door and sticking just his head out.  “There you are,” he said with a relieved tone.

“Umm, I think you missed some shampoo there Lance,” Mel informed looking at his still sudsy hair.

“I know, I wasn’t done yet.”

“Then why did you get out?” Sam asked as she walked over to him.

“I think the more important question is if he’s wearing anything other than that shampoo,” Jen snickered.

“No.  I couldn’t find a damn towel,” he pouted.

“I think we have a couple extras in our room,” Mel said, unable to contain her amusement as she stood.

“And Johnny said he needed to see me before lunch, so I should go,” Jen said as she and Mel left the room.

“Okay, so what’s the big emergency that interrupted your shower?” Sam asked walking into the bedroom with him and wiping a stream of suds off his forehead, preventing them from falling into his eyes.

“I heard screaming and I thought maybe you were having the nightmare again.”

“The girls and I were just goofing around.  And I told you I wasn’t having anymore nightmares.”

“I know but I was worried that maybe because I brought it up…”

Sam cut him off with a kiss.  “You’re so cute.  I’m fine.  Stop worrying and go finish your shower before you catch a cold standing around in this air-conditioned room all wet.”

“My offer still stands,” he said with a crooked grin.  “Are you sure you won’t join me?”

“Somebody has to let Mel back in with your towels and I’m going to give our families a call to thank them for the flowers while I have a minute.  Some other time, I promise,” she said as she turned him around towards the bathroom and playfully smacked his bottom.  “Now go,” she ordered with a giggle.

“Okay, now it’ll have to be a cold shower,” he whined.

“AH!  You sick little boy,” Sam shrieked as she walked out to the main room.

“Hey!  You’re the one that spanked me missy!” Lance protested through the closed door before returning to the bathroom.


“Stop drinking out of my glass Fro,” Jen demanded.  “There’s no tellin’ where that mouth of yours has been.”

“I can’t help it, I’m thirsty still and mine is all gone,” Justin explained.  “Besides, I don’t know where your mouth has been either,” he said with narrowed eyes, a scrunched up nose, and hands on his hips.

The sizeable group of friends and bodyguards were sitting in a private dining area at Planet Hollywood.  They had finished lunch for the most part and were waiting for the waitress to return with the check.  At the moment though, all of them were focused on Chris who was choking on an ice cube as a result of laughter caused by Justin’s comeback.

“Are you okay?” Dani asked him.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” he replied with a smile.  “I just found Justin’s comment oddly funny for some reason.”

“Me too,” Mel smirked.

“I bet you did,” Jen grumbled under her breath, as JC couldn’t help but to smile at her.

“So what are you going to do this afternoon Sam?” Dani asked.

“I don’t know,” she shrugged.  “I didn’t have anything planned.  I’ll probably just do the usual and hang out at the venue.”

“On your birthday?  You should go enjoy the city while you can,” Dani urged.

“Well I have always wanted to shop in New York,” Sam smiled.  “And I feel the sudden urge to buy myself a birthday gift.  A new outfit sounds like a nice treat.”

“I don’t think we have time to go shopping, we have to be at the venue soon,” Lance mentioned.

“Who said you were invited?  This activity has just been designated an all girl thing,” Mel informed.

“Well you’ll have to do it without this girl because there’s no way I can get away for the afternoon,” Jen complained.

“Go.  I’ll take care of Johnny,” Justin said.  “Consider it a trade-off for sharing your glass with me,” he finished with a boyish grin.

“Thanks Fro, that’s a pretty good bargain.”

“Can you recommend any stores Dani?” Sam asked.

“It depends on what you’re looking for.”

“I’m in the mood for something different from what I would normally wear, maybe a little wild and crazy, for clubbing tonight.”

“I know the perfect place.  It’s on…”

“Oh, you don’t need to tell us where it’s at.  You can just tell the driver.  You’re coming with,” Mel interjected.  “Unless you have other plans.”

“No, not really,” the blonde woman smiled.

“See, then it’s settled,” Sam said.  “I can always use another opinion when shopping for clothes.”

“Besides, do you really think we’d make you hang out with the dumb boys all day?” Jen asked.  “They have cooties.”

“Who has cooties?” Joey asked returning from the bathroom.

“Italians named Joseph,” Mel cracked before ducking away from the leftover onion ring that he hurled in her direction.

“So the girls will take one van and the guys will take the other,” Lonnie decided.  “You might want to say your good-byes now though because there are a couple girls waiting outside and I doubt you want to put on a show for them and their cameras.”

“Justin, what the hell are you doing?” JC asked his friend who was smiling at his reflection in a knife.

“I’m making sure I don’t have any food in my teeth.  I can’t be looking all stupid smiling for pictures with food in my teeth,” he explained.

“Don’t spend all your money woman,” Chris said before kissing his girlfriend.

“Okay, I’ll spend yours then,” she joked.

“On second thought…”

“That’s what I figured,” Dani laughed.

“So I’ll see you back at the Garden then?” Lance asked.

“I’ll be there.”

“Love you.”

“Love you too,” Sam replied leaning in to accept his kiss.

Chris turned to Justin and batted a sad pair of eyes at him.  “Why don’t you say that to me anymore?” he whimpered.

“Because you stopped saying it to me,” Justin huffed, crossing his arms across his chest as he turned his back.

“I’m all ferklempt,” Joey said, taking on a feminine quality in his voice.  “My little boy has grown up and fallen for a woman,” he gasped wiping away imaginary tears with his sleeve.  “I can’t handle all these emotions.  Hold me Lonnie,” he cried jumping into the man’s arms as JC burst out laughing.

“That didn’t take very long, now did it?” Sam asked referring to the good-natured ribbing they were receiving.

“Not at all,” Lance laughed.  “Does it surprise you?”

“Not at all,” she smiled as they kissed again.

“Enough of that,” Mel ordered pulling Sam away from Lance’s embrace.  “You belong to us today,” she said as her and Jen shared an evil laugh.

“If I were you Sam, I’d be very, very afraid,” JC chuckled as they began the walk to the vans.


“Another piece of cake Johnny?” Sam teased with raised eyebrow as he walked into the VIP area snacking on a slice of the cake he presented her with earlier while the guys and the crew sang “Happy Birthday”.  “How many is that now, three or four?”

“I can’t help it,” he said with a smile and a shrug.  “I’m a sucker for cake.  And it’s only two.”

The guys were just finishing up “I Drive Myself Crazy”.

“How you feelin’ New York?” Justin asked when the lights rose again.  The five of them were now standing in front of the living room scene preparing to do “I Thought She Knew”.  “Come on, this is NYC, I know y’all can do better than that,” he prodded the crowd.  “On the count of three.  One…two…three!” he shouted to an enormous response.

“That’s more like it,” Joey said enthusiastically.

“I agree,” Justin laughed.  “Now we can get down to business.  First of all, we want to thank all of you for coming out tonight and for welcoming us into the city this week and for your continued support.  I know we’ve said this before but it really is the truth, if it weren’t for all of you, the five of us wouldn’t be here today so we thank you with all our hearts.  God Bless,” he paused to allow the applause to die down a bit.  “One more thing and then I’ll stop jabbering and we can get to the song,” he continued with a chuckle.  “Tonight a member of our extended crew, and a good friend of all of ours, is celebrating a birthday.  So we just want to wish her a very Happy Birthday.”

“Happy Birthday Sam,” the other four shouted, with the exception of Chris who instead elected to call her “Shorty”.

“This one’s for you Sami,” Justin finished as they set themselves and began the song.

“Did Chris just call me Shorty?” Sam asked with an amused expression.

“I believe he did Shorty,” Mel answered.

“Why did it seem like it took forever to get to that point in the show tonight?” Jen asked.

“Because we were waiting for it,” Dani replied.  “And now that it’s finally done with, we should go get ready.”

“Wait a minute, how did you guys know that Justin was going to do that?” Sam questioned.

“I overheard Lance and Justin talking about it,” Jen explained.  “Justin wanted to make sure it was okay with him before he did it and Lance said that it was probably better if Justin did it anyway, that it would be less obvious that way.  Now lets go, it’s gonna take us forever to get that crap in your hair,” Jen reminded as the girls left the VIP area and headed backstage.


“This is so not me,” Sam said to herself as she stared at her reflection in the mirror.  Her hair was crimped into relaxed waves with temporary hues of blue and black mixed in with her natural shade of brown.  Her eyelids were decorated with smoky shades of gray and accented by a dramatic black liner.  The lipstick the girls had helped her choose was a deep shade of maroon.  A simple pair of silver hoop earrings, the pendant Lance had given her the night before, and a black leather wrist cuff were the accessories she had chosen.  Sam moved her eyes down, focusing on the outfit.  Her form-fitting top was bright teal, python-print leather.  It was a halter design, exposing her shoulders, upper back, and a generous portion of her ample cleavage, which were all dusted with a layer of body glitter.  Her black leather skirt was bias cut, revealing much of her right thigh and stopping just barely below her knee on the left side.  A pair of black, knee-high boots also leather and with a sizeable, chunky heel covered her lower legs.  “But I think I like it,” she decided with a smirk.

“Come on woman, we ain’t got all night,” Justin complained from the outer room.

He and everyone else were waiting outside the dressing room for Sam.  She took a deep breath and prepared herself for their reactions as she opened the door and joined them.  From were he was seated, JC was the first to catch a glimpse of her.

“Holy crap!” he exclaimed.  “Who are you and what have you done with our demure, casual Sam?”

“I think Lance eliminated all innocence she had left,” Mel joked.

“Imagine that, Lance bringing out someone’s wild side,” Jen quipped as Lance, who had been talking on his phone, abruptly ended the call and stood silently gawking at Sam.

“Wow, it looks even better than it did when you tried it on at the store,” Dani complimented.  After they had helped Sam with her hair and makeup, the three other girls left her to dress and to get ready themselves.  “I may have to borrow that sometime.”

“Yeah, you have the chest to fill it out too you lucky brat,” Mel pouted.

“What the heck are you trying to do to Lance Shorty?  You know the boy has a heart condition right?” Chris cracked.

“Them’s some nice boo…boots you got there Sam,” Joey chimed in as he eyed her.

“That wasn’t obvious or anything Joe,” Justin laughed.  “Sami they look, I mean you look spectacular,” he corrected with an embarrassed smile.

“Well I wonder where your eyes were,” Mel said rolling her eyes.

“Hey, if she’s gonna put them on display, I’m gonna look,” he said defending himself.  “I was just trying not to be as obvious as some people.”

“Yeah well you failed miserably,” Mel informed with a smile as Justin shrugged.

“Okay, judging from your responses, I think this is little too over the top,” Sam said as she turned back to the dressing room.  “I’m changing.”

“NO,” Lance blurted out, breaking his silence.

“He speaks,” Jen teased.

“No?” Sam questioned, turning to face him.  “You don’t want me to change?”

“No,” he repeated with a cocky smile.  “I, better than anyone, know what an amazing body you have, and if you feel like dressing a little wild for a change and showing it off, then there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.  And can I just add, you look sensational.”

“Thank you,” she replied walking towards him.  “But tell the truth, you were a little shocked at first weren’t you?”

“Yes,” the five men chorused.

“Good,” Sam said with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes.  “That was the point.”

“Mission accomplished,” Lance said as he grabbed her hand and turned her around to get the full view.  “Very much so,” he reinforced, nestling his face into her neck as he wrapped his arms around her from behind.

“Now that we’ve got that settled, can we get this party started?  I’m ready to get my swerve on,” Jen said as she began to comically prance around.

“Yes, let’s go,” Justin agreed.  “Somebody is definitely gonna have to teach that girl some new moves though,” he kidded, tilting his head in Jen’s direction as she continued to entertain her friends.

“What’s wrong with my moves?” she questioned with a frown as she proceeded to break into the cabbage patch, enticing a round of laughter from everyone as they slowly trickled out of the room and headed to the waiting vans.

Chapter 40