Thursday afternoon after sound check the guys, along with Johnny and Jen, had gathered in a conference room at Madison Square Garden to go over a few things about that night’s live concert broadcast.

“Okay guys, I think that’s about all I wanted to say,” Johnny finished after a short pep talk. “Jen has something for you and then you’re free to go.”

“That’s it, I’ve had just about enough of this,” Chris said with a stern tone. “You’re just a newcomer around here, yet ever since you got here you’ve been spouting orders and such like we work for you or something. I’m not going to stand for it anymore, there’s no way I’m taking orders from you today missy.”

“Shut up Christopher,” Jen said rolling her eyes as she stood at the head of the oval table.

“Okay,” he replied simply as the other guys laughed.

“I decided that two-way pagers would be good investment for this team. I know that sometimes I don’t really want to talk to you guys but I need to let you know about something, this way we can all pass along information and not have to talk when it’s unnecessary,” Jen explained.

“So does this mean your rude wake-up calls will be eliminated?” Lance asked with a giggle.

“No unfortunately, SOME people seem to have a problem getting out of bed and need to be screamed at LANCE,” she teased.

“This is so cool,” Joey mused as Jen passed the gadgets around the table. “I was just thinking the other day about getting one of these.”

“This is really cool Jen. Thanks,” Justin chimed in.

“You’re welcome Fro, but I did it for myself as well. It’ll save us all time.”

“So how do these things work?” JC asked as he examined it.

“Well it’s pretty much like a pager, except you type in messages like a computer instant messaging system,” Jen explained taking it from his hand and demonstrating. “I had everyone else’s numbers programmed in the address books already and they’re all hooked up and ready to go,” she said as Justin’s pager sounded.

“How’d you do that?” he questioned as Jen’s hello message appeared on the screen.

“Here I’ll show you,” she said walking him through the steps and eventually the rest of them also.

“Must be nice to be rich and famous. You get all the girls on your bus and the cool toys,” Steve whined from his seat. His presence wasn’t required for this meeting and Jen had wondered why he followed the guys in earlier.

“Yes, but don’t forget, you get all the leftovers,” she replied. “And you can stop your whining because you’re getting a pager too.”

“I am? Cool!” he exclaimed, completely disregarding her snide comment.

“Yes, you, along with myself, Johnny and the rest of the main crew members will all have one,” the tall brunette explained tossing the small device across the room to him.

“What about Sam?” Lance wondered. “It’d be nice to have her on the same network or whatever.”

“Yes, I got one for Sami, and for Dani,” Jen added as Chris was about to speak.

“Johnny you should hire this girl or something, she’s a smart one,” he now decided on after she’d already answered his question.

“I’ll look into it Chris,” their manager chuckled.

“So can we add other people?” JC asked. “These would be great for Alex and Brad to have as well.”

“I think it’d be fun for Mel to have one too,” Joey mentioned. “Then you three girls could gab away.”

“Yeah and if I could get one for Trace and…”

Jen cut Justin off. “We can get as many as you want, just get me a list, and I’ll get them. But y’all should remember that you’re paying for them, whether it’s a tour expense or out of your pocket, it’s all your money.”

“That’s fine,” they all agreed.

“Okay, I’m done with my little presentation then.”

“Good job Jen,” Johnny complimented. “This was a really great idea.”

“Thank you,” she said with a proud smile as the boys began to play with their new toys and Johnny left to look after some last minute details.

“Steve, man, I know I’m hot and all,” Justin said with a self-deprecating grin. “But I really don’t think you and I going out is a good idea.”

“Uh sorry, that wasn’t meant for you,” he mumbled embarrassed.

“Then who was it for?” Joey asked.

“I’m really hoping that it was for the female in the room,” Lance laughed, as JC began to take great interest in the conversation.

“So Jen,” Steve began looking up at her as she stood between him and his brother. “This isn’t exactly the way I had planned on doing it, in front of everyone and all, but what would you say to a date?”

JC waited anxiously for her answer.

“Thanks for asking, but no thanks,” she said politely.

“Oh come on, we’d have fun, I promise.”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea to date within the workplace,” she replied, fumbling for a way to let him down easy as Chris choked on a laugh.

“So if we weren’t working together you’d want me then?” he asked wiggling his eyebrows.

“I didn’t say that.”

“But you’re not denying it. I’d be worth a little reprimanding that you’d get from Johnny. Come on, you know you want me,” Steve continued to prod.

“Look, I’m not interested. Can you understand that?” Jen finally hollered, enticing a pleased smile from JC. The rest of the guys had already exited the room, not wanting to witness Steve’s rejection.

“You’ll change your mind,” Steve said with a cocky grin as Jen gathered her things and walked out. “I love when they play hard to get,” he said to JC.

“I think you need to take a hint,” JC said thinly, trying not to show how bothered he was by Steve and his advances towards Jen.

“Did you notice she was wearing shorts today?” he asked ignoring the man’s comments. “She should wear them more often, she’s got amazing legs. What I wouldn’t give to have them wrapped around…”

“If you finish that sentence, I’ll break your fucking legs and strangle you with them Steve,” JC said with a clenched jaw, no longer able to hide his anger.

“What the hell is your problem dude?” Steve asked surprised.

“My problem is that every woman you see is just a piece of ass to you and it’s getting really tired.”

“Get off your high horse JC. You can’t tell me you haven’t thought about making her your little play toy once or twice. Think about it, it’s perfect, she’s always around so it’d be convenient, she’s got a body that you could get lost in, and she’s already on the payroll. What more could you want?” he shrugged.

JC lunged from his chair, so badly wanting to make good on his earlier threat. It took all the willpower he had to restrain himself as Joey re-entered the room to retrieve the cell phone he’d left behind.

“What’s going on?” he asked looking back and forth between his friend and brother.

“Ask psycho boy, he’s the one flippin’ out over nothing,” Steve huffed.

“Just lay off of Jen,” JC ordered.

“Or what?” Steve fired back as he stood.

“Maybe you should just leave it alone Steve,” Joey urged.

“Why should I? Jen’s a big girl, she doesn’t need him to be her protector.”

“You know what Steve, you’re right,” JC said with a confidant smirk. “She’ll have you uninterested in her in no time. She has a brain and I know women like that scare you.”

JC walked out of the conference room leaving before Steve could respond. As he passed a partially closed door, a hand reached out and pulled him inside the secluded room.


Justin strolled casually into the toy room. It was pretty empty at the moment. Sam and Mel were sitting at either end of the sofa. Sam was studying the screen on her laptop as Mel was writing away in a small notebook. A mischievous grin crept across his face as Justin took a seat on the arm of the couch next to Sam.

“HOW’S THE HANGOVER SAMI?” he screamed into her ear.

“I don’t have a hangover dumb ass,” she said swinging at him without taking her eyes off the computer.

He laughed as he slid behind her back to miss the reach of her arm. “I see you still have something to remind you of your wild night,” he teased tugging on a piece of her still-blue hair as it peeked out from the bandana Jen had given her the night before.

“Yeah, it turns out the hair stuff isn’t as temporary as it said it was,” she grumbled.

“So whatcha doin?” he asked as he slid his body behind her and down the length of the sofa, resting his head snugly in Mel’s lap.

“What are you doing?” the dark-haired woman asked with raised eyebrow as she looked down at him.

“Your lap looked comfy.”

“Oh, okay,” Mel said as she finished whatever it was she was writing. “So what are you doing Sami? You’ve been on that thing forever.”

“I’m checking out a bunch of sites to make sure my escapades haven’t made it to the rumor mills yet,” she explained.

“Already? It was just last night,” Justin said through a yawn.

“Hey, some of these girls are quick, trust me I know.”

“I’m surprised you even remember last night,” he teased.

“I remember every thing,” Sam insisted. “In fact I even remember things that couldn’t have possibly happened,” she added with a chuckle.

“What do you mean?” Mel asked as she began thoughtlessly soothing back Justin’s hair as if he were a young toddler preparing for a nap.

“I thought for sure that sometime during the night I saw Jen and JC all cozy together in one of the booths in the back of the club,” Sam clarified.

“Well if I didn’t know it before, I certainly do now. You were drunk woman,” Justin confirmed.

“No kidding,” Mel said with a laugh. “Jen and JC. Ha!”

“So does anyone know of your second career as a table dancer yet?” Justin asked as Sam finally turned off the computer.

“Not yet, thank goodness, but apparently I used to be a man. Where do people come up with these things?” Sam said shaking her head.

“I wonder what in the world would ever make someone think that,” Mel giggled.


“What? I was just having some fun with the kids, geez. Who knew they’d believe me?” she said through her laughter.

“You just wait,” Sam said squinting her eyes at her friend before breaking into a smile. “So if you guys are done with the meeting, where’s everyone else?” she asked an almost sleeping Justin.

“I think they’re messing around with the security carts,” he mumbled.

“I’m gonna go find them. You guys coming?”

“I’m good here,” Justin said barely audible.

“I guess I’m not moving either,” Mel said as Sam patted Justin’s curls on her way out.

“This is really relaxing,” he sighed. “So you’re one hell of a dancer and you give great scalp massages. Do you have any other hidden talents?”

“If I told you, it would ruin the mystery that is Mel,” she joked, changing to a serious tone as she spoke again. “Justin can I talk to you about something?”

“Am I going to like this?” he asked opening one eye and arching his head back to meet her gaze. “I’m not am I?” he questioned again as he turned on his back and opened both eyes.

“Why did you buy Sami diamonds for her birthday?”

“Because she’s my friend and I wanted her to have something nice.”

“Justin, I know I’m just a poor college student, but even if I had your money, I still don’t think I’d buy her something that extravagant, and I love the girl to death,” Mel reasoned.

“I don’t know why you’re making such a big deal out of my gift,” Justin said running a frustrated hand over his face. “Lance bought her flowers, took her out for a fancy dinner, gave her a ruby and diamond necklace, and a diamond bracelet. Not to mention flew you out for the week.”

“Ah, my point exactly,” Mel said grazing her hand along his cheek. “Lance, the man that LOVES her bought her that stuff. Do you see what I’m getting at here?”

“Listen Mel, I know you care about Sami and you worry for her, but trust me, I would never hurt her,” Justin assured.

“I know you never would intentionally, but I’m not just concerned for her. Somebody else stands to be extremely hurt in this triangle and I’m not talking about the albino.”

“Don’t worry about me,” he said as he rose. “I’ll be fine. Sami is my friend, that’s all, I get that,” he finished leaving Mel alone in the toy room.

“Oh, he’s got it bad. Worse than I thought,” she sighed to herself as she left the room in search of her friends.


“What the heck are you doing?” JC asked as Jen pulled him inside the small office and shut the door.

“Since when did you work for the Mafia? I’ll break your legs and strangle you with them? What was that all about?” she asked with furrowed brow.

“Oh, you heard that?” JC grimaced.

“Yes I did. And I also heard Steve’s comments so I guess he deserved it. But he’s right, I can take care of myself.”

“I know you can. It was just…” he paused. “It was bad enough when he was asking you out and I could only sit there and hope you said no, but then the other crap he said…”

“You thought I might agree to go out with him?” Jen asked surprised.

“Well I was praying you had better sense than that, but since we don’t have any rules here it’s not like you couldn’t date other people if you wanted to,” JC said as he studied her expression.

“Oh, right, no rules,” she said quietly.

JC decided the time was right to tell her what had been on his mind lately. Steve’s words were still ringing in his head and he didn’t like the way they sounded at all. She wasn’t just a plaything or a fling to him, she had become so much more and it was time for her to know that.

“I’ve been thinking about the “no rules” thing lately. A lot.”

“Oh really? What about it?”

“I think maybe it’s time to move on. A little rules never hurt anyone,” he smiled warmly and Jen could’ve sworn she felt her heart melt as she sensed what he might be alluding to. “I’m not seeing anyone one else right now, and I don’t want to,” he continued. “As far as I know, neither are you.”

“Well you know I have so much free time,” she said with a smirk. “I suppose I could always dip into the company pool again. But then again, I don’t think that’d be such a good idea. I mean there’s the crew but half of them are married, and the other half are just plain scary. There’s Steve of course, but he belongs in the scary half. Chris and Lance are spoken for and even if they weren’t, neither one of them exactly do it for me if ya know what I mean. Joey is available, but he’s not really my cup of tea either,” she paused for a breath as JC folded his arms across his chest stood amused by her ramblings. “And of course that leaves Justin. So he’s a hottie and all, but he’s kinda grumpy in the morning, and speaking of mornings, could you imagine waking up next to that hair? You’d probably suffocate. Plus there’s that whole weird connection with Sami, and the Britney factor. But I guess the main thing is that Jen Timberlake, just doesn’t have that ring to it ya know?” she asked crinkling her nose.

“Are you finished?” JC asked with a cocked eyebrow.

“Oh yeah, you were saying something?” she reminded.

“Right, I would like for us to be exclusive and I’m hoping you agree.”

“Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?”

“Yes, I think that’s the general idea, we would only date each other, we’d be a couple. What do you think?” he asked cautiously.

“I think we should still keep quiet about our relationship,” she decided. “I still don’t feel right with the whole Johnny factor and besides, it’s fun sneaking around,” she grinned.

“I have to admit, I kinda enjoy that also and it being something private between us, besides Chris and Mel anyway,” JC laughed. “So is that a yes?”

“Okay,” Jen said calmly, as the girly side of her squealed on the inside.

“That’s it? Okay? A little more enthusiasm would be good for my ego, it’s not like I just asked you to watch a movie or something,” he teased.

“JC, JC, JC,” she sighed. “Haven’t you learned by now that I’m a woman of action, not words?” she said with a silky tone as she leaned into his body, reaching behind him to lock the door.

His stomach muscles tensed as the heat of her breath hit his neck. “What are you doing?”

“You’ve had a very stressful week, I thought you could use a little tension relief,” she purred before placing a delicate kiss on his neck. “I’ll make you all nice and relaxed for the concert tonight I promise,” she said as she moved up to his lips and he met her embrace eagerly, placing his hands underneath the hem of her shirt and caressing the smooth, warm skin of her back.

“In here? Are you sure?” he asked pulling away with ragged breath.

“We could always go out on the stage in front of everyone,” she quipped.

“I think here is good,” he smiled, picking her up by her waist and sitting her on the desk before drawing her lips to his again in a heated kiss.

Chapter 42