“Now I feel wide awake again!” Sam exclaimed as she came bouncing out of the bathroom freshly showered and changed. She was now wearing a navy blue Abercrombie T-shirt with a pair of olive green shorts matching the lettering of her shirt. She had pulled her still-wet brown hair into a bun at the back of her head and secured it with a navy, elastic hair tie. Jen was lying in the middle of the floor in front of the couch. She and Mel had already showered and prepared for the day. Jen had selected a mustard yellow sleeveless shirt with metallic stud accents around the scoop neckline and sleeves and a pair of faded jeans. As Sam walked over and sat down in a chair, Jen was attempting to balance a half-empty bottle of water on her forehead.

“I’m bored,” she explained to Sam’s stare.

“What time is it?” Mel asked. Wearing a pair of light khaki Capri pants and a dark brown, short sleeve camp shirt, she was positioned upside down on the couch. Her long legs were flung over the back and the dark brown hair of her pigtails dangling just above the floor.

“It’s around four or five I think. The guys should be here soon,” Sam answered. Last night after the concert and after party the girls were too wired to sleep upon returning to the hotel and Sam decided to hang out in Jen and Mel’s suite to pull one of their famous all-nighters. The guys being exhausted from the performance, added to the fact that they had to awake so early to perform on the Today show, decided to take a rain check and went straight to bed. Dani also passed because she had a meeting regarding Fuman Skeeto in the morning.

“Good, because if I’m not forced to move soon or entertained in some way, I’m going to fall asleep,” Mel yawned.

“Oh my gosh,” Jen said bolting upright and quickly scrambling to her feet. “I just remembered another memento I have of the good old days,” she explained disappearing into the bedroom.

The girls had spent the night reminiscing and talking about how much their lives had changed in the past couple of months. Jen had brought along a scrapbook of *NSYNC memories that they had put together for fun not long before Sam got the job with Lance and they all had laughed as they thumbed through it, remembering the significance of the random things they had included. And for old time’s sake, they even watched some old television performances of the guys’ and episodes of JC and Justin on the Mickey Mouse Club. Sometimes it was still hard to believe that they were all now a part of this world, that it had become their world as well.

“I found this in one of my bags the other day,” Jen said returning to the main room of the suite with a CD in her hand.

“Is that what I think it is?” Sam squealed.

“Yep, the one and only “Who’s Your Daddy?” CD,” Jen confirmed. It was a mix CD that Jen had made for Sam containing unreleased *NSYNC material from various television and award shows. “I think you’re about to get your entertainment Mel,” Jen said popping the CD into the stereo and forwarding it to a specific track. “Do you remember it Sami?”

“You know I do,” she said jumping to her feet and taking her place next to Jen as the tall woman grabbed Sam’s bandana off the floor and tied it around her chestnut locks.

“Oh, no,” Mel groaned. “Not this!” she whined as Sam and Jen began mouthing along to Justin and Britney singing “I’ll Take You There” from the Mickey Mouse Club. Sam taking Britney’s part and Jen doing Justin’s rap. “Okay, I think it’s better upside down,” Mel kidded as she giggled at her two friends, swinging her ponytails to the beat of the music.

“So do you think the girls made it all night?” Joey asked as they walked down the hall.

“Nah, I bet they fell asleep an hour or two into it,” Lance laughed. “Sam loves her sleep.”

“Do you guys hear that?” JC asked, a look of concentration on his face as they neared the girls’ room. “Where is that music coming from and why does it sound familiar?”

“I think it’s coming from here,” Chris said as they walked into the room. The girls had left the door propped open earlier when they were doing cartwheels in the spacious area of the hall. They couldn’t find a key at the time and didn’t want to be locked out. As the guys filtered in one by one, along with Steve and the bodyguards, Mel remembered that they had never bothered to shut the door. Jen and Sam couldn’t miss the large crowd now enjoying their performance but they just continued on, the groups’ laughter only motivating them more.

“Or maybe they didn’t fall asleep,” Justin smirked, it was obvious the girls were feeling a little loopy. As the song ended and Sam and Jen jumped around like cheerleaders on speed, Chris noticed the scrapbook sitting on the table.

“I KNEW IT! I knew you guys were fans!” he shouted.

“Well duh,” Mel said as she attempted to stand up, only to fall dizzily back to the couch. “Whoa, too much blood on the brain,” she laughed.

“That’s where I know you from!” Steve said to Jen as he spotted a cutout of a ukulele in the scrapbook. “You were in Hawaii over New Year’s. I was right, we HAVE met before,” he said triumphantly.

“Are you sure it was me?” she teased.

“Oh you can’t deny it. I’ve seen the picture of us there remember?” Justin chuckled. “Chris you really didn’t know?”

“Well I had my suspicions, but I wasn’t sure. I take it you did?”

“Yep, I’ve known for a long time.”

“Yeah but I knew before you,” Lance reminded. “I knew the first night.”

“You were in Hawaii?” JC asked Jen with raised eyebrow.

“Yeah, about that,” Lance said turning to Sam. “You never told me you were in Hawaii.”

“Yes, I was there. I saw you on the island quite a few times, with a female companion if I remember correctly,” Jen fired back, her hazel eyes sparkling mischievously.

“That’s because I wasn’t,” Sam clarified. “But I do remember Jen telling me a certain friend of yours was there also. So do we really want to continue with this issue boys?” she asked with her hands on her hips.

“No,” the two of them grumbled.

“I didn’t think so,” Sam said her brown eyes laughing as she sat down to put on her sandals.

“Wait a minute, am I the only one out of the loop on this?” Chris asked with folded arms.

“Well I found tons of evidence in their apartment and knew for sure then,” JC explained.

“And Mel just told me,” Joey shrugged. “What about you D? Did you know too?” he asked his girlfriend.

“Well it was pretty obvious Chris,” she smiled.

“Fine,” he pouted. “Why am I always the last to know everything? First it was the whole Justin-Sam hanky panky business and now this,” he huffed.

“Well if it makes you feel any better I was in the dark about that too,” Lance reminded with a small laugh. Sam smiled; she was relieved that he was now able to joke about what once was an extremely sensitive subject.

“Whatever,” Chris said as he begun to babble. “Sure, I get to know who’s doing the horizontal mambo, but nobody trusts me with the important stuff. I tell ya…”

“What are you talking about?” Joey asked confused.

“Okay, I don’t know if y’all have noticed this yet,” Mel said turning to Sam and Jen and creating a much needed change of subject. “But it’s scary enough when we start dressing similar without trying, but it’s even worse when we actually coordinate with them as well.”

The three of them laughed as they agreed looking at the guys in their similar shades of blues, greens, and browns. Even Dani’s dark denim tank dress fit the scheme.

“Time to go,” Johnny said poking his head into the room.

“I can’t believe you’re dating a fan,” Chris scoffed, playfully turning up his nose at Lance and Sam as they walked out hand in hand.

“Oh yeah, and I hate your music,” Dani rolled her eyes at the dark-haired man.

“I know you do, and that’s the way I like it,” he smiled.

“So Jen,” Justin said swinging his arm over shoulder as they walked behind the rest of the group with JC. “It’s obvious that I’m your favorite, considering you made a point of getting a picture with me and on one else,” he grinned. “Don’t feel bad, I know I’m irresistible,” he joked.

“Just because you were her favorite doesn’t mean you still are,” JC interjected. “Don’t forget, she knows you now,” he smirked.

Jen smiled at JC. “I think it was the hair Fro,” she explained jumping on his back. “I’ve always had a soft spot for curls,” she said tugging on the golden locks sticking out from his bandana. “Now shall we go cause some trouble?”

“How?” he asked tightening his grip on her legs which were now resting on his hips.

“Just go, you’ll see.”

JC laughed as the two of them took off after their unsuspecting friends.

“Are you really gonna wear your hair in pigtails all day?” Joey asked.

“Yeah, what of it?” Mel shot back.

“Nothing, just asking,” Joey laughed as Jen and Justin raced by, stopping only long enough for Jen to tug at one of Mel’s whimsical ponytails.

“Oh, now it’s on,” Mel said as she jumped on Joey’s back and they took off after them.


After finishing the Today show appearance, everyone but Chris was piling into one of the transport vans. They had finished and made their getaway faster than he had expected enabling him to accompany Dani to the meeting. Lance, Sam and Jen were in the seat farthest back with JC, Justin, and Lonnie in the middle row ahead of them. Joey and Mel were in the seat in front of them and Dre was sitting up front with the driver. Johnny, Steve and the rest of the crew were in the other van.

“Hey guys, did you see that girl in the wed…” Lance was interrupted by Sam.

“I’m sorry,” she said grabbing either side of his face and turning it towards her. “But I need to do something,” Sam explained with a smile as she kissed him firmly. “You’re getting a little scruffy honey,” she teased squeezing his chin as she pulled away.

“No apologies needed,” he smiled. “An explanation would be good though.”

“Oh come on,” Mel said rolling her eyes as she sat facing towards them. “You can’t tell me you didn’t hear her shrieking like a gay Ricky Martin fan when you answered “of course” to the “Would you date a fan” question.”

“So you liked that did ya?” Lance asked with a giggle.

“Si,” Sam answered with a grin shaking her head up and down.

“I’m hungry,” Justin said through a yawn.

“Me too,” Jen chimed in. “And I need some coffee, and guess what…” she paused, an evil smirk on her face. “I WANT IT FOR FREE!” she shouted, teasing JC about his comical rant on Napster during the earlier interview.

“I know it’s still breakfast time,” Sam chuckled, continuing the fun. “But I have a strange craving for a hot dog. I wonder why.”

“BECAUSE EVERYBODY DESERVES A HOT DOG!” the rest of them yelled in reply before bursting into a boisterous laughter.

“Haha, yuck it up ya wiseasses,” JC said. “You try forming an intelligent response on almost no sleep. I didn’t see the rest of you jumping to answer the question.”

“Ya know, I really do have a craving for hot dogs now. Sometimes I don’t want anything to do with the things and other times I can down like three or four at a time,” Sam babbled as everyone else choked on their laughter. “What are you laughing?” she whined.

“Think about what you just said and how it sounds to this hormonal bunch,” Mel explained.

“Oh God,” Sam rolled her eyes. “And I have the dirty mind? Riiight.”

“Yes you do,” Justin laughed. “JC I don’t know why you’re complaining about getting no sleep considering I caught you napping yesterday before the show.”

“You had to take a nap?” Jen managed to spit out before collapsing to the floor in a paralyzing laughter. “That is the best thing I’ve ever heard,” she gasped.

“I can’t help it,” he shrugged. “I needed to replenish myself for the show.”

“Well, let me just say, it was one hell of a performance,” she praised still lying on the floor of the van.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” JC smiled proudly.

“Hey I meant to ask you about the whole floor-licking thing,” Sam said. “Where has all the sexuality come from lately Jayce? Not that I don’t enjoy, but I was just wondering if maybe there was something or maybe someone that sparked it.”

Mel bit her tongue as Jen spoke up.

“Who cares where it came from, it’s good stuff yo. Everything a girl could want…high energy, action packed, hell there’s even costume changes,” she laughed. “In fact, I’d have to say it was damn near perfect. Y’all have a damn good show,” she added, covering up the coded conversation she was having with JC.

“Thank you,” the four men chorused.

“I must say, your work has been well above average as well,” JC said smirking at Jen.

“What do you mean? She never does any work,” Justin joked.

“That’s funny because I remember taking care of some rather large flower arrangements yesterday to be delivered to a certain pop diva,” Jen reminded returning to her seat next to Sam. “Hmm, I think that was something you asked me to do Fro. Yep, I remember clearly, it was you.”

“Uh oh, flowers huh? What’d you do this time?” Joey laughed.

“Nothing,” he mumbled.

“I think it had something to do with you,” Jen whispered very quietly to Sam under the music playing on the radio.

“Me? Are you serious?” she asked with the same hushed tone.

“Yeah, I didn’t read the note he asked me to have included with the flowers because that would’ve been just plain rude, but when I handed it to the florist he opened it and I saw your name mixed in there.”

Mel had been watching the pair’s exchange intently and wondered what the look of confusion on Sam’s face was about. She observed silently as Sam leaned into the seatback and wrapped her arms around Justin’s shoulders.

“Is everything alright kid?” she asked softly in his ear.

“Yes, everything is fine,” Justin sighed, turning his head slightly so he could see her face.

“Are you sure? There’s nothing you need to talk to me about?”

“I’m sure,” he said placing his hand on her arm. “Stop worrying about me Sami.”

“Never,” she smiled, kissing his temple as she tightened her grip around him. “But I should sit back down now. Lance has this weird thing about me kissing and hugging cute boys. He doesn’t like much it for some reason,” she joked.

“I can see his point. If you were my girl I’d keep you all to myself too,” Justin smiled, grasping her hand briefly as she let go of him and slid back to her seat.


“Jen,” JC called out again standing over her.

“I am one with the bed,” she mumbled into the mounds of pillows sandwiched around her head. After breakfast the guys headed off to a press conference for the Challenge For The Children game. Sam and Mel had elected to take a cab back to the hotel to nap and Johnny had insisted that Jen join them. “What do you want?”

“I’ve come to collect for my good deed,” he answered suggestively.


“Why do you think Johnny let you have a couple hours off this afternoon?”

“I have no idea but I wasn’t gonna argue with the man,” she said still hidden under the pillows.

“I think a little birdie may have convinced him that you weren’t feeling well but you were too proud to admit it,” JC explained.

“And let me guess, you’re the little birdie?”

“Chirp, chirp,” he laughed and he could hear the muffled sound of her laughter as well. “It’s lunchtime now, I thought maybe we’d go downstairs and get some food. Everybody else is either sleeping or out for lunch so we wouldn’t have to worry about making excuses, besides we’d just be two friends eating together.”

“That would require me getting out of bed,” Jen yawned.

“Yes it would,” JC chuckled. “I bet if I were Justin you’d get up,” he kidded playfully.

“Actually if you were anyone else, I would’ve already kicked your ass for waking me up. So you should consider yourself very lucky.”

“Okay, I’ll leave you alone them,” he said turning towards the door. Jen emerged from the pillows and grabbed him by the belt loop on his pants, pulling him into bed.

“I didn’t say you had to go,” she giggled.

JC wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer. “We could order some room service. You wouldn’t have to get out of bed for…”

“Shh,” Jen hushed him, placing her hand on his mouth. “S is for shut-up…sleep…sgraggles,” she laughed, continuing her rambling nonsense. “S is for space cracknuts…superman…supersonic…silly string…string cheese…skinny man…”

“What are you talking about?”

“JOSHUA SCOTT CHASEZ!” she shouted, placing her face directly in front of his. “OOH! S IS FOR SHAZAM TOO!”

“Yes?” he replied, leaning his forehead against hers.

“Less talky, more sleepy,” Jen answered, kissing him before falling back into the pillows.

“What makes you think I want to sleep?” he toyed with her.

“Joshua,” she warned.

“Sorry,” he snickered. “More sleepy,” he agreed snuggling himself into her and the bed.

Chapter 44