Jen woke to the sounds of faint humming. She turned over expecting to find an awake JC but instead laughed quietly when she discovered him still asleep.

“Why am I not surprised the man even dreams music,” she said aloud shaking her head. She moved her hand up to his face and with a light touch began tracing her fingers along his well-defined features. He flinched slightly as she started with his brow bone but smiled, keeping his eyes closed as she continued down the to the tip of his nose, moving to his cheekbone and his strong jaw line before shifting to his lips. As she pulled her hand back she leaned in and kissed him softly.

“Will you promise to wake me up like that everyday?” JC asked wrapping his arms around her and opening his eyes finally.

“I’ll think about it,” Jen teased. “I can’t believe we slept so late,” she said glancing back at the clock.

JC cocked his head so he could see on the nightstand beside her as well. “I can. We did have an eventful night after all.”

“That’s true. We actually left the hotel room.”

“Not to mention what happened once we returned to the room,” he added with a smirk.

“Oh of course not,” Jen rolled her eyes.

“What’s that suppose to mean?”


“The eye rolling thing.”

“Nothing. Can you believe today is the last day of the tour already?” she giggled. After the final concert at Madison Square Garden Friday night, there was the charity basketball game on Saturday and the post game party, on Sunday they had moved on to Hershey before traveling to Joliet immediately after that for the final stop on this leg of the tour.

He laughed. “No I can’t ya subject changer. It seems like this past week has flown by faster than any other.”

“I know. I can’t believe it’s August already, or that I’ve been working for Johnny for almost a month. Wow, that means that we’ve been…” Jen hesitated.

“It’s okay, you can say it. We’ve been together for almost a month. You’re not gonna scare me off or anything. In fact if you want to get specific, I believe it was on the fourth of the month the first time we almost kissed,” he added.

“Well I just wasn’t sure if you would agree because technically we only made it official a few days ago.”

“That’s because I didn’t say anything sooner, but I’ve been with you since the first time I saw you in that airport,” JC said gently caressing her arm. “I haven’t even thought of being with anyone else since that moment.”

“Oh, you just earned some major points with that one,” she said kissing him deeply before pulling away. “Unfortunately, you’ll have to collect them another time because the others should be arriving from New York soon.” On Sunday night, instead of going ahead to Joliet, Lance, Sam, Justin, Joey and Mel returned to New York to attend the movie premiere of “Coyote Ugly.”

“Oh well, I think it’s time they found out anyway,” he reasoned, kissing her again.

“My boss…will also…be…returning…today,” Jen managed to get out in between a steady stream of playful kisses. Reminding him that Johnny would also be returning today after leaving for a few days to attend to some of his other artists.

“That’s so unfair,” JC moaned. “I can’t really argue with that one.”

“I know,” Jen sighed. “But I’ll make it up to you I promise. Now off to your own room you go,” she ordered throwing the covers off both of them.

She got out of bed, grabbing her robe on the nearby chair and slipping into it as he put his clothes on as well. JC walked over to her.

“Can I at least get a kiss goodbye?” he pouted.



“No. Not yet anyway,” Jen laughed as she turned him around. “I’ll walk you out,” she said wrapping her arms around him from behind, leaning her head against his back as they walked to the door.

JC grabbed a card key off the table as they passed and turned around in her arms as they reached their destination. “Now can I please have my kiss?” he pleaded.

“Yes, now you may have your kiss,” she smiled as he took her face in his hands and kissed her firmly.

“I’ll see you later,” he said before giving her another small kiss and walking out.

Just as she turned to go to the bedroom there was a knock at the door. She walked back and looked through the peephole. She laughed when she saw him standing there.

“Can I help you?” she asked opening the door. “This isn’t exactly much later.”

“Just one more thing and then I’ll go,” he grinned, stepping back into the room and taking her in his arms, this time embracing her with a slow, passionate kiss. “Bye,” he said, both of them now breathless as he left again.

Jen leaned against the door and sighed happily as she thought about the wonderful night they’d had together.


“Are you waiting for something?” Jen asked as JC sat next to her on the couch fidgeting impatiently.

“Yes! I’m waiting for you to be finished with whatever it is you’re doing. What are you doing anyway?” he asked, leaning into her and glancing at the computer screen. “Why are you on our website? Are you just surfing? If I’ve been sitting here all this time waiting for you and you’ve just been surfing the net…”

“For your information,” Jen interrupted. “I happen to be working. I just finished updating the *NTouch section. And excuse me for MY work getting in the way for once.”

“Ooh, you got me there. I should’ve just let that slide,” JC chuckled.

“Yeah, ya should’ve,” she agreed closing the lid of her laptop. “I’m done now though.”

“I thought Melinda did those updates for the site.”

“She did but she had so many other things to take care of and she couldn’t update as much as she would like, and frankly when she did, they weren’t that great,” Jen laughed. “Johnny had heard that I had some experience with websites and he thought it’d be a good idea for somebody who could relate with the fans better to do it, so he offered it to me.”

“So how often do you update?”

“I’d say in the three weeks or so since I took it over, I’ve only not posted a new edition two or three days. I’ve even have my own official e-mail address at,” Jen said proudly.

“Aren’t you special,” he teased. “So how are the fans reacting to your involvement?”

“They love me,” she smirked. “I think they really appreciate the daily updates, it makes them feel even more connected to you guys to hear some of the quirky day to day things that happen. Of course they’d hate me if they knew I was stealing their precious JC away,” she kidded.

“Exactly what are you writing about?”

“I guess you’ll have to navigate your way to the site sometime and see for yourself. Besides, I thought you were in a hurry for me to be done.”

“You’re right, I was,” JC said glancing at his watch. “We can still make it. Come on,” he directed, pulling her from the sofa as he stood.

“Where are we going? To your room?”

“Nope. Grab your key, your purse, whatever you need. We’re breaking out,” JC informed, his blue eyes sparkling mischievously under the brim of his baseball cap.

“Shouldn’t we ask Chris to join us so we don’t look like an actual couple? Anyway I don’t want to leave him alone at the hotel if we’re going out,” Jen asked as they walked out the door.

“He’s not alone. Dani flew in about an hour ago. It’s just you and me tonight.”

“And a bodyguard of course. What are they gonna say when they find out about us?”

“They’re not going to say anything because they already know,” JC said as the couple walked to the elevator.

“What!? How do they know?” she asked surprised.

“They’ve seen me sneaking in and out of your hotel rooms. Their job sometimes requires them to be outside our rooms on occasion, ya know just on the off chance someone may try to get into them. Don’t worry, they know it’s something we’re keeping private for now.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Jen whined. “Now I feel bad that they have to lie to Johnny.”

“Don’t worry about it. They’re very used to keeping stuff like this from Johnny,” JC explained with a grin. “And they won’t have to lie about tonight because, like I said, we’re breaking out.”

“Okay, first of all, this lying they’ve done before, none of it was regarding your activities right?” Jen asked with her hands on her hips.

“Of course not,” he answered shaking his head.

“Good answer. Second, you’re going out without a bodyguard? Are you insane?”

“No, we’re going out without a bodyguard. You’ll protect me won’t you?” JC asked stepping into the elevator.

“Do I look like I’m in the mood to ward off a bunch of rabid fans?” Jen replied, still standing outside of the elevator.

“Are you coming?”

“Not until you tell me where we’re going so I can determine if it’s safe or not.”

“Fine,” JC huffed. “We’re going to catch a late matinee. It’s a small theater, on a Monday afternoon, it’ll probably be nearly empty, I’m wearing a hat, we’ll sneak in, sneak out, nobody will even recognize me. Especially without a bodyguard because they just make it obvious sometimes. They attract attention on their own. So do you approve?”

“I suppose that’s acceptable,” she smiled stepping in the elevator with him.


“I should’ve known,” Jen said as the manager unlocked the door to let them in.

“I wanted us to go out like a real couple but I’m not crazy,” JC smirked.

“So if you rented the whole place, why were you worried about what time we got here?”

“Because I only rented it for the afternoon. They’re opening it to the public again for the seven o’clock show. I’m going to use the bathroom.”

“I’ll get us some snacks then. I hope the line isn’t too long, I hate it when I miss the previews,” she cracked.

“Me too. Will you get me some…”

Jen interrupted. “Popcorn with butter and salt, Reese’s cups, and something caffeinated.”

“You’re good,” JC smiled.

“I know,” she smiled in return before heading to the concession counter. She rattled off her order to the young girl.

“Is that really who I think it is?” she asked nervously as she gathered the items Jen had requested.

“I don’t know, who do you think it is?”

“He looks like JC from *NSYNC.”

“Isn’t that the blonde one?” Jen asked with mock confusion, as JC returned to help carry their snacks.

“All set?” he asked.

“Yep. I’m ready for a movie.”

“Then a movie you shall have,” JC said with a nod of his head as they walked to their private screening arena.


“That was a pretty good movie,” Jen said as they climbed into the car and she snuggled her head into JC’s chest as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

“I thought so too. It’s a lot easier to pay attention to a movie when we’re not laying in a bed,” he kidded.

Jen’s giggles were muffled against his body. “So back to the hotel now?” she asked looking up at him.

“No. Now we go shopping.”

“Shopping? For what?”

“For appropriate dinner attire,” JC said with a formal tone.

“You don’t like my ultra-sexy casual look?” Jen pouted.

“I love your ultra-sexy casual look. I just thought tonight we’d both go for the ultra-sexy not-so-casual look. We’re not exactly dining at McDonald’s.”

“Would I be correct to assume that this store and restaurant we’re headed to will also be exclusive to us?”

“Yes you would.”

“Why Mr. Chasez, are you attempting to woo me?” Jen teased, playfully batting her hazel eyes at him.

“That depends. Is it working?” he smiled.

“I’ll have to get back to you on that. Let the wooing continue,” she said kissing his cheek.


Jen moved away from the door and began a round of giddy pirouettes through the sitting room of her suite. She froze in mid-turn, her back to the door as she heard the sound of it opening followed by his voice.

“May I cut in?” JC teased.

“What are you doing back here again? And how did you get in?” she asked, her face a bright red as she turned around.

“The key wouldn’t work in my door and I thought maybe I grabbed yours by mistake.”

“I guess you were right.”

“Yes, and now that I have my key,” he said switching the one in his hand with the one on the table. “I’ll leave you to finish your routine. Just remember to save a dance for me.”

“GO!” Jen shouted pointing at the door but couldn’t resist the smile forming on her face as he laughed and left once again.

Chapter 45