
Sam slipped into her bedroom and leaned her forehead against the closed door. She paid no attention to the radio playing as she stood motionless and didn’t even realized Lance was in the room until he spoke.

“If you really want to be alone, I’ll leave,” he said, his voice even deeper than usual as a result of his lack of sleep.

Sam turned around and could barely make out his form in the almost dark room. The light was off and the blinds were drawn. The only light source was supplied by the small beams of sunshine slipping through the sides of the window coverings. Lance leaned sideways in the chair and stretched to turn on the small lamp on the bedside table. A soft pink glow now illuminated the room and Sam could see Lance’s disheveled appearance. He was wearing the same clothes he had on the last time they’d seen each other. Both his button down shirt and khaki pants were wrinkled. His face was long and showed his obvious exhaustion. His eyes were what startled Sam the most however. She had never seen them look so full of pain and sorrow. What once held shades of brilliant greens and sparks of happiness and joy were now glazed over with shades of worry and bloodshot surfaces.

Sam didn’t quite know how they’d find their way past all of this, but she did know one thing for certain – she loved this man. Any doubt that she may have had was now erased. No matter what she felt for Justin, it would never compare to all that she felt for Lance. And just as she had told Justin, she knew that all along. She still hadn’t spoken a word to Lance as she walked over to the bed near him and sat down.

“I need to tell you what happened last night,” Sam said calmly.

“I heard the radio friendly version, I’m not sure I can handle the unedited cut,” Lance said as Sam heard the familiar voice of the DJ once again.

“Here’s Britney with “Oops! I Did It Again” or maybe Justin should re-record it and call it “Oops! I Cheated Again”,” the man laughed as the pop song started and Sam slammed her hand down on the machine, quickly turning it off.

“I’m so sorry,” she broke down, her emotions overcoming her as she sat in front of him with her head in her hands sobbing.

This outburst coupled with everything else lead him to fear the worst and his heart broke as a few tears spilled from his eyes too. “It’s partly my fault. I practically pushed you into his arms. Can you please just tell me one thing?” he asked as Sam looked up to meet his gaze and nodded a yes. “Why him?” Lance’s voice broke as his own feelings overtook him. “Why did you feel safe enough with him but not me?”

“Oh God Lance, no,” she said horrified as she realized what he had assumed happened. “I could never do that to you. I didn’t have sex with Justin.”

“Not that I’m saying I believe him, but the DJ did say you shared a bed,” Lance recalled. Sam explained the room situation as Justin had to her. “Well if nothing happened then what are you sorry for?”

“For saying such awful things to you yesterday, for running off with Justin, and for not realizing what was going on with him sooner,” Sam answered.

“If anybody should apologize for what was said yesterday, it’s me. I can’t believe how much of an ass I was,” he said standing from the chair to join her on the bed. “What do you mean by ‘what was going on with him’?” Lance asked cautiously as he wiped the tears from her cheek.

Sam leaned her face into his warm touch and she knew that everything would be okay somehow. She pulled his hand away, kissing his palm as she did so before resting their hands on top of the bed. She took a deep breath as she began.

“Okay, first I need to respond to some of the things you said yesterday.”

“Sam, you really don’t have to,” Lance interjected. “I didn’t mean any of it. I was just frustrated and in a bad mood and I took it out on the wrong person. Most of that yesterday had nothing to do with you and me.”

“That may be true, but a lot of that stuff has obviously been bothering you for awhile now and I need you to hear this Lance,” she insisted before continuing. “First of all, about the Sami thing, I never asked Justin to call me that, it was just something he did on his own, and if you notice Jen and Mel call me that too. They’re the ones that started it actually. No one else has ever used it except for my niece every once in while. And I never said you couldn’t call me that. You can call me whatever you want.” A small smirk formed on Lance’s full lips as Sam raised her eyebrow at him. “Within reason,” she added with a smile of her own. “Now about the earrings…”


“Lance, this is going to take forever if you keep interrupting me,” she pointed out.

“Sorry, go ahead.”

“Thank you. I didn’t really keep them on for any particular reason other than they’re comfortable and they don’t get in the way with my hair and clothes and things,” Sam explained. “That and they’re small and I was afraid of losing them with all of the packing and unpacking on the road. I wear the necklace you got me all the time too. The only reason I took it off yesterday was because I didn’t want to lose it in the pool. I’d wear the bracelet too if I could get away with it but it’s a little much for everyday wear,” she giggled.

“Maybe just a bit,” Lance agreed.

“Oh, and speaking of wearing,” Sam remembered. “Confession time, the only reason I came out in this outfit to go to the restaurant yesterday was because I knew it’d piss you off after that comment you made about me getting dressed.”

“I suppose I deserved that didn’t I?” he asked as Sam shook her head in agreement. “And just for future reference, I don’t care what you wear. You’re a grown woman and it’s your body.”

“That’s good to know. Now about my sneaking off to Justin’s room and hanging all over him. I know this is a really lame excuse, but I’m pretty new to all this relationship stuff and maybe I may have crossed the line a couple of times,” Sam admitted. “But it was never intentional. Yesterday we were just goofing around and we fell on the floor and the other day when I went to his room it was only because I was worried about him and I wanted to make sure he was okay. And I didn’t sneak by the way, you were sleeping and I was trying not to wake you.”

“Sam, I’m not saying that you can’t be friends with Justin or that I want you to stop caring about him. It’s just that everything just kind of snowballed I guess and I exploded. I shouldn’t have let it get that far. I should’ve talked to you about it sooner. I had no right to blow up at you the way I did, I’m so sorry,” he said earnestly.

Sam smiled warmly at him. “It’s okay. I understand and I forgive you,” she said before they shared a loving and true kiss. “But I don’t think you have to worry about me doing much of anything with Justin anymore,” she said after pulling away from their embrace.

“Why?” Lance asked confused as he pushed back the brown locks of hair off her shoulders. “What exactly happened last night?”

Sam breathed a deep sigh. She didn’t want to keep anything from Lance but she also knew the information she held would almost definitely but a strain on the relationship with his younger friend. Sam explained everything that had taken place from the time she left the apartment with Justin yesterday up to the conversation they had in his car just moments earlier.

“So he actually told you huh?” Lance said calmly, not a hint of surprise in his voice.

“I guess he didn’t really mean to, but that’s beside the point now, you knew that he was in love with me didn’t you?” Sam questioned, her dark eyes full of shock.

“Yes. Didn’t you?”

“No, I had no clue.”

“Sam, I need to know something, and please tell me the truth,” Lance paused. “Now that you know, have your feelings for me changed at all? Do you have feelings for Justin?”

“Lance, I’m not going to lie to you,” Sam started as Lance waited in agony to hear the rest of her answer. “There is a psychical attraction there. Which I’m sure you can relate to, it’s only natural to be attracted to other people. We’re in a relationship; we’re not dead. And yes I care for him very deeply, but it doesn’t even begin to come close to what I feel for you. It never will.”

“Whew, I’m so glad you said that,” he grinned, genuine relief present in his features.

“Is that why you were so upset by the whole Justin issue? Because you knew that he was in love with me and you were…”

“Afraid of losing you. Yes,” Lance finished for her. “I couldn’t stand to lose you no matter what the circumstances but to lose you to Justin would just be an extra slap in the face.”

“Why? Because he’s Justin Timberlake, Prince of Pop? Please,” Sam said rolling her eyes. “You’re Lansh Bash remember?” she laughed. “It’s always been you, don’t you know that by now?”

“Why don’t you come over here and refresh my memory,” Lance said with a devilish smile as he pulled her onto his lap and enveloped her into a passionate kiss.

“Convinced now?” Sam asked as she ran her fingers through his tousled blond spikes.

“Yes, but you should be prepared for future memory losses,” he replied wiggling his eyebrows.

Sam laughed at him. “I’m all about preparation. I still can’t believe you were worried about losing me to Justin, or anyone for that matter,” she said shaking her head. “If either of us should be worried about losing each other to someone else it should be me.”

“Why would you say that?”

“Because you could have anyone you want and instead you’re with little ol’ me,” she shrugged simply. “I just don’t get it.”

“Okay, first of all, that is so not true, and second, even if it were it doesn’t matter because I only want you,” Lance smiled snaking his arms around her waist. “And what’s this instead, and little ol’ me business? You make it sound like I’m settling and that is so not the case. Don’t make me beat some sense into you,” he warned playfully. “Besides wasn’t it you who just gave me the whole self-esteem speech in a nutshell?”

“I really need to work on that taking my own advice thing,” Sam laughed.

Lance agreed, holding her tighter as he nestled his face into the curve of her neck. “I’m so glad all of this over now, I hate fighting with you,” he said placing delicate kisses on her skin.

“Me too,” Sam concurred running her hand over the back of his head as she kissed his temple. “But there’s still one more thing we should talk about.”

Lance pulled back to look her in the eye. “What? Justin? He’ll work things out for himself. He’ll have to. And he and I will be fine eventually. After all, I can’t really blame the guy for falling in love with you, I know how easy it is,” he said kissing her nose.

“That’s all well and good, but you’ll have to excuse me if I’m not particularly concerned with Justin at the moment,” she said a bit curtly. “I was talking about the real reason you were in such an awful mood yesterday.”

Lance wrinkled his nose. “We need to talk about my meetings?”

“Is that why you were in a bad mood?” Sam asked stunned.

“Yes. They were back to back all day and you know I didn’t get much sleep the night before,” he smirked quickly before continuing. “In the first meeting we had to make the decision on whether or not to push back Meredith’s release date, then I found out that Jack got turned down by another label, I got this really great movie script today that I think would be really fun to do but it doesn’t have parts for all the guys so it’s frustrating. So I was tired and cranky and had gotten nothing but bad news all day and then I came here and…”

“And you saw me and Justin and add all that to the stuff you’d been keeping bottled up all this time and boom, you go a little psycho,” Sam teased. “But are you sure there wasn’t something else bothering you?”

“I don’t think so. But you obviously do. Care to fill me in?”

“Well…” she hesitated as he prodded her sides. “Sex okay! Or lack thereof if you want to be specific.”

“Are you serious? Why on earth would you think that?” Lance asked concerned.

“The night before last when I said I was ready to take that final step and then I couldn’t go through with it. Even though you were really great about it, I know how frustrated you must be with me by now,” Sam explained.

“No Sam, that is not true,” he stressed. “I told you we would wait until you’re completely sure and I meant that. And it’s only been a month,” the green-eyed man reminded.

“I know, but we’ve done so much already and I always feel like nothing but a tease when we have to stop right before the big finale because of me. I don’t know why I’m still such a mess after four years.”

“Ugh, will you stop that!” Lance ordered. “How many times do I have to tell you that you’re not a tease? I’m not expecting anything more than what you’re willing to give. And you’re not a mess either. I happen to think you’re holding up quite well considering you’ve only really talked to three people about it in these four years. Not to mention this is your first real relationship since then and the first time you’ve even had to deal with it in that sense.”

“It’s the first time I’ve wanted to deal with it since then. You’re the only man I’ve wanted to be with. And that remark I made yesterday basically implying that if Justin hadn't stopped it, then it wouldn't have been stopped - you have to know I didn't mean it. You know I would've stop it right?” Lance nodded a slow yes as she continued. “I do want to be with you, so badly. And the reason I can never go through with it isn’t because I don’t love you. You know that right? I know I don’t have a lot of experience with this love stuff but if this isn’t love, then I don’t know what is, because I can’t imagine anything being more powerful than what I feel for you.”

“Of course I do,” he reassured squeezing her hands in his own. “It’s completely understandable that it would be the one thing you’re still leery of – it’s the one thing that bastard took from you,” Lance said, his voice raising at the thought of that piece of shit walking around unpunished for his crimes. His tone softened again as he looked into his girlfriend’s loving eyes. “I knew you weren’t ready the other night, I could see it in your eyes. But you were so insistent.”

“Yeah, about that, you should probably know why. It was the…” Sam paused, taking a deep breath as she searched for the right word. “I hate calling it an anniversary because it’s definitely not something I want to celebrate. But anyway, it was the four year anniversary of that night.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I was trying not to even think about it and I just thought, very stupidly, that if I could replace it with a happy memory then everything would be okay. But it just all blew up in my face and I made it even worse,” Sam replied with a pitiful shrug.

Lance sighed and rubbed his comforting hands over her arms. “There will be a right time and you’ll know when it happens. And it won’t be because you’re trying to replace bad memories, or because you got a little drunk at a party, it’ll be because you’re ready and you know that you’re ready.”

“Do you know how great you are?” Sam smiled. “I don’t know very many guys who would be as understanding as you are.”

“I want it to be right the first time we’re together and if I force you to do something before you’re ready it won’t be. It’s totally your call and I can wait for as long as it takes.” Sam could see the honesty in his pale eyes and she knew he meant every word as he continued. “I don’t want you to feel pressured at all and I’m sorry if I have made you feel that way. If any of the other stuff we’ve been doing makes you uncomfortable we don’t have to do that either you know.”

“You’ve never made me feel pressured,” she assured. “You’ve been absolute amazing. Even with my drunken proposition after my party you were still gentleman enough to turn me down. And I’m not at all uncomfortable with the other things we do. I rather enjoy them actually,” Sam said with an embarrassed grin. “Why? Does all that stuff make the no-sex issue more difficult?”

“No, believe it or not it actually helps because I have a, um…release,” Lance decided on as they both giggled. “Oh, and don’t worry, eventually we’ll have plenty of wild, drunken sex. It just won’t be the first time. I would kind of like you to be fully conscious for that.”

“Me too,” Sam laughed before her demeanor turned serious again. “Are you sure you’re okay with waiting?” She could see his disappointment in the fact that she still wasn’t convinced. “I promise I won’t ask again.”

“I swear to you that I am fine. I’m not with you for the sex Sam. If that were all I was interested in, frankly, I wouldn’t bother with a relationship. The sex will just be an added bonus when it happens. I love you, can’t you trust that?” he asked softly.

“I do. I know that you love me, sometimes I just have a hard time figuring out why. Why DO you love me?”

“What, you want a list? Some examples maybe?” he teased.

“Yes, that would be very helpful. Thank you,” she smiled.

“She wants a list,” Lance said as if there were someone else in the room to talk to. “I love the fact that you’re so damn sentimental you save anything and everything you possibly can…I love the fact that you didn’t think twice about helping a little girl have the time of her life…or how about even though you’re madder than hell at Justin now, you’re probably still worried about how he’s doing. Am I right?” he questioned.

“I can’t help it,” Sam said quietly.

“Exactly, and I love you for it. Moving on, you know I love your voice… the fact that you don’t expect me to be anybody but me…your wear your heart on your sleeve yet still believe you’re managing to hide it from everyone… the fact that you want to be so fiercely independent that sometimes you won’t accept help until it’s forced on you, although I have to admit, that one kind of irritates me at the same time.” Sam laughed as he continued with more whimsical illustrations. “Let’s see there’s that whole weird thing you have against odd numbers, how you insist on always controlling the remote, how you’re such a sap that TV commercials can make you cry, oh, and the fact that you talk in your sleep and snore but probably won’t even admit it on your deathbed.”

“That’s because I don’t snore!” Sam pouted as he laughed. “Are you done?”

“Nope,” Lance said with a shake of his head. “I love this little freckle here on your arm,” he said touching it gingerly with his finger. “And this one on your neck,” he said kissing that one. “And then there’s the one down here,” he said before slipping his finger in between the clumsily fastened buttons of her shirt. “Yep, there it is,” he grinned eyeing the small mark on her cleavage through the opening of the fabric. “This one here on your stomach.” Sam giggled as he poked her stomach. “Isn’t there one here too?” Lance smirked as he grabbed her thigh, causing her to jump slightly.

“I think I get your point,” she said laughing.

“Are you sure? Because I really love this one too,” he said kissing her lips.

“I don’t have a freckle on my lips.”

He looked closer. “Nope, I guess you don’t. Your lips themselves aren’t half-bad either though. Oh, I just thought of some more stuff… I love that really awful scowl you get on your face when you’re watching people, especially when you’re trying to figure out what they’re doing, that I know you don’t mean to get, and you probably don’t even know you’re doing it,” Lance laughed. “I think your whole bra fetish thing is pretty fun too.”

“It’s not a fetish. I just like to have lots of pretty bras,” she explained. “Are you complaining?”

“Are you listening?” he shot back playfully. “I just said I liked it. And I really love that look you get in your eyes when you want to fool around.”

“Shut up! I do not have a ‘look’!”

“If you say so. But if I have to shut up then it’s your turn,” Lance reasoned. “Why do you love me?”

“I need a minute to think about this,” Sam teased while deciding on where to start. “Do I really have a look?” she asked instead. Lance nodded a yes. “Fine, I have a look,” she conceded half-heartedly before beginning with her list. “I love that you’re not ashamed to cry in front of me…I love that you’re not afraid to let other people see that you’re in love…I love that you never even thought about hiding our relationship…that you always know exactly what to say to me to calm my fears, or make me smile, whatever the situation, you’re all over it…I love the fact that when you get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom you try so hard to be quiet even though it’s usually a strange hotel room and you end up bumping into everything in the pitch dark because you won’t turn the light on either… and when you order pizza for us, you always get it with mushrooms because you know I love them, even though you hate them.”

“I don’t mind picking them off,” he shrugged.

“I think it’s really sweet when we’re laying around watching a movie or whatever that you offer to give me massages, even though most of the time you’ve probably worked your ass off on stage all night.”

“That’s because no matter how much I, or anybody else, may tease you, I really do realize how hard you work everyday too,” Lance justified.

“It’s still not nearly as much as you do in a day. But that’s why you get paid the big bucks,” Sam smiled as she continued. “I love you more than I could ever say for being so patient and understanding with me… and for believing that I actually have enough talent to have a music career. Oh, and how you always push me to do the things you know deep down I really want to do.”

“I knew you wanted to sing!” he interrupted.

“I never said I didn’t want to sing. Making a career out of it is a totally different thing. I’m not as convinced as you that I have what it takes.”

“You should be. I know what I’m talking about remember?” he smirked.

“Maybe,” she teased. “Back to my list… you’ve always treated me as an equal in both the personal and professional aspects of our relationship, even though you have years more experience in both. And you get major points for never once treating my being a fan as an issue. I love that you remember the smallest details of insignificant conversations we had months ago. Like what kind of soup my mother made for me when I was sick, my favorite songs, or a car I mentioned wanting someday, right down to the color, and then you go out and buy it!”

“None of our conversations are insignificant and what can I say? I have a good attention span. And you needed that car for work,” he insisted yet again.

“Oh and here’s a biggie, I love how you somehow manage to make me feel like the most beautiful, intelligent, and desirable woman you’ve ever known,” she said stroking the back of her hand along his cheek.

“That’s because you are,” he replied as Sam blushed.

“Lets see, I adore the glimmers of that southern accent you still have and I love this scar right here,” she said glancing her thumb across the mark just below his eyebrow. “And these piercing eyes of yours, and these strong, comforting arms,” she said wrapping them around her. “And oh lordy, those lips,” Sam said with a slight shake of her head before kissing him deeply. A small moan escaped his mouth. “And damn that voice,” she said extending their embrace.

“If we keep this up for much longer I’m going to need some of that release we were talking about earlier,” he kidded as she rested her forehead against his.

“I thought of something else I’m rather fond of… that classic chest pat move you use so much,” Sam giggled.

“What chest pat?” Lance asked furrowing his brow as he pulled back.

“Oh come on! You know exactly what I’m talking about. If I had to admit to my look then you most definitely are going to own up to your signature move,” she insisted.

“I may, on occasion, put my hand to my chest when I’m performing,” he relented.

“One more thing,” Sam said wrapping her arms around his shoulders. “I really love the way you kiss me.”

“Yeah? You think I should do that right now? I mean we just did it couple seconds ago,” Lance kidded wrinkling his nose.

“I think you better,” she grinned before their lips meshed into a sensual embrace. “Ya know, I was just thinking, it’s a good damn thing that we found each other because I really don’t think anyone else would be able to handle all of our issues and hang-ups.”

“You’re probably right,” he agreed as they sat in each other’s arms on the bed. “Now do I really do this chest pat thing that often?” he asked. Sam just laughed and silenced him with another kiss.


“Will you two get away from that door!?” JC said through a clenched jaw as the girls leaned with their ears against Sam’s room.

“Yo, Captain Manners, you wanna shut up over there? I’m trying to eavesdrop,” Mel cracked as Jen put her hand to her mouth to mask her snickering. “Can you hear anything?” she asked the other woman.

“Not really but I could swear I keep hearing laughter every once and a while,” Jen replied, squishing her head even closer against the door. “There it is again!” she said probably a little too loudly.

“I heard it too. Laughing? What the fuck could possibly be funny?” Mel scowled. “If they’re laughing, I’m guessing that means he took her back. I can’t believe they’re all fine and dandy after she just did the toddler!”

“She did not have sex with Justin!” Lance hollered through the door just as Sam opened it and her two friends came toppling into the room. JC stood in the living room laughing hysterically.

“You didn’t?” Mel asked as she stood and collected herself.

“No! Of course not!” Sam shouted defensively.

“Told you!” Jen said sticking her tongue out at Mel as she still sat on the floor.

“Oh hush,” Mel said reciprocating the gesture before turning to Sam and Lance. “So you two are fine then? Just like that?”

The two of them looked at each other and then back at Mel. “Yep,” they said in unison.

“Oyesh, y’all are tiring. I need to go home and take a nap,” she said walking out of the room.

“Oh crap!” Jen gasped looking at the clock. “I need to get back to work. Let’s go driver man,” she said scrambling to her feet and grabbing JC by his shirt as he leaned in to close the door. He managed a quick nod and smile to Lance and Sam before Jen whisked him out of sight.

“Are you coming old man?” Mel teased standing at the door of the apartment.

“Yes, let’s go Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum.”

“Hey, watch it!” Jen warned with a menacing finger. JC grabbed her hand and playfully twisted it behind her back.

“You have the right to remain silent,” he mocked in his best authoritative voice as he ushered her out of the apartment.

“Ooh, save that for later,” Jen joked with a mischievous laugh.

“Yes, please do,” Mel begged as they headed to JC’s Jeep.


“Speaking of work, I know it’s the middle of the day and all, but do you think I could convince my boss into letting me have a few hours off to get some sleep?” Sam asked standing in front of him.

He rested his hands on her shapely hips. “I think your boss could be persuaded to join you. He didn’t get much sleep last night either,” Lance said pulling her down on the bed with him.

She lay back against her pillows on one side and he crawled up beside her. “Okay, but just watch the hands Mister or I’ll have to sue you for sexual harassment.”

“So lips are okay then?” the blonde man said with arched eyebrow before kissing her. “Oops, I guess I forgot to wait for an answer didn’t I?” he mused.

“Oh well,” Sam shrugged, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pulling him back in for another kiss.

Lance propped his head up on his hand and he lay on his side next to her. Sam grabbed for his other hand and gingerly traced her fingers over his skin. He twisted their hands together as he spoke.

“I need to ask something about that night you and Justin were together before us.”

“I am so tired of talking about Justin,” Sam sighed.

“Trust me, so am I. But I promise this will be the last time we ever have to bring the whole mess up,” he said apologetically as he pulled her hand up to his mouth, brushing his lips against her fingers.

“What do you want to know?”

“Did Justin get to see the twins?”

“Oh God Lance,” the brunette said rolling her eyes as she laughed. “I thought you were being serious.”

“I am serious,” he said with a smirk. “I can handle it if he did, I just need to know for sure.”

“No,” Sam said with a shake of her head. “All he saw was my bra.”


“Now can we officially put this topic to rest?”

“Absolutely,” he answered as she let go of his hand and kicked her shoes off. “What are you doing?” Lance questioned as she unzipped her cut-off shorts and arched her hips up enough to slide them down her tanned legs.

“I’m taking these damn things off,” Sam replied dropping them on the floor beside her. “They’re impossible to sleep in. And this shirt is all stinky from the rain,” she said sniffing the collar quickly before unfastening that as well.

“Which bra?” Lance asked curiously as Sam fell back against the pillows with a heavy thud, covering her face with the white shirt. “I swear this is the last thing, but are we talking one of the sexy lace ones, maybe one of the satins, or that awesome red one? It wasn’t the red one was it?”

The young woman pulled the clothing from her face and let it fall to floor as she looked at Lance with an amused smile. “It was the white cotton one I think,” she finally answered.

“The granny bra?” he laughed.

“It’s not a granny bra!” Sam protested as she nudged his stomach with her elbow. “It happens to be the most comfortable bra I own.”

“Whatever,” Lance answered still giggling. “The only thing that matters to me is that he didn’t see nothing. In fact, he saw more in this bathing suit you’re wearing now or that outfit you were wearing on your birthday!”

“Yes he did. Are you satisfied now?”

“Completely,” he said stifling his laughter. “That’s it, honestly.”

“Finally, now can we get some sleep.”

Lance settled himself on his back and Sam rested her head comfortably on his chest, her body leaning against his and her arm draped across his stomach. He slid his hand down her hair before resting it against her back. As he kissed the top of her head, her colored toenails caught his eyes and he let out another chuckle.

“Now what?” she asked exasperated.

“I just noticed that you still haven't changed the polish on your toes.”

“Oh. And erase your beautiful artwork?” Sam giggled glancing down at the rainbow of colors adorning her toes as she wiggled them about. “Never. Did you take yours off yet?” she asked propping her chin up on his chest so she could look him eye to eye.

“Nope, they’re still purple or whatever color that is you painted them,” he replied much to Sam’s enjoyment. “I love you Sam.”

“I love you too,” she smiled before kissing him softly and laying her head back on his chest. “So tell me about this movie script,” she said through a yawn. Lance gave her the basics of the plot and the characters as Sam sighed contently while the rumbling of his deep voice against his chest lulled her to sleep and he followed soon after.

Chapter 52