
“Hello?” Sam answered the telephone startled. She had been sleeping lightly when it rang.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up,” he said apologetically. “I just figured that if you were already sleeping you’d sleep through the ringing like you usually do and I could just leave a message.”

“It’s okay, I was hoping you would call,” she said rubbing her hand over her eyes.

“Speaking of calling, why didn’t you when you got in? I was worried.”

“I did call. I left a message on your voice mail at the hotel because the voice mail on your cell wouldn’t pick up for some reason.”

“Yeah I know, it’s not working very well. But what do you expect for being halfway around the world?” Lance chuckled. “And we haven’t even had a chance to go back to the hotel since we left at the ass-crack of dawn this morning.”

Sam laughed. “Here, I’ll give you the basics. My flight was fine. I made it back in one piece. I’m going to get some dinner, unpack, and relax. I never knew my family could be so tiring,” she summarized the light-humored message she had left for him earlier.

“So how was the last day of your visit?”

“It was nice. We had a big cookout. And damn near every family member I have must have been there. I think they thought you were gonna be there or something,” Sam teased.

“Or maybe it was because they missed you,” he countered.

“Yeah, maybe that. I think the fact that it was Labor Day might have had something to do with it too. They’ll go anywhere for free food on a holiday,” she laughed. “But they did all send their love. Actually my grandma told me to give that adorable man of mine a big ol’ squeeze from her as soon as I saw you. And Carleigh kept asking about you too. So yeah, my grandma thinks you’re adorable and my niece misses her Unca Wance.”

“Sounds like fun. I wish I could’ve been there with you.”

“Me too,” Sam said softly. There was an awkward silence before she spoke again. “But there’ll be other visits. So how the land of Japan treating you?” Sam asked with a terrible Japanese accent.

“I forgot how tiring overseas press could be,” he replied. “But other than that it hasn’t been too bad. I wish you would’ve came though. I think you’d enjoy it.” Once again there was an uneasy quiet. “We’ll do it some other time I’m sure,” Lance spoke up. “Japan’s not going anywhere.”

“I’ll just be glad to have you in the same continent tomorrow night.”

“So does that mean you changed your mind about coming to New York tomorrow instead of on Wednesday?” he asked hopeful.

“No,” she sighed. “I was thinking about just staying with my family and flying from there to New York on Wednesday but they all have to go back to school and work tomorrow and lord knows their schedules are hectic enough as it without trying to squeeze chauffeuring me to the airport in there,” Sam explained. “Besides I told you that I have some work stuff to deal with here anyway.”

“Which I’m sure is all stuff that you could take care of with me in New York. Let’s not forget the fact that you’re my personal assistant. Aren’t assistants typically supposed to be in the same place as the person they’re assisting?” Lance questioned playfully.

“Yes, but let’s also not forget that I’m an assistant with benefits,” she giggled.

Lance wasn’t going to push the issue any further. Her mind was made up. But he also knew that her true reasons for staying away from New York for as long as possible had nothing to do with work. It was the same reason she’d distanced herself from any activity involving the group for the past month – Justin.

“You’re gonna have to talk to him sooner or later,” Lance reminded.

“Later works for me,” Sam replied. “Much later.”

Lance sighed audibly as Sam heard muffled conversation in the background. “Shit, I have to go.”

“Don’t worry about it. I understand. Call me when you get into New York tomorrow night please.”

“Are you sure? It’ll probably be pretty late. I don’t want to wake you again.”

“Yes,” Sam insisted. “I doubt I’ll be sleeping anyway. I haven’t been doing much of it the past few days.”

“Me either,” he sympathized. “And not just because of my hectic schedule. I’m betting it’s the same reason you have.”

“So is it really sick or really sweet that we’re having so much trouble being away from each other for just a week?” she laughed.

“I don’t know, I guess probably a little of both,” he answered, joining in her laughter.

“Come on Lance, we’re already late!” JC’s voice sounded loudly through the phone.

“You better go before you get into trouble with Mr. Bossy,” Sam taunted. “I love you.”

“I love you too. Bye.”

“Bye,” she echoed before returning the phone to its cradle.

Sam exhaled dramatically as she stood, making her way to the bathroom. On the way back she bypassed the bed and headed for the door, deciding instead to drown her loneliness in a carton of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. As she stepped out of her room she was surprised to see Mel sitting in the chair.

“Don’t you have class in the morning?” Sam asked walking to the kitchen.

Mel had been staying at the girls’ apartment since they both had been out of town, Jen with the guys in Tokyo and Sam with her family in Michigan. When Sam arrived back in Orlando earlier in the evening she didn’t much feel like being alone after being surrounded by so many people at home, so she asked Mel to stay with her until they both made the trip to New York on Wednesday. They would be meeting up with the boys and Jen for MTV’s Video Music Awards taking place on Thursday. Mel instantly accepted Sam’s invitation to extend her stay, jumping at any chance to be away from her parents’ home.

“Yep, at eight,” she answered not bothering to look up from the notebook in her hands. The light from the small table light beside her danced off the top of her deep brown hair as she leaned over the paper writing fervently.

“Yuck,” Sam commented making a face as she opened the freezer and retrieved the container of ice cream. “The phone didn’t wake you did it?” she asked as she grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and a spoon from a nearby drawer before joining her friend in the living room.

“Um, no. And even if it did, it is your apartment remember?” Mel said looking up at the woman as she plopped down on the sofa.

“I go, buf ill,” Sam said with a mouthful of ice cream.

“You wanna try that again?”

Sam emptied her mouth. “I know, but still,” she clarified.

“It wasn’t the phone. I had a song in my head and I didn’t want to forget it so I got up to write it down,” she explained. “I’m assuming that was Lance on the phone.”

“Yeah,” Sam answered wistfully.

“What time is it over there?”

“Tokyo is about 13 hours ahead of us I think so it’s about three tomorrow afternoon,” she responded before sighing deeply.

“If you’re expecting me to join you in this little ‘I miss Lance’ pity party that you’re throwing yourself, you’re gonna be waiting a long damn time,” Mel stated plainly.

“What are you talking about?”

Mel rolled her brown eyes. “The ice cream, the sighing, the wimpy voice… you’ve been driving me crazy all night with your pouting!” she hollered jokingly.

“I’ve been in my room for most of the night!” Sam shouted back with the same tone.

“Exactly! Curled up in your bed trying to hide from your problems just like you always do and it drives me insane,” Mel paused. “When are you going to stop letting Justin interfere in your relationship with Lance?”

“How could he be interfering when I’m not even talking to him?”

“How can you say that’s not affecting your relationship when you’re purposefully staying away from Lance because you don’t want to risk having to talk to Justin?” Mel inquired. “It is absolutely affecting your relationship with Lance, not to mention your relationship with the rest of the guys, and Lance’s relationship with them also.”

“Lance and the guys are just fine,” Sam asserted.

“Maybe, but don’t you think they were a little upset when you two decided not to go to the Teen Choice Awards taping? Or that he doesn’t hang out with them nearly as much as he used to?”

“Lance’s cousin was getting married and Joey wasn’t at that taping either,” Sam reminded. “And whatever Lance is doing is his choice. You make it sound like I’m forcing him to stay away.”

“He doesn’t exactly have much of choice considering he has limited free time and he has to choose between you and them since you won’t go within two feet of the toddler,” Mel countered. “That wedding was the day before the taping if I remember correctly and Joey was working.”

“Oh so it’s okay for Joey because he was working on a side project but not for Lance because he wanted to spend some time with his family?”

“Fine, let’s forget about Lance for a minute then. Why didn’t you go to the ceremony when they were getting the key to the city?”

“I had to take care of the final details for the Free Lance talent search. We were flying to New York the next day to be on national TV,” Sam answered.

“Mmm hmm,” Mel said sarcastically. “And what about this trip to Japan? We all noticed how that conveniently conflicted with this sudden trip home.”

“Spencer’s last baseball tournament of the season is always Labor Day weekend and I’ve never missed it once in all the years he’s played. I’m not about to stop being a good sister just because I have a new life,” she defended herself.

“Okay, I’ll give you that one,” her friend relented. “But what about tomorrow when he’ll be in New York? Where will you be?” Mel didn’t wait for answer. “Oh that’s right! You’ll be here with me and your ice cream.”

“I have work to do here.”

“What work? The person who’s work you do will be in another state moron!”

“I think you’ve made your point,” Sam said taking a sip of water.

“Are you sure? I’m not trying to be mean Sami, but sheesh, don’t you think it’s time to face the music?” Mel asked, her tone softening. “When was the last time you talked to Justin? Or hell, even saw him?”

Sam thought for a minute as the memory played through her mind.


Sam, Mel, Joey, Chris and Dani were seated at the corner table in the club. It was the best table in the house, with views of every angle of the spacious area. It was only fitting considering this was their private party. The large group of friends had gotten together to throw a joint birthday party for Jen and JC. Since the pairs’ birthdays were exactly one week apart it only made sense. To no surprise to Mel and Chris, the secret couple completely agreed with the double celebration.

“Well it’s about time, late to your own party, how rude is that?” Chris said shaking his head as JC strutted up to the table.

“Hey I’ve been here for awhile, I just got distracted on my way to the table,” JC smirked.

“Jen must have gotten distracted too because she went to the bathroom forever ago,” Sam exaggerated looking around the club.

“Lots of distractions here it seems,” Mel taunted looking pointedly at JC.

“So where’s Lance?” the blue-eyed man asked Sam, quickly changing the subject.

“Oh you know him,” Sam smiled. “Off being Mr. Social as always,” she explained motioning towards Lance who stood a short distance away talking with some mutual friends as Jen suddenly appeared at the table.

“So Joshua, whaddya say we go show all these other fools how this dancing thing is done?”

“It would my pleasure madam,” he replied with a silly accent as he extended his hand for her to take. “Besides, us Leos have to stick together.”

“Hey I’m a Leo too!” Sam pouted.

“Would you care to join us fair lady?” JC asked extending his other hand to her.

“Nah, I’m too tired to dance tonight,” she declined just as a small yawn passed through her lips.

“That’s weird,” Joey commented as Jen and JC made their way to the dance floor. “Usually he gets all pissy when someone besides his family calls him Joshua.”

“He’s obviously in a good mood tonight,” Chris replied.

“Obviously,” Mel echoed with a laugh. “So why are you so tired Sami? Lance working you too hard? He’s such a slave driver that guy,” she said sarcastically.

“Actually I was shopping all day,” the petite brunette explained.

“Oh, what a tough day,” Chris scoffed.

“Hey! Shopping can be very tiring and stressful,” Dani defended.

“Thank you!” Sam said sticking her tongue out at Chris.

“Especially for us more shapely women,” the blonde woman continued. “Just try buying a two piece outfit. If you go for the size that you need in the chest then the pants or the skirt practically fall off of you, but if you go with the correct size for the bottom half, then the top never fits. It sucks.”

“Exactly! Or you find a dress that you absolutely love and it fits you perfectly just about everywhere, however you could never wear it in public because your chest is practically falling out of it,” Sam added.

“Oh I hate that!” Dani agreed.

“Um, hello, young and the boobless over here,” Mel spoke up placing her hands on her chest. “Are you two really expecting sympathy?”

The table of friends erupted into laughter.

“See, it’s stressful for everybody,” Sam said to Chris.

“Not me,” he disagreed.

“Yes, but we can’t all wear FumanSkeeto everyday,” Mel teased.

“Why not? I’d be a happy rich man!”

“So what were you shopping for Sam?” Dani asked.

“Anything naughty?” Joey asked. “I hope so, cuz if not this shopping topic is starting to look pretty darn boring.”

“I was looking for an outfit for the VMAs. I have this picture in my head of exactly what I want but I can’t find it anywhere. I guess I’m just going to have to see if I can find it while I’m in New York next week,” Sam said referring to the business trip she and Lance would be taking together.

“Yoo-hoo!” Chris yelled waving his arms frantically in the air. “CEO of his own clothing line sitting right in front of you.”

“Really? You’d custom design something for me?” Sam seemed surprised.

“Why not?” he shrugged. “We do it for these other hoodlums.”

“That’s so cool of you. I think it needs to be leather though… can you do leather?”

“Now we’re talking,” Joey cracked, rubbing his hands together.

“Sure, we can do anything. In fact, we’re already making this leather bra for her,” Chris said tilting his head towards Dani.

“It’s a bustier,” she corrected.

“Whatever, it’s a bra,” he retorted as the blonde woman smacked his arm.

“Well hell Chris, feel free to make my outfit too then I don’t have to bothering with shopping either,” Mel stated.

“Leather pants,” Joey whispered leaning closer to Chris.

“What’d you say?” Mel demanded.

“Nothing,” he said shaking his head slightly before turning back to Chris again. “Leather pants,” he repeated for emphasis before receiving a slap as well.

“Can you describe to me what you want?” Dani asked.

“Here, I’ll draw it,” Sam replied, retrieving an ink pen from her purse and drawing a rough sketch of the outfit on a napkin. “What do think?”

“I really like it,” the woman smiled. “I think it’s gonna be great. I’ll have one of the designers call you guys tomorrow so we can get started on these.”

“Do you need a job?” Chris joked. “This can be your signature piece. Everybody else has one, and you might as well too since I don’t see you going away anytime soon. Which just really sucks but I’ll learn to cope,” he laughed.

“Enough shop talk,” Dani said grabbing her boyfriend’s hand. “Come dance with me,” she ordered pulling him out of his chair.

“But I’m too old to dance,” he whined.

Joey stood from the table also. “I have to go tinkle,” he explained with giggly shriek.

“What I’d miss?” Jen asked as she took her seat next to Sam.

“Chris is having FumanSkeeto custom make our VMA outfits,” Sam replied.

“Score! Sign me up!” Jen laughed.

“There seems to be a leather theme,” Mel elaborated.

“Double score!” the young woman exclaimed. The three friends shared a good laugh until Sam’s expression suddenly because serious.

“Sami?” Mel asked curious.

“I thought you said he was going to be in Memphis until tomorrow,” Sam said staring at the young man across the room.

Jen and Mel followed their friend’s gaze and spotted Justin near the entrance. “I guess he came back early,” Jen offered feebly as Sam grabbed her purse off the back of the chair.

“I have to get out of here,” she said, an air of panic in her voice. It had been just about two weeks since his confession of his true feelings for her and their subsequent arguments. Sam had already filled her two friends in on what had happened and she was pretty sure the rest of the guys had a good idea what’s was going on also. But Sam hadn’t seen or spoken to Justin since then, nor did she desire too.

“This is ridiculous,” Mel said, grabbing Sam’s arm as she attempted to leave the table. “Nobody said you had to talk to him. There’s no reason for you to go.”

“If I stay I’m just going to be uncomfortable all night and I don’t want to ruin anyone else’s night. It’ll just be easier if I go. There won’t have to be any separate tables or awkward conversation,” Sam reasoned as she turned to Jen. “I’m sorry to skip out on your party. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

“It’s okay, I understand,” Jen said giving her a hug. “Do you want me to tell Lance you’re leaving?”

“No I will, but thanks. I’ll see you guys later,” Sam said before quickly finding her boyfriend in the crowd.

“What’s up? You don’t look so good,” Lance said concerned as she approached him.

“I don’t feel too good actually. I’ve got a really bad headache,” Sam fibbed. “I’m gonna go home.”

“Just give me a minute to say goodbye to some people and I’ll come with you.”

“No, that’s okay. Stay,” Sam urged. “Have a good time.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. I’m just gonna take a cab back to my apartment.”

“No, here,” Lance said reaching in his pocket for his keys. “Take my truck, I’ll catch a ride with someone. Or do you think you’re okay to drive?”

“I’m fine, it’s just one of those stupid headaches I get sometimes and I haven’t been drinking. It’s not a long drive anyway,” Sam said quickly as she scanned the exit for any signs of Justin. Finding it clear she wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. “I’m gonna get going. Thank you for giving me your car.”

“No problem. I’ll stop by after the party to check on you okay?” he offered.

“That’d be great,” Sam smiled slightly as she kissed him quickly and headed for the door.

“I love you,” he called out as she sprinted towards the door. She may very well have a headache, but Lance knew the true reason for her sudden departure. He had seen Justin come in a few minutes ago as well. He also knew that Sam wasn’t ready to deal with the situation, and now was definitely not the time or place to discuss the issue.

Sam was almost out the door as a strong hand grabbed her by the elbow. Without even seeing him, she knew instantly who it was.

“Can we please talk Sami?” Justin begged. She looked up at him and said nothing as he led her down a small, empty hallway. “I’m sorry if I scared you out there but I didn’t want you to get away before I had a chance to talk to you,” he explained as they stopped halfway down the narrow space. He was standing in front of her, blocking the passage leading to the exit. Sam stood silently as Justin spoke again. “Don’t you have anything to say to me?”

“What do you want me to say?” she asked with a shrug of her shoulders.

“Whatever you want to say. Scream, yell, cry, bitch at me, I don’t care! Just please say something,” he pleaded. Sam stared vacantly past him as they both stood quiet for what seemed like hours. Justin sighed loudly as he leaned against the wall, moving out of her way. “Fine, go,” he said solemnly.

Sam maintained her silence as she scurried past him and out of the club.


“Hello! Earth to Sami!” Mel shouted as one of the throw pillows landed with a thud upside her head.

“Sorry, you asked me when the last time was I talked to him and I was remembering it,” she explained. “It was Jen and JC’s birthday party by the way.”

“See! There’s another example, you disappeared as soon as you saw Justin that night,” Mel reminded. “It was kind of understandable at first, but it’s been a month now Sami.”

“I know,” she said quietly.

“Justin said some horrible things to you that night, we all agree on that, and believe me I gave him one hell of a talking to, but if Lance can forgive the guy don’t you think it’s about time you did too?” Mel reasoned. “And speaking of Lance, let me just remind you that he’s said some pretty awful things to you a time or two as well and you forgave him. I know it’s not the same exact situation, but I had to bring it up for arguments sake. Gotta be fair and impartial.”

“That’ll be the day,” Sam cracked.

“Hey, I’m always fair,” Mel protested. “Now the impartial thing is a different story,” she laughed. “So you think you’re ready to let the toddler off the hook or what?”

“It’s not so much forgiving him that I’m having trouble with. I haven’t been angry with him for quite a while now,” she confessed.

“You’re punishing yourself aren’t you?”

“I hate you! How do you do that?” Sam screamed. Mel just shrugged as her friend continued. “I knew on some level that some of things I was doing was crossing the line. That some of my actions when it came to Justin were probably a little too friendly. But I couldn’t help it. All my life all I ever wanted was a nice guy to pay attention to me and all of the sudden I had two of the most amazing guys caring about me. And I enjoyed it, a lot.”

“So you had your cake and you wanted to eat it too. It’s understandable, totally girly and stupid,” Mel teased. “But completely understandable.”

“Yeah but now I feel horrible because apparently I was sending Justin some signals that I didn’t mean to and now it’s just one big fine mess. I never expected Justin would…” Sam trailed off.

“I wouldn’t worry about Justin too much. He’s a tough kid. I’m sure he’ll understand,” Mel reassured. “It’s only logical that you’re gonna make some mistakes in this whole ugly world of relationships. Especially considering this is your first go round where there are no acts of crime involved.”

Sam almost joked on the drink of water she’d just taken. “You know the rule, no making me laugh when there are liquids in my mouth.”

“Sorry,” she grinned. “But yeah, back to my lecture… You need to stop being so hard on yourself. Everybody makes mistakes. Lance understands that, he forgave you, and I’m positive Justin will as well. It’s time to forgive yourself damn it!”

“I guess you’re right.”

“No guessing about it, I’m right and you know it!” Mel hollered playfully.

“Okay fine! Now what?” Sam yelled back matching her friend’s tone.

“Well, I think tomorrow you should have your butt in New York when the albino gets off the plane. I’m tired of you and your moping,” she teased. “And then you need to talk to Justin. I have a feeling he has some things to say to you too.”

Sam shook her head in agreement. “Didn’t you just say earlier today that it would do Lance and I some good to spend some time apart?”

“Yes, but I forgot that that only applies to normal people. With you two freaks o’ the nature, it’s better for you to be constantly together,” Mel cracked. “I don’t pretend to understand it, but if it works, it works,” she shrugged.

“So do you want to come with me tomorrow?” Sam asked laughing at her friend’s good-natured ribbing.

“No, I have classes. Which I’m already missing on Thursday so I can go sit in a room with a bunch of people I can’t stand.”

“Oh hush, you know it’s gonna be a blast. You, me and Jen can just spend the whole night ripping on the famous people.”

“I suppose,” Mel said leafing through her notebook.

“So what is this song that kept you awake?”

“I’m not sure it’s ready for reading yet,” Mel said hesitantly as she flipped back to the song she’d just finished, her deep brown eyes scanning it quickly.

“Well have you written any new ones that I can read?” Sam questioned.

“Umm, did I ever get the chance to show you “If I”?”

“It doesn’t sound familiar. Hand it over,” Sam demanded comically.

Mel flipped to the correct page and gave the notebook to her friend. She sat anxiously waiting for her opinion. “Well?” she asked timidly.

“That’s a little naughty,” Sam smirked. “I love it!”

“I figured you would. But it’s a good thing considering I wrote it for you. It was inspired by your little table dance on your birthday.”

“You were dancing too. And why are you wasting your talents writing songs for me? You should be writing for someone who will actually get some use out of them and make a big famous songwriter.”

“First of all, my dancing that night was more playful than anything, and yours was just full on sex kitten,” Mel asserted. “Secondly, if Lance has his way I think you vocalizing my songs could be in the not so distant future. And I have a feeling Lance has his way with you quite a bit,” she taunted mischievously.

Sam just smiled. “Whatever,” she said shaking her head slightly. “So can I read this new song or what?”

“Fine,” she gave in. “It’s on the next page.”

Sam read through the beautiful ballad. “Aww, that is so good!” she exclaimed.


“Yes! It’s great. But now I know why you didn’t want me to read it at first.”

“Thank you, and what are you talking about?” Mel asked innocently.

“You didn’t want me to read it because you knew I’d realize that it is so obviously about Joey,” Sam replied.

“It’s not about Joey. It’s just a song,” she insisted adamantly.

“Whatever, it’s about Joe-y,” Sam taunted, stressing the syllables of his name.

“Gimme that,” Mel said snatching the book from Sam’s hands. “It’s not about Joey,” she pouted.

“You know it could…”

“Don’t give me that ‘it could happen bullshit’,” Mel cut her off abruptly. “My life isn’t ‘happily-ever-after’ like yours.”

“Mine never was either until a few months ago,” Sam pointed out.

“Yes, but you always believed in it. I don’t,” Mel reminded. “Besides it doesn’t matter anyway because I think he’s dating the period-skipper again.”

“You think?”

“Yeah, he doesn’t talk to me about it so I’m not sure.”

“Maybe he doesn’t bring her up due to the fact that you refer to her as the ‘period-skipper’ instead of using her name,” Sam chuckled.

“That’s bad?” Mel shrugged.

“He’s taking you to the VMAs though,” Sam mentioned.

“Yeah but only so JC could…” Mel caught herself. She had almost let it slip that JC had casually mentioned the idea to Joey of them all going as a group. Joey would take Mel and that way JC could be with Jen. “Because JC mentioned it would be fun for all of us to go together. Speaking of which, a messenger dropped off our outfits while you were gone. I hung them in JenJen’s closet so they stayed all nice and neat.”

“So how do they look?”

“They look fine to me.”

“Do you think Lance is going to like mine?” Sam asked as she walked to the kitchen to put the ice cream back in the freezer.

“Let’s see, it’s leather, it’s strapless, and it shows a lot of skin. I don’t know, that’s a tough call,” Mel said sarcastically.

“I doesn’t show that much skin,” she said defensively as she came back into the living room.

“Sure it doesn’t, ya sex kitten,” Mel mocked as the pillow she’d thrown at Sam earlier came back in her direction.

“Goodnight Joey lover,” Sam shot back before darting into her bedroom.

“You suck!” Mel yelled at the closed door before switching off the light and heading for Jen’s room.

Chapter 53