
“What’s the matter? You still cold?” JC asked as he stood next to a shivering Jen in the greenroom of the MTV studios.

“I can’t get rid of this chill,” the tall brunette replied grabbing her knee-length sweater with her hands and folding it tightly around her body. “Damn weather,” she lamented referring to the unseasonably cool mid-October air they’d escaped from minutes ago as JC turned towards her. Placing his hands just below either of her shoulders, he began rubbing her arms vigorously in attempts to warm her up. JC half expected her to pull away from his touch and when she didn’t, a pleased smile slid across his full lips.


“Yes, much. Thank you,” Jen answered returning his grin as Justin watched the pair curiously from the corner behind them where he had escaped to in order to check the messages on his voice mail away from the commotion in the rest of the room.

“So how’d you do on that Sociology test last week?” Joey asked Mel as they stood a couple of feet away picking at the various trays of snacks and goodies the station’s staff had laid out for their guests.

Knowing that Mel didn’t have classes on Fridays, Joey had offered to fly her up to New York to spend the weekend with the rest of them. It was the second such trip he had funded over the past month. The previous visit he had flown her to Toronto where he had been shooting a small part in a movie.

“I aced it of course,” the raven-haired woman smiled before tossing a bite-sized cracker at his face. He quickly caught on and snapped the next one up in his mouth as she giggled. “So what are we doing tonight?”

“I don’t think we have any definite plans. Why?”

“I dunno,” Mel shrugged. “I just thought that maybe since it was Friday the 13th we could do something crazy,” she answered, her brown eyes wide and wild for effect.

“I can think of something crazy,” Joey suggested wiggling his eyebrows. “Of course we’d have to get married first.”

“Umm, no,” she dismissed.

“Okay then we’ll just forget about the marriage thing and focus on the other,” he smirked.

“Oh hush,” Mel said rolling her eyes, attributing the come-on to nothing more than his naturally flirtatious demeanor. “What are you two up to Sami?” she asked walking over to the black leather sofa where her friend sat with Lance.

“We’re looking at some pictures of Lance and Meredith from the CMAs,” Sam answered gazing at the color photos laid out on the coffee table in front of them.

The past few weeks were supposed to have been a period of semi-down time for the guys before they headed out on the second leg of the “No Strings Attached” tour in just four short days. However, since the words ‘rest’ and ‘time off’ didn’t exist when it came to the vocabularies of the five men of *NSYNC, it was hardly a vacation for them. Less than a week after the VMAs, they performed at the Latin Grammy Awards in Los Angeles, that was followed by an appearance by JC and Joey at the Much Music Awards in Toronto, Lance presenting at the Country Music Awards in Nashville with his rising artist, and just this Monday the group returned to New York to appear on Good Morning America. Not to mention the interviews, photo shoots, and pre-taping of a couple other television shows scattering amongst all of that. And finally today they were guesting on TRL to premiere their latest video, “This I Promise You.”

“Haven’t I seen a picture of you in a dress similar to this?” Mel asked picking one of the photos up to get a closer look at the blue strapless gown. “At your aunt’s wedding or something?”

“My cousin’s,” Sam corrected. “And it was that very same dress actually.”

“You wouldn’t let the girl spring for a new dress Mr. Manager Man?” Mel teased Lance. “So let me get this straight, not only did Sam not get to go, but Meredith got to go with her man, in her dress?”

“It was business,” he defended. “And Sam did go. She was one of my entourage,” Lance chuckled.

“Meredith saw the same picture and said she really liked the dress. I knew she was having a hard time finding something to wear, and that Lance had already decided on a blue suit so I told her if she wanted to borrow it, I’d have my mom ship it down,” Sam explained. “Plus it helped that we’re almost the same exact size everywhere. I think she may have had to take the top in a little bit, but other than that, it fit perfectly.”

“Ah, yes. Lance is working on getting himself a whole stable full of busty singers,” Mel cracked.

“Ugh, they’re not that big!” Sam whined, instinctively cupping her hands over her chest. “Seriously, a D cup is not that uncommon.”

“A full D,” the blond man amended as Sam glared at him. “What? There’s a difference between just barely filling out a D cup and being a true D. And you’re true blue all the way baby,” Lance grinned.

“Thanks for that bit of too much information,” Mel grumbled before starting in on Sam again. “And on a tiny body like yours, they are big and uncommon. I don’t know why you’re throwing such a fit, you know you like having them.”

“I never said I didn’t. I’m quite fond of them actually, they’ve been with me for a good number of years now,” Sam joked. “I just get tired of them being a constant topic of discussion. And just for future reference, I don’t think anybody enjoys them more than he does,” the petite brunette said motioning towards her boyfriend with her head. Lance just shrugged, flashing a goofy smile.

“What the hell kind of conversation did I just walk in on?” Carson laughed entering the room.

“I’m not sure. Apparently I missed a big chunk of it too,” Justin replied slipping his small phone into the pocket of his jeans to greet the TRL host.

“They were talking about Sam’s boobs,” Joey said nonchalantly while moving over to acknowledge Carson as well.

“Okay then,” he commented, slightly uncomfortable. “It’s good to see you again Sam,” Carson smiled as she stood to give him a friendly hug hello, her cheeks a lovely shade of crimson. The raven-haired man greeted the other two men and women before realizing someone was missing. “Where’s Chris?”

“Probably running a muck through your studios,” Jen quipped.

“A muck, a muck, a muck,” Chris chanted skipping into the room with a pink feather boa around his neck and large cowboy hat on his head, presumably having just visited the wardrobe department.

“Hey Carson, they’re ready for you on set,” a young production assistant alerted stepping into the room.

“All right, I’ll see you guys out there,” the host said making his exit.

“Carson will bring you guys out after the first break,” the intern informed the pop group. “And just so you’re aware, there will be a camera running in here to shoot teasers in and out of the commercials. I’ll come back when we’re ready for you,” she smiled politely before leaving, passing the massive bodyguards lining the small hallway.

The large group of friends all took seats on the various pieces of furniture near the television monitor and watched as Carson began the intro of the show. The loud screams of the eager audience echoed all the way through the Times Square Studios and they all laughed as the show’s host made joking references to the noise level and his now damaged hearing. The mostly female crowd had finally calmed down when Carson made the mistake of teasing the fact that the guys of *NSYNC were only a few short feet away. Once again he waited for the hysteria to subside before giving a brief overview of the show’s contents that day and moving quickly into the first video on the countdown.

As they all sat watching the tenth most requested song, Sam’s cell phone rang and she politely stood and walked away from the rest of the group in an effort not to disrupt their viewing of the show.

“Hey Kristi! Please say you have good news for me,” she responded excitedly to the caller after answering.

Lance sighed audibly upon hearing the name of his girlfriend’s real estate agent and Sam tried to ignore him as she listened to the woman on the phone. The lease on the apartment she shared with Jen was due to expire at the end of the month, and the girls, realizing that their budget was much more flexible these days thanks to their new careers, decided that a house sounded much more appealing than another year of apartment dwelling. Just before leaving for this latest trip, the two friends had made an offer on a modest three-bedroom home not far from their current residence in Orlando.

“Are you serious?” Sam squealed, flashing Jen a thumbs up as she stood and walked over towards her. “That is so great! So do you need a fax number or can the final paperwork wait until we get back?” she asked, unable to hide her giddiness as she began jumping about. “Um, we’ll be back in town Sunday night but we’re leaving again Monday morning. Are you sure that’s not a problem? Okay… great… we’ll see you then. Thank you so much!” Sam shrieked ending the call. “We got it!” she beamed turning to Jen.

“I would’ve never guessed that,” Justin said sarcastically as all of them were now focused on a hyper Sam rather than the television screen.

“Kristi’s going to stop by the apartment Sunday night and go over the final details with us and we may possibly be able to get the keys right then!” Sam explained animatedly clapping her hands.

The two young women hugged in celebration with Mel coming over to join them as the guys also offered their congratulations. All of them but Lance that is. He instead walked silently over to the refreshment table, sulking as he sipped on a bottle of water.

“Aren’t you happy for us?” Sam asked as she made her way over to her fair-haired boyfriend.

“I’m happy that you’re happy,” Lance replied flatly.

“That doesn’t sound too convincing,” she teased with a small grin while poking at his side, hoping to change his mood.

“Buying a house is a big responsibility. Are you sure you’ve thought everything through?” he questioned, deciding on the practicality angle first.

“First of all, we’re not technically buying it, not yet anyway. We’re leasing with an option to buy. And secondly, thanks for the news flash Dad,” the brunette continued to kid with him. “But I think I’m pretty good with responsibility.”

“I just don’t see why you want to spend all that money on something that you’re hardly ever going to be around to enjoy,” Lance stated. He knew it was weak reasoning on his part, and he also knew that Sam would probably throw it right back in his face, what he didn’t count on however, was Mel beating her to it.

“I’m sorry, but don’t you have two homes?” the raven-haired woman interjected.

“Mel,” Joey cautioned, implying that perhaps she should stay out of this particular conversation.

“Don’t Mel me,” she warned. “Sami is a grown woman and she doesn’t need his permission, or approval, to spend the piles of money he pays her on whatever she so pleases. Besides, nobody is going to stand in the way of me finally being able to get away from Peggy and the old man,” Mel asserted referring to her parents.

When Sam and Jen had begun their house hunting they realized that if they were going to continue relying on Mel to look after their place while they were so frequently gone, they should at least offer her proper room and board in exchange for her help. Also knowing that their friend was eager to move out of her parents’ home, Sam and Jen decided on three bedrooms and offered the extra room to Mel as a trade-off for becoming the home’s official caretaker. Initially it took a little convincing on Sam and Jen’s part that she really would be providing them with a great service and not just freeloading off their newfound cash flow, but Mel eventually gave in.

“I never said she needed my consent to do anything,” Lance snapped. “And yes I do have two places that sit empty the majority of the time also. Which is why it would make so much more sense for you to just stay with me,” he finished looking back at Sam.

“Am I supposed to stay with you too?” Jen asked, her tone mocking. “And if so, I hope you’re referring to your Orlando residence because Mississippi and I wouldn’t mix well.”

“No, you and Mel could renew the lease on your apartment,” Lance reasoned.

“So let me get this straight, not only do you want to take my gainfully employed roomie and move in a poor, jobless, college student, but you also want me to put up with another year of nosey neighbors that stand with their ears up against the walls and then bitch to the manager about what they hear, all so you can play sugar daddy?” Jen quizzed with an arched brow. “Did you get dropped on your head one too many times as a child?”

“Mel could get a job,” he shrugged. Sam could see Mel was about to respond, and she quickly interjected.

“Why are you being like this Lance?” Sam inquired. She wasn’t angry with him, she knew his concerns came from a good place, but she was becoming increasingly irritated. “We’ve talked about why this is important to me. That whole thing about me needing something of my own,” she reminded.

“Really Lance, lighten up,” Chris spoke up. “She just wants to be able to sing Shorty gotta job… Shorty gotta car… Shorty can pay her own rent… cuz she’s not like most girls,” he cracked in attempt to alleviate some of the tension in the room. Even Lance couldn’t hold back a small chuckle.

“Something tells me she wouldn’t sing that song no matter what the circumstances,” the green-eyed man said cryptically.

“Why not? Don’t you like Pink?” Chris asked curiously.

“No. I guess I’m just not hard-core enough to enjoy her,” Sam replied rolling her brown eyes.

“Whatever,” he scoffed. “If Lance is than anybody is.”

“Apparently so,” she muttered under her breath.

“Chris, you’re really not helping here,” Lance said placing his hand under Sam’s elbow and leading her over to a more private area of the room.

“What is his deal?” Justin wondered aloud.

“I think Sam has become a little bit more independent than he expected her to,” JC shrugged as he and he rest of the group turned back to the monitors, all of them pretending not to listen to Lance and Sam’s continuing discussion.

“Is it so bad that I want to take care of you? That I like the idea of being able to do so?” Lance asked softly.

“No it’s not. And I love you for wanting to,” Sam replied earnestly. “But I’m just learning how to take care of myself and I’m enjoying it. It’s a nice feeling. Lance, so much of my life involves you, and I’m in no way saying that’s a bad thing either,” she stated adamantly. “But I just need something to balance it out. I need to have something I can look at and be proud of, to know that I did that. Just little old me.”

Lance studied her face carefully for a moment before speaking. “You really want this don’t you?” he grinned.

“I really do,” Sam stressed, returning his smile. “I promise you can have a key to the new place too… and sleep over whenever you want.”

“Fine, I give up. Buy the house,” he conceded with a dramatic sigh as his girlfriend hugged him.

“I’m really glad you understand, but you know I was going to even if you hadn’t, right?” she giggled releasing from their embrace.

“Yes I know, you’re stubborn like that,” he snickered. “Ya know what else I know?”

“What’s that?”

“I bet a mega-successful singing career would be something that you could look at and be proud of… something that you did… that was yours,” Lance smirked.

“You’re just not gonna give up on that are ya?” Sam asked shaking her head at him.

“Nope, I’m stubborn like that,” he laughed.

“I know. I find it rather charming as a matter of fact,” she returned, her tone flirtatious as she tugged playfully at the open button-down shirt he was wearing over a snug-fitting t-shirt.

“Really? How charming?” Lance asked wiggling his eyebrows as he snaked his arms around her slender waist, pulling her closer.

“Cameras,” Sam reminded, placing her hands on his chest and attempting to push away from his grasp. He wasn’t letting go.

“I don’t care,” he smiled devilishly.

“Well in that case, I find it extremely charming,” she breathed moving her hands up to the back of his neck as he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers in a sweet kiss.

“Rad, a free peep show,” Carson quipped walking back into the room, his program obviously on a commercial break.

“It’s like a non-stop peep show with those two,” Joey commented.

“Well somebody’s a bitter Betty,” the television personality taunted.

“Do you two ever get tired of being so sick?” Mel asked looking at the couple incredulously. “Two seconds ago you were arguing and now you’re all kissy face. What the hell is that?”

“We weren’t arguing, we were discussing,” Sam corrected. “Maybe he was arguing with you a little. And it doesn’t matter now anyway because he’s seen the error of his ways and has come over to our side.”

“Yeah well, he should’ve been there in the first place,” Mel grumbled.

“Just one little rad is all you could muster Carson?” Jen asked out of nowhere. “C’mon you gotta put some feeling into it man! Rad, rad, OHHHH RAD!!!” she shouted as everyone stared at her oddly. “Cold weather messes with my brain, makes me kinda loopy,” she shrugged casually.

“And I think they’re calling me on the set,” Carson chuckled. “Come on you dorks, it’s time for your close-ups,” he cracked, motioning for the guys to follow him.

“I’m sorry for earlier. I love you,” Lance said kissing Sam’s forehead.

“Yeah, you’re sorry alright,” she teased enticing a frown from him. “Oh you know I love you too, now go be all cute and famous,” Sam said pushing him towards the doorway.

The three women sat on the leather couch in the greenroom watching the guys’ interview as it took place on the live television broadcast. They were only halfheartedly paying attention, as they couldn’t contain their excitement regarding their new home. The friends’ conversation filtered between teasing comments about some of the ridiculous things the guys were saying or doing on national television and the girls’ future plans for the house.

“Can you image how peaceful it’ll be at the pool with just us and no vagrant monsters that their parents absurdly label as children?” Jen mused.

“It’s a good thing it’s just us because I don’t think that little hole in the ground will hold much more,” Mel joked, referring to the small backyard amenity included with the home. “But it serves its purpose, and it really adds to the character of the whole area, with those old, patterned tiles and everything.”

“I know, I love it back there. Especially how the patio extends all the way down to the sliding doors in my bedroom. I think I’m gonna do the room in grays and purples, I want it to feel really relaxing and romantic,” Sam sighed wistfully.

“Ya know it really sucks that just because you make more money than me, and offered to pay a larger amount of the monthly payment, you get the grand master suite complete with a private bathroom and sprawling views of the spacious, and I use the term spacious loosely, backyard,” Jen mocked good-naturedly. “I mean it makes sense and it’s only fair, but it bites nonetheless,” she laughed.

“Joey suggested I use a red, blue and yellow theme and paint a big ‘S’ on the wall in my room,” Mel laughed. “Oh, do I get to pick my own paint colors and such?”

“As long as you don’t listen to Joey, you can do whatever you want,” Jen retorted. “I don’t really care what my room looks like as long as it has a bed,” she yawned.

“Well that was a very JC-like statement to make,” Sam snickered.

“Huh, it was, wasn’t it?” Jen laughed at herself. “Hey, you know what would be really funny? If we put up big ass posters of the guys all over the place just to freak them out.”

“That’d be great, or even better if we hid them in unexpected places, like they open a cupboard and boom! There they are,” Mel added with a giggle.

“Or they go into the bathroom and shut the door and there’s a big color picture of themselves waving back as they’re trying to take care of their business,” Sam laughed.

“Of course we’ll hang a lovely picture of Justin in a wife-beater above your bed for ya too Sami,” Jen teased.

“Oh yeah, cuz Lance would just love that,” Sam exaggerated rolling her eyes.

“I’m sure he probably would,” Mel quipped.

“HE’S NOT GAY!” Sam defended.

“Whatever you need to tell yourself to get through the night sweetie,” Mel patronized. Sam couldn’t keep a straight face and burst out laughing, she knew her friend was only making these statements to get a rise out of her. “Oh hey, they’re talking about the VMAs,” Mel informed as the girls turned their attention back to the guys and Carson.

“So speaking of the VMAs, I saw you guys there with some incredibly beautiful women,” Carson began.

“Were you checking out our dates Carson?” Justin interrupted, mock jealousy heavy in his tone.

“Hell yeah I was!” the host said eagerly as the five men laughed. “Seriously. I remember watching one of the hundred or so repeats that our fine network here has aired one night when I was at home just chillin’, because I have no life,” Carson paused to flash a pitiful smile to the camera. “So anyway I was watching your performance again and at the end the camera flashes to a reaction shot of the ladies you were with really quick and then went back to you guys on the stage, and I distinctly remember yelling at my TV, ‘Screw them! Go back to the hot chicks!’”

“Carson thinks we’re hot chicks,” Sam giggled.

“Eh, I only feel lukewarm today,” Jen cracked pressing her hand against her forehead.

“Oh my god, I love Carson,” Mel cooed. “That was so sweet of him.”

“So was there a point to this little spiel of yours Carson? Or did you just feel the need to confess that you were ogling our companions?” Chris taunted.

“A point… yes there was… although I’ve seemed to have forgotten it at the moment,” he smirked running a careless hand through is closely cropped dark hair. “Oh right, now I remember. I was trying to make the segue about dating and ‘This I Promise You’ being such a romantic song and how do you deal with that if you’re not involved with somebody. Can you still get as into the song, do you still feel it,” Carson continued to babble on without really asking a direct question to any of the five men yet. “Like specifically you JC, are you dating anyone right now, and if so does that make it easier for you to get into the song? Or if you’re single do you still find a way to put yourself into the lyrics of the songs? Maybe relate to some other type of relationship perhaps? Is it just so powerful sometimes that you just get lost in the words of the song and it doesn’t really matter what’s going on in your personal life?”

“I am dating someone right now, but uh… ” JC finally answered, not even realizing the words that had just left his own mouth as his head was spinning trying to make sense of the barrage of questions Carson had just thrown at him. The other four group members shared questioning glances as JC spoke again. “But I think even being single, it’s still easy to get into the song. Like you said the lyrics themselves are just so powerful and they can relate to all different kinds of love, not just romantic love. Plus with songs you’re kind of telling a story, so even if its not something we've experienced for ourselves we can look at it as almost a narrator-type thing,” he finished.

“Cool. Now let’s talk about the video itself a little bit before we go ahead and show it to America,” Carson moved on.

“What! Since when is JC dating someone?” Sam asked shocked as Mel sat trying to fight back her fits of giggles and Jen fiddled nervously with one of the buttons on her sweater. “Did you know anything about this?” Sam questioned her roommate.

“No. Why would I know? Why are you asking me?” Jen replied almost too quickly.

“Well because I know you handle their schedules and reservations sometimes,” Sam answered giving her friend a strange look. “Has he asked you to make any out of the ordinary arrangements or anything like that? To send any flowers, gifts?”

“No, nothing at all,” Jen said honestly. “I think he probably just misspoke. When does he have time to date? He doesn’t even go out.”

“Hmm, maybe. But that’s a pretty big slip up… unless,” Sam paused.

“Unless what?” Jen asked, doing her best job to hide the air of panic in her voice.

“Unless he’s dating somebody in the crew,” Sam theorized as Jen started tapping her foot out of habit, trying to lower the level of anxiety washing through her. “But then again there’s really nobody his age around except for us,” she remembered, causing Jen’s nervous fidgeting to quicken in it’s pace.

“Yeah but don’t forget that JC supposedly has a thing for older women doesn’t he?” Mel pointed out, hoping to cast some of the suspicious off of a very uncomfortable Jen. “There’s that one lady in wardrobe or whatever… she’s like 26 or 27.”

“What lady?” Jen demanded.

“Johanna? No she’s married,” Sam dismissed.

“I’m telling you he just misspoke. You know he gets all babbly and incoherent when he does interviews. He probably doesn’t even know what he said,” Jen insisted. “I’ve always said the boy shouldn’t have a microphone unless he’s singing. Ooh look, they’re in the forest,” she said turning her attention to the video playing.

“You know something don’t you?” Sam asked staring at her.

“I can’t discuss personal issues of my employers. It’s in my contract. Honest. Do you want me to get fired?” Jen ranted.

“UGH! I knew it! You do know something!” Sam whined as Mel laughed hysterically. “Don’t worry, I’ll find some other way to get the dirt I’m sure,” she said coyly, dropping the subject for the time being as she listened to fans’ reactions of the video.


Sam sat restlessly near the dividing window in the black stretch limousine, Lance and Jen on either side of her. The group had left the MTV studios and was on their way back to the hotel. After waiting patiently, hoping that one of the guys would address the issue on her mind, Sam decided that a direct approach would be best as she focused on JC who sat opposite her in the rear, front facing seat.

“So who is this mystery woman you’re dating JC?” she questioned.

“Huh?” the blue-eyed man replied snapping out of his own thoughts as Jen suddenly stopped riffling through the sheets of paper in her hands listing the group’s weekend itinerary.

“Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that,” Justin said looking past Chris who sat between him and JC in the rear seat.

“Forgot about what?” he asked confused.

“You told Carson that you were dating someone,” Lance reminded.

“No I didn’t,” JC disagreed.

“Yes you did,” Joey laughed. “So who is she?”

“If I said that it must have just been a mistake on my part… you know how Carson is, he throws fifty-million questions at you and I just did my best to try not to look like a fool,” he fumbled awkwardly as Mel was overcome by another giggling attack.

“That’s a pretty big slip up,” Sam stated with a disbelieving grin. “And I’m not buying it.”

“Oh leave him alone Shorty,” Chris spoke up. “If JC has a little secret lovin’ going on, he’s not obligated to tell us about it.”

“Chris you know as well as I do that there are no secrets in this disgusting little circle of ours. Is it so much to ask for just a name? You guys know all about my relationship,” Sam reasoned.

“Not by choice,” JC kidded.

“You might as well just tell them JC. They were bound to find out sooner or later,” Jen smiled widely. The young woman knew with Sam’s naturally curious personality, she’d never let it rest until she had an answer. Jen also knew she wouldn’t be able to conceal her romance forever and besides, lately she’d increasingly found herself not wanting to. “I’m tired of keeping your secrets.”

“MY secrets?” he asked, slightly taken aback.

“Well it was your idea to keep it hidden wasn’t it?” Jen taunted, her hazel eyes dancing.

“Oh yes, it was ALL my idea,” JC agreed mockingly.

“Will somebody please tell me what the hell is going on?” Sam demanded.

“Are you sure?” the dark-haired man asked Jen before answering. She nodded a yes. “It’s Jen. Jen and I are dating,” JC revealed, a very pleased smile lighting up his chiseled features. It felt so good to finally be able to say those words.

Sam laughed skeptically. “No really, what’s going?” she asked again but as JC’s statement played through her mind it started to make sense.

There were so many different isolated incidents that alone, seemed perfectly innocent, but grouped together, along with this declaration, it was perfectly clear. And Sam felt like a fool for not realizing it sooner. The rest of the group that was kept in the dark shared her same thoughts and feelings.

“It’s true Sami, I’ve been converted to a Cracknuts fan,” Jen quipped.

“I thought I saw something going on earlier with that little rub down!” Justin exclaimed.

“I had my suspicions too after that whole thing in the club the night before the VMAs,” Lance said noticing the shocked look on his girlfriend’s pretty face.

“I can’t believe none of you people ever caught on,” Chris scoffed shaking his head pitifully. “They were SO obvious sometimes.”

“Only to you because you knew,” JC reminded.

“Why did he know and not the rest of us?” Justin inquired.

“I caught them when they was trying to start something,” Chris said proudly.

“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me,” Sam finally spoke.

“It’s not that I didn’t want to,” Jen started. “It’s just that when it first started happening we weren’t really sure what it was so how was I supposed to tell you? Just bring it up in some random conversation? ‘So how was your night Sami? Really? That’s cool. Me? Oh I screwed JC. Good times,’” she theorized bluntly.

“You’re sleeping together?” Sam gasped. “How long has this been going on?”

“Um, when did I start working for Johnny?” Jen replied timidly.

“Right away?” Lance asked surprised.

“Well not ‘Hi, I’m Jen… Hi, I’m JC… let’s go do it’ but it was shortly there after,” Jen replied casually.

“It was during that break we had after the Fourth of July,” JC clarified.

“JENSEN! DIANE! REDDING!” Sam scolded loudly.

“Hey, it’s not like this was exactly easy for me… having to watch what I say… what I do… I swear if Mel hadn’t known I don’t think I would’ve survived,” Jen slipped.

“MELODY! RENEE! ADAMS!” the brown-eyed woman repeated the same tone. “How could you not tell me?”

“Don’t you full name me, it wasn’t my story to tell,” the raven-haired woman pointed out. “The only reason I know is because I caught them too.”

“Okay, WHO! THE HELL! ARE YOU TALKING TO!” Chris mimicked the same broken style Sam had spoken her friends’ names in.

“Jensen is Jen’s full name. She doesn’t use it because when she was a kid she thought it sounded too formal,” JC answered. “After awhile, Jen just stuck.”

“And Melody is Mel’s. She doesn’t really like it because she thinks it’s kinda hokey considering she writes songs,” Joey explained.

“Does anybody else feel like they’ve stepped into the twilight zone?” Justin cracked running his hand across his stubbled chin.

“Are we sure you two aren’t dating?” Chris teased looking at Joey and Mel.

“We’re not dating!” they chorused.

“Sure you’re not,” the dark-haired man scoffed.

“Shut up Chris, we’re not dating,” Mel reiterated sternly.

“What’d you think our names were?” Jen asked.

“I dunno, Jen and Mel, I just assumed normal names like Jennifer and Melissa. And don’t look at me like that,” Chris ordered. “If you used your correct names instead of shortening them down to three letter words that are easy to say and spell, then we wouldn’t be having this discussion now would we, Sam, Jen and Mel?”

“Oh you’re one to talk about using shorter names, Christopher,” Mel shot back. “All of you for that matter… Joseph… you just use initials Joshua… and you just totally disregard yours James… and you, well although you don’t usually call yourself that, you can’t even be bothered to use two letters, J.”

“Whatever, I still like Shorty, Jenny Bean, and Mellow better,” Chris taunted.

“I am incredibly hurt that you don’t trust me,” Sam said pulling everyone’s thoughts back to the recent revelation made by JC and Jen.

“Aww Sami, don’t do this,” Jen said placing her hand on her friend’s arm. “You know that there’s nobody in this world that I trust more than you and Mel. But if I told you I knew you would have a hard time keeping it from Lance. The problem was never that we didn’t want you guys to know about us, it’s Johnny. I have a feeling he’s not going to approve, especially considering the not-so-subtle warning he gave me against screwing his clients and…”

“Could we please use a different term?” JC cringed.

“Okay, he warned me against doing his clients,” Jen amended sarcastically. “We just didn’t want to put any of you in the middle.”

“I wouldn’t have minded,” Sam managed to muster a smile. “And by the way Chris, I am officially taking over your crown as the last to know everything.”

“Take it, I don’t want it no mo’,” he laughed.

“I know you would’ve kept my secret gratefully, but I just didn’t think it was fair,” Jen said placing her arm around her roommate’s shoulders.

“Wait, you said that you guys have been together since July?” Lance recalled. “That means that you’ve been together as long as Sam and I have.”

“Yes we have. Maybe WE should be the power couple,” JC teased smiling at his girlfriend.

“I don’t think it’s possible to out couple those two,” Jen commented, playfully nudging at Sam.

“Oh hey, does Jen know about the girl in your hotel room that morn…” Joey stopped. “Shit, I think I’ll just leave my foot in my mouth permanently,” he chided.

“Yes she knows Joe, she was there,” JC chuckled.

“Ooh, kinky!” Joey praised.

“No Joey, I WAS the girl,” Jen corrected rolling her hazel eyes.

“Oh,” he replied dejected.

“Please don’t be offended by this, but I’m just wondering what the hell y’all two could possibly have in common?” Justin asked with a laugh.

“Well apparently they have the whole bedroom scene, and apparently right from the start,” Chris responded.

“And that would explain why both of you have been in such amazingly good moods lately,” Sam added.

“Right, so is this like a friendship with benefits type thing and that’s why you didn’t tell us?” Joey questioned. “I didn’t think you had it in you JC… or you either Jen,” he laughed heartily.

“Sorta like a ‘I scratch your back, you scratch mine’ arrangement? Literally,” Lance joined in.

The group of friend continued with their light-hearted ridicule as JC became increasingly irritated. Nothing about this moment had gone as he had imagined it would.

“It’s not like that,” he asserted.

“Sure it isn’t, Stud,” Justin mocked.

“No, seriously, it’s NOT like that. I love her,” JC declared halting the animated conversation immediately, a blanket of complete silence replacing it.

“You love her?” Sam squealed happily.

“Yeah,” the handsome man said shaking his head, his expression as if he were realizing it for the first time himself. “I love her,” JC repeated.

“Well that’s a little better than just being dirty sinners,” Mel snorted.

“You do?” Jen asked utterly stunned.

“Yes. Is that okay?” he grinned, his crystal blue eyes vibrant as they gazed at her.

“Um… yeah… yes,” she stammered as a now awkward quiet fell over the bunch of friends. It was obvious that this was a sentiment that they hadn’t yet expressed to each other.

“Well don’t just sit there like a bump on a log, get over here next to your man!” Chris exclaimed moving over and pushing his way onto the side seat as he reached across Joey and Mel to grab her hand and lasso the brunette over to the spot he’d just vacated beside JC.

“I am so glad that all the secrecy is over and done with, how about you?” he asked, trying to hide the twinge of pain he felt in his heart because she hadn’t returned his feelings.

“Yes. But I think we should still hold off on telling Johnny for a while. At least until after the tour is over,” Jen informed.


“Because when he does find out, I’m hoping that he won’t fire me, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he does reassign me. So if you’d like me to be with you for the tour, then it’d probably be best to wait,” she explained.

“Well…” JC taunted as Jen jabbed in the ribs. “Ugh, okay, okay, we’ll wait,” he laughed rubbing his side.

“That’s what I thought,” she smirked as conversation broke out again amongst their friends. Leaning in extremely close to his ear, making certain that no one would overhear what she was about to say, Jen whispered softly. “I love you too,” she breathed, the smooth skin of her lips just barely grazed across his neck as she leaned her head down and rested it on his chest.

JC exhaled deeply as he wrapped his arm around her back and kissed the top of her head. As she snaked her arm around one side of his waist, Jen could feel an uneasiness growing inside of her. It wasn’t that she didn’t love JC. She did. But she had never expected to allow herself to tell him so.

Chapter 59