
“Uhhh,” Sam moaned as Lance’s strong hands caressed her body. “That feels so good… no, don’t stop… yes… yeah, right there… harder… ohhh,” she gasped before exhaling loudly. “Oh God, that was great,” Sam breathed as he moved from overtop of her.

“You’re welcome,” Lance replied with a cocky grin, resting beside her as they lay horizontally across the width of the bed.

“Seriously, that was like, THE best back massage I’ve ever had,” the brunette woman praised, lifting her head slightly from where it rested face down on her hands. “Thank you,” Sam smiled leaning in to kiss him.

“Anytime,” Lance said before pulling her in for another kiss.

“Take your shirt off,” Sam ordered sitting up.

“Why?” the blonde man asked with a puzzled expression.

“Because it’s your turn.”

“Okay, but why do I have to take my shirt off?” he inquired again.

“Because it’s more effective that way,” Sam explained. “Do you want me to work these little fingers to the bone just so you can feel the burn?”

“You didn’t take yours off,” Lance said looking at her doubtfully.

“You didn’t ask,” she smiled while pulling at the hem of the long-sleeve t-shirt he was wearing. “Now get this thing off. I wanna see some skin you sexy thang.”

“Is that all I am to you, just some object for you to play with?” he asked with mock hurt.

“Pretty much,” Sam agreed with a nod as she helped him pull the garment over his head.

“I can live with that,” the man laughed turning on his stomach. “Do with me what you will.”

As she straddled his backside, Sam tossed his shirt on the footboard of the bed. The piece of furniture’s distressed wood appearance complimented the rustic feeling of the cabin they were vacationing at. As the fire flickered a few feet from the end of the bed, Sam began gently messaging the tired muscles of her boyfriend’s neck and shoulders. A light rapping sound against the window caught her attention and she glanced towards the partially opened curtains covering the panes of glass to see what the cause of the noise was. Sam watched as a frail tree branch brushed repeatedly against the window under the weight of the bristling winter wind.

“Can you believe it’s December already?” she asked almost rhetorically as her thoughts drifted through the past couple of months.

The second leg of the tour was a complete success and ended just a few days earlier. The seven weeks it spanned seemed much more like two as the time flew by. Scattered amidst the cross-country jaunt were numerous television and personal appearance as usual. The most prestigious was definitely the honor they were given of singing The National Anthem at a World Series game in late October. And just yesterday before flying to Lake Tahoe this afternoon for a ski vacation, Lance and the guys had performed and co-hosted at the Billboard Awards in Las Vegas.

“Sam? You okay?” Lance asked, concern laced in his tone as he stared at her contemplative expression.

She was so lost in her own world that she had halted the massage and hadn’t even noticed that Lance had flipped over on his back beneath her legs.

“Yeah, sorry,” Sam apologized shaking her head and snapping back into the present. Smiling down at the green-eyed man as he looked up at her, she sighed. “I was just thinking about everything that’s happened lately. I can’t believe the year is almost over.”

“Me either,” Lance agreed. “It went by so fast and it’s definitely been the best year of my life.”

“Well considering your career skyrocketed to an amazingly successful level that most people can’t even fathom in their wildest dreams, that only makes sense,” Sam reasoned.

“Oh yeah, there was that too,” Lance beamed as he slid his hands up her back and gently pulled her down to his face. “I was thinking of something else though,” he said before placing his lips to hers.

“Oh,” she giggled between kisses. “It’s been the best year of my life too in case you didn’t already know that.”

“Yes, now shush. Less talk, more kiss,” he ordered playfully as he moved his hands to her face.

“But…” Sam started to speak again but he silenced her with another lingering embrace and she lost her desire to protest. “Mmm, hold that thought,” she said pulling away to answer the nagging ring of her cell phone. Frowning as she glanced at the unfamiliar number on the caller ID after retrieving it from atop the night table, Sam hit the proper button and spoke her greeting.

“Whaddya doin?” Mel giggled in reply.

“WHY are you calling me from the other room?” Sam questioned as she heard the rest of their friends erupt into fits of laughter in the main area of the cabin.

“Because we’re ready to decorate the tree and you two fools are still in there,” the raven-haired woman explained.

The friends had planned this group getaway in order to have their own private Christmas celebration before going off to visit with their respective families.

“We’ll be out in a minute. Goodbye Mel,” Sam chuckled ending the call.

“I guess this will have to wail till later,” Lance said reaching for his shirt as he sat up slightly.

“Not so fast, we still have a minute,” Sam smirked wiggling her eyebrows. “Or not,” she sighed, rolling her eyes as her phone rang again. She didn’t even bother with a greeting this time.

“Minute’s up,” Chris pestered. “C’mon, I wanna spread some Yuletide cheer damn it!”

“Yeah, yeah, I said in a minute,” Sam said hanging up. It rang again almost immediately. “I swear if you two don’t stop, I’m going to leave the phone on while Lance and I just go at it!” she shouted into the portable device.

“Samantha?” the woman on the other end replied.

“Mom!” Sam shrieked as Lance grabbed for a pillow and covered his reddened face with it.

“Well I see you’re already enjoying your vacation,” her mother laughed.

“You could say that. What’s up?”

“You forgot to call to let me know your flight went okay,” the older woman answered. “You know I hate when you fly on those crop dusters.”

“Mom, it wasn’t a crop duster, it was a private jet,” Sam corrected. “And I’m sorry I forgot to call.”

“It’s okay. I just wish you didn’t have to fly so much this month with it being winter and all. Just how many times are you flying by the way?” her mother asked concerned.

“Um, let’s see, we leave here on Sunday and Lance and I will head to our deserted island paradise for a week, just the two of us,” Sam sighed happily. “And then Lance will fly to Mississippi to be with his family and I’ll fly home to see you guys,” she paused to catch a breath. “Then I will fly to Mississippi to spend Christmas with Lance and his family, and the we’ll both fly back to Michigan the day after and stay with you for a few days before heading to New York for New Year’s. Did you get all that?” Sam teased.

“Yeah, I got it, you’re not going to be home for Christmas,” her mom pouted.

“Mom, don’t do that to me,” the young woman pleaded while Lance grabbed for her free hand as he rested his head on the pillow he’d earlier used to hide his embarrassment. “Lance hardly ever gets to see his family. I can’t ask him to be away from them and it’s our first Christmas together,” Sam reminded as she was met with Lance’s reassuring smile.

“I know, I’m just giving you a hard time,” the woman retorted. “It doesn’t matter what day we celebrate. And it was bound to happen sooner or later, some man stealing away my oldest. I just better see some grandchildren out of this deal soon as much as he’s keeping you busy and away from us.”

“Oh lord Mother,” Sam gasped. “Slow down. We’ve only been together for five months.”

“What?” Lance asked curiously.

“She wants more grandchildren.”

“Shouldn’t we get married first?” he replied furrowing his brow.

“Oh that’s not necessary in my family,” Sam laughed. “Mom and Dad got married two months before I was born and Stacy and Cole two months after Carleigh arrived. So Mom just figures that if you knock me up, the marriage will eventually come. When isn’t really important.”

“I see,” Lance said nodding his head.

“So how is that horribly nasty scar of yours?” her mother wondered.

“If you’re referring to my tattoo, it healed perfectly. Thank you,” Sam snipped referring to the recently inked design on the inside of her right ankle.

“Well I’m glad you didn’t get any infections, but I knew it was only a matter of time before you were corrupted by that whole music scene,” she teased.

“Mom says you’ve corrupted me,” Sam relayed to her boyfriend.

“HA! It was all her idea Gale!” Lance shouted.

“Whatever,” Sam scoffed slapping at his chest as her memories pulled her back in time again.


Lance and Sam made their way through the tropical surroundings of the restaurant back to their table. As the young couple approached the rest of their party, their conjoined hands swung back and forth whimsically between the two of them in rhythm with the beat of their steps as brilliant smiles of happiness lit both of their faces.

“Where did you two disappear to?” Jen questioned as Lance and Sam took their seats.

The group of friends was dining together in The Rainforest Café. It was the week of Thanksgiving and they were spending it at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas where the guys would also be performing two shows over the holiday weekend. The rest of their families and loved ones would be flying in tomorrow to join them, Sam’s included.

“We went to go get a closer look at the wall of fish,” Sam replied with a smirk.

“That’s weird, I thought we went to find a dark corner to make out in,” Lance snickered.

“Shh, that was supposed to be our secret!” the brunette scolded slapping him in the chest.

The fair-haired man laughed as he grabbed her hand. “Well then I definitely shouldn’t say anything about the time we…” Lance leaned in close to her ear whispering the final words of his sentence.

Sam giggled girlishly as her boyfriend pulled back from her face, a devilish grin dancing on his face. “No, and certainly not when we…” she added, also finishing her words as a whisper against his ear.

“Mmm, that was fun,” he smiled recalling the memory as he aligned his mouth with hers. “We should definitely do that again sometime,” Lance spoke into her lips before pulling them to his in a deep kiss.

“Okay, I’ve seen enough,” Mel groaned watching the embraced couple.

“Uh oh,” Joey chuckled. “Now you did it.”

“Seriously, that is just all kinds of gross,” the raven-haired woman continued. “I’ve witnessed all the kissy face I can tolerate over the past, what, five months now from you two? And now I want some retribution for my endurance. So, if you insist on these constant public displays of affection in my presence, from here on out, every time you partake in such action, I will ask you the following question until you answer me,” Mel informed matter-of-factly.

“Oh God, not again,” Sam sighed, having a fairly good idea what inquiry her new roommate was about to revisit.

“C’mon, you know what I want to know Sami,” she smirked. “Who should be the starter on the tonsil hockey team, the toddler or the dork?”

“Man, I love your inability to let anything slide!” Chris exclaimed.

“Are we really that bad?” Sam asked.

“Well you have been awful frisky today,” Justin answered.

“You’re just jealous because you’re alone until tomorrow,” Lance teased.

“No, you’re really not that bad, most of the time it’s just cute, but I like giving you a hard time,” Mel laughed. “Now spill.”

“Why do you care who is the better kisser?” the older woman questioned, continuing to stall.

“I don’t. I just like to torture you,” she smiled sweetly.

“I’m not the only one who has kissed two of them remember?” Sam said looking pointedly to Jen. “Why don’t you ask her too?”

“JC,” the brunette replied simply.

“That’s one strike against you J,” Chris taunted.

“Whatever, I didn’t even kiss her back,” Justin reminded defensively.

“And you’re not going to get the chance to,” JC asserted, sticking his tongue out in a juvenile gesture as he snaked a territorial arm around his girlfriend’s back.

“See it’s not that difficult Sami, answer the question now or I will keep asking it every time you two slobber all over each other in front of me. And you know I won’t quit until I break you,” Mel stated confidently.

“Fine, I’ll answer the damn question,” Sam huffed. “But it’s like comparing apples and oranges.”

“Are you calling me fruity woman?” Justin demanded with a laugh.

Sam shook her head turning to the blue-eyed man on her side. “No, I meant that they’re both two completely different situations.”

“How do you mean?” Joey asked. “Isn’t a kiss a kiss?”

“There better be some difference in between the two,” Lance warned jokingly.

“Good lord, I can’t believe I’m about to discuss this in front of an audience,” she mused glancing around the table.

“Oh come on, you know we have no secrets in this twisted little circle. Continue,” Jen pushed.

Sam exhaled deeply before speaking again, turning to Justin first. “The kisses with you were just that, kissing. Just being in the moment and nothing more. They were just raw and passionate and exciting and different… and I’m stopping now,” she said clearing her throat and turning to Lance, who was seated to her other side. “And you,” the brown-eyed woman smiled brightly. “Your kisses are just so warm and tender and soft,” Sam sighed dreamily. “And they say so many different things every time. They’re just so sweet and honest and true.”

“But not passionate and exciting?” Lance pouted mockingly.

“Of course they are, you know you turn me into a big puddle of mush… my knees go weak every time,” she assured earnestly.

“I didn’t make your knees weak?” Justin frowned.

“There was a little tingle,” Sam pacified turning to him.

“Oh really?” Lance demanded with an arched brow as both he and Justin used their best poker faces to mask their amusement.

“UGH! This is exactly why I didn’t want to answer this stupid question!” she shouted throwing her hands up in frustration as she looked back and forth between the two men. “And is anyone else besides me beginning to find it really odd how I ALWAYS end up in between the two of you? I mean is it some sort of cruel and unusual punishment for my crimes? Do you guys all get off knowing that I’m never allowed to forget what happened?” Sam ranted. “Seriously, it’s like we’re a package deal – Lance, Sam and Justin, look at the happy couple. I swear sometimes I feel like I’m on a really bad episode of that stupid Undercover show on MTV… like we have a poly-amorous arrangement or something… Hell, we should just move to Utah and get married and then I can just be your shared little bitch legally.”

The rest of the table sat silent for a second, gazing at Samantha as she breathed heavily, her expression still rattled.

“There are good episodes of that show?” Chris taunted.

“Poly what?” Joey asked confused.

“Actually, even if you were in Utah, the marriage still wouldn’t be legal,” Jen quipped.

Lance and Justin shared an understood look behind Sam’s back as the rest of the table laughed heartily. Leaning in on either side of the petite girl, the two friends wrapped their arms around her and planted a kiss on each of side of her face while squeezing her tightly.

“Damn you two, I hate you both,” Sam whined pushing them off with her forearms.

“No you don’t,” Justin opposed with a bright smile. “You love us and you know it.”

“In very different ways of course, but it’s the truth,” Lance agreed with the younger man.

“You still didn’t answer the question,” Mel pointed out.

“LANCE OKAY! IT’S LANCE! LANCE IS THE BETTER KISSER!” she hollered, her dark eyes wide with her obvious frustration.

“Thank you,” the younger woman giggled.

“And that’ s two strikes against you J,” Chris laughed.

“It’s all good. Sami and Jen are smart girls, they’d never be stupid enough to tell their men that I was the better kisser… even if it is the truth,” Justin replied with a cocky grin.

“Sami, I know this is Vegas, and traditionally you’re supposed to get all wild and crazy while here,” Jen started, her voice taking on a soothing tone. “But I don’t think you’re actually supposed to GO crazy,” she teased.

Sam was now sitting with her elbows propped up on the table, her head in her hands. “Then we better find something crazy for me to do because the other option is looking like a distinct possibility at the moment,” the brunette managed a small laugh as Lance ran his hand across her shoulders.

“You’ve been talking about getting that tattoo for a couple months,” her green-eyed boyfriend reminded.


“Why not?” Lance shrugged. “Or is it not crazy enough?”

“We should get all you girls tatted. That would rock!” Chris suggested excitedly.

“Mel already has one. It’s on her boob,” Joey informed casually.

“Nice generalization there Joey,” she rolled her dark eyes. “It’s in my cleavage, not on my boob.”

“It’s probably just a rub-on,” Chris snickered.

“No it’s real. I licked it,” Joey supplied with a wide grin.

“You did not!” Mel screeched.

“Whatever, I licked my finger and then I rubbed it. Same difference,” he rationalized.

“And then I slapped you,” she recalled.

“Attention fellow diners,” Chris started in a mock announcer’s voice. “That little display was brought to you courtesy of our not-dating section. I repeat, our NOT-DATING section,” he added for emphasis.

“It’s not that big of a deal,” Mel insisted glaring at Chris. “Here I’ll show the rest of you too,” she said pulling down the neckline of her shirt to expose the small colorful star on her skin.

“It’s nice, isn’t it?” Joey smiled.

“Yeah, anyway, JenJen has a tattoo also,” Mel revealed.

“Actually she has two now,” JC corrected.

“Two? When did that happen?” Sam asked with furrowed brow.

“Earlier today. JC and I were out and I was bored, I saw this place, that was about it,” Jen explained.

“Wait a minute, are you saying that JC actually went with you to get a tattoo?” Justin asked disbelieving.

“Not really, I pretty much had to drag him,” Jen laughed. “He came in the back with me at first but as soon as he got a glimpse of the needles he turned into Casper the Friendly Ghost, so I sent him out to the waiting room.”

“I can’t help it, I hate them,” JC shivered at just the thought.

“So what’s the new one?” Sam questioned.

“The Chinese symbol for music,” the tall brunette replied standing from her chair and turning her back to the rest of the table. Pulling up the hem of her shirt, she unveiled the freshly etched design on the small of her back.

“See, you don’t want to be the only other pansy ass with JC,” Chris chided in attempts to sway Sam.

“Okay, that’s about enough out of you, Mr. ‘I’m not afraid of heights, it’s a phobia’,” the younger man retorted.

“Do you have a design picked out?” Justin questioned.

“Yes. I want to get the astrological symbol for Leo,” Sam answered. “I can’t believe I’m finally gonna do this.”

“Are you gonna get yours on your boob too?” Joey wondered.

“No Joey,” she said shaking her head. “On my ankle.”

“So you’re sure?” Lance confirmed. “Don’t do it unless you really want to. Although I personally think it’d be cool,” he smiled.

“Yep, I’m sure and my mom is going to kill me,” Sam laughed.


“Sam? Samantha Gale!? Are you listening to me?” her mother, shouted through the phone.

“Sorry Mom, I’ve been kind of spacey today,” Sam giggled.

“I guess so. Anyway, I was saying that Diane is on the other line so I’ll let you go.”

“Diane? As in Diane, Lance’s mom? Why is she calling you?” her daughter questioned.

“Well I won’t know until I talk to her you goof,” the older woman teased. “But we’ve talked a couple times since the Thanksgiving trip. I never thought I’d meet a more Southern woman than my Aunt Jane until I met her,” she laughed.

“Well that’s cool. I’m glad you two get along,” Sam smiled. “Tell her Lance and I said hello.”

“I will do that, and don’t forget to call me we you guys leave there so I can worry some more,” she kidded.

“Tell Matt and the rest of the gang I said hello too Gale,” Lance stated loudly.

“Yes, tell Dad and everybody else that I love him and we’ll see you guys soon.”

“Okay, I love you Sam.”

“I love you too Mom. Bye,” she said ending the call after her mother echoed her goodbye.

“So should we be worried that our mothers are becoming so close?” Lance mused running his hands over Sam’s light brown hair as it lay freely, stopping just below her shoulders.

“I’m not sure yet, but it should be a good thing right?” Sam asked, carefully tossing her cell phone back to the table as she still sat straddling Lance’s hips. “I mean nobody likes fighting in-laws.”

“In-laws? According to your mom’s rules, I don’t have to marry you unless I knock you up remember?” he taunted. “Which is a good thing considering…”

“Considering what?” she interrupted crossing her arms across her chest.

“Just the fact that I could never marry a woman who would deliberately mutilate her body with a tattoo,” her boyfriend smirked mischievously.

“It was your idea!”

“No, I just reminded you. It was all you,” Lance insisted.

“Whatever,” Sam scoffed, rolling her chocolate eyes. “Besides, you have two tattoos.”

“That’s different.”

“And why is that any different?” she demanded placing her hands on her hips.

“Because I’m a man,” he replied simply, trying to hold back his laughter.

Sam’s eyes widened with shock until she saw in his expressions that he was only having fun with her, but she still wasn’t going to let him off the hook completely. Grabbing for a pillow, she smashed it over his head while laughing. “You are gonna pay for that one for a while.”

“Hey guys,” Justin called out knocking on the door.

“Don’t come in, I’m naked,” Sam warned jokingly as Lance squirmed under her.

The door quickly swung open revealing Justin and also Joey sprinting to the entrance of their room.

“You’re not naked,” the older man frowned go back to what he was previously doing.

“Now what if I were being serious?” Sam asked Justin who still stood in the doorway.

“That was sort of the point of the whole rushed entrance thing,” the attractive man smirked before his expression switched to one of confusion. “What are you doing?”

“Oh,” Sam said glancing down at the pillow in her hands. “I was smothering Lance for a very sexist statement he made,” she informed tossing the pillow back to the bed.

“Cool. So do you think you guys could finish ‘unpacking’ later?” Justin asked, making quotation marks in the air. “They’re getting restless out there and Jen and Mel are making us listen to the Christmas album and we could use some reinforcement on the male side of the gender line.”

“There’s four of you out there and two of them,” Lance pointed out as he ran his fingers through his tousled hair.

“Yeah, but they’ve got Dani on their side too, ya know the whole ovary sisterhood,” Justin cracked. “And it’s Jen and Mel,” he reiterated.

“Oh, right,” Lance nodded in understanding.

“OOH! Have they gotten to ‘O Holy Night’ or ‘The Only Gift’ yet?” Sam squealed stumbling off the bed.

“Um, hello? I’m right here. The voice and everything,” her boyfriend said reaching for his shirt.

“Yeah but you’re much easier to command on tape Honey,” she said smiling sweetly before exiting the room, the two men not far behind.


JC and Jen stood draping an extra strand of white twinkle lights over the mantle of the fireplace as the rest of the group put the finishing touches on the large tree nestled in the curve of the open staircase leading up to the other bedrooms and baths. The opposite side of the fireplace graced the master bedroom which Lance and Sam were occupying. All of the couples fought for the room and Sam eventually won out, promising to cook everyone breakfast each morning in exchange. The suite had it’s own private whirlpool tub and was a bit larger than the rooms upstairs. It also had vaulted ceilings with exposed wooden beams.

The open airy feel of the high ceiling and its distressed wood appearance was also present in the large great room, which occupied the majority of the remaining downstairs space in the sizeable cabin. There were no walls separating the kitchen and dining room from the living area and the staircase was open as well as it lead up to a balcony overlooking the entire downstairs area.

“So I talked to Johnny today before we left,” JC mentioned casually as he and Jen finished hanging the lights.

“Oh yeah? About what?” she asked in reply while plugging the cord into a nearby socket.

“About us.”

“Why would you do that?” she demanded quickly standing upright again.

“Because we said we would do it after the tour was over and it’s over,” the blue-eyed man explained.

“Yes, keyword being WE,” Jen said glaring at him with her hazel eyes.

“I had a feeling if I would have waited for you, you’d find some other reason to delay telling him again. I knew you were worried about doing it and I’ve known him much longer and I’ve learned how to read him over the years, so I thought he might take it better if I talked to him alone,” JC reasoned.

“And?” she prodded impatiently.

“And he already knew.”

“What?” Jen gasped.

“Yep, I think we both forgot that he walked in on us too that first time, not just Chris,” he reminded. “He said he was pretty sure something was going on and he was just waiting for us to fess up.”

“So am I fired?”

“Nope. He said it hasn’t affected your job performance yet and as long as it stays that way, he doesn’t have a problem with it. He’s not even going to reassign you,” JC informed. “The only thing he asked is that we try to keep it as low-key as possible in front of the other WEG employees.”

Jen exhaled loudly. “Okay.”

“That’s it? After all of that worrying, all you say is okay?” the handsome man asked incredulously.

“I do have a question for you. What were you planning on doing if he had fired me?” she questioned with a raised brow. “Merry Christmas Jen! Find a new job?”

“I knew he wasn’t going to fire you. I wouldn’t have let him,” JC smiled. “And if worse came to worse I could’ve always hired you until you found something more permanent.”

“Hired me to do what? Sharpen your pencil when you’re writing? Wipe your brow when you get overwhelmed at the boards? Fluff your pillows?” Jen quipped with a laugh as JC shook his head in amusement. “Besides, do you really want to be like those two?” she asked pointing over her shoulder to Lance and Sam who stood embraced as Lance held mistletoe over their heads.

“They’re not all bad,” he smirked slipping his arm around her slender waist, pulling her into his body as they indulged in their own kiss.

“So what do you think of the tree?” Justin asked no one in particular as he stood back to admire their decorating skills.

“I think it looks like the biggest Charlie Brown tree I’ve ever seen in my life,” Mel cracked.

“Okay, next time you females can go and chop one down then,” Chris said adjusting the whimsical Santa cap adorning his head.

“You didn’t chop it down, you bought it off a lot in town,” Dani corrected.

“It was the biggest one though,” Lance piped in. “You should’ve seen JC trying to drive back here with it strapped to the rental car.”

“You guys actually let JC drive?” Sam asked surprised.

“They didn’t have a choice,” he spoke up from across the room.

“He nearly had a heart attack with Joey using The Force to drive there,” Lance explained as they once again shared at laugh at their bandmate’s expense.

“Where is Joey by the way?” Chris wondered.

“He went upstairs,” Mel answered hanging another colorful ornament on the pine branches.

“So who wants to put the star on?” Justin questioned taking the shiny golden piece out of the box.

“Why don’t we save it for Britney?” Sam suggested. “She’s coming up Friday right?”

“Yeah, Friday afternoon after she finishes up a couple promo things,” the young man confirmed.

“Maybe then she won’t feel totally left out of all the decorating fun,” the brunette reasoned.

“That’s a great idea. Thanks Sami,” Justin smiled brightly at her as he placed a leftover piece of garland around her neck. “Can I tell her it was mine?”

“Sure,” she laughed.

Mel was about to speak when Joey distracted her. He came bounding out of one of the bedrooms upstairs and proceeded to slide down the banister of the staircase, a large bag of presents slung over his back as he shouted heartily.

“HO! HO! HO!” his voice echoed through the large space.

“Sometimes you just make it too easy Joey,” Chris chuckled as his friend landed with a heavy thud on the hardwood floor.

“Don’t be naughty or you won’t get the lovely gift I picked out for you,” Joey warned as he began emptying his bag under the tree with the other presents.

“Joey, your parents sent me a gift?” Mel asked glancing at the gift tag on the package she held in her hands as she helped arrange the large pile around the tree.

“Yeah, they didn’t know if they’d see you again before Christmas and they wanted to make sure you got it,” he explained with a shrug.

“I hope it’s not more dishes of pasta,” Jen voiced from across the room. “Our freezer is still full of them.”

Sam bent down to retrieve a small box that caught her eye, holding it in her hand she turned to face her boyfriend. “Lance, what is this? I thought we weren’t going to exchange gifts until Christmas day?” she quizzed half-heartedly.

“We will then too, but did you really think that I’d show up here empty handed?” he smirked, his green eyes bright with enjoyment.

“Didn’t I see you slip something for him under there earlier?” Dani giggled, knowing she was ratting Sam out.

“Yep, I saw it too,” Mel concurred.

“Thanks you two,” Sam grumbled placing the gift from Lance back where she had found it.

“Okay, that’s it, I can’t take this anymore!” Chris shouted turning for the other side of the room. “This damn CD has got to go.”

The *NSYNC Christmas album was still spinning the stereo, currently in the middle of it’s third repeat.

“I’m gonna have to agree with Chris on this one ladies,” Justin agreed. “As much fun as it’s been listening to Jen sing ‘Cracknuts’ roasting on an open fire instead of chestnuts, and watching Mel getting all clappy and giddy every time Joey has a solo, enough is enough.”

“You’ll have to get through me first,” Jen asserted, moving in front of the bookshelf that encased the stereo system.

“Sorry Jen, you’re much easier on the eyes, but I seriously have had enough of listening to myself. It’s a tad too narcissistic for me,” JC said stand along side of Chris and Justin in front of her.

“I just want some new music,” Joey shrugged joining his male cohorts.

“Although I really love getting to hear you sing along to all the songs, if I don’t take their side I’ll never hear the end of it,” Lance explained before leaving Sam with Mel and Dani to join the guys.

“Um, ladies, I could use a little help here,” Jen said anxiously as she stood as the only obstacle between the stereo and the five men.

“Step away from the electronic device or you get the snow,” Chris warned pointing a can of fake aerosol snowflakes in her direction.

“Damn, we’re out-numbered,” Dani pointed out.

“Figures, the one time Britney would be useful,” Mel scoffed.

“Please, they’re guys, how hard can it be to distract them?” Sam shrugged. “Just show them the tiniest bit of skin and mission accomplished.”

“Good plan,” the other brunette praised. “You take the dork and the toddler since you have experience handling both of them,” Mel teased her petite friend. “Jen can take care of Cracknuts I’m sure, and I’ll tackle the one they call Joey.”

“Oh great, that means I get stuck with Santa’s little helper?” the blonde woman complained.

“Hey, now whose fault is that?” Sam reminded Danielle. “He is your man.”

“Yeah, I guess,” she sighed.

“Okay, this is your last chance Jen. I’m going to count to three,” Chris advised.

“Hello? Remember me?” Jen called out to her partners in crime.

“You know your objective team. Make me proud,” Mel directed. “We go on Chris’ count.”

“One… two… three…” he sounded off as a frenzy of snow and limbs flew threw the air amidst their shrieks and boisterous laughter as the angelic, five-part harmony still filtered from the speakers.

Chapter 60