
Samantha carried the shopping bags gingerly in her hands, careful not to make a great deal of noise as she tiptoed into the dark room.

“Lance?” she whispered. “Are you sleeping?”

The low burning of the gas fireplace didn’t provide her with much light as she struggled to remember the room layout from her memories. Misjudging the dimensions of the large wooden bed frame, Sam banged the toes of her right foot harshly against its corner. Screaming inwardly at the sharp pain, she mumbled bitterly, cursing herself for opting to remove her shoes and coat in the foyer of the cabin. Finally stumbling upon the bedside table, Sam searched blindly for the small lamp with her hands. After almost knocking it over, she located the switch and flicked it on.

Placing her bags at her feet as the soft glow lit the room, Sam was surprised when she didn’t find Lance in the bed. She glanced around in search of her boyfriend, not noticing what awaited her atop one of the pillows.

“Lance?” Sam called out louder this time. “The guys said you were in here,” she said mostly to herself, confusion laced in her tone as her eyes drifted back to the bed.

She smiled widely as the vivid red petals of the single long-stemmed rose caught her attention. Folded overtop of the flower was a small card with her name inked across the front of it in Lance’s handwriting. Reaching down to grab the card with her right hand and the flower with her left, Sam smelled it’s gentle fragrance as she flipped open the note. After reading his message of “I love you” scribbled inside, she closed her eyes and exhaled. If she hadn’t been absolutely certain of her plans for the evening, this was all she needed to reassure herself. Lance’s simple, yet incredibly romantic gesture was more significant than he could have ever imagined. And Sam knew with everything in her that there would never be a more perfect time.

“Whatcha got there?” Lance inquired snaking his arms around her from behind after slipping into the room from the adjoining bathroom unnoticed.

“A gift from a secret admirer I guess. Whoever left it didn’t sign their name,” the brunette toyed with him after recovering from the initial shock of his presence.

“Oh really? How much do you know about this secret admirer of yours?” he played along, turning her around to face him.

“Well this is all purely speculation,” she began, slipping her hands up around his neck while still clutching the rose and accompanying card. “But I bet he’s really sexy,” Sam purred before placing a feathery kiss on his lips. “And really sweet… really kind… romantic…” she continued pairing each statement with it’s own kiss before deepening the last embrace. “And just really great,” she breathed finally pulling away.

“I should buy you flowers everyday,” Lance smiled kissing her forehead. Frowning in confusion as he looked at her light brown hair, he moved his hand up to the straight locks. “Is that fake snow stuck in there still or real snow?”

“Probably both,” she laughed. “It just started snowing outside. It’s really pretty.”

“I’m sure it is. So how was your day with the girls?”

“It was so much fun!” Sam exclaimed giddily. “What about you and the guys? Anything exciting?”

“Not really. Today was pretty much our crash day since we’ve still been busy these past couple days after the tour. We all slept most of the day I think. We ordered pizza for lunch and then Justin and I made a grocery run with the intentions of finding something for dinner but then we found this great steakhouse that delivers so we went with that instead. We thought about going outside and doing the whole winter sporting thing but decided against it,” he explained with a chuckle. “It looked cold out there.”

“I’m sure you’ll all be stir crazy by tomorrow,” Sam mused.

“Probably. So what exactly did you ladies do all day to keep yourselves occupied?” the blonde man asked curiously.

“Let’s see, first we went and worked out for a little while and then we all got massages and facials, ya know, all that girly stuff,” she began.

“Did you get your hair cut?” he interrupted.

“I had it trimmed a little bit, yes,” she smiled, obviously pleased that he had noticed. “Anyway, after that we went to lunch and then did some shopping, and then dinner and now back here.”

“Sounds like a very full day. You must be tired.”

“A little. But I suppose you’re all wide awake after sleeping all day huh?” she asked biting her bottom lip.

“Actually, I was just thinking about how much I want to crawl back into bed,” Lance paused as his fingers flirted with the hemline of her cropped sweater. “With you,” he finished with a smooth tone as his hands discovered the warm skin of her back.

“You read my mind,” Sam returned, inching up to place another delicate kiss on his lips. “I need to go wash my face and brush my teeth first though,” she said breaking their embrace as she turned back to the table beside the bed.

“I already did that,” he said with a teasing tone.

“I know, you taste all minty fresh,” she giggled while placing the rose down on the nightstand before grabbing for her bags. “I’ll go get ready for bed and you turn the fire up, k?”

“Who turned it down in the first place?” he wondered as Sam slipped into the bathroom.

“JC I think, everybody else headed up to bed after we got back. Although, I doubt most of them are sleeping,” she cracked before shutting the door.

Lance retrieved the remote control for the fireplace and adjusted the setting. Placing it back down on the table at his side of the bed, he then grabbed a pair of drawstring pajama bottoms from his nearby suitcase and quickly changed out of his jeans. After pulling his bulky sweatshirt over his head, Lance draped it across the chair with his pants before bending down to remove his socks as well. He then moved back over to the bed and turned down the covers, laying over them as he waited for Sam. He had just reached across the bed to turn out the lamp on the other nightstand as she emerged from the bathroom.

Sam was draped in a long, fluffy, white robe as she made her way over to him, the burning fire casting its romantic glow throughout the room.

“That looks all nice and warm,” Lance commented as he watched her move gracefully across the room.

“It is. And it’s soft too,” she replied as she sauntered over to his side of the bed, suggestively swinging the ties of the robe in circular motions at her hip. “You wanna feel it?” Sam propositioned huskily. Lance slid his hand up the side of her leg before slipping it into the opening in the front, a mischievous smirk on his face. “Not so fast,” she scolded, swatting his hand away with her own.

“Well then what are you waiting for? Get in bed,” he urged.

“But see I have this problem,” Sam began, her voice playful. “I bought two different outfits today and I can’t decide which one I like better. This robe is really soft and warm and everything,” she continued as she unknotted the ties around her waist, her tone becoming more serious. “But then there’s this one,” the petite woman added, blowing out a slow breath as she slipped the soft fleece over her shoulders and let it drop to the floor revealing a short, ivory chemise covering her curvaceous frame. The small nightgown was held up by the tiniest of straps that trailed down to an open back. The hemline stopped at her upper thighs with generous slits on either side.

Lance swallowed hard as he sat up. His eyes told him that she was wearing very little, perhaps even nothing at all, under the almost sheer fabric. There was a marked silence before he finally spoke. “Well warmth is definitely going to be an issue with that one,” he mumbled distractedly, still taking her in with his green eyes as his mind raced.

“In all honesty, I wasn’t planning on having it on for very long. I was hoping you would keep me warm,” Sam proposed, looking to him expectantly. She suddenly found herself feeling very self-conscious standing before him. He’d certainly seen her less, in nothing at all in fact, but this time was different. And judging by Lance’s reaction, he knew it too.

Sam had never once worn lingerie for him. She had told him that it was like wrapping a present and giving it to him. Sure, you could take the paper off the box and the outside would keep you entertained for awhile, but just when you figured out how to get inside, you have to wrap it up again and give it back. So the significance of her wardrobe was definitely not lost on him.

“Have you been drinking?” he teased.

“I had one glass of wine with dinner!” Sam scoffed slapping his shoulder as she sat down beside him on the bed. “Do you remember a couple of nights ago when we were in Vegas in the hotel and we were… um, yeah?” she finished cryptically knowing he would understand what she was referring to.

“Yes,” he nodded his head slowly.

“I was ready that night,” she began before Lance abruptly cut her off.

“Uh hello! You could’ve clued me in on that fun little fact!” he shouted comically. “That was our deal ya know?”

“I know, but you didn’t let me finish,” Sam laughed in response. “I was ready but then I started thinking about how I didn’t shave my legs that day and…”

“Okay, just for future reference,” he interrupted once again. “I could care less if you shaved or not.”

“I kind of figured that but then I was just all distracted and blah,” she explained shaking her head. “But just so you know, I had my legs waxed today,” she revealed, her voice velvety.

Lance trailed his hand up one of her smooth legs, slipping it under the silky material of her camisole until he felt her shapely hip under his fingertips. Sam shivered at his touch. There was something different about it, almost as if it were brand new. Like their past five months of intimacy had been erased and they were experiencing each other for the first time.

“Are you sure?” he asked concerned.

“Yes,” she asserted. “Do you want me to beg?” she added with a laugh.

“Maybe later, but not the first time,” Lance retorted. “I just want to make sure you’re positive. I don’t want you to have any regrets.”

“I know, and that makes me even more sure,” Sam smiled gratefully at him. “You’ve been so amazing through all of this, never once pushing me. You said I would know when the time was right. And it’s now. I know that because I feel like I can’t wait one more second to be with you. I love you Lance and I want you to make love to me,” she finished softly. He slid his hand under her brown hair, resting it against her neck as he brought her face to his in a gentle kiss. Pulling back from their embrace, Sam studied his face for a moment before recognizing an emotion she rarely saw in him. “Lance, are you nervous?”

“A little, yeah,” he confessed. “I know it may seem stupid…”

“No,” Sam stopped him short. “I think it’s incredibly sweet. But trust me, I’ve got nervous covered. I was kind of counting on you being the confidant one here. You have done this before.”

“Not with you,” Lance countered, grazing his hand against the side of her face. “This is a big deal Sam. I don’t want you to have to deal with anymore pain than you already have.”

“You’re right, it is a big deal. But I don’t want you to worry; I’m not going to break. I promise,” she assured earnestly. Lance recognized the honesty in her deep brown eyes and he knew he couldn’t wait any longer either.

“I love you Sam,” he breathed against her mouth before pulling her into a sensual embrace. Her hands tangled in his blonde hair as his roamed the soft skin of her back. As their kisses continued to deepen they elicited sensations the couple had yet experienced, a heightened level of passion as they both knew with absolute certainty what the end result would be. The lines between two individuals blurred as the young lovers fused together, succumbing to their shared desire.


Sam’s eyes fluttered open, battling against the bright morning sunlight sneaking through the curtains as it cascaded off of the thin veil of snow blanketing the ground. As her gaze rested on the single red rose laying atop the nightstand, a wide smile developed on her faze, the flower assuring her that the memories of the night before, which were still so vivid in her mind, were not just a figment of her imagination.

“Good morning,” she greeted, pulling Lance’s arm tighter around her waist.

“How’d you know I was awake?” he asked tenderly kissing her shoulder.

“First of all,” Sam began turning to face him. “Your breathing is deeper when you’re sleeping. And second, how often do you sleep later than I do?”

“Rarely,” he laughed brushing a few light brown strands of hair away from her face.

“Exactly. So how long have you been watching me?” she quizzed.

“I’m not really sure. How are you feeling this morning?” Lance questioned, his concern obvious.

“Amazing,” Sam beamed.

“Really? Because that was my exact thought looking at you now,” he returned her smile.

“Yes, honestly,” she insisted blushing slightly. “I’m absolutely fine, no worries, no regrets…”

“No nightmares?” he interrupted hopefully.

“No nightmares,” the brunette swore. “In fact, I think you’ve officially cured me.”

“Is that so?”

“Yep, because not only did I not have nightmares, but I actually had some very interesting dreams involving you and me and all sorts of naughty things,” she giggled mischievously.

Lance studied his girlfriend’s face; taking in it’s every line and curve. Each morning he woke thinking he couldn’t possibly love her more, yet with every passing minute he felt himself falling deeper. “God you’re beautiful,” he exhaled.

Samantha was silent for a moment as her brown eyes misted over with tears under the heat of her boyfriend’s intense stare. “You’re just saying that to get me into bed,” she joked.

“We’re already there,” he reminded as the couple rested snuggled under the warm blanket.

“Okay then maybe you really mean it,” she conceded moving her hand up to his handsome face. “Thank you so much for everything last night,” she said sincerely.

“I think I should be the one thanking you,” he disagreed with a playful smirk.

“No. You were so wonderful, and sweet, and caring… it was like a dream come true. Ugh, that sounds so corny,” Sam laughed at herself. “But honestly, it was. It was just… perfect.”

“You’re welcome, but it’s not like I did anything out of the ordinary. I just treated you the way you deserve to be treated,” he shrugged.

Sam sighed in frustration. “What am I gonna do with you?” she questioned squeezing his cheek.

“Live happily ever after?” Lance proposed, tightening his grip around her petite frame.

“That would only be fitting considering we’re the biggest fairly tale I’ve ever heard,” she agreed.

“Yes, now I think we should get back to those dreams of yours,” he grinned devilishly before burying his face into the curve of her neck.

“But everybody else is awake and downstairs out there,” she protested squirming under his faint kisses as their friends’ voices sounded through the walls.

“So? That’s a whole other room,” he reasoned moving up to her lips.

“True… but I do believe… that’s Chris… staring through… the fireplace,” Sam managed to get out between his string of playful embraces.

Lance sat up in the bed and discovered his older friend gazing through the open area from the main room of the cabin, his face pressed up against the clear glass doors covering it. As Chris moved back from the fireplace, Lance reached for the remote on the table near the bed and ignited the gas flames with one touch of a button, blocking Chris’ view of their room as he screamed comically.

“AH! My eyebrows are gone! My beautiful face!” he cried out. “Now I’ll never be a teen model!”

“Now where were we?” Lance said turning back to Sam as a knock sounded at the door.

“Getting interrupted again?” she laughed.

“Time to get up sleepyheads,” Justin pestered from outside.

“You know they’re not going to leave us alone,” Sam stated the obvious.

“Yes but it doesn’t hurt to try,” the blonde man countered while pulling the covers up over their heads.

“Hello? Are you two decent?” Justin called out again, still pounding annoyingly at the door.

“Not anymore,” Sam giggled, wiggling about under Lance’s tickling hands. “Not that we ever were.”

“I’m gonna count to three and then I’m coming in,” Justin warned.

“Go away!” Sam squealed as Lance attacked her under the covers. “We’re… I’m… um… naked,” she offered lamely through her laughter. Lance made a face at her as the door creaked open. “What was I supposed to say? Go away, we’re trying to get freaky?” she mocked.

“Yes!” Lance shouted pulling his head above the blanket. “Ya know, I’m really beginning to think you’re enjoying all this interrupting you keep doing,” he directed at Justin while resting his head back against the pillows. The young man just grinned widely as he stood in the doorway.

“What’d you do with Sami?” he wondered curiously.

“One of these times I might actually be telling the truth about the nakedness thing,” she answered popping her head out from the down comforter at the foot of the bed.

Justin giggled at the site of them on opposite ends of the bed before replying. “Nah, if you were really naked I’d be able to tell because your voice would do that whole panicky, nervous thing it does,” the blue-eyed man explained shrugging her off. “But I’m hoping maybe once I’ll be wrong,” he finished with a wink.

“So was there a point for your visit this morning?” Lance asked with an arched brow.

“Oh yeah, we ordered some food and it should be here shortly,” he informed. “So if you want something to eat you’d better get yo’ lazy asses up!”

“I thought I was the breakfast wench,” Sam frowned as she pushed her messed hair out of her brown eyes.

“Well after yesterday morning’s fire extinguisher incident, we all decided it would be in our best interests to have something delivered,” Justin teased.

“It’s not my fault that damn toaster had faulty wiring!” Sam protested as the two men laughed at her.

“It’s okay Sweetie,” Lance pacified. “I’m not dating you for your cooking skills,” he cracked as Sam kicked at him under the blanket.

“Thanks for the message Justin. You can go now,” she grumbled pouting. “We’ll be out in a minute. AH! Or two!” she shrieked as Lance grabbed her ankles and pulled her back under the covers.


“Well it’s about time,” Jen scoffed as Lance and Sam finally emerged from their room minutes later.

“It’s not like you guys are looking much livelier out here,” Lance returned, his arms behind him as he held onto one of Sam’s hands as she carried a CD in the other.

The large group of friends was scattered on the three couches that formed a U-shape around the fireplace. On one of the two smaller loveseats facing each other, Chris and Dani rested stretched out under a blanket, and Joey and Mel occupied the other. On the largest sofa directly across from the fire, Jen was perched at one end sprawled across two of the three cushions, her arm draped over JC’s shoulder as he sat on the floor in front of her, his head leaning back against her stomach. Sam broke from Lance’s grasp as he made his way over to claim the empty spot near Jen.

“What’s with the limp Sami?” Mel asked as the petite woman walked awkwardly towards the stereo.

“Hazards of the job,” she quipped, bursting into an unwarranted laughter as she placed the CD she held in her hand into the player.

“Shorty, I swear if that is the Christmas CD again, I’m going to roast you like a marshmallow in the fire,” Chris warned.

“Calm down old man. It’s a CD I burnt,” Sam retorted adjusting the volume.

“A CD you burnt?” Justin repeated glaring at her as he hopped over the back of the couch and squeezed himself between Lance and Jen.

“Yeah? So?” she shrugged making her way over to Lance.

“Thief,” JC coughed into his hand before shooting her an innocent smile.

“Whatever,” Sam scoffed. “I paid for them all thank you very much. I just wanted these songs on one CD.”

“Oh crap, is that stupid sappy ballads one you were playing the other day?” Mel groaned.

“Yep,” her roommate confirmed with a nod.

“I don’t think so,” Lance said pulling her onto his lap as she began to sit on the floor. Sam wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he whispered something into her ear. Giggling, she responded in the same manner before kissing him. Pulling away from their embrace, she was met with Justin’s heavy stare.

“What?” she smiled at him.

“Nothing,” he said shaking his head with a grin.

“So what did you order for breakfast?” Sam asked no one in particular before bursting into a giddy laughter once again. “Will you stop that!” she ordered, pulling Lance’s hand from under her shirt.

“I can’t help myself,” he growled, wrestling her hands for control, eventually winning as he pinned her arms behind her back.

“Okay, what is with you two today?” Jen questioned furrowing her brow at the playful couple.

“Really, you’re even more disgustingly frisky than usual,” Mel added.

“It’s so obvious,” Joey answered. “Lance hasn’t stopped grinning since the second he stepped out here and Sam is all glowing.”

“Oh, so you got some last night eh?” Jen realized. Sam just giggled, her face reddened as she buried it in Lance’s shoulder. And his ear-to-ear smile that he couldn’t seem to get rid of no matter what he tried said everything as Jen continued. “So you got some, big deal. So did I,” she supplied nonchalantly as JC shook his head.

“There must be something in the air,” Chris smirked as Dani rolled her eyes at him. “And what about you two? How’s the rooming arrangements working out for you?” he asked turning to Joey and Mel.

“There are two beds in our room,” Mel reminded firmly.

“Doesn’t mean you’re using them,” Justin teased.

“It most certainly does,” Mel asserted. “Remember I’m the moral island in this sea of sin.”

“I guess that makes me Gilligan,” Joey snorted. “And damn, has it been a long three hours.”

“Oh shut up, you have no obligations to me. You’re free to do whatever you want with your dinghy,” the raven-haired woman stated.

“If you were Gilligan, wouldn’t that mean you’d be ON the island?” Chris snickered.

“Not until she marries me. My Mel’s an old-fashioned girl,” Joey smiled proudly.

“Ya know, one of these times I just may say yes, then what are ya gonna do?” she quizzed.

“Run screaming from the room,” JC offered with a chuckle.

“So what about you J? Did you get any action last night?” Chris inquired, hoping his younger friend would fall into his trap.

“I’m alone until later today,” Justin reminded.

“Never stopped you before,” the raven-haired man laughed heartily.

“Eh, I wasn’t in the mood so I turned myself down,” he shrugged. “I’m so lonely,” he said making a sad face as he leaned his head on Sam’s leg. Lance jokingly shoved him off and JC did the same as he went for Jen’s. “See nobody loves me!” he shouted as he started crying mockingly, his face ugly and contorted.

“Aww, come here baby,” Mel cooed, motioning for him to join her. “I love ya, ya big toddler.”

“Hey!” Joey whined as she pushed him over to make room.

“Oh hush up. You have no more of a claim on my friendship than he does and besides, I’ve got plenty of love for both of you,” she insisted as both men cuddled against her bosom like the little boys that they were.

“So anyway,” Jen started. “You and Lance weren’t the only ones putting a checkmark in the nookie column last night, so knock off all the touchy-feely crap would ya?” she demanded teasingly.

“Well excuse me for being a little giddy about the first time,” Sam returned with the same tone.

Justin turned his hard sharply towards Sam. She caught his gaze and gave a small nod of confirmation to his expectant stare. “NO WAY!” he gasped.

“First time what? In a new bed?” Mel scoffed.

“Um, no. THE first time, period,” Sam replied looking oddly at her friends’ expressions of disbelief.

“Nice try Sami,” Jen laughed. “But you can’t lie about this. I saw you remember? The morning after you guys first got together.”

“They didn’t have sex that night,” Justin answered. “Only some heavy petting.”

“How the hell would you know?” Jen questioned.

“I’m sure I know the answer to that,” Lance replied glancing accusingly at Sam.

“I needed to talk to someone,” she shrugged. “It was after you and I had that big fight and we ended up in Port Charlotte.”

“So you’ve known all this time that they weren’t having sex?” Jen scowled at Justin.

“I knew back in like August that they still hadn’t. I just assumed that they had by now,” he responded.

“Well it’s nice to know that Justin weighs higher on the scales than I do,” Jen snipped.

“He does not, he just happened to be the one with me at that time. So you all think that Lance and I have been sleeping together all this time too?” Sam asked the room.

“Yes,” they chorused.

“Aight, I am officially the new queen of the last to know everything,” Jen stated.

“Don’t you think I would’ve told you if Lance and I were sleeping together? You know I can’t keep things to myself like you can.”

“But you did tell me,” Jen recalled. “After that first night you got together I asked you how it was and you said better than you could’ve ever imagined.”

“I thought you meant us finally getting together as a couple, not getting together in that sense,” Sam explained before grinning widely. “The answer’s the same for both though…” she trailed off.

“Wait a minute, so the vacation over the Fourth of July, when you said water sports, you really meant water sports? That wasn’t just a clever euphemism?” Chris inquired.

“There was a little bit of double-meaning to that, but no, we didn’t have sex in his pool if that’s what you thought I meant,” Sam answered.

“Really? That’s too bad. It’s really fun, you should try it some time,” Jen insisted as JC groaned.

“Eww, are you saying you’ve gotten all nasty in our pool?” Mel complained.

“Yep, our pool… JC’s… Justin’s… Chris’… and Joey’s,” her roommate informed casually. “Only one left to go but somebody has to be all difficult and live in Mississippi,” the brunette said pointedly.

“Yuck, remind me to drain the water when we get home,” Chris said to Dani.

“I don’t have a pool,” Joey informed. “My neighbors do though.”

“Oops?” Jen shrugged.

“If you keep talking, there won’t be anymore escapades to talk about,” JC warned, through a clenched jaw.

“Aww,” Jen said kissing the top of his head. “You’d never do that to yourself,” she laughed.

“So you’re saying all this time and no sex?” Joey piped up turning the focus back to Lance and Sam. “Not even after all that stuff for your birthday?”

“She was too drunk so he turned her down,” Justin volunteered.

“Okay, you know entirely too much about my sex life,” Lance grumbled.

“I think we all know too much about everybody’s everything,” JC amended.

“Not even after the VMAs?” Dani wondered. “Cuz… man,” she sighed.

“No kidding, even I…” Justin stopped himself. “I’m just going to shut up now before I further incriminate myself,” he smirked.

“Oh, that was a fun night,” Jen remembered wistfully. “The limo, and then again in the room, we tried to in the elevator but people kept interrupting us,” she lamented as JC buried his hands in his face. Her sole reasoning for this continuing disclosure was the enjoyment she was getting watching him squirm. “I wanted to at the venue, but…”

“FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WOMAN! WOULD YOU PLEASE SHUT UP?” he shouted in frustration.

“Good lord JC, no wonder you’re always sleeping,” Mel cracked. “So not even after the VMAs huh Sami? You’ve got some strong-ass willpower girl. I mean, I know I was a good girl,” she quickly added. “But I didn’t think you were that tough when it came to the dork.”

“Oh, that was a DNC night,” Lance answered garnering perplexed looks from his friends.

“Damn Near Close and then I got all freaked out again,” his girlfriend clarified.

“Wait a minute, what do you mean freaked out?” Chris asked confused before it occurred to him. “Are you saying that this was your first time ever?”

Sam hesitated, unsure how to respond. That question had always been difficult for her. In her heart she had always considered herself to be a virgin, until now of course, but because of her past, medically speaking, she wasn’t.

“Yes, it was,” Lance responded for her as he gave her a reassuring squeeze.

“Oh my God, that is so sweet,” Dani cooed.

“I know right? Just when you thought those two couldn’t get any sweeter,” Jen teased.

“But what about that Scott guy?” Joey asked confused, paying twice for his questioning as Justin reached around to smack him in the back of his head and Mel lightly jabbed his stomach. “I’m such an idiot. How about I just stick my foot in my mouth permanently?” he offered smiling at Sam.

“It’s okay,” she said managing a slim smile. “What happened with Scott wasn’t consensual,” she revealed. By the looks on the faces of Chris, Dani, JC, and Joey, Sam could tell they weren’t entirely surprised by the information that the rest of the friends already knew.

“That’s even sweeter,” Danielle sighed before promptly clarifying herself. “I mean not what happened to you, that’s horrible, but the fact that you were able to move on and Lance waited for you and all that.”

“Yeah I know,” Sam agreed with a sigh of her own. “He’s amazingly wonderful.”

“And once again, Sam and Lance continue to mystify all with their sweetness factor,” Mel stated with a smile. “Oh my God!” she shrieked. “Is that why you’re walking all funny today? Cuz you and he… and…”

“NO!” Sam shouted. “I stubbed my toes on the damn bed last night trying to find a lamp.”

“Stubbed your toes eh? Is that what the kids are calling it these days?” Chris mocked as Sam just shook her head at him.

“You little tramp!” Justin exclaimed out of nowhere, grinning broadly. “You planned the whole thing. That’s why you fought so hard for that room isn’t it?”

“Maybe,” Sam confirmed half-heartedly while blushing.

“HA! Lance, you were seduced,” Joey laughed pointing at him.

“Oh, boo-hoo him,” JC said sarcastically.

“And I highly doubt she had to do any arm twisting,” Chris added.

“I may have initiated it, but after that it was his show,” Sam stated with a giggle.

“Okay, that definitely falls under the realm of too much information,” Mel complained. “Did you use protection?”

“Oh, what Sami said was too much information but now you’re asking for specific details like that?” Justin pointed out. “Why don’t you just ask which brand they used?”

“I don’t need to know that, but when it comes to one of my girls’ safety, nothing is private,” Mel asserted.

“You’re a Trojan man, aren’t you Lance?” Joey asked with a laugh.

“I don’t even want to know why you know that,” Jen shuddered over-dramatically.

“Shut up, we’ve shared busses and hotel rooms for five years now and unfortunately you learn little details like that,” he explained.

“Uh huh, sure,” she said with a disbelieving nod of her head.

“I cannot believe we are talking about this as a group,” Lance said leaning his forehead against Sam’s arm.

“Mel, you know as well as I do being Sami’s roommate that she is on the pill,” Jen reminded.

“Don’t worry, apparently we won’t even have to answer it ourselves,” Sam consoled her boyfriend with a chuckle.

“Yes, I do know that but I also know that the pill doesn’t protect against STDs,” the dark-haired woman replied.

“Well then I guess you’ve forgotten that I’ve been getting tested since…” Sam began only to be cut off by her friend.

“Shit, I did forget. My bad,” Mel apologized. “But what about Lance?”

“Lance has been tested too,” he answered for himself. “Do we pass Mom?”

“Yes, I could almost hug the both of you for being so mature and responsible about it all but then I remember that you’re just a couple of dirty sinners,” she teased with a smile.

“Well since we’re not in the business of keeping secrets around here, can I ask something?” Justin wondered.

“Why not? She’ll just tell you later anyway,” Lance grumbled. “But after that I think it’s time to close this topic.”

The rest of the friends echoed the same sentiment.

“Why last night? I guess I’m just curious after all this time how you finally knew you were ready,” Justin directed at Sam.

“He bought me a rose,” she smiled simply.

“Who knew?” Lance shrugged just before she gave him a quick peck on the lips.

“Damn you two,” Dani said wiping her eyes as the rest of the group laughed, but in their own unique way, all of them shared her feelings regarding the happy couple.

“Where the crap is that food we ordered like yesterday?” Chris griped glancing at the clock.

Sam observed quietly as an animated conversation developed regarding the means her friends were going to use to torment the delivery man if their breakfast happened to arrive cold. She smiled to herself as the beginning chords of *NSYNC’s duet with Joe, ‘I Believe In You’, began playing through the speakers. Ever since the video diary Lance had given her on her birthday, that song had unofficially become ‘their song’. Lance held her tighter, kissing the side of her head in acknowledgement of it as well as their friends’ spirited discussion continued, mixing in with the beautiful harmonies. Samantha sighed contently; nestling herself in Lance’s chest as she realized all she would ever need was right there in that room. Her family forever in her heart, the friends she adored by her side, and the man she loved in her arms.

I believe in you,
And I believe our love will last always…

The End.
