S is for....Oh, Nevermind

Aight, now I finally broke down and went and got myself the McDonald's video and *hides head in shame* the cd. Yes, I'm weak, whatever. Anyhow, I laughed my ass off at the video, and thought I would share a few comments with you, cuz that's what I'm here for and that's why you all visit this page. So yeah...

"Dirty pop, say it once and BOOOOOOM, it's a trend"...said by the one, the only JRT Bitch in his skull cap that I HATE. Unfortunatly though Justin, anything you say once becomes a trend. As well as anything you wear once...such as rhinestones for example. I mean seriously, not only have teenys of all ages started adorning bandanas with them and running around looking like little ghetto bastards, but your BEST FRIEND Scragglypoof aka TRACE designs them? I mean wtf?! That takes talent. Wow, crunk a few rhinestones on a handkerchief and away he goes. By the way, doesn't it get annoying to have a little mini-me running around after you all the time? Oh well, like Rach said, everyone needs a midget. Trace is Justin's midget bitch. That's all. Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention earlier that I am overtired (it's 5 am and I have had no sleep for close to 24 hours now) and feel like JC on a week long crack binge. So that explains why I just went off on a 20 minute tangent about Trace looking like Justin and even TALKING to Justin. As if JRT Bitch REALLY comes to this page. Whatever. Lol.

Another note, I'll probably forget stuff and I'll also probably go wayyyy out of order, but I'll fix all that later when I get off my overtired crack buzz. Lol, by the way I was just going to write something about Joey wanting treadmills onstage...and then saying something like he's never been on a treadmill in his life. But then I remembered that's on the HBO preshow. LMAO. Okay so it's not funny...lol.

Let's see...oh yeah, Justin being all, "S isn't for Superman, it's for SHUT UP!...it's for Shhhhh." Can he get any more adorable right then? I just rewind and replay, rewind and replay, rewind and replay...you get the picture. And also I am sorry but whatever Chris is wearing looks like something I saw this bag lady on the corner wearing the other day. Baby shit green is not a good color for ANYONE. I wish someone would punch out their wardrobe lady. Maybe Melinda Bell could take her out with one of her big hippopatamus hips. (BTW I have nooooo clue if I spelled that right, but I assume it's wrong, so I'll fix when I'm coherant.) Again, I know I'm tired cuz I just read that hippo comment and started laughing really hard. Yep, I'm delirious.

"That's why we're in therapy"..said by the Crackmaster himself, JC. No Jayce...the reason you are in therapy is because you have a severe drug addiction and are a habitual tight pants wear-er. I mean honestly, what WERE you thinking when you agreed to those painted on SC pants? They are like texturized and just..ew. Not to mention they are like size 14 in girls. I could snap you in half mister. Eat for god's sake.

Hmmm...Bye Bye Bye (Behind the Scenes), Joey makin out with some chick that's not Kelly (wanna know how I can tell? She doesn't have an afro that could house the entire FATone family. Lmao.)..niiice.

I'm just gonna sit here and do nothin. NOTHIN. Okay JRT Bitch, you do that. You just sit there and keep your big trap shut. Just look hot in your mismatching outfit, lol...what, did you dress in a dark closet or something?

Darrin has moves YOU'VE never seen...and moves you AIN'T never gon see again yo. Cuz Wade "I am the DANCE MASTA" Robson shoved Darrin in a dark closet and took over the pop choreographing world with his chicken wing move. I personally wanna just beat Wade over the head with a rubber chicken and find Darrin so I can lick the ground he walks on. That man can DANCE, and then we are treated to JC the Spastic Cowboy attempting it. Although I was happy to note that he realizes he never will be as good as Darrin the dancing god. Lol. You're pry thinking WTF is Jen talking about. Don't question things that even I don't know. Okay? Trust me, you'll just hurt someone.

"These pants are 500 dollars...I'm glad we're givin these back cuz I can't afford it." (Or something along those lines). Well, ya know Justin, if the boyband thing isn't rakin in the big bucks, you could always sell Joey on eBay. Although now that I think about it, he pry wouldn't bring much profit. Hmmm...since you're dead broke and all I'm surprised you can still afford to purchase every bandana within a three state radius. Where DOES it all go anyways? God knows you aren't spending the money on haircuts every 6 weeks.

Did anyone else find the fact that this video not only shows Joey dancing around in a too small shirt looking very much like a pig in a blanket but ALSO shows JC grabbing Joey's pants by the rope in his crotch rather, oh I dunno..disturbing? Why oh why must they torture me so?! I did like Justin's little "Joey's got a big ole butt" song, however didn't he used to sing that to Lance? Maybe I was just imagining that. Lance does have a big ass though now that I'm on the subject. Very ghetto booty-like. Some might say booty-licious. But not me cuz I'm not a Bass-TURD fan. Nope, I'm not. One other thing about Joey's ass song, why did his butt sound hollow when Justin hit it? His head hollow? I figured as much. His ass hollow? Who the hell's ever heard of a hollow ass? Maybe it didn't and I just imagined it. Which at this point in time, I'm thinking it's possible. I'm so damn tired. Lol.

Blah blah blah, I don't remember what else happened right now. So we're at the end of the video. Justin's all, these pants are 500 dollars. (Thanks for sharing with us again Fluffykins.) Then JC is all, "that's why I don't own a pair." Actually Crackhead, the reason you don't own a pair is because they don't come in your size 14 in girls. They'd fall right off. I don't remember what Justin replies, it's not important. Then JC's like "I got this outfit at the Salvation Army" ...all proud and shit. Yeah you fucking moron, that's where your wardrobe lady's been shopping lately for ya'll, but when she goes she's on an acid trip.

Anyhow, that's the review for now. Sorry if it sucks but it made me laugh (not a hard task at this hour of the morning and after no sleep, but it made me laugh nonetheless). I will probably add more or fix this later so yeah. PEACE!

Thrust It Home!