Hi! Everybody hope you are enjoying my site. My name is Gina and I am 23 Years old. This is first webpage, so I hope you like it. I am in college right now. It's my second year and I have been real busy so I hope I can keep up with all the updates for you. I am studying to be an accountant and I'm doing some computer programs in college. This is my last year and then I'll probably transfer to a four year college.
I am a huge fan of Matthew Perry and everybody else on the show. There all great, but Matt's my favorite. Friends is a great show and I hope it's around a very, very long time to come. I am glad that Chandler and Monica are getting married this year. I am enjoying Matt's movies as well. He has done a movie called "Three To Tango." I don't know if it is a good movie or not I haven't had a chance to see it yet.. It also has Neve Campbell in it. Matt did a movie called "The Whole Nine Yards", which stars Bruce Willis. I loved that movie. Matt has a new movie coming out soon, but I can't remember what it is called right now. I am looking forward to it and I hope you are too!!!
Well thats all I have to say about me right now. I hope you enjoyed my site. Thanks you very much for visiting!! :-)