What is a moderate-liberal?
1)Social issues are more important than military issues,At the very least they are equal.
2)Every person should have equal rights with everyone else.
3)The death penalty is not a deterant and many times an innocent person is killed by the state. Many times I was glad to see certain killers get the death penalty for their crimes, but a lifetime in prison would be more of a punishment than putting them out of their misery. A killer does not say "well I better not kill this guy because the state will kill me"--they believe at the time, they will get away with the crime.
4)Women have the right to choose either abortion or giving birth. It is a women's body. We cannot force her to do something with her body that she does not want to do. Wealthy Americans (some Republicans)Can simply fly to another country for an abortion,therefore, this applies to lower income American women and they Must have choice.
5)Total Gun Control must come to pass in this country.The Constitution DOES NOT guarantee the "right to bear arms" as the Supreme Court has ruled many many times. The state does have the power to control guns--especially hand-guns. I f it is unconstitutional, why does not the NRA take the city of Washington, the state of New York, the state of Mass. to court. It is because the NRA KNOWS that the stat DOES have the power to limit guns in this country. The NRA has cost this country so much in terms of lost life and lost financial rewards. The NRA MUST be stopped!!!!
6)Every American citizen is entitled to have health insurance. We have the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" by the constitution. The state must provide health insurance to EVERY citizen of this country.
7)Public Prayer in schools violates the separation of church and state. Each person can say a prayer to themselves all day long if they wish. A public prayer could lead to a government prayer or a particular religion's prayer. This should not be allowed in our schools.
8)Every worker has the right to meet and organize into a union.
9)Campaign Finance Reform. Why should interest groups have more influence than the average citizen. Public finance of elections is the only answer to get these polititions to do the will of Americans.
More to Come (why the Republican Party is lying to America)
My list of great Republican leaders