Angel Standing By

Chapter 1

"THE BACKSTREET BOYS!!!" boomed the low voice over the arena intercom.

The screams of the thousands of fans was deafening as Claire stood backstage. She just didn't see how the guys did it. How could they concentrate on their songs and dance moves while hearing all these girls scream their names? She smiled in amazement at the five young men that she had come to call her best friends.........well, she referred to one of them as much more than just a friend. She had seen the show so many times that even she herself knew almost every part of choreography! As The Boys broke out into their famous opener, "Let's Have a Party", Claire's thoughts began to drift, and she started to replay the past years events in her mind. Actually, she took herself back more than a couple of years................

~Flashback to 1993~

"We've got the spirit, yes we do, we've got the spirit, how about you?" chanted the pep squad of Orlando High.

It was a regular Friday afternoon for Claire Beckenthaw. She and the rest of the gals on the squad had to try and get the other students fired up for the football game that evening. Always being the forward one, Claire stepped up to the microphone and began her short, but straight-to-the-point speech. "We're gonna kick major butt!!! Am I right?!?!?"

"Yea!!!!!!" roared the students.

She may have been one of the youngest members on the squad, but she was also the most popular. She had an edge to her personality, yet she was one of the sweetest people you could meet.

~On the upper-level of the school~

"I really appreciate you guys coming with me," said AJ calmly. "Claire's been a good friend of mine for some time and it would kill her if I didn't say good-bye before heading off to New York."

"AJ, it's okay. We're all guys here and we understand," said Brian with a sly grin.

"No, no, no, no!" piped AJ. "She's not that kind of friend! She could never be thought of like that by me. It's just that.......Claire took the time to notice. While all the rest of the kids snickered and cracked jokes about me, Claire was always approaching me with a smile. She was forever asking how my career was going. I guess now that we have a possibility of making it, I just wanna let her know."

"Whoa, AJ! That was pretty deep for a guy like you!" It was the youngest member, Nick, that chimed in.

"Shut up, Nick!" moaned AJ. All the rest of the guys rolled their eyes. Except for Brian, who just laughed right along with Nick.

They stood on the upper-level while staring down at the gym floor.

"Which one is she?" questioned Howie.

"See the one talking into the mic?"

"Yea, the one who's really loud?" asked Kevin, who was already nervous enough, and now had to deal with the chanting of a high school pep session.

"Yep, that's her!" gleamed AJ

"Now that is beauty!" Nick accidentally said out loud.

"Not in a million years my boy," said AJ

Nick was already feeling a bit left out by the four older boys. After saying what he had about Claire, he realized that things were only going to get tougher. He had NO experience with girls. He was only 13 going on 14. He had dated a girl once.....back at school. She was in the same play as him. He had really liked her, but after things with the guys began, there wasn't a whole lot of time to spend with her. Like any sane girl, she broke it off. It had only lasted a year, but Nick at least knew what it was to like someone. That would never float with the guys though. They had all had serious girlfriends before......they had been to second base.......probably beyond. Nick was feeling way out of his league, when all of a sudden he felt his shirt being pulled on.

"Come on, Frack. AJ's gotta say his good-byes," said Brian.

"Hey, why did you call me that?" Nick said, looking confused.

"You know, I don't know why," Brian said smiling. "But hey, you can call me Frick if you want!"

"Okay!" At last, someone was treating him civil.

~On the gym floor~

"Hey there girlie-girl!"

"AJ!!!!" Claire ran up and gave her pal a hug. "I didn't know if you were ever gonna say good-bye."

"Would I miss saying good-bye to my favorite girl? Hey, I just wanted to let you know I'm gonna be gone for some time. I got this.........."

"Yea, I know, you've got this chance at a record contract. Suzie Lance told me. You know AJ, if you thought with that thing between your ears instead of with what's in your pants, you might have told me this a couple days ago instead of being out with Rita Bartlett."

The four guys behind AJ began to snicker, especially Nick. He couldn't believe this girl was talking to AJ like that. It was a riot.

"Claire! I just didn't want you having to dwell on me leaving, so I waited till today. Thank you so very much for telling everyone what I was doing the other night!"

"Oh, come on AJ, you would've told us sooner or later!" laughed Howie.

"And you must be the four guys that are gonna make it big along with AJ," smiled Claire.

"Claire, this is Brian Littrell, his cousin Kevin Richardson, Howie Dorough, and that over there is Nick Carter."

Claire's eyes scanned all the young men. They looked to be in their late teens or early twenties.......then her eyes rested upon Nick, who was obviously not much older than her. In any event, he was younger than her. Still, there was something about Nick that set him apart from the other guys that stood before her. Nick was young, but he was cute nonetheless. It was then that she knew he would be the heartthrob of the band. Not that the other guys were ugly. Hell, she'd date any one of them, but Nick had that shiny blonde hair and baby blue eyes that sparkled like the ocean............and an age that screamed 'I'm just hitting puberty!' Claire had to force herself to look away from Nick. "It's nice to meet all of you," stammered Claire.

AJ could tell something was up. "Hey guys, if ya wouldn't mind, I'd like to talk to Claire for just a bit."

Kevin, like the father figure he is, spoke up. "Sure. Come on guys. We'll be waiting outside the front doors."

Nick seemed to be frozen to the ground. This girl was pretty cute up close, and that smile shined like the sun. Her wearing a short skirt and tight sweater didn't make matters much better for him.

"Come on, Frack," Brian chimed in.

"You know," said Nick "I kinda like that nickname!"

Brian just laughed. A boy Nick's age sure didn't have a very long attention span. One minute his eyes are practically bulging out at the sight of this pretty girl, the next he's enthralled with his new nickname. Brian could tell he was gonna be this kid's big brother.........but he didn't really seem to mind it all that fact, since he was always the youngest at home, he liked the fact that he could possibly be a big bro to someone........especially someone as naive as Nick.

AJ checked to see that the guys had gone outside, then turned to Claire. "What's up? You seemed to have spaced for a sec."

"Oh, I'm okay. Guess I'm just thinking about what it's gonna be like once you're gone," she half lied.

"I'll be back. Hey, if we ever get to the point where we tour, you'll be the first to get tickets!"

"You better keep that promise, Alexander!"

AJ turned a bright red. "I'd better join up with the guys. I'll keep in contact, I do promise that."

Claire could feel the moment getting serious, and the last thing she wanted to do was cry, so she quickly hugged AJ. "Good luck, and tell the others I said bye." She turned and practically race walked to the locker room, leaving AJ with no other choice than to join the others.

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