Angel Standing By

Chapter 10

"Claire, how's the show going?"

Claire was abruptly interrupted in her trip down memory lane by a tugging on her shirt. "Hey Aaron! Everything is normal.........the show barely should know that after all this time!"

"I know, but I keep wishin' that something interesting would happen just one of these nights!" The boy was obviously not ammused anymore, but his comment struck a chord in Claire's mind. Poor Aaron, if only he knew what would probably be happening in the next couple of days. Things would be interesting all right, but she wasn't sure if it would be a good interesting or a bad. All she knew is that during this entire show, she was almost unable to take her gaze off of Nick. He looked so happy out on stage. Performing was his passion, and his facial expressions confirmed that fact. The only other time she would see Nick smiling that big was when she was in his arms or vice versa. She was hoping that his happiness would not faid after she discussed with him what was on her mind. "HEY!" Aaron shouted.

"Oh, I'm sorry hon, I didn't hear you."

"I said, don't you wish something interesting and exciting would happen?"

"Yea, I guess."

"Can I tell you something?"

Claire could tell that Aaron was serious. He had something important to say to her. She decided to take him further backstage so the noise wouldn't be quite as loud. "What's on your mind, buddy?"

"Well, I was just wanting to let you know that I really like you!"

"Awwww! I like you too, Aaron!" She gave him a hug.

"Yea, and I'm really glad that you're gonna be my sister!"

"What? Aaron, what are you talking about?"

"You're gonna be my sister, right? I mean, I heard Nick talking the other night.........."

Just then, the noise of what seemed to be twenty stomping feet filled the enitre backstage area.

"Aw, man, that was awsome!" Brian was practically glowing.

Nick soon came up behind him, smiling even bigger once he saw Claire. "Hey darlin'!" He hugged her, not even remembering he was all sweaty. "Oops! I'm sorry."

"It's okay. After at least a hundred shows, I've gotten use to it!" Claire was smiling, but was still confused by Aaron's comment. Just then..........

"Aaron! What are you doing here? You should be in the bus trying to get some sleep!" Nick was more than irritated with his brother.

"I just wanted to talk to Claire," he said while lowering his head.

"Come on, buddy! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. Hey, I know how ya feel.........I sometimes wake up and wanna talk to her too!"

Claire gently smiled. She knew he was trying to be quiet, but she was thinking that he had meant for her to hear that.

A bodyguard soon approached them. "Hey guys, I think we'd better get out of this one quick! The fans seem a lot more rowdier."

"Okay," Kevin commented. "We'll just shower once we get back to the hotel."

'The hotel,' Claire thought. The sooner they got back to the hotel, the sooner she had to sit down and talk with Nick. She had made up her mind a couple of days ago that tonight was going to be the night she told Nick what was going on. She was dreading it..........she could almost picture the look of disappoint on his face. She needed to talk to Brian. "Hey Bri, could I talk to you?" Nick was helping out Aaron in getting ready to go, so she knew this was her opportunity.

"What's up my lady?"

"Well Bri, I need your help. Would you mind Aaron rooming with you tonight? I really need to talk with Nick."

"Yea, sure, I don't see a problem with that. You gonna need the whole night?" Brian smiled slyly, but stopped once he saw Claire starring worridly at Nick.

"I have a feeling we will."

She was freakin' Brian out. "Hey, what's goin' on? You're scarin' me."

"I just need to talk with Nick, that's all!" Claire quickly turned her frown upside down in no time flat.

Brian still seemed to be more confused than ever, but went off with his four bodyguards and made his way over to Aaron. "Hey Ari-boy!"

"Brian!" Aaron quickly gave him a hug.

"How would you like it if we spent the night playing video games and chompin' on junk food?"

"Can I, Nick? Can I?"

Nick shot Brian a look of confusion, but quickly played along when Brian's facial expression turned to one that said, 'You're not gonna want him around.' "Yea, that'll be fine Aaron."

"Yippie! What kinda junk food........" Aaron's voice trailed off as he, Brian, and the bodyguards headed toward the tour bus.

Claire had observed the scene from afar and decided to go over to Nick. "Hey there." "Hey sweet thang! The weirdest thing just happened. Brian just offered.........wait a sec," Nick's face soon got a devilish grin and he pulled Claire into a massive hug. "Did you set this up?" He soon remembered seeing Claire and Brian quietly talking just moments before he stole Aaron away.

"You caught me!" Claire wanted to see Nick happy for as long as possible that night. She knew that Nick was thinking the wrong thing, but she couldn't bare to tell him yet. "I just thought it would be nice to spend some time alone."

To Nick, she was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. "Awww, my baby's feelin' neglected." He leaned down for a passionate kiss.

His last sentence made Claire flinch just a bit, but she tried to hide it. Luckily, Nick was too caught up in wanting to kiss her to even notice. She returned his kiss, and found herself getting caught up in the moment.......completely forgetting how upset she was.

"Yo, lovebirds!" AJ's voice seemed to not even phase them. "Hey, at least wait until you're back at the hotel to begin groping each other!"

They slowly parted, ignoring his snide comments knowing that he was tired and wanted to get some well deserved sleep.

"So, I assume we can finnish this back at the hotel?" Nick had that puppy-dog look on his face. She could tell he didn't want to stop.

"Well, you'll be staying with me tonight, so we'll see what happens." She knew what she was doing was wrong, but somewhere in the back of her mind, she was hoping that there would be a chance for her and Nick to have there cuddle time........even after she told him what she had to say..........

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