Angel Standing By

Chapter 13

Suddenly, there was a knocking at the door. "Hey, I know you guys are in there!" AJ's voice seemed to reverberate in their ears.

"DAMNIT!" Claire had just about enough of AJ ruining almost every single important moment her and Nick tried to share. She marched over to the door and violently swung it open.

AJ looked oblivious to what he was doing.........but he knew exactly what was going on. He hated being so arrogant and mean, but lately it just seemed to happen automatically. "Hey there! What's up?"

"Grrrrrr!!!! AJ, I'm going to say this once and once only............GO AWAY!" and with that, she slammed the door in his face, leaving him no other option than to go and mope in his room.

"Whoa, sweetie, I've never seen you so mad." She slowly began to cry. None of this was turning out the way it was suppose to. She was almost certain that AJ interrupting them was a omen telling her the rest of the evening would be just as rocky as the beginning. "Don't cry, baby!" Nick's voice comforted, but his words sent a shiver down her spine.

She started to speak in between the sobs. "Nick, I.....I.....I have to t-tell you s-something."

"Anything, baby, anything at all." They sat on the bed as he cradled her in his arms while she leaned her head against his chest.

"Nick........I'm.......I'm........" she couldn't choke out the last word.

"Honey, just take your time."

He gently stroked her hair while her tears fell like water from a faucet. He sat there and contemplated all of Claire's behaviors. She seemed fatigued lately, she had been sick every once in a while, she was stressed beyond belief, and for a girl who was usually perky and had a smile for everyone she had seemed exceptionally moody lately.......these were all signs that were familiar to him, and the only reason they were familiar was because he suddenly remembered his mother's behavior when...........

Claire felt her head going into a frenzy. She couldn't take it anymore. "Nicky," she slowly began to look up so she could stare into his beautiful blue eyes, "I'm......." "pregnant," they both spoke the word at the same time. Their gazes never left one another. Claire was waiting for an outrage, some type of explosion in his attitude, but all he did was sit there and stare at her.

"Nicky, I know you're probably mad at me and you're gonna want me to give it up, but........."

"What?" Nick seemed almost insulted by her words, but his facial expression said it all. "You're kidding me, right?!?! You think I'd make you do something you wouldn't want to?"

"Nick, I know with your career and everything, and considering the age group of people that you personally attract......"

"Claire, I asked you a question. Do you think I'd make you do something you didn't want to?"

"Well no, but......."

"Claire, just listen to me. You've just told me something major and now I'd like to tell you something." Well, this was it. He had seemed calm up until this point. She knew this was the point where he'd walk out, where he'd say too bad, where he would finally end up choosing the thousands of screaming (and might she mention non-pregnant) girls that would forever follow and throw themselves at him. She had been prepared for this. "I love you........." It was the sentence that would soften the blow. "and I love our baby. True, just a moment ago I was completely in shock and totally scared, but I'm not gonna walk away from this. I'm a man now. I have to be responsible for my actions and the consequences that follow. The actions of us loving one another has resulted in what will be a beautiful life. Well, it'll be beautiful as long as it looks like you!" Claire began to giggle. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Was this the same guy that, only a couple of nights ago, threw a tantrum because his buddy beat him at Mario Cart? Was this the same guy that had once started a food fight at a fancy party? Was this the same guy that had walked into her life nothing but a mere little boy only a couple of years ago? Yes and no........because this guy was finally turning into the man that she always knew was there..............kinda like her once best pal AJ turned into the fantastic performer she always knew he had been. The only difference was, Nick wouldn't let her down like AJ had. She could just feel it. "Hey, space cadet! Did my maturity freak you out?"

"Nick, I........I.......I'm just so happy!" She tightened her embrace around him. "You really mean this? You really want to have this baby with me?"

"Claire, in the year that we've been going out I've already decided that I want to marry you!" Did he just say that out loud? He had.

"What?" It was now Claire's turn to be in shock. She had always thought about it, but never indepthly. The guys had always been in such a position to be 'available' and marriage never really worked into the equation. Just to be sure he really meant it, she made him repeat it again. "You want to what?"

He took a breath and swallowed hard. "I said that I want to marry you." She knew he was serious. His eyes never moved off of her, he didn't even blink when he said it. "Yes!" her eyes seemed to dance as she answered.

Nick had never imagined that they would be doing this so soon, but as each second passed, it seemed more and more right. "I feel bad though." Claire gave him a worried glance. "No, no! There's nothing wrong, it's just.......well, I haven't even looked at rings yet."

"Nickolas Carter, you're concerned about not having a ring for me! How about being concerned in picking out a name! How about being concerned with what we're going to tell your parents." Claire didn't want to worry anymore since she knew things with Nick would be okay, but the thing with his parents and for that matter with the rest of the guys, wouldn't go away. This baby was going to affect all of them.

"Claire Bear, I know we have to think about those things, but tonight I just want to be with you and enjoy planning out our lives." Nick was truly happy. His eyes were sparkling, and the only thing he could think of to do was to give her the biggest kiss ever, and that's exactly what he did, but it was cut short by a bang against Claire's door.

"What was.......oh God, what if someone was at the door and they heard us? What if they heard everything?" Claire could feel the tears welling in her eyes once again. "It's okay, sweetie. I'll check," he whispered. Nick quietly edged his way towards the door and approached the peep hole. No one. He then unlocked the door and slowly opened it, peering outside. Nothing. He quickly shut and locked the door once more. "Well, whatever it was it's not there now. It was probably a waiter bringing up someone's room service. Those guys can be wild with those food carts sometimes!" Claire began to laugh, and for the first time in many weeks, felt relaxed. Nick soon began to look at her longingly. "Claire," he began as he kissed her, "I don't wanna seem like a complete guy or anything........." his kisses slowly moved down her neck.

"I do believe this joyous time does call for a bit of a celebration between the soon-to-be mommy and daddy." Claire's smile turned mischievous and Nick carefully climbed on top of her.

~In Brian and Nick's room~

Aaron quickly came running into the room and shut the door. His face was almost pale.

"Yo Airboy, did you just see a ghost or something?" Brian was joking at first, but soon became alarmed when Aaron didn't say a word......he just stood by the door. "Aaron, what's wrong?" Still nothing. "Aaron, didn't you go and check if Bone had Mortal Combat?"

"I-I didn't make it that far." The boy's expression didn't change.

"Aaron, what is it?" Brian got up and knelt down so he'd be eye-level with Aaron. "Air, where was Bone?"

"He was w-walking back into his room........I heard Claire crying........."

"What?!?!?! Aaron, did you hear anything else?" "I knelt down by the b-bottom of the door........" his words just kept trailing off.

"Aaron, what did you hear?" Brian was scared now.

"I heard both Nick and Claire say the word's all kinda a blur after that, especially since the food cart guy came by and rolled over my hand and made me bang my head against the door. That's when I came running into here........I shouldn't have heard what I did, huh?"

Brian was in a daze. Claire? Pregnant? "No, you shouldn't have, but you did. Don't feel bad Aaron. It happened. Let's just get you to bed now." Brian was thinking that he should do something to comfort Aaron, but he felt as though he himself needed some comfort. Was it possible that his two best friends were in trouble?

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