Angel Standing By

Chapter 14

Surprisingly enough, after the shock Aaron had been through, he fell asleep with ease, and Brian was grateful. He had been hit with a ton of bricks just moments ago. Now that he thought about it more, Claire had seemed a bit edgy back at the arena when she had approached him about taking Aaron for the night. Was it possible that Aaron had heard correctly? There was no way that he would be able to sleep. He turned on the TV and tried to get lost in an episode of The X-Files, but his thoughts kept trailing off to his two close friends. If Aaron had heard what he thought he did, what exactly was happening between Claire and Nick right now?

~In Claire's room~

"Nick, quit it, I'm gonna get sick!" Claire giggled as she watched him jump up and down on their bed. He was trying to show her that he had more than enough energy for more love making. It was one thing Claire loved the most about their relationship.......the way they both felt so comfortable around one another. She loved the way that they could lay in bed after making love while he held her in his arms and they talked about anything and everything, laughing and kissing all the while.

Nick took a final jump and landed on his knees. Claire just kept giggling, but then she noticed how seriously he was looking at her. His stare was intense. "I love you."

"I love you too!" Claire gushed. He kissed her passionately.

"Things are gonna be so great!" He quickly positioned himself so he was once again laying down, but so that his head rested on her chest. "This baby is going to be wonderful! It's probably too early to tell what it is, huh?"

"Yeah, the doctor said that it would be another month or so, then he'd be able to tell me!" She was now able to enjoy this new life growing inside of her.

Nick lifted his head up in curiosity. "How far along are you?"

"He said I was about a month. You know, a month ago we were in Europe!"

"Yeah," he sighed happily. "I remember! I remember every time." he leaned up and kissed her. He put his head back down on her chest and began looking at her tummy. Her waist was so small. It was unimaginable.......there was actually a life inside of there! Just the thought of it made Nick giddy, and he had never felt that before in his life. Nick could feel himself growing up without even trying. With no thought at all, he slowly moved his head closer to her tummy and began rubbing it. Claire looked at him, puzzled. "Nicky, what are you......."

"Shhh, I'm listening!" he shot Claire one of his famous smiles and laid his head back down. He closed his eyes and was soon asleep. Claire lovingly stroked his hair, and soon dozed off as well...............

Claire was surrounded by all of the people she loved; Nick, Brian, AJ, Howie, Kevin, Nick's parents, Aaron, and her mom. She heard Nick begin to speak. "We have something very important to tell all of you." He was smiling so big! "Claire's pregnant!" There was complete silence, but Nick didn't let it bother him. "We're gonna have a baby!" No one said a word at all. Then, out of nowhere............SLAM!

Claire was rudely awakened by the sudden jolt of her body.

Nick instantly shot up. "What's wrong? Are you in any pain? Is something happening with the baby?"

Claire could feel her heart beating at a rapid rate. She knew that she had been dreaming, but it seemed so real. She just sat there, stunned.

Nick began to worry. She hadn't said a thing. "Claire, sweetie, what's wrong?"

His sweet voice snapped her out of the trance. "Hold me," she managed to choke out before the sobbing began.

He cradled her in his arms while her head rested against his chest. "Please honey, tell me what's wrong."

She emerged from his embrace, her face stained with tears. "I-I j-just had this a-awful dream."

"It must've been pretty bad if it made you react like this."

"All I remember is that we had just told everyone the news, and before anyone could comment, AJ slapped me."

"Claire Bear, nothing like that is gonna happen because I won't let it." He held her face in his hands while gently wiping her tears away with his thumbs. He leaned in and kissed her softly. Her whole body went weak, and she knew it was exactly what she needed. Neither of them broke away from the lip-lock. Instead, it became more passionate. Their hands began to roam, as if they were exploring each other's bodies for the first time. They loved each other more than anything else.

"I want you," Claire breathed heavily.

"Hmm, I'm gonna have to think about that one." Nick was trying to sound all serious, but his happiness got the best of him and he ended up with a cheesy grin on his face.

Claire giggled and proceeded in kissing him while Nick began to position himself on top of her...........

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