Angel Standing By

Chapter 15

Knock, knock, knock.

"What the........" Nick looked over at the clock, pissed that he had to stop kissing Claire. "It's one in the freakin' morning!" He tried to whisper, but his anger was beginning to grow.

"Maybe they'll go away," Claire said in a hopeful tone. But the hope faded as soon as they heard three more knocks.

"That's it." Nick was more frustrated than angry at this point. He grabbed the sheet off the bed and wrapped it around his waist, leaving the blanket for Claire to cover up with. He began to unlock the door. "Whoever this is, it better be good." He opened the door just enough to peek his head out.

"Hey Frack."

"Frick, what are you doing?"

"I'm really sorry, but I've got to talk to you about something......the both of you."

Nick could tell that Brian was serious, but he wasn't in the mood at the moment. "Look, Bri, can't this wait?" He looked back at Claire who was sitting on the bed straining to hear the conversation, and then looked at Brian. "Claire and I are kinda......busy."

Brian knew he'd have to be more forceful. "Aaron heard the two of you talking tonight."

Nick's eyes widened with fear. "Hold on." He shut the door and walked over to Claire. He just stared at her sadly. This wasn't the way people were suppose to find out, but he knew that they had to set Brian straight.

"What is it?" Claire was more worried than ever.

"It's Brian........he knows. Get some clothes on. We have to talk to him."

They both got dressed and let him in. Brian took one look at Claire and knew that Aaron had been right. He could see it in her eyes. Even though she was a young woman of nineteen, all he could see was the young girl he had met in the gymnasium four years ago. All he could think of to do was hug her, and that's exactly what he did. "How can I be so happy for you and yet so sad for you at the same time?" His voice was shaking like he was capable of crying at any minute.

"It's okay, Brian." Claire hugged him back tightly. "How did you find out?"

Brian quickly looked at Nick. "You didn't tell her?"

"Hey, I didn't have a chance to! You shocked the hell out of me!"

"Okay, now that you guys have discussed this, would one of you please tell me how he found out?"

"Aaron was listening at the door." Nick felt so badly about this, but he was also feeling sorry for himself. He knew that Aaron blurted everything, and it was only a matter of time before he blurted this to their father. That was definitely not the way he wanted his dad to hear this one.

"What? What was Aaron doing at our door?"

Brian started to explain, but Nick spoke up. "None of that matters. Claire, Aaron's gonna say something to someone on accident, that's just Aaron. We have to beat him to it." He watched as Claire's face fell.

"But I'm not ready! We're not ready!" She felt the tears coming back. How many times was she going to cry that night? What was she, a fountain?!?!

He made his way over to the bed so he could sit next to her. "Honey, it's okay. Remember, I'm standing by you and staying with you no matter what."

Brian felt so out of place. For the first time, he felt like an intruder to his friends, but Nick changed that quickly. "So Brian, what do you think? I want your honest opinion on this situation bro."

Brian stood there with no expression on his face and no movement in his body. Then he quietly sat down on the floor. "I never thought I'd say this, especially to you Nick 'cause you're like my little brother, but I think you guys are doing the right thing. Nick man, I'm proud of you and how you're turning out. I've known plenty of guys that would turn tail and run as soon as they heard the "P" word, but it's obvious that you're staying for the long haul.......which means you obviously love her."

"Thanks Frick."

"And Claire, our little pep squad girlie-girl, what can I say? I've always thought you'd be perfect for Nick, and now you guys are gonna prove me right. I feel it in my heart. You're going to make a wonderful mommy and are gonna marry her, right?" he asked, looking at Nick.

"What do you think?" Nick said in an 'are you stupid?' tone.

I'll give you my brotherly blessing on two conditions."

"What's that?" Nick and Claire said in unison.

"Well, one; I get to be the best man and two; I get to be a sponsor when you baptize that little Carter!"

Claire got up and hugged Brian. "I don't know about Nick, but I couldn't think of anyone better for either of those jobs!"

"Frick, was there any doubt that you'd be my best man?" Nick looked incredulously at his pal.

"Well, no, but I thought I'd better tell ya, just in case! So, have you even thought about how you're going to tell the others?"

Nick and Claire eyed one another, then looked back at their friend. "No," they said in unison again.

There was a slight knocking at the door. All three heads turned to stare. "Who do you think it could be?" whispered Claire.

"I didn't say a word to anyone, so don't look at me," Brian said in defense of himself.

"Well, you answered it the last time, so I guess it's my turn," Claire said while looking at Nick. She got up and looked out the peep hole. No one." The knocking came again. She knew then who it was. She opened the door and was relieved that she was right. "Hey Airboy," she said quietly with a grin. She opened the door a little more, allowing Aaron to enter. She looked out the door, once to the right and once to the left, to make sure no one else was around. Happy that the hallway was deserted, she went back into her room..........

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