Angel Standing By

Chapter 17

Nick sat in his father's room with his head hung low. He felt bad for being ashamed. He loved Claire, and to be honest he loved the baby. Even though he knew he was a bit too young to be taking on this responsibility, he couldn't help but be happy about the whole thing. He knew that Claire and him were meant to be. He had planned on asking her to marry him anway.......they would just be doing it sooner......and there would be a little life joining them. He wasn't quite sure what to expect as his dad crossed the room and sat next to him on the bed. "Dad, I........I'm not sure what to say."

"Nick, I'm not quite sure how to react. I guess I'm just thankful it's me you have to deal with first and not your mother." Nick rolled his eyes in agreement with his father. He knew that his mother was going to be pissed, but how pissed he wasn't sure. "I guess I just don't understand how you could've let this happen. We've always raised you to be so responsible." Nick heard his father's voice quiver, as if he was about to cry, but Mr. Carter stopped himself and took a deep breath. "You're both so young, Nick. If you haven't forgotten, I was in your place at one time." Nick thought about his half sister, Ginger. His father had been married to another woman before he met Nick's mom. He was young at the time, just out of high school. Ginger was not expected or planned, but she was loved by his father nonetheless. Obviously, the marriage hadn't worked and there was the divorce. "Nicky, I just don't want you or Claire or this baby to have to deal with that.

Nick contemplated for a moment and said what he had to. "Dad, I love Claire. I always have loved Claire. Believe it or not, I've been thinking about the marriage thing even before I knew about the baby, so that would've happened reguardless. True, it may not have happened this soon, but I have to take responsibility. I can't walk away from either one of them. I can't ask her to have an abortion either. If I did that I'd end up hating myself, and she'd probably end up hating me too. But ya know, that's not even why I'm doing this. I realize that there's a lot at stake. I know exactly what's gonna happen. The fans are gonna be disappointed and probably not swoon after me anymore. If they're real actual fans, they'll love me no matter what though. And even if they don't, it's a risk I'm willing to take for Claire and this baby. I mean, the people are suppose to buy our records because they love our music and our voices........not because we're decent looking and single/kidless. It scares me to think that after this comes out I may not be hearing the same roaring crowd that I do now. It scares me to have to think that they may not like me anymore at all since I love our fans dearly, but the thought of not having Claire in my life scares me more."

Bob Carter was almost moved to tears. He was so upset with his son right now, but could completely sympathize with him too. What he had just heard did not come out of the mouth of a boy, it came out of the mouth of a man.......and that terrified him. Nick was his and Jane's first. All he wanted to do was make this all go away for Nick, to just take him back to New York and live a normal life again. But, all Nick was doing was being the young man Jane and himself had raised him to be......responsible, loving and caring. "Nick, I don't approve and I don't agree with it, but your my son and all I can do is let you know that I support you in whatever you and Claire decide to do. You're going to be nineteen soon." Bob stopped and thought, 'nineteen....he's so young.' He quickly snapped out of it and returned to what he was saying. "If you think you're ready, then you do what you have to do."

Nick was relieved that his dad was being understanding at least. Then a thought came to him again. "What about mom? There's no way she's gonna go for this!" Nick began to panic a little. Jane had always liked Claire, but he wasn't sure if she was ready for this.

"Don't worry Nick, I'll talk to her."

"Thanks dad." Nick quickly hugged him and ran out of the room to find Claire.

"You're going to have enough problems to deal with," Bob said with a slight frown.

~Claire's room~

Denise took it easy with Claire. This was a girl she had known forever, a girl that she.....well, one that she knew very well. "Claire, hon, do you wanna talk about this?"

Claire had her head hung down. The boys had exited her room just moments ago. Brian, Kevin and Howie all gave her a hug to let her know that they'd be there for her, but AJ stormed out of the room shortly after Nick had left with his father. She didn't understand AJ's reaction. Why was he so mad? What did he have to be so upset about exactly? Claire hadn't been close with AJ in so long. A couple of years ago she would've expected an outburst like that from him.....but not now. Everything was so confusing!

"Claire, talk to me. You've always been able to talk to me." Denise looked so concerned. She hadn't yelled or gotten upset........yet.

"I guess I'm just really confused right now. I knew this whole thing was gonna cause a problem, but I never expected......this." Claire's eyes were wide in disbelief. She began to cry again. Denise hugged her tightly. Claire felt at peace in Denise's arms, almost as if her mother were right there comforting her. "Denise, I love you a lot. You've always been like a mom to me. Thank you."

Denise was getting choked up. "You've always been like the daughter I never had." She felt her eyes beginning to water.

Nick slowly opened the door while lightly knocking on it. "Is it okay if I come in?"

Claire's face brightened with a smile. "Yea, get in here!"

"Well, I'm gonna leave you two alone. You both have a lot to plan out. Nick, I am sorry for AJ's behavior. You have to understand though, Claire's been his good friend for so long, and after you began seeing her.....well, he felt replaced. I'm sure you understand."

Nick nodded his head. "I'll talk to him when I'm calmer. Right now, no offense, but I'm too afraid I'd hit him."

Denise looked sadly at Nick and Claire, and then left the room.

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