Angel Standing By

Chapter 19

Claire and Nick continued their hug, becoming oblivious to the fact that they weren't the only ones around! Claire opened her eyes for a moment and noticed AJ staring them down. This whole thing with him was killing her. He and Nick had halfway made up for the sake of the band. When things had to be professional and it came time to do rehearsals and concerts, they acted as adults. Any personal time though, they stayed as far away as possible. Nick just couldn't understand how he could be such a jack ass. He and Claire were suppose to be friends. Why did he have to desert her at a time like this? He also thought that he and AJ had always been pretty brothers. Nick just couldn't comprehend it all. All he knew was that he still felt like puching him hard. Things were obviously far from normal between Claire and AJ. Why did things have to change between them? They had always been like brother and sister. Why had he acted out in such rage? Maybe it was the "older protective brother" syndrome. For the sake of old times and since her day seemed to be going pretty good, she decided to flash him a quick smile. He looked at her, confused at first then sad, eventually turning away and walking toward the elevator. She frowned and turned her attention back to her best friend, her fiancé.....Nicky.

AJ was mentally kicking himself in the ass as he stood in front of the elevator and pressed the up button profusely. How could he have done that? He had finally accepted the fact that Nick and Claire were together, the fact that they loved one another deeply, the fact that they were beginning a family............but he couldn't accept the fact that she was no longer "his". Claire had always been "his girl" ever since they were in diapers! He was the one that protected her, the one that spent countless hours hanging out with her, the one that had always cared.......

"Hey Bone, you only need to hit the button once!"

"Wha?" AJ was startled by Brian's voice. "Oh, I just hate waitin' on these damn things!"

"Yea, I'm sure that's what's bothering you," he said while glancing back at Nick and Claire who were locked in a kiss. "Just talk to her AJ! You'll feel better about this entire thing if you do."

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said, trying to sound convincing.

"After all these times we've spent in hotel rooms, you'd think you would've learned how thin the walls are!"

AJ's face went almost pale. "What are you talking about?"

"Bone, I've heard you talking to D about her, about how much you care. Just tell her that you don't wanna lose the friendship! Lose the 'Mr. I'm So Cool' act and be a man."

"Hey, she's got her best friend and soul mate in one now, so what's the big deal?"

"There's always room in one's life for more least, if that's all you're wanting." Just then, the elevator arrived. AJ just stood there, staring at Brian in disbelief. "You'd better get on, I'm gonna wait here for Frack and Claire." Brian slowly turned away and walked back over to the happy couple, leaving AJ speechless as he stepped onto the elevator.

"Bone, wait up!" Howie called. "Whoe!" he said as he entered. "You look like you've seen a ghost!"

"D, Brian knows." AJ just let his head hang.

"Knows, knows what?" He stared at him a bit longer until it hit him. "Oh crap! You mean about Claire?"

AJ didn't even speak, he just nodded.

"But how?"

"He's heard us through the hotel walls. The thing is, I don't even fully know my feelings for Claire and he's thinkin' that I'm wanting more! I mean, for God's sake, she's pregnant with my friend's baby and is gonna marry him! I'm not in love with her!"

"Are you trying to convince me, or yourself?" Howie asked as they reached their floor.

"D, you're suppose to help me, not make me feel worse!"

Howie noted the tone of his voice and made a mental note to keep his mouth shut for the rest of the night.

~ Later After The Concert ~

The guys had just exited the stage, so Claire made her way over to where the bodyguard's were collecting the stuffed animals and other presents that the fans constantly gave to the boys. She spotted Casey looking around the arena in comfussion. She thought quickly and grabbed the nearest bodyguard. "Joe, come with me!"

"Claire, what are you doing?"

"See that girl over there?"

"The cute little blonde thing?"

"Yea, I met up with her earlier at the hotel and gave her a backstage pass. Come with me so I don't get mobbed on the way back!"

"Sure thing girly! She looks pretty cute!

"Forget it Joe! She's no older than thirteen!"

"Damn, couldn't you have picked a legal gal?" he asked joking.

She gave him a disapproving glance and quickly stepped up to the young girl, knowing that she was about to make her night. "Hey there Casey!"

"Claire! I wasn't sure where I was suppose to go. I didn't dare go up there in that mess," she said, pointing up to the front of the stage.

"It's okay. I know, it can get pretty bad. That's why I decided to come out here and get ya! Casey, this is Joe. He's one of the boys' bodyguards."

"Nice to meet you," she held out her hand, which seemed tiny in comparison to Joe's!

"It's nice to meet you too young lady. I hear you're gonna be lucky enough to meet our fellas!"

Casey blushed. "Yea, but I'm really nervous."

"There's no need to be," comforted Claire. "They're just regular guys." And with that, Claire, Casey and Joe quietly made their way backstage.


"Brian, give me one of those waters!" shouted Nick.

Brian got an evil look on his face, and before Nick knew it, Brian was dousing him in the bottled water. "Would you like another?"

"Frick, you're dead!" Nick couldn't help but laugh, but he was also upset at the same time.

He began chasing Brian all over the backstage. The other three guys just laughed. Nick stopped abruptly. "Wait, where's Claire at? She's always waiting backstage for me."

"Aww, the poor little baby doesn't have his woman." Everyone's head quickly turned at the sound of AJ's voice. Brian, Kevin and Howie all turned to Nick to see his reaction. He could feel his blood begin to boil.

"You're gonna be just fine! Trust me, they'll all love you!" Claire was trying to calm Casey down, but her pep talk was suddenly interrupted.

"Why do you have to be such a prick?" yelled Nick.

"Look who's talking! You're the one that gets his girlfriend pregnant and I'm the prick?"

Nick couldn't take it any longer. He lunged for AJ and knocked him down on the floor. Joe quickly ran over and broke up the pair.

"God damnit!" yelled Joe. "You guys have a guest back here and this is how you act?" All of the boys got a shocked look on their face as they quickly noticed Claire standing in front of them with a young girl.

They both had a look of horror as they stared at the five young men in front of them. There was an uncomfortable silence that Claire decided to break. "Casey, let's go get you a pen from the dressing room. The guys will be able to give you their autographs then." Claire took Casey's hand and quickly walked off.

"Oh, that's just great! Way to go Bone! How could you embarrass Claire and Nick like that?" Everyone was shocked by Howie's comment.

"Like I knew they were standing there! It's Nick's damn fault anyway! If he wouldn't have started whining about where his dearest Claire was at......"

Nick began to lunge for AJ again, but was held back by Joe. "God damnit AJ, she's not yours anymore!" Everyone stared at Nick in amazement, including AJ.

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean?" AJ could feel his body go weak.

"Look, you're the one who's throwing away the friendship! You guys were best friends and you let go of that, and now that we're closer than you two ever were, you're pissed!"

AJ didn't dare look at Nick, nor did he have a response. "C'mon, admit it!" shouted Nick.

In the dressing room

"I think there's a pen in my bag here," said Claire, still a bit shakey from the incident.

"It's okay, Claire. I'm just a bit in shock. Is that why you were looking at that magazine earlier? Are you really going to have a baby?" Claire could feel the tears forming in her eyes. Why were things working out like this. What was she suppose to tell this thirteen-year-old who thought the world of these guys? "I'm not gonna say anything to anyone if that's what you're worried about. I don't live in a complete fantasy world like some of the fans do. Unlike them, I know the guys have hormones and girlfriends."

Claire laughed slightly. "Things just aren't working out exactly like I had planned. Life's full of surprises, Casey. I mean, a couple days ago I bet you would have never guessed you would be meeting the Backstreet Boys." Casey smiled and took that answer as a yes. "they are all great guys though," assured Claire. "They just get into normal fights and arguements like anyone else, and I'm sure they're dying to meet you, so let's get a move on!"

"It's good to know that you guys are only human like the rest of us!" Casey smiled and turned to walk out the door, with Claire not far behind.


AJ stared at the concrete floor.

"I said admit it!" Nick yelped.

"Boys, control yourselves. Claire and Casey will be back any minute," Joe piped up. No sooner had he said that, the two girls both appeared out of the darkness.

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